
Category Archives for "CloudFlare"

How well do you know website performance?

How well do you know website performance?
How well do you know website performance?

How quickly did this blog post load? Did you happen to notice?

Most website visitors do notice that sort of thing, even if they don't realize it consciously. In fact, virtually all visitors have strong opinions about how quickly a website should load, how responsive it should be, and how often it should go down (preferably, never). Most users strongly prefer webpages that take under 5 seconds to load, and they're much more likely to leave without buying products or reading content if a page takes too long to render.

Everyone should understand how to keep websites fast

Part of the Cloudflare mission is to make the Internet better by helping it perform better. One way we are delivering on our mission is by sharing easy-to-read educational content to assist anyone with a web property.

We recently launched a performance-themed Learning Center: a series of educational articles on why performance matters, the factors affecting performance, and some of the best practices for making websites faster. Check out the Performance Learning Center!

This Learning Center is for anyone who wants to really do a deep dive into the complex topic of website performance, no matter what their technical background Continue reading

Cloudflare Apps Fund 2.0

Today we are launching the second iteration of the Cloudflare App Developer Fund.

This is an investment fund started in partnership with Venrock, Pelion Venture Partners, and New Enterprise Associates. We created the fund to provide developers with resources so that they can build apps using the Cloudflare network and our serverless product, Workers, which enables developers to create applications without configuring or maintaining infrastructure. The goal is to fuel a new economy that grows into a thriving ecosystem so that developers’ serverless innovations can enjoy commercial success.  

Cloudflare Apps with Workers allows developers to package Workers, delivering new worker-powered experiences to Cloudflare customers, all within a few clicks via Cloudflare Apps.

Our CTO, John Graham-Cumming talks about it in a recently recorded video:

In short, Cloudflare is looking for apps that will advance our mission to help build a better Internet: one that is safe, fast and reliable.   We are seeking out apps that have a clear vision, delight customers by the ease of use and align with our vision. Having already seen multiple use cases around custom application security, data loss prevention, and bot mitigation, we can’t wait to see what else you come up Continue reading

Logs from the Edge

Logs from the Edge

With Cloudflare Workers, our JavaScript environment at the edge, it is possible to send traffic logs to arbitrary locations. In this post we are going to discuss an example Worker implementation on how to achieve this. So if you are building or maintaining your own traffic logging/analytics environment, read on.

To build the underlying script we are going to leverage sub requests. Sub requests, which can be spawned from the initial HTTP/S request, can be used to aggregate and compose a response from several back end services, or, like in the example discussed here, to post data to a specific endpoint. Sub requests can be made asynchronously and after the initial request has been fully served to avoid adding unnecessary latency to the main request.

Logs from the Edge

The Worker Code

In this example we assume an Elastic stack has been set up at and has been configured to receive via HTTP/S PUT requests a number of fields for each log line. The full script that we are going to look at can be found below:

addEventListener('fetch', event => {

async function fetchAndLog(event) {
  const response = await fetch(event.request);
  event.waitUntil(logToElk(event.request, response));
  return response;
 Continue reading

Know your SCM_RIGHTS

As TLS 1.3 was ratified earlier this year, I was recollecting how we got started with it here at Cloudflare. We made the decision to be early adopters of TLS 1.3 a little over two years ago. It was a very important decision, and we took it very seriously.

It is no secret that Cloudflare uses nginx to handle user traffic. A little less known fact, is that we have several instances of nginx running. I won’t go into detail, but there is one instance whose job is to accept connections on port 443, and proxy them to another instance of nginx that actually handles the requests. It has pretty limited functionality otherwise. We fondly call it nginx-ssl.

Back then we were using OpenSSL for TLS and Crypto in nginx, but OpenSSL (and BoringSSL) had yet to announce a timeline for TLS 1.3 support, therefore we had to implement our own TLS 1.3 stack. Obviously we wanted an implementation that would not affect any customer or client that would not enable TLS 1.3. We also needed something that we could iterate on quickly, because the spec was very fluid back then, and also something Continue reading

L4Drop: XDP DDoS Mitigations

L4Drop: XDP DDoS Mitigations

Efficient packet dropping is a key part of Cloudflare’s distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack mitigations. In this post, we introduce a new tool in our packet dropping arsenal: L4Drop.

