Jeff Geerling

Author Archives: Jeff Geerling

Fast vs Easy: Benchmarking Ansible Operators for Kubernetes

With Kubernetes, you get a lot of powerful functionality that makes it relatively easy to manage and scale simple applications and API services right out of the box. These simple apps are generally stateless, so the Kubernetes can deploy, scale and recover from failures without any specific knowledge. But what if Kubernetes native capabilities are not enough?

Operators in Kubernetes and Red Hat OpenShift clusters are a common means for controlling the complete application lifecycle (deployment, updates, and integrations) for complex container-native deployments.

Initially, building and maintaining an Operator required deep knowledge of Kubernetes' internals. They were usually written in Go, the same language as Kubernetes itself. 

The Operator SDK, which is a Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) incubator project, makes managing Operators much easier by providing the tools to build, test, and package Operators. The SDK currently incorporates three options for building an Operator:

  • Go
  • Ansible
  • Helm

Go-based Operators are the most customizable, since you're working close to the underlying Kubernetes APIs with a full programming language. But they are also the most complex, because the plumbing is directly exposed. You have to know the Go language and Kubernetes internals to be able to maintain these operators.

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Fast vs Easy: Benchmarking Ansible Operators for Kubernetes

With Kubernetes, you get a lot of powerful functionality that makes it relatively easy to manage and scale simple applications and API services right out of the box. These simple apps are generally stateless, so the Kubernetes can deploy, scale and recover from failures without any specific knowledge. But what if Kubernetes native capabilities are not enough?

Operators in Kubernetes and Red Hat OpenShift clusters are a common means for controlling the complete application lifecycle (deployment, updates, and integrations) for complex container-native deployments.

Initially, building and maintaining an Operator required deep knowledge of Kubernetes' internals. They were usually written in Go, the same language as Kubernetes itself. 

The Operator SDK, which is a Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) incubator project, makes managing Operators much easier by providing the tools to build, test, and package Operators. The SDK currently incorporates three options for building an Operator:

  • Go
  • Ansible
  • Helm

Go-based Operators are the most customizable, since you're working close to the underlying Kubernetes APIs with a full programming language. But they are also the most complex, because the plumbing is directly exposed. You have to know the Go language and Kubernetes internals to be able to maintain these operators.

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How Useful Is Ansible in a Cloud-Native Kubernetes Environment?


A question I've been hearing a lot lately is "why are you still using Ansible in your Kubernetes projects?" Followed often by "what's the point of writing your book Ansible for Kubernetes when Ansible isn't really necessary once you start using Kubernetes?"

I spent a little time thinking about these questions, and the motivation behind them, and wanted to write a blog post addressing them, because it seems a lot of people may be confused about what Kubernetes does, what Ansible does, and why both are necessary technologies in a modern business migrating to a cloud-native technology stack (or even a fully cloud-native business).

One important caveat to mention upfront, and I quote directly from my book:

While Ansible can do almost everything for you, it may not be the right tool for every aspect of your infrastructure automation. Sometimes there are other tools which may more cleanly integrate with your application developers' workflows, or have better support from app vendors.

We should always guard against the golden hammer fallacy. No single infrastructure tool—not even the best Kubernetes-as-a-service platform—can fill the needs of an entire business's IT operation. If anything, we have seen an explosion of specialist tools Continue reading

Make your Ansible Playbooks flexible, maintainable, and scalable

Extending-Ansible-PlaybookSince starting my journey using Ansible in 2013, I've built Ansible Playbooks to automate many things: SaaS products, a cluster of Raspberry Pi's, a home automation system, even my own computers!

In the years since, I've learned a lot of tricks to help ease the maintenance burden for my work. It's important to me to have maintainable projects, because many of my projects—like Hosted Apache Solr—have been in operation for over a decade! If it's hard to maintain the project or it's hard to make major architecture changes, then I can lose customers to more nimble competitors, I can lose money, and—most importantly—I can lose my sanity!

I'm presenting a session at AnsibleFest Austin this year, Make your Ansible Playbooks flexible, maintainable, and scalable, and I thought I'd summarize some of the major themes here.

Stay Organized


I love photography and automation, and so I spend a lot of time building electronics projects that involve Raspberry Pis and cameras. Without the organization system I use (part of it pictured above), it would be very frustrating putting together the right components for my project.

Similarly, in Ansible, I like to have my tasks organized so I can compose them more Continue reading