Author Archives: Omer Yoachimik
Author Archives: Omer Yoachimik
We’re thrilled to introduce Cloudflare’s Location-Aware DDoS Protection.
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks are cyber attacks that aim to make your Internet property unavailable by flooding it with more traffic than it can handle. For this reason, attackers usually aim to generate as much attack traffic as they can — from as many locations as they can. With Location-Aware DDoS Protection, we take this distributed characteristic of the attack, that is thought of being advantageous for the attacker, and turn it on its back — making it into a disadvantage.
Location-Aware DDoS Protection is now available in beta for Cloudflare Enterprise customers that are subscribed to the Advanced DDoS service.
Cloudflare’s Location-Aware DDoS Protection takes the attacker’s advantage and uses it against them. By learning where your traffic comes from, the system becomes location-aware and constantly asks “Does it make sense for your website?” when seeing new traffic.
For example, if you operate an e-commerce website that mostly serves the German consumer, then most of your traffic would most likely originate from within Germany, some from neighboring European countries, and a decreasing amount as we expand globally to other countries and geographies. If Continue reading
Welcome to our 2022 Q2 DDoS report. This report includes insights and trends about the DDoS threat landscape — as observed across the global Cloudflare network. An interactive version of this report is also available on Radar.
In Q2, we’ve seen some of the largest attacks the world has ever seen including a 26 million request per second HTTPS DDoS attacks that Cloudflare automatically detected and mitigated. Furthermore, attacks against Ukraine and Russia continue, whilst a new Ransom DDoS attack campaign emerged.
Read more about what Cloudflare is doing Continue reading
Bem-vindo ao nosso relatório de DDoS do segundo trimestre de 2022. Este relatório inclui informações e tendências sobre o cenário de ameaças DDoS — conforme observado em toda a Rede global da Cloudflare. Uma versão interativa deste relatório também está disponível no Radar.
No segundo trimestre deste ano, aconteceram os maiores ataques da história, incluindo um ataque DDoS por HTTPS de 26 milhões de solicitações por segundo que a Cloudflare detectou e mitigou de forma automática. Além disso, os ataques contra a Ucrânia e a Rússia continuam, ao mesmo tempo em que surgiu uma campanha de ataques DDoS com pedido de resgate.
Te damos la bienvenida a nuestro informe sobre los ataques DDoS del segundo trimestre de 2022, que incluye nuevos datos y tendencias sobre el panorama de las amenazas DDoS, según lo observado en la red global de Cloudflare. Puedes consultar la versión interactiva de este informe en Radar.
En el segundo trimestre, hemos observado algunos de los mayores ataques hasta la fecha, incluido un ataque DDoS HTTPS de 26 millones de solicitudes por segundo que Cloudflare detectó y mitigó automáticamente. Además, continúan los ataques contra Ucrania y Rusia, al tiempo que ha aparecido una nueva campaña de ataques DDoS de rescate.
