Jake Anderson

Author Archives: Jake Anderson

Birthday Week 2019 Wrap-up

Birthday Week 2019 Wrap-up
Birthday Week 2019 Wrap-up

This week we celebrated Cloudflare’s 9th birthday by launching a variety of new offerings that support our mission: to help build a better Internet.  Below is a summary recap of how we celebrated Birthday Week 2019.

Cleaning up bad bots

Every day Cloudflare protects over 20 million Internet properties from malicious bots, and this week you were invited to join in the fight!  Now you can enable “bot fight mode” in the Firewall settings of the Cloudflare Dashboard and we’ll start deploying CPU intensive code to traffic originating from malicious bots.  This wastes the bots’ CPU resources and makes it more difficult and costly for perpetrators to deploy malicious bots at scale. We’ll also share the IP addresses of malicious bot traffic with our Bandwidth Alliance partners, who can help kick malicious bots offline. Join us in the battle against bad bots – and, as you can read here – you can help the climate too!

Browser Insights

Speed matters, and if you manage a website or app, you want to make sure that you’re delivering a high performing website to all of your global end users. Now you can enable Browser Insights in the Speed section of the Continue reading

#BetterInternet: Join the Movement

#BetterInternet: Join the Movement
#BetterInternet: Join the Movement

When it comes to overall awareness of Cloudflare, it seems most folks fall into one of three camps: 1) those who don’t know much about Cloudflare at all, 2) those who are familiar with one or two of Cloudflare’s many solutions (i.e. DDoS protection, caching, DNS, etc.), and finally, 3) those who understand the full breadth and scope of Cloudflare’s global cloud network. This latter group of folks are especially excited about the broad scope of Cloudflare’s mission, which is: “to help build a better Internet.” Last week our co-founder Michelle Zatlyn explained in a blog post what this mission actually means:

“Our mission at Cloudflare is to help build a better Internet. That is a big, broad mission that means many things. It means that we push to make Internet properties faster. It means respecting individual’s privacy. It means making it harder for malicious actors to do bad things. It means helping to make the Internet more reliable. It means supporting new Internet standards and protocols, and making sure they are accessible to everyone. It means democratizing technology and making sure the widest possible group has access to it. It means increasing value for our community, Continue reading

Birthday Week Wrap-Up: Every day is launch day at Cloudflare

Birthday Week Wrap-Up: Every day is launch day at Cloudflare

Our customers are accustomed to us launching new services, features, and functionality at a feverish pace, but recently, we’ve been especially active. This week we celebrated our 8th Birthday Week by announcing new offerings that benefit our customers and the global Internet community. Our mission is to help build a better Internet, and we’re convinced that launching new capabilities that benefit not only our customers, but also the broader Internet overall, is the best way to fulfill our mission.

Birthday Week Wrap-Up: Every day is launch day at Cloudflare

Helping build a better Internet, one launch at a time

As an organization, we could choose to celebrate Cloudflare’s birthday in lots of different ways (a press release, a company party, or fun gifts for all our employees). But at Cloudflare, we have a unique birthday tradition: we roll up our sleeves and give our customers and the Internet community a new capability (i.e. a gift) every day of our birthday week.

Some of this past week’s launches have been entirely new offerings, like providing key-value storage across Cloudflare’s global cloud network with Cloudflare Workers KV.  Other birthday week launches help improve the overall Internet ecosystem: the Bandwidth Alliance reduces data transfer charges from major cloud hosts and Cloudflare Registrar Continue reading