L4Drop: XDP DDoS Mitigations
Public domain image by US Air Force

We've written about our DDoS mitigation pipeline extensively in the past, covering:

  • Gatebot: analyzes traffic hitting our edge and deploys DDoS mitigations matching suspect traffic.
  • bpftools: generates Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF) bytecode that matches packets based on DNS queries, p0F signatures, or tcpdump filters.
  • Iptables: matches traffic against the BPF generated by bpftools using the xt_bpf module, and drops it.
  • Floodgate: offloads work from iptables during big attacks that could otherwise overwhelm the kernel networking stack. Incoming traffic bypasses the kernel to go directly to a BPF interpreter in userspace, which efficiently drops packets matching the BPF rules produced by bpftools.

Both iptables and Floodgate send samples of received traffic to Gatebot for analysis, and filter incoming packets using rules generated by bpftools. This ends up looking something like this:

L4Drop: XDP DDoS Mitigations
Floodgate based DDoS mitigation pipeline

This pipeline has served us well, but a lot has changed since we implemented Floodgate. Our new Gen9 and ARM servers use different network Continue reading

Working out Backend Knots and Building Routers (Austin Real World Serverless Video Recap)

Working out Backend Knots and Building Routers (Austin Real World Serverless Video Recap)

I work in Developer Relations at Cloudflare and I'm fortunate to have top-notch developers around me who are willing to share their knowledge with the greater developer community. I produced a series of events this autumn called Real World Serverless at multiple locations around the world and I want to share the recorded videos from these events.

Our Austin Real World Serverless event (in partnership with the ATX Serverless User Group Meetup) included two talks about Serverless technology featuring Victoria Bernard and Preston Pham from Cloudflare. They spoke about working out backend knots with Workers and building a router for the great good.

About the talks

Working out Backend Knots with Workers - Victoria Bernard (0:00-15:19)

Cloudflare Workers is a platform the makes serverless development and deployment easier than ever. A worker is a script running between your clients' browsers and your site's origin that can intercept requests. Victoria went over some popular use cases of how proxy workers can dramatically improve a site's performance and add functionality that would normally require toying with complicated back-end services.

Build a Router for Great Good - Preston Pham (15:20-33:53)

Serverless computing is great, but requires routing or some kind of API Continue reading

My Second Cloudflare Company Retreat

My Second Cloudflare Company Retreat

Last week, 760 humans from Singapore, London, Beijing, Sydney, Nairobi, Austin, New York, Miami, Washington DC, Warsaw, Munich, Brussels, and Champaign reunited with their San Francisco counterparts for our 9th annual Cloudflare company retreat in the San Francisco Bay Area. The purpose of the company retreat is to bring all global employees together under one roof to bond, build bridges, have fun, and learn – all in support of Cloudflare’s mission to help build a better Internet.

It’s easy to write off corporate retreats as an obligatory series of meetings and tired speeches, but Cloudflare’s retreats are uniquely engaging, personalized, fun, and inspiring. Having grown with Cloudflare over the last year (I started just before our 2017 retreat), I wanted to share some of my experiences to highlight Cloudflare’s incredible culture.

The office was buzzing with different languages and laughter as people hugged and shook hands for the first time after working online together for a year or more. Everyone’s Google calendar looked like a rainbow as we each mined for white space to squeeze in those coveted 1:1s, all-hands presentations, and bowling offsites with our global colleagues.  The buses and Google chats felt like summer camp, with people claiming Continue reading

Every 7.8μs your computer’s memory has a hiccup

Every 7.8μs your computer’s memory has a hiccup

Every 7.8μs your computer’s memory has a hiccup
Modern DDR3 SDRAM. Source: BY-SA/4.0 by Kjerish

During my recent visit to the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, I found myself staring at some ancient magnetic core memory.

Every 7.8μs your computer’s memory has a hiccup
Source: BY-SA/3.0 by Konstantin Lanzet

I promptly concluded I had absolutely no idea on how these things could ever work. I wondered if the rings rotate (they don't), and why each ring has three wires woven through it (and I still don’t understand exactly how these work). More importantly, I realized I have very little understanding on how the modern computer memory - dynamic RAM - works!