毎秒2600万件のリクエストのHTTPS DDoS攻撃をCloudflareが自動的に検出して軽減するなど、第2四半期には、これまでにない大規模な攻撃が発生しています。さらに、ウクライナとロシアに対する攻撃は続いており、新しいランサムDDoS攻撃キャンペーンも出現しています。
本レポートは、CloudflareのDDoS Protectionシステムによって自動的に検知・軽減されたDDoS攻撃に基づいています。この仕組みの詳細については、詳しく書かれたこちらのブログ記事をご覧ください。
第2四半期に脅威や身代金要求メッセージがあったという回答は、前四半期比、前年比ともに11%増となりました。当四半期は、高度で継続的な脅威(APT)グループ、「Fancy Lazarus」を名乗るエンティティが仕掛けたランサムDDoS攻撃を軽減しています。金融機関や暗号通貨企業などを中心にキャンペーンを展開しています。
アプリケーション層DDoS攻撃(具体的にはHTTP DDoS攻撃)は通常、正当なユーザーリクエストを処理できないようにしてWebサーバーを停止させることを目的とします。処理能力を超えるリクエストが殺到すると、サーバーは正当なリクエストをドロップするか、場合によってはクラッシュし、その結果、正当なユーザーに対するパフォーマンスの低下や障害がに繋がります。
HTTP DDoS攻撃の主な発生源として、第2四半期連続で米国がトップとなりました。米国に続く2位は中国、3位と4位はインドとドイツです。米国が1位を維持しているにもかかわらず、米国発の攻撃が前四半期比で43%減少した一方で、中国からの攻撃が112%、インドからの攻撃が89%、ドイツからの攻撃が50%と、他の地域からの攻撃は増加しています。
どの国が最もHTTP DDoS攻撃の標的になっているかを特定するため、お客様の請求先国別にDDoS攻撃を分類し、全DDoS攻撃に対する割合で表現しています。
米国を拠点とする国へのHTTP DDoS攻撃は前四半期比で45%増となり、アプリケーション層DDoS攻撃の主な標的として米国が1位に返り咲きました。中国企業への攻撃は前四半期比で79%減となり、1位から4位に下がりました。キプロスへの攻撃は171%増加し、第2四半期に最も攻撃された国第2位となりました。キプロスに続いて、香港、中国、ポーランドが続いています。
第2四半期において、ネットワーク層に対する全攻撃の56%は、SYNフラッド でした。SYNフラッドは、依然として最も一般的な攻撃ベクトルです。この攻撃は、ステートフルなTCPハンドシェイクの最初の接続リクエストを悪用します。この最初の接続リクエストの間、サーバーは新しいTCP接続に関するコンテキストを持たず、適切な保護がなければ、最初の接続リクエストのフラッドを軽減することが困難であることが分かるかもしれません。このため、攻撃者は保護されていないサーバーのリソースを容易に消費することができます。
第2四半期には、Character Generatorプロトコル(CHARGEN)を悪用した増幅攻撃、露出したUbiquitiデバイスのトラフィックを反映した増幅攻撃、悪名高いMemcached攻撃が新たな脅威の上位にランクインしています。
RFC 864(1983)で最初に定義されたCharacter Generator(CHARGEN)プロトコルは、インターネットプロトコルスイートのサービスで、その名の通り、文字を任意に生成し、クライアントが接続を閉じるまでクライアントへの送信を停止しません。その当初の目的は、テストとデバッグでした。しかし、増幅/リフレクション攻撃を生成するために非常に簡単に悪用される可能性があるため、めったに使用されません。
Ubiquitiは、米国に拠点を置く企業で、消費者や企業向けにInternet of Things(IoT)デバイスを提供しています。Ubiquitiのデバイスは、UDP/TCPポート10001のUbiquiti Discoveryプロトコルを使用してネットワーク上で見つけることができます。
