Joab Jackson

Author Archives: Joab Jackson

Internet Architecture Board ISO Future Networking Tech

The keepers of the internet standards are Internet Architecture Board (IAB), a group of theThe Next Era of Network Management Operations (NEMOPS) workshop, to compile a list of technologies that might be useful for an internet of the future. They did this before, RFC 6241), the Network Configuration protocol, now widely-used to install, manipulate, and delete the configuration of network devices. YANG (RFC 8040), a programmatic interface for YANG. CORECONF (

How Meta Is Reinforcing its Global Network for AI Traffic

It was in 2022 when Meta engineers started to see the first clouds of an incoming storm, namely how much AI would change the nature —and volume — of the company’s network traffic. “Starting 2022, we started seeing a whole other picture,” said Meta’s Networking @Scale 2024 conference, being held this week both virtually and at Santa Clara Convention Center, in Calif. Mind you, Meta owns one of the world’s largest private backbones, a global network physically connecting 25 data centers and 85 points of presence with millions of miles of fiber optic cable, buried under both land and sea. Its reach and throughput allows someone on an Australian beach to see videos being posted by their friend in Greece nearly instantaneously. And for the past five years, this global capacity has grown consistently by 30% a year. Yet, the growing AI demands on the backbone is bumpy and difficult to predict. “The impact of large clusters, GenAI, and AGI is yet to be learned,” Sundaresan said. “We haven’t yet fully flushed out what that means for the backend.” Nonetheless, the networking team has gotten creative Continue reading

VMware Private Cloud Now Has a Catalog of Advanced Services

Tired of dealing with cloud providers and mulling a move to a private cloud instead? Broadcom wants you to take a look at its operation of a private cloud. This week at Paul Turner, Broadcom vice president of products for VCF, in a press briefing. Broadcom is positioning VCF as a lower-cost, more secure alternative to public cloud computing. Overall, the goal is to help the organization create an infrastructure that works together as a single, unified whole while supporting modern application architectures. Virtual Cloud Foundation architecture (VMware) Big Results Moving to a Private Cloud According to the company, a private cloud approach can result in: Continue reading

Istio 1.23 Drops the Sidecar for a Simpler ‘Ambient Mesh’

Louis Ryan, CTO, The Istio service mesh software offers a potentially big change in how to handle Kubernetes traffic, with the introduction of an ambient mesh option. Although the technology has been offered as an experimental feature for several releases, the core development team taking feedback from users, this is the first release to offer the feature as a production-grade capability. It’s a new architecture entirely, explained, as well as a member of Idit Levine, founder and CEO of Once applications are decomposed into individual services, these services require a way to communicate. Hence it made sense to festoon each Continue reading

Wireshark Celebrates 25th Anniversary with a New Foundation

No doubt, countless engineers and hackers remember the first time they used newly-developed microscope to view cells for the first time ever: What was once just an inscrutable package had opened up to reveal a treasure trove of useful information. This year, the venerable Wireshark has turned 25, and its creators are taking a step back from this massively successful open source project, to let additional parties to help govern. This month, Sysdig, the current sponsor of Wireshark, launched a new foundation that will serve as the long-term custodian of the project. The

This Week in Computing: Malware Gone Wild

Malware is sneaky AF. It tries to hide itself and cover up its actions. It detects when it is being studied in a virtual sandbox, and so it sits still to evade detection. But when it senses a less secure environment — such as an unpatched Windows 7 box — it goes wild, as if Tudor Dumitras, in a recently posted talk from red pills, which helps malware detect when it is in a controlled environment, and change its behavior accordingly. As a result, many of the signatures used for commercial malware detection packages may not Continue reading

EU Analyst: The End of the Internet Is Near

The internet as we know it may no longer be a thing, warns a European Union-funded researcher. If it continues to fray, our favorite “network of networks” will just go back to being a bunch of networks again. And it will be the fault of us all. “The idea of an open and global internet is progressively deteriorating and the internet itself is changing,” writes Internet Fragmentation: Why It Matters for Europe” posted Tuesday by the

Makings of a Web3 Stack: Agoric, IPFS, Cosmos Network

Want an easy way to get started in Web3? Download a Dietrich Ayala, IPFS Ecosystem Growth Engineer, Rowland Graus, head of product for Marko Baricevic, software engineer for Cosmos Network. an open source technology to help blockchains interoperate. Each participant describes the role in the Web3 ecosystem where their respective technologies play. These technologies are often used together, so they represent an emerging blockchain stack of sorts. TNS editor-in-chief Joab Jackson hosted the Continue reading

