
Author Archives: sradco,

Build oVirt Reports Using Grafana

Grafana, The open platform for beautiful analytics and monitoring, recently added support for PostgreSQL.

It in now possible to connect Grafana to oVirt DWH, in order to visualize and monitor the oVirt environment.

Grafana dashboard example

Adding a Read-Only User to the History Database

You may want to add a read only user to connect the history database :

Note: In oVirt 4.2 we ship postgres 9.5 through the Software Collection.

  1. In order to run psql you will need to run:

    # su - postgres 
    $ scl enable rh-postgresql95 -- psql ovirt_engine_history
  2. Create the user to be granted read-only access to the history database:

    ovirt_engine_history=# CREATE ROLE [user name] WITH LOGIN ENCRYPTED PASSWORD '[password]';
  3. Grant the newly created user permission to connect to the history database:

    ovirt_engine_history=# GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE ovirt_engine_history TO [user name];
  4. Grant the newly created user usage of the public schema:

    ovirt_engine_history=# GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public TO [user name];
  5. Exit the database

    ovirt_engine_history=# \q
  6. Generate the rest of the permissions that will be granted to the newly created user and save them to a file:

    $ scl enable rh-postgresql95 -- psql -U postgres -c "SELECT 'GRANT SELECT ON ' || relname  Continue reading

Build oVirt Reports Using Grafana

Grafana, The open platform for beautiful analytics and monitoring, recently added support for PostgreSQL.

It in now possible to connect Grafana to oVirt DWH, in order to visualize and monitor the oVirt environment.

Grafana dashboard example

Adding a Read-Only User to the History Database

You may want to add a read only user to connect the history database :

Note: In oVirt 4.2 we ship postgres 9.5 through the Software Collection.

  1. In order to run psql you will need to run:

    # su - postgres 
    $ scl enable rh-postgresql95 -- psql ovirt_engine_history
  2. Create the user to be granted read-only access to the history database:

    ovirt_engine_history=# CREATE ROLE [user name] WITH LOGIN ENCRYPTED PASSWORD '[password]';
  3. Grant the newly created user permission to connect to the history database:

    ovirt_engine_history=# GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE ovirt_engine_history TO [user name];
  4. Grant the newly created user usage of the public schema:

    ovirt_engine_history=# GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public TO [user name];
  5. Exit the database

    ovirt_engine_history=# \q
  6. Generate the rest of the permissions that will be granted to the newly created user and save them to a file:

    $ scl enable rh-postgresql95 -- psql -U postgres -c "SELECT 'GRANT SELECT ON ' || relname  Continue reading

Build oVirt Reports Using Grafana

Grafana, The open platform for beautiful analytics and monitoring, recently added support for PostgreSQL.

It in now possible to connect Grafana to oVirt DWH, in order to visualize and monitor the oVirt environment.

Grafana dashboard example

If you wish to create dashboards to monitor oVirt environment, you will need to install Grafana.

Grafana automatically creates an admin user and password.

You will need to add a PostgreSQL data source that connects to the DWH database.

For example:

You may want to add a read only user to connect the history database - Allowing read only access to the history database

Now you can start creating your dashboard widgets.

Go to Dashboards -> + New.

Graph panel example:

To add a Graph type panel, on the left side you have the Row controls menu. Go to the + Add Panel, and pick Graph.

Query example for the - Five Most Utilized Hosts by Memory / CPU:

    min(time) AS time,
    host_name || 'MEM_Usage' as metric
            WHEN delete_date IS NULL
                THEN host_name
                ' (Removed on '
                CAST ( CAST ( delete_date AS date ) AS varchar )
                 Continue reading