第2四半期には、Memcached DDoS攻撃は前四半期比で281%増となりました。
L3/4 DDoS攻撃の規模の測定には、さまざまな方法があります。1つは送信するトラフィックの量で、ビットレート(具体的にはテラビット/秒またはギガビット/秒)を使用して測定するものです。もう1つは送信するパケットの数で、パケットレート(具体的には、何百万パケット/秒)を使用して測定するものです。
攻撃規模の変化を見ると、50 kppsを超えるパケット集中型の攻撃が第2四半期に減少し、その結果、小規模な攻撃が4%増加したことがわかります。
まだCloudflareをお使いでない方は、当社のFreeまたはProプランを使用したWebサイトの保護を今すぐ始めるか、Magic Transitを使用したネットワーク全体の包括的なDDos攻撃対策に関してお問い合わせください。
欢迎阅读我们的 2022 年第二季度 DDoS 攻击报告。本报告介绍有关 DDoS 威胁格局的洞察和趋势——反映了在 Cloudflare 全球网络中观察到的情况。本报告的交互式版本可在 Radar 上查看。
第二季度期间,我们观察到一些全球规模最大的攻击,包括一次 每秒 2600 万次请求的 HTTPS DDoS 攻击,这些攻击均被 Cloudflare 自动检测并缓解。此外,针对乌克兰和俄罗斯的攻击继续,并出现了一场新的勒索 DDoS 攻击活动。
进一步了解 Cloudflare 如何使开放互联网正常流入俄罗斯,并阻止攻击出境。
本报告基于 Cloudflare DDoS 防护系统自动检测并缓解的 DDoS 攻击。如需进一步了解其工作原理,请查看这篇深入剖析的博客文章。
简要说明一下我们如何测量在我们网络上观察到的 DDoS 攻击。
为分析攻击趋势,我们计算 “DDoS 活动”率,即攻击流量占我们全球网络上观察到的总流量(攻击+干净)、或在特定地点、或特定类别(如行业或账单国家)流量中的百分比。通过测量百分比,我们能够对数据点进行标准化,并避免绝对数字所反映出来的偏差。例如,如果某个 Cloudflare 数据中心接收到更多流量,则其也可能受到更多攻击。
我们的系统持续分析流量,并在检测到 DDoS 攻击时自动应用缓解措施。每个遭受 DDoS 攻击的客户都会收到自动调查的提示,以帮助我们更好地了解攻击的性质和缓解是否成功。
两年多来,Cloudflare 一直对受到攻击的客户进行调查,其中一个问题是客户是否收到勒索信,要求其支付赎金来换取停止 DDoS 攻击。
第二季度期间,报称收到威胁或勒索信的受访者数量较上一季度和去年同期分别增加 11%。本季度期间,我们缓解了多次勒索 DDoS 攻击,发动者声称是高级持续性威胁(APT)组织 “Fancy Lazarus”。这些攻击活动的主要目标是金融机构和加密货币公司。
第二季度的详细数据显示, 6 月期间,有五分之一的受访者报称遭到一次勒索 DDoS 攻击或威胁——为 2022 年比例最高的月份,也是 2021 年 12 月以来的最高水平。
应用层 DDoS 攻击,特别是 HTTP DDoS 攻击,旨在通过使 HTTP 服务器无法处理合法用户请求来造成破坏。如果服务器收到的请求数量超过其处理能力,服务器将丢弃合法请求甚至崩溃,导致对合法用户的服务性能下降或中断。
第二季度,应用层 DDoS 攻击环比增长 44%。
总体而言,应用层 DDoS 攻击同比增长 44%,但环比减少 16%。5 月是该季度期间攻击最活跃的月份。近 47% 的应用层 DDoS 攻击发生在 5 月,而 6 月的攻击最少(18%)。
对航空航天行业发动的攻击环比增长 256%。
随着乌克兰的战事在海陆空继续,网络空间的对抗也在继续。以乌克兰公司为目标的实体似乎在试图掩盖信息。在乌克兰,受到攻击最多的六大行业均在广播、互联网、在线媒体和出版领域——占乌克兰所遭受 DDoS 攻击总数的接近 80%。
在战争的另一方,俄罗斯银行、金融机构和保险行业(BFSI)公司受到最多攻击。接近一半的 DDoS 攻击以 BFSI 领域为目标。第二大目标是加密货币行业,其次为在线媒体。