Every 7.8μs your computer’s memory has a hiccup
Source: Ulrich Drepper's series about memory

I was particularly interested in one of the consequences of how dynamic RAM works. You see, each bit of data is stored by the charge (or lack of it) on a tiny capacitor within the RAM chip. But these capacitors gradually lose their charge over time. To avoid losing the stored data, they must regularly get refreshed to restore the charge (if present) to its original level. This refresh process involves reading the value of every bit and then writing it back. During this "refresh" time, the memory is busy and it can't perform normal operations Continue reading

Serverless Progressive Web Apps using React with Cloudflare Workers

Let me tell you the story of how I learned that you can build Progressive Web Apps on Cloudflare’s network around the globe with one JavaScript bundle that runs both in the browser and on Cloudflare Workers with no modification and no separate bundling for client and server. And when registered as a Service Worker, the same JavaScript bundle will turn your page into a Progressive Web App that doesn’t even make network requests. Here's how that works...

"Any resemblance to actual startups, living or IPO'd, is purely coincidental and unintended" - @sevki

A (possibly apocryphal) Story

I recently met up with some old friends in London who told me they were starting a new business. They did what every coder would do... they quickly hacked something together, bought a domain, and registered the GitHub org and thus Buzzwords was born.

The idea was simple: you could feed the name of your application into a machine learning model and it would generate the configuration files for your deployment for various container orchestrators. They achieved this by going through millions of deployment configurations and training a linear regression model by gamifying quantum computing because blockchain, or something (I told you this Continue reading

Fast Google Fonts with Cloudflare Workers

Fast Google Fonts with Cloudflare Workers

Google Fonts is one of the most common third-party resources on the web, but carries with it significant user-facing performance issues. Cloudflare Workers running at the edge is a great solution for fixing these performance issues, without having to modify the publishing system for every site using Google Fonts.

This post walks through the implementation details for how to fix the performance of Google Fonts with Cloudflare Workers. More importantly, it also provides code for doing high-performance content modification at the edge using Cloudflare Workers.

Google fonts are SLOW

First, some background. Google Fonts provides a rich selection of royalty-free fonts for sites to use. You select the fonts you want to use, and end up with a simple stylesheet URL to include on your pages, as well as styles to use for applying the fonts to parts of the page:

<link href="|Roboto+Slab"
body {
 font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif;
h1 {
 font-family: 'Roboto Slab', serif;

Your visitor’s browser fetches the CSS file as soon as the HTML for the page is available. The browser will request the underlying font files when the browser does layout for the page and discovers that it needs Continue reading

My time as an intern (thus far)

My time as an intern (thus far)

It has been over three months since I started as a marketing intern at Cloudflare. Even before joining the Cloudflare team, I enjoyed reading the technical blog posts about Cloudflare’s use cases and solutions, as well as the inclusive and creative culture. Educating the world about the threats we face on the Internet is something that I found truly valuable. I figured that I would give my own spin on what it’s like to join and work at Cloudflare by writing a blog post too.

Chapter 1: The Path towards the Orange Cloud

My time as an intern (thus far)
Photo by alexander milo / Unsplash

Before starting as a freshman in university, I created an online portfolio for my photography. It has been a passion of mine for about 9 years. I tried a multitude of platforms but none afforded me the aesthetic control that I wanted. The only solution was to build and host my own site. I started learning HTML/CSS, a bit of JavaScript and jQuery and so on.

This led to me using the Koken CMS, and hosting it on DigitalOcean in a Docker container. What was left was SSL/TLS encryption and a CDN (my friends in Europe find the loading times unbearable). Continue reading

Cloudflare’s Response to a Privacy Framework

Cloudflare's Response to a Privacy Framework
Photo by Dayne Topkin / Unsplash
Cloudflare's Response to a Privacy Framework

Why We Weighed In on US Privacy Efforts

Cloudflare’s mission is to help build a better internet, and privacy has to be at the heart of that effort. That’s why we submitted comments last week on the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA)’s request for comment on its proposed approach to advance consumer privacy.

We think it is important for Internet infrastructure companies like us to be a part of the conversation about the future of internet privacy. We want to advocate for an internet that remains accessible to all, while becoming more secure and protective of privacy.

What is NTIA and what is it trying to do?

In 2018, we’ve seen high profile data breaches and data misuse, Europe’s sweeping data protection law – the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – come into effect, and California pass its own comprehensive Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). All of this has captured the attention of Washington, D.C. lawmakers and regulators.

On September 25, 2018, NTIA began a process to solicit feedback from stakeholders on a proposed approach to consumer data privacy.  NTIA is the Executive Branch agency in the Department of Commerce that is principally Continue reading

Introducing Apps with Workers

Introducing Apps with Workers

Since its inception, Cloudflare Apps has made it possible for website owners to install a tool or a service directly onto a domain they have that lives on the Cloudflare network.  As an App Developer, you’ve had the ability to deliver your product by modifying traffic and content of a user’s website using a combination of Javascript, HTML, CSS injection with the ability to modify Cloudflare features such as DNS.

