James Laska

Author Archives: James Laska

‘Tis the Season to Decorate Your Playbook


The holidays are upon us. And while we can't automate your gift wrapping, we can make your Playbook more festive.

Introducing Ansible holiday-themed cowsay!


Copy and paste this code:

curl "https://gist.githubusercontent.com/jlaska/14bc829af01526add07efcaa83582aaf/raw/5f4918be06ffa69ea848354c5563c6a2d7b59807/happy_holidays.sh" | bash

Decorations are popping up everywhere so why not in your Playbook?

Share your designs with #AnsibleCowsay @ansible

twitter-logo.png Tweet #AnsibleCowsay

Ascii sources: chris.com and ascii-code.com