第二季度,源于中国的攻击增长112%,而来自美国的攻击减少 43%。
为了解 HTTP 攻击的来源,我们查看产生攻击的 HTTP Continue reading
歡迎閱讀我們的 2022 年第二季 DDoS 報告。本報告包括有關 DDoS 威脅情勢的深入解析與趨勢,這些資訊從全球 Cloudflare 網路中觀察所得。Radar 上也會提供本報告的互動版本。
第二季度,我們看到了有史以來最大的一些攻擊,包括 Cloudflare 自動偵測並緩解的每秒 2600 萬個請求的 HTTPS DDoS 攻擊。此外,針對烏克蘭和俄羅斯的攻擊仍在繼續,而新的 DDoS 勒索攻擊活動又出現了。
更一步瞭解 Cloudflare 如何讓開放式網際網路流量流入俄羅斯,同時避免向外展開攻擊。
本報告基於 Cloudflare 的 DDoS 防護系統自動偵測和緩解的 DDoS 攻擊數。如需深入瞭解該系統的運作方式,請查看此深度剖析部落格貼文。
有關我們如何衡量在網路中觀察到的 DDoS 攻擊的說明
為分析攻擊趨勢,我們會計算「DDoS 活動」率,即攻擊流量在我們的全球網路中、特定位置或特定類別(如行業或帳單國家/地區)觀察到的總流量(攻擊流量+潔淨流量)中所佔的百分比。透過衡量這些百分比,我們能夠標準化資料點並避免以絕對數字反映而出現的偏頗,例如,某個 Cloudflare 資料中心接收到更多的總流量,因而發現更多攻擊。
我們的系統會持續分析流量,並在偵測到 DDoS 攻擊時自動套用緩解措施。每個受到 DDoS 攻擊的客戶都會收到提示,請求參與一個自動化調查,以幫助我們更好地瞭解該攻擊的性質以及緩解措施的成功率。
兩年多以來,Cloudflare 一直在對受到攻擊的客戶進行調查,調查中的一個問題是,他們是否收到威脅或勒索信,要求付款以換得停止 DDoS 攻擊。
第二季度報告威脅或勒索信的受訪者數量環比和同比增長 11%。在本季度,我們一直在緩解 DDoS 勒索攻擊,這些攻擊由自稱是進階持續威脅 (APT) 組織「Fancy Lazarus」的實體發起的。金融機構和加密貨幣公司成為這起活動的主要目標。
深入探究第二季度,我們可以看到,在 6 月份,每五名受訪者中就有一人報告收到 DDoS 勒索攻擊或威脅 — 這既是 2022 年報告數量最多的月份,也是自 2021 年 12 月以來報告數量最多的月份。
應用程式層 DDoS 攻擊,特別是 HTTP DDoS 攻擊,旨在通過使 HTTP 伺服器無法處理合法用戶請求來破壞它。如果伺服器收到的請求數量超過其處理能力,伺服器將丟棄合法請求甚至崩潰,導致對合法使用者的服務效能下降或中斷。
第二季度,應用程式層 DDoS 攻擊數同比增長 44%。
整體來說,在第二季度,應用程式層 DDoS 攻擊數量同比增長 44%,但環比下降 16%。5 月是本季度最繁忙的月份。幾乎 47% 的應用程式層 DDoS 攻擊都發生在 5 月,而 6 月發生的攻擊數最少 (18%)。
針對航空和太空業的攻擊數環比增長 256%。
第二季度,航空和太空是遭受應用程式層 DDoS 攻擊最多的產業。銀行、金融機構和保險業 (BFSI) 緊隨其後,而遊戲/博彩業則位居第三。
隨著烏克蘭地面、空中和水面戰爭的繼續,網路空間的戰爭也在繼續。將烏克蘭公司作為攻擊目標的實體似乎在試圖掩蓋資訊。烏克蘭遭受攻擊最多的前六大產業均為廣播、網際網路、網路媒體和出版業 — 這幾乎占所有針對烏克蘭的 DDoS 攻擊的 80%。
而戰爭的另一方,俄羅斯的銀行、金融機構和保險 (BFSI) 公司受到的攻擊最多。幾乎 50% 的 DDoS 攻擊的目標都是 BFSI Continue reading
2022년 2분기 DDoS 보고서에 오신 것을 환영합니다. 이 보고서에는 Cloudflare 네트워크 전반에서 관찰된 DDoS 위협 환경에 대한 인사이트와 동향이 담겨있습니다. 이 보고서의 인터랙티브 버전을 Radar에서도 이용할 수 있습니다.