Today we are announcing a public beta for our Cloudflare Apps with Workers!  If you are a developer who has been using Workers or Cloudflare Apps, this is a significant step forward to bring together our server-less platform allowing you the next wave of innovation in the Cloudflare marketplace.

Wait!  Yet more Workers news?  It’s already been a furious year of releases for Workers, from our GA launch in February to numerous improvements including the beta of Cache API and a flurry of updates during Cloudflare’s Birthday week, where we made available our K/V Storage and WASM support.  With this beta, developers can now package all Workers capabilities, deliver new worker-powered experiences to Cloudflare customers all within a few clicks via Cloudflare Apps.

Now your Apps can be more powerful, Continue reading

Announcing SSH Access through Cloudflare

Announcing SSH Access through Cloudflare

We held our annual Cloudflare Retreat last week. Over 750 team members from nearly a dozen offices spent three days learning, bonding and some of them got to smash a VPN piñata on stage with a baseball bat. Yes, you read that right.

The latest feature added to Cloudflare Access let us celebrate the replacement of our clunky VPN with a faster, safer way to reach our internal applications. You can now place applications that require SSH connections, like your source control repository, behind Cloudflare Access. We’re excited to release that same feature so that your team can also destroy your own VPN (piñata not included).

Announcing SSH Access through Cloudflare

How we smashed our VPN

We built Access to replace our corporate VPN. We started with browser-based applications, moved to CLI operations, and then began adding a growing list of single sign-on integrations. Our teammates added single sign-on support to the Cloudflare dashboard by combining Access and our serverless product, Workers. We improved the daily workflow of every team member each time we moved another application behind Access. However, SSH connections held us back. Whenever we needed to push code or review a pull request, we had to fall back to our Continue reading

Bandwidth Alliance Partners – Exciting Choices

Bandwidth Alliance Partners - Exciting Choices
Bandwidth Alliance Partners - Exciting Choices

We are tremendously excited about the value our Bandwidth Alliance partner ecosystem adds to our customers. We’re on a mission to help make the internet a better place; and ensuring everyone can access cloud resources at zero-egress rates supports that mission in many ways. It’s an easy way for our clients to build modern, cloud-centric applications without the design constraint and financial burden of egress fees.

The cloudflare bandwidth alliance partner landscape continues to grow, and incorporate a diverse group of partners, with today’s second wave announcement.  With over a dozen different partners, the range of choices can quickly become overwhelming. And, while these are all high-quality platforms which we are happy to recommend to our clients - their important differences will help determine the best fit for you, the customer.

In this post, I’ll lay out some of Cloudflare’s approach to this solution design question through the lens of a large client we recently worked with. We apply this approach across our full range of products and services, including many use cases far different from the Storage need we’ll dig into in this post. I hope that this can help all of our clients, or anyone else interested, mirror Continue reading

Expanding the Bandwidth Alliance: sharing the benefits of interconnected networks

Expanding the Bandwidth Alliance: sharing the benefits of interconnected networks
Expanding the Bandwidth Alliance: sharing the benefits of interconnected networks

At Cloudflare, our mission is to help build a better Internet. That means making the Internet faster, smarter, safer, but also more cost efficient with the help of our partners. We are always on the lookout for ways to help save customers money. With that goal we announced the Bandwidth Alliance with our founding partners during our Birthday week.

The key concept of the Bandwidth Alliance is to help reduce and in many cases waive data transfer charges, sometimes known as "bandwidth” or “egress” charges, for our mutual customers. We achieve this in partnership with the founding partners through strongly interconnected networks over peered connections. These connections typically occur within the same facility with no middleman. So, neither Cloudflare nor the cloud provider bears incremental costs. Further, we will also use our smart routing system (read details in this technical blog post) to ensure that all our customers’ traffic on participating cloud providers, once their systems are set up, qualify for this offer.

Expanding the Bandwidth Alliance: sharing the benefits of interconnected networks

Expanding the Alliance: new Partners Committed to Discounting Data Transfer Fees

We are proud to announce the following cloud providers and hosting companies have joined the Bandwidth Alliance in committing to zero data transfer fees for Continue reading

How a Nigerian ISP Accidentally Knocked Google Offline

How a Nigerian ISP Accidentally Knocked Google Offline

Last Monday evening — 12 November 2018 — Google and a number of other services experienced a 74 minute outage. It’s not the first time this has happened; and while there might be a temptation to assume that bad actors are at work, incidents like this only serve to demonstrate just how much frailty is involved in how packets get from one point on the Internet to another.

