Petr McAllister

Author Archives: Petr McAllister

Using Traefik Ingress Controller with Istio Service Mesh

Tetrate sponsored this post. Petr McAllister Petr is an IT Professional with more than 20+ years of international experience and Master’s Degree in Computer Science. He is a technologist at Tetrate. The Istio service mesh comes with its own ingress, but we see customers with requirements to use a non-Istio ingress all the time. Previously, we’ve covered Traefik ingress. With some slight adjustments to the approach we suggested previously, we at Tetrate learned how to implement Traefik as the ingress gateway to your Istio Service Mesh. This article will show you how. The flow of traffic is shown on the diagram below. As soon as requests arrive at the service mesh from the Traefik ingress, Istio has the ability to apply security, observability and traffic steering rules to the request: Incoming traffic bypasses the Istio sidecar and arrives directly at Traefik, so the requests terminate at the Traefik ingress. Traefik uses the IngressRoute config to rewrite the “Host” header to match the destination, and forwards the request to the targeted service, which is a several step process: Requests exiting Traefik Ingress are redirected to the Istio sidecar Continue reading

OpenStack Summit – May 2018

The second time the opportunity was presented to attend OpenStack Summit. Here is few thoughts and observations. Venue – In one of the recent podcasts Greg has mentioned – that probably the decision to have the summit in Canada (not US) was based on premises that it is easier for Out-of-North-America OpenStack users to get […]

ChatOps – more Ops?

In the recent years we observed several movements inside of Corporate IT – DevOps and NetOps are two big ones in my experience. Probably there are more. While the definition of those is constantly changing depending on who you talk to and what time of day. Recently I came across a new term – ChatOps. […]