2분기에 우리는 Cloudflare에서 자동으로 감지하고 대처한 초당 2,600만 회의 요청이 이루어진 HTTPS DDoS 공격을 포함하여 사상 최대 규모의 공격을 경험했습니다. 또한, 우크라이나와 러시아에 대한 공격은 지속되고 있으며, 새로운 랜섬 DDoS 공격이 등장하였습니다.
개방형 인터넷이 러시아로 계속 유입되도록 하고 공격이 외부로 유출되지 않도록 차단하기 위해 Cloudflare에서 어떤 일을 하는지 자세히 읽어보세요.
Bienvenue dans notre rapport consacré aux attaques DDoS survenues lors du deuxième trimestre 2022. Ce document présente des tendances et des statistiques relatives au panorama des menaces DDoS, telles qu'observées sur le réseau mondial de Cloudflare. Une version interactive de ce rapport est également disponible sur Radar.
Au cours du deuxième trimestre, nous avons observé certaines des plus vastes attaques jamais enregistrées, notamment une attaque DDoS HTTPS de 26 millions de requêtes par seconde, automatiquement détectée et atténuée par nos soins. Nous avons également constaté la poursuite des attaques contre l'Ukraine et la Russie, de même que l'émergence d'une nouvelle campagne d'attaques DDoS avec demande de rançon.
Willkommen zu unserem DDoS-Bericht für das zweite Quartal 2022. Darin beschreiben wir Trends hinsichtlich der DDoS-Bedrohungslandschaft, die sich im globalen Cloudflare-Netzwerk beobachten ließen, und die von uns daraus gezogenen Schlüsse. Eine interaktive Version dieses Berichts ist auch bei Radar verfügbar.
Im zweiten Quartal haben wir einige der größten Angriffen aller Zeiten registriert, darunter eine HTTPS-DDoS-Attacke mit 26 Millionen Anfragen pro Sekunde, die von Cloudflare automatisch erkannt und abgewehrt wurde. Neben fortgesetzten Angriffen auf die Ukraine und Russland hat sich zudem eine neue Ransom-DDoS-Angriffskampagne entwickelt.
Last week, Cloudflare automatically detected and mitigated a 26 million request per second DDoS attack — the largest HTTPS DDoS attack on record.
The attack targeted a customer website using Cloudflare’s Free plan. Similar to the previous 15M rps attack, this attack also originated mostly from Cloud Service Providers as opposed to Residential Internet Service Providers, indicating the use of hijacked virtual machines and powerful servers to generate the attack — as opposed to much weaker Internet of Things (IoT) devices.
Over the past year, we’ve witnessed one record-breaking attack after the other. Back in August 2021, we disclosed a 17.2M rps HTTP DDoS attack, and more recently in April, a 15M rps HTTPS DDoS attack. All were automatically detected and mitigated by our HTTP DDoS Managed Ruleset which is powered by our autonomous edge DDoS protection system.
The 26M rps DDoS attack originated from a small but powerful botnet of 5,067 devices. On average, each node generated approximately 5,200 rps at peak. To contrast the size of this botnet, we’ve been tracking another much larger but less powerful botnet of over 730,000 devices. The latter, larger botnet wasn’t able to generate more than one Continue reading
We’re excited to announce the availability of Network Analytics Logs. Magic Transit, Magic Firewall, Magic WAN, and Spectrum customers on the Enterprise plan can feed packet samples directly into storage services, network monitoring tools such as Kentik, or their Security Information Event Management (SIEM) systems such as Splunk to gain near real-time visibility into network traffic and DDoS attacks.