Our logs show that at 21:12 UTC on Monday, a Nigerian ISP, MainOne, accidentally misconfigured part of their network causing a "route leak". This resulted in Google and a number of other networks being routed over unusual network paths. Incidents like this actually happen quite frequently, but in this case, the traffic flows generated by Google users were so great that they overwhelmed the intermediary networks — resulting in numerous services (but predominantly Google) unreachable.

You might be surprised to learn that an error by an ISP somewhere in the world could result in Google and other services going offline. This blog post explains how that can happen and what the Internet community is doing to try to fix this fragility.

What Is A Route Leak, And How Does One Happen?

Continue reading

Real URLs for AMP Cached Content Using Cloudflare Workers

Real URLs for AMP Cached Content Using Cloudflare Workers
Real URLs for AMP Cached Content Using Cloudflare Workers

Today, we’re excited to announce our solution for arguably the biggest issue affecting Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP): the inability to use real origin URLs when serving AMP-cached content. To allow AMP caches to serve content under its origin URL, we implemented HTTP signed exchanges, which extend authenticity and integrity to content cached and served on behalf of a publisher. This logic lives on Cloudflare Workers, meaning that adding HTTP signed exchanges to your content is just a simple Workers application away. Publishers on Cloudflare can now take advantage of AMP performance and have AMP caches serve content with their origin URLs. We're thrilled to use Workers as a core component of this solution.

HTTP signed exchanges are a crucial component of the emerging Web Packaging standard, a set of protocols used to package websites for distribution through optimized delivery systems like Google AMP. This announcement comes just in time for Chrome Dev Summit 2018, where our colleague Rustam Lalkaka spoke about our efforts to advance the Web Packaging standard.

What is Web Packaging and Why Does it Matter?

You may already see the need for Web Packaging on a daily basis. On your smartphone, perhaps you’ve searched for Christmas Continue reading

The rise of multivector DDoS attacks

The rise of multivector DDoS attacks

It's been a while since we last wrote about Layer 3/4 DDoS attacks on this blog. This is a good news - we've been quietly handling the daily onslaught of DDoS attacks. Since our last write-up, a handful of interesting L3/4 attacks have happened. Let's review them.

Gigantic SYN

In April, John tweeted about a gigantic 942Gbps SYN flood:

The rise of multivector DDoS attacks

It was a notable event for a couple of reasons.

First, it was really large. Previously, we've seen only amplification / reflection attacks at terabit scale. In those cases, the attacker doesn't actually have too much capacity. They need to bounce the traffic off other servers to generate a substantial load. This is different from typical "direct" style attacks, like SYN floods. In the SYN flood mentioned by John, all 942Gbps were coming directly from attacker-controlled machines.

The rise of multivector DDoS attacks

Secondly, this attack was truly distributed. Normal SYN floods come from a small number of geographical locations. This one, was all over the globe, hitting all Cloudflare data centers:

The rise of multivector DDoS attacks

Thirdly, the attack seem to be partially spoofed. While our analysis was not conclusive, we saw random, spoofed source IP addresses in the largest internet exchanges. The above Hilbert curve shows the source IP Continue reading

1 Thing You Can Do To Make Your Internet Safer And Faster

1 Thing You Can Do To Make Your Internet Safer And Faster
1 Thing You Can Do To Make Your Internet Safer And Faster

On April 1st, 2018, we announced, the fastest public DNS resolver in the world ???. Today, we are launching the mobile app to make it incredibly easy to use on your phone.


Any time you are on a public internet connection people can see what sites you visit. Even worse, your Internet Service Provider is very possibly selling all of your browsing history to the highest bidder. We have a tool called which makes it easy to get a faster, more private, Internet experience, but it’s historically been too complex for many people to use, particularly on mobile devices. Today, we’re launching an app you (and everyone you know) can use to use every time your mobile phone connects to the Internet. It’s a free, it’s easy, download it now.

1 Thing You Can Do To Make Your Internet Safer And Faster

Fastest Public Resolver

1 Thing You Can Do To Make Your Internet Safer And Faster
DNSPerf data

We launched on April 1st. Frankly, we’ve been blown away by how many people actually made the switch. Changing your network settings is not easy, but if our traffic amount is any indication, many of you made the effort. Continue reading