Troy Hunt (Guest Blogger)

Author Archives: Troy Hunt (Guest Blogger)

Today, Chrome Takes Another Step Forward in Addressing the Design Flaw That is an Unencrypted Web

Today, Chrome Takes Another Step Forward in Addressing the Design Flaw That is an Unencrypted Web

The following is a guest post by Troy Hunt, awarded Security expert, blogger, and Pluralsight author. He’s also the creator of the popular Have I been pwned?, the free aggregation service that helps the owners of over 5 billion accounts impacted by data breaches.

Today, Chrome Takes Another Step Forward in Addressing the Design Flaw That is an Unencrypted Web

I still clearly remember my first foray onto the internet as a university student back in the mid 90's. It was a simpler online time back then, of course; we weren't doing our personal banking or our tax returns or handling our medical records so the whole premise of encrypting the transport layer wasn't exactly a high priority. In time, those services came along and so did the need to have some assurances about the confidentiality of the material we were sending around over other people's networks and computers. SSL as it was at the time was costly, but hey, banks and the like could absorb that given the nature of their businesses. However, at the time, there were all sorts of problems with the premise of serving traffic securely ranging from the cost of certs to the effort involved in obtaining and configuring them through to the performance hit on the Continue reading