By creating a Network Analytics Logs job, Cloudflare will continuously push logs of packet samples directly to the HTTP endpoint of your choice, including Websockets. The logs arrive in JSON format which makes them easy to parse, transform, and aggregate. The logs include packet samples of traffic dropped and passed by the following systems:
Note that not all mitigation systems are applicable to all Cloudflare services. Below is a table describing which mitigation service is applicable to which Cloudflare service:
Mitigation System |
Cloudflare Service | ||
Magic Transit | Magic WAN | Spectrum | |
Network-layer DDoS Protection Ruleset | ✅ | ❌ | ✅ |
Advanced TCP Protection | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ |
Magic Firewall | Continue reading |
Earlier this month, Cloudflare’s systems automatically detected and mitigated a 15.3 million request-per-second (rps) DDoS attack — one of the largest HTTPS DDoS attacks on record.
While this isn’t the largest application-layer attack we’ve seen, it is the largest we’ve seen over HTTPS. HTTPS DDoS attacks are more expensive in terms of required computational resources because of the higher cost of establishing a secure TLS encrypted connection. Therefore it costs the attacker more to launch the attack, and for the victim to mitigate it. We’ve seen very large attacks in the past over (unencrypted) HTTP, but this attack stands out because of the resources it required at its scale.
The attack, lasting less than 15 seconds, targeted a Cloudflare customer on the Professional (Pro) plan operating a crypto launchpad. Crypto launchpads are used to surface Decentralized Finance projects to potential investors. The attack was launched by a botnet that we’ve been observing — we’ve already seen large attacks as high as 10M rps matching the same attack fingerprint.
Cloudflare customers are protected against this botnet and do not need to take any action.
What’s interesting is that the attack mostly came from data centers. We’re Continue reading
This post is also available in 日本語, Deutsch and Français.
Welcome to our first DDoS report of 2022, and the ninth in total so far. This report includes new data points and insights both in the application-layer and network-layer sections — as observed across the global Cloudflare network between January and March 2022.
The first quarter of 2022 saw a massive spike in application-layer DDoS attacks, but a decrease in the total number of network-layer DDoS attacks. Despite the decrease, we’ve seen volumetric DDoS attacks surge by up to 645% QoQ, and we mitigated a new zero-day reflection attack with an amplification factor of 220 billion percent.
In the Russian and Ukrainian cyberspace, the most targeted industries were Online Media and Broadcast Media. In our Azerbaijan and Palestinian Cloudflare data centers, we’ve seen enormous spikes in DDoS activity — indicating the presence of botnets operating from within.
A zero-day vulnerability in the Mitel MiCollab business phone system has recently been discovered (CVE-2022-26143). This vulnerability, called TP240PhoneHome, which Cloudflare customers are already protected against, can be used to launch UDP amplification attacks. This type of attack reflects traffic off vulnerable servers to victims, amplifying the amount of traffic sent in the process by an amplification factor of 220 billion percent in this specific case.
Cloudflare has been actively involved in investigating the TP240PhoneHome exploit, along with other members of the InfoSec community. Read our joint disclosure here for more details. As far as we can tell, the vulnerability has been exploited as early as February 18, 2022. We have deployed emergency mitigation rules to protect Cloudflare customers against the amplification DDoS attacks.
Mitel has been informed of the vulnerability. As of February 22, they have issued a high severity security advisory advising their customers to block exploitation attempts using a firewall, until a software patch is made available. Cloudflare Magic Transit customers can use the Magic Firewall to block external traffic to the exposed Mitel UDP port 10074 by following the example in the screenshot below, or by pasting the following expression into their Magic Firewall Continue reading
Today is the International Holocaust Remembrance Day. On this day, we commemorate the victims that were murdered by the Nazis and their accomplices.
During the Holocaust, and in the events that led to it, the Nazis exterminated one third of the European Jewish population. Six million Jews, along with countless other members of minority and disability groups, were murdered because the Nazis believed they were inferior.
Cloudflare’s Project Galileo provides free protection to at-risk groups across the world including Holocaust educational and remembrance websites. During the past year alone, Cloudflare mitigated over a quarter of a million cyber threats launched against Holocaust-related websites.
