Peter Crocker

Author Archives: Peter Crocker

IDG Contributor Network: DevOps—The path to sustainable competitive advantages

A fundamental shift is happening in software development, and the way applications are built and brought to market is changing rapidly. As IT infrastructure has moved to the cloud and the age of the customer has made digital experiences pivotal in creating competitive advantages, DevOps has emerged. IT has refocused from managing servers to supporting lines of business managers and developers in their quest to provide integrated experiences across devices and touchpoints.+ Also on Network World: How DevOps can redefine your IT strategy + This shift can be compared to Henry Ford's innovation of the assembly line. Ford was able to set up a process that could produce more reliable cars faster and at lower costs. Similarly, the future of digital experiences belongs to the companies that can standardize and optimize their app delivery process. Companies that are able to align DevOps stratigeis and tools to deliver digital experiences faster and better than their competition have an advantage that will be difficult to replicate.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

IDG Contributor Network: Smarter authentication makes mobile experiences more secure, user friendly

To make our lives easier, digital experiences have become much more interconnected and the volume of personal data captured in the cloud is growing exponentially. While these trends make us more productive, they can also make security breaches much more damaging. Once a hacker gains access to one aspect of your digital life, he can easily reach across multiple applications and accounts, laying a path of destruction and heartache.Today’s mobile and digital experiences need authentication strategies that keep up with the constantly changing digital ecosystem, and simple passwords are not enough.Authentication must be fast, easy to use Multifactor authentication strategies are growing in popularity, but the tradeoff of usability and security is a constant balancing act. If authentication solutions are not simple, quick and easy, users will find ways around them. And if they are not secure, hackers will quickly exploit weaknesses. Sophisticated smart authentication strategies are coming to market that are less visible and easier to use than messaging-based two-factor authentication approaches or biometrics. Approaches such as behavioral biometrics and adaptive authentication are leveraging data and sophisticated algorithms to create more secure and easier-to-use experiences.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please Continue reading

IDG Contributor Network: Smarter authentication makes mobile experiences more secure, user friendly

To make our lives easier, digital experiences have become much more interconnected and the volume of personal data captured in the cloud is growing exponentially. While these trends make us more productive, they can also make security breaches much more damaging. Once a hacker gains access to one aspect of your digital life, he can easily reach across multiple applications and accounts, laying a path of destruction and heartache.Today’s mobile and digital experiences need authentication strategies that keep up with the constantly changing digital ecosystem, and simple passwords are not enough.Authentication must be fast, easy to use Multifactor authentication strategies are growing in popularity, but the tradeoff of usability and security is a constant balancing act. If authentication solutions are not simple, quick and easy, users will find ways around them. And if they are not secure, hackers will quickly exploit weaknesses. Sophisticated smart authentication strategies are coming to market that are less visible and easier to use than messaging-based two-factor authentication approaches or biometrics. Approaches such as behavioral biometrics and adaptive authentication are leveraging data and sophisticated algorithms to create more secure and easier-to-use experiences.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please Continue reading