Cloud Foundry HTTP/2 Support Thwarted by GoLang Indifference

A Go Router reverse proxy removes headers that would let a CF application know it can send and receive HTTP/2 traffic. Such capability could be coded in, bypassing the Go language library entirely, but the project team doesn’t want to take on the responsibility for supporting such a potentially widely-used function. spoke about this challenge at this year’s virtual

How HAProxy Streamlines Kubernetes Ingress Control

In 2016, when the digital media arm of the in increasingly large numbers. “I remember the fear that the huge event we were experiencing could bring our platform down,” said recalled at HAProxy 2019. They kept watching the Grafana dashboard, searching for potential anomalies. In the end, however, nothing bad happened. “We ended up drinking beers and eating pizzas,” he said. But Gallissot didn’t want to go through such a stressful experience again, and so started an initiative to move M6 to the cloud. Like many organizations dealing with surges of traffic, M6 decided on Kubernetes as the platform for a multicloud architecture, to ease the process of easily scaling up and down traffic. And one of the most crucial parts of the Kubernetes setup is routing the incoming traffic to the appropriate services. Kubernetes itself offers an option to capture the

The New Stack Context: Stress, Resilience and the Network Effects of COVID-19

Welcome to The New Stack Context, a podcast where we discuss the latest news and perspectives in the world of cloud native computing. For this week’s episode, we spoke with The New Stack correspondent Jennifer Riggins about all of the reporting she and others on the TNS team have been doing recently on the effects that the COVID-19 global pandemic is having on the tech industry. TNS editorial and marketing director Libby Clark hosted this episode, alongside founder and TNS publisher Alex Williams and TNS managing editor Joab Jackson. Subscribe: | Stitcher | Overcast | TuneIn For this episode, we wanted to look at and not only discuss the changing patterns in network traffic that the global COVID-19 pandemic has wrought, due to factors such as people staying at home and working from home, and the sudden acceleration of e-learning. As Riggins writes in a recent post: For a lot of tech and infrastructure teams, they not only are going through the stress of the collective trauma we’re sharing in, but they are struggling to keep up with ever-scaling, extreme strains on their systems. Simply put, Continue reading

Dragonfly Brings Peer-to-Peer Image Sharing to Kubernetes

Dragonfly, a peer-to-peer image and file-sharing technology developed by Cloud Native Computing Foundation. The software provides a way to quickly distribute images across large cloud native deployments, eliminating the dependency on a single registry to distribute all the copies of an image. “Dragonfly is one of the backbone technologies for container platforms within Alibaba’s ecosystem, supporting billions of application deliveries each year, and in use by many enterprise customers around the world,” said Dragonfly in 2015, originally to ease file distribution. By 2017, when it was adopted to share containers within Kubernetes environments, it was being used by the Chinese cloud service to share 3.4PB each month. It was originally accepted into the OCI (Open Container Initiative). It can work with CNCF’s Prometheus and display them on a Helm can be used to install Dragonfly within a Kubernetes cluster. Project maintainers come from Alibaba, ByteDance, eBay, and Meitu. Overall it has 67 contributors from 21 organizations. It has been downloaded over 100,000 times from Docker Hub and has massed 6,000 GitHub stars. Learn more about Dragonfly, visit liggraphy from 

Istio 1.5 Brings a Binary Installer, WASM-Based Extensibility for Envoy

The newest version of the open source version 1.5, comes with a fresh installer to simplify the deployment process, along with a new extension model, based on WebAssembly (WASM), to help proxy servers better filter traffic. The development team behind Istio mark the Envoy‘s, the data plane most frequently used with Istio. “WASM will give developers the ability to safely distribute and execute code in the Envoy proxy — to integrate with telemetry systems, policy systems, control routing and even transform the body of a message,” a web page Linkerd and HashiCorp’s istioctl configuration tool. Security has been enhanced through the support of Kyle Glenn on 

Beyond Kube-Proxy: Project Calico Harnesses eBPF for a Faster Data Plane

Thanks to the power of the newly-introduced Calico network management software with a new data plane mode, one that can speed pod-to-pod data communication and eliminate the dependency on Kubernetes’ kube-proxy for traffic management. Tigera had started releasing work with eBPF almost a year ago, but this is the first release of Calico that fully harnesses the power of the new Linux kernel technology, Tigera co-founder and chief technology officer, said. “We wanted to derive what we were doing from fundamentals, to be confident we were building the right thing for users,” said scale Continue reading

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