In the Second World War and the years leading up to it, antisemitism served as the foundation of racist laws and fueled violent Pogroms against Jews. The tipping point was a night of violence known as the Kristallnacht ("Night of Broken Glass"). Jews and other minority groups were outlawed, dehumanized, persecuted and killed. Jewish businesses were boycotted, Jewish books burned and synagogues destroyed. Jews, Roma and other “enemies of the Reich'' were forced into closed ghettos and concentration camps. Finally, as part of the Final Solution for the Jewish Question, Continue reading
We’re excited to announce that customers using our Free plan can now get real-time alerts about HTTP DDoS attacks that were automatically detected and mitigated by Cloudflare. The real-time DDoS alerts were originally announced over a year ago but were made available to customers on the Pro plan or higher. This announcement extends the DDoS alerts feature to Free plan users. You can read the original announcement blog post here.
A Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack is a cyber-attack that attempts to disrupt your online business. Whether your business relies on VoIP servers, UDP-based gaming servers, or HTTP servers, DDoS attacks can be used to disrupt any type of Internet property, server, or network.
In this blog post, we’ll focus on DDoS attacks that target HTTP servers. Whether your HTTP server is powering a mobile app, an eCommerce website, an API gateway, or any other HTTP application, if an attacker sends you more requests than it can handle, your server won't be able to serve your real users. A flood of requests can cause service disruptions or even take your entire server offline. DDoS attacks can have real-world consequences such as a blow to Continue reading
This post is also available in 日本語, Deutsch, Français, Español.
The first half of 2021 witnessed massive ransomware and ransom DDoS attack campaigns that interrupted aspects of critical infrastructure around the world (including one of the largest petroleum pipeline system operators in the US) and a vulnerability in IT management software that targeted schools, public sector, travel organizations, and credit unions, to name a few.
The second half of the year recorded a growing swarm of one of the most powerful botnets deployed (Meris) and record-breaking HTTP DDoS attacks and network-layer attacks observed over the Cloudflare network. This besides the Log4j2 vulnerability (CVE-2021-44228) discovered in December that allows an attacker to execute code on a remote server — arguably one of the most severe vulnerabilities on the Internet since both Heartbleed and Shellshock.
Prominent attacks such as the ones listed above are but a few examples that demonstrate a trend of intensifying cyber-insecurity that affected everyone, from tech firms and government organizations to wineries and meat processing plants.
Here are some DDoS attack trends and highlights from 2021 and Q4 ‘21 specifically:
After initially providing our customers control over the HTTP-layer DDoS protection settings earlier this year, we’re now excited to extend the control our customers have to the packet layer. Using these new controls, Cloudflare Enterprise customers using the Magic Transit and Spectrum services can now tune and tweak their L3/4 DDoS protection settings directly from the Cloudflare dashboard or via the Cloudflare API.
The new functionality provides customers control over two main DDoS rulesets:
To learn more, review our DDoS Managed Ruleset developer documentation. We’ve put together a few guides that we hope will be helpful for you:
Earlier this week, Cloudflare automatically detected and mitigated a DDoS attack that peaked just below 2 Tbps — the largest we’ve seen to date. This was a multi-vector attack combining DNS amplification attacks and UDP floods. The entire attack lasted just one minute. The attack was launched from approximately 15,000 bots running a variant of the original Mirai code on IoT devices and unpatched GitLab instances.
Last quarter, we saw multiple terabit-strong DDoS attacks and this attack continues this trend of increased attack intensity. Another key finding from our Q3 DDoS Trends report was that network-layer DDoS attacks actually increased by 44% quarter-over-quarter. While the fourth quarter is not over yet, we have, again, seen multiple terabit-strong attacks that targeted Cloudflare customers.
To begin with, our systems constantly analyze traffic samples “out-of-path” which allows us to asynchronously detect DDoS attacks without causing latency or impacting performance. Once the attack traffic was detected (within sub-seconds), our systems generated a real-time signature that surgically matched against the attack patterns to mitigate the attack without impacting Continue reading