Rémy Léone

Author Archives: Rémy Léone

Manage Scaleway Resources with Ansible Native Support

Ansible and Scaleway

Hello! My name is Rémy Léone and I am a Cloud Developer Evangelist at Scaleway. I’ve written this post to let you know that support for Scaleway services are now available natively in the Ansible Project with the release of Ansible version 2.6.

Scaleway’s goal is to help developers get cloud resources as easily as possible. Developing support for our services using well-known tools such as Ansible is one of our top priorities for user engagement. In this article, I’ll discuss the different Scaleway modules and demonstrate how to natively manage your Scaleway resources in your Ansible Playbooks.


How to Configure an SSH Key on Scaleway

Connection to Scaleway Compute nodes use Secure Shell. SSH keys are stored at the account level, which means that you can re-use the same SSH key in multiple nodes. The first step to configure Scaleway compute resources is to have at least one SSH key configured.

scaleway_sshkeys is an Ansible module that manages SSH keys on your Scaleway account. You can add an SSH key to your account by including the following task in a playbook:

- name: "Add SSH key"
     ssh_pub_key: "ssh-rsa AAAA..."
     state: "present"

The ssh_pub_key parameter contains Continue reading