
Category Archives for "CloudFlare"

Bringing authentication and identification to Workers through Mutual TLS

Bringing authentication and identification to Workers through Mutual TLS
Bringing authentication and identification to Workers through Mutual TLS

We’re excited to announce that Workers will soon be able to send outbound requests through a mutually authenticated channel via mutual TLS authentication!

When making outbound requests from a Worker, TLS is always used on the server side, so that the client can validate that the information is being sent to the right destination. But in the same way, the server may want to authenticate the client to ensure that the request is coming from an authorized client. This two-way street of authentication is called Mutual TLS. In this blog, we’re going to talk through the importance of mutual TLS authentication, what it means to use mutual TLS within Workers, and how in a few months you’ll be able to use it to send information through an authenticated channel — adding a layer of security to your application!

mTLS between Cloudflare and an Origin

Mutual TLS authentication works by having a server validate the client certificate against a CA. If the validation passes then the server knows that it’s the right client and will let the request go through. If the validation fails or if a client certificate is not presented then the server can choose to drop the request.

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Xata Workers: client-side database access without client-side secrets

Xata Workers: client-side database access without client-side secrets
Xata Workers: client-side database access without client-side secrets

We’re excited to have Xata building their serverless functions product – Xata Workers – on top of Workers for Platforms. Xata Workers act as middleware to simplify database access and allow their developers to deploy functions that sit in front of their databases. Workers for Platforms opens up a whole suite of use cases for Xata developers all while providing the security, scalability and performance of Cloudflare Workers.

Now, handing it over to Alexis, a Senior Software Engineer at Xata to tell us more.


In the last few years, there's been a rise of Jamstack, and new ways of thinking about the cloud that some people call serverless or edge computing. Instead of maintaining dedicated servers to run a single service, these architectures split applications in smaller services or functions.

By simplifying the state and context of our applications, we can benefit from external providers deploying these functions in dozens of servers across the globe. This architecture benefits the developer and user experience alike. Developers don’t have to manage servers, and users don’t have to experience latency. Your application simply scales, even if you receive hundreds of thousands of unexpected visitors.

When it comes to databases though, we still Continue reading

Automate an isolated browser instance with just a few lines of code

Automate an isolated browser instance with just a few lines of code
Automate an isolated browser instance with just a few lines of code

If you’ve ever created a website that shows any kind of analytics, you’ve probably also thought about adding a “Save Image” or “Save as PDF” button to store and share results. This isn’t as easy as it seems (I can attest to this firsthand) and it’s not long before you go down a rabbit hole of trying 10 different libraries, hoping one will work.

This is why we’re excited to announce a private beta of the Workers Browser Rendering API, improving the browser automation experience for developers. With browser automation, you can programmatically do anything that a user can do when interacting with a browser.

The Workers Browser Rendering API, or just Rendering API for short, is our out-of-the-box solution for simplifying developer workflows, including capturing images or screenshots, by running browser automation in Workers.

Browser automation, everywhere

As with many of the best Cloudflare products, Rendering API was born out of an internal need. Many of our teams were setting up or wanted to set up their own tools to perform what sounds like an incredibly simple task: taking automated screenshots.

When gathering use cases, we realized that much of what our internal teams wanted would also be useful Continue reading

Making static sites dynamic with Cloudflare D1

Making static sites dynamic with Cloudflare D1


Making static sites dynamic with Cloudflare D1

There are many ways to store data in your applications. For example, in Cloudflare Workers applications, we have Workers KV for key-value storage and Durable Objects for real-time, coordinated storage without compromising on consistency. Outside the Cloudflare ecosystem, you can also plug in other tools like NoSQL and graph databases.

But sometimes, you want SQL. Indexes allow us to retrieve data quickly. Joins enable us to describe complex relationships between different tables. SQL declaratively describes how our application's data is validated, created, and performantly queried.

D1 was released today in open alpha, and to celebrate, I want to share my experience building apps with D1: specifically, how to get started, and why I’m excited about D1 joining the long list of tools you can use to build apps on Cloudflare.

Making static sites dynamic with Cloudflare D1

D1 is remarkable because it's an instant value-add to applications without needing new tools or stepping out of the Cloudflare ecosystem. Using wrangler, we can do local development on our Workers applications, and with the addition of D1 in wrangler, we can now develop proper stateful applications locally as well. Then, when it's time to deploy the application, wrangler allows us to both access and execute commands to Continue reading

Iteration isn’t just for code: here are our latest API docs

Iteration isn't just for code: here are our latest API docs
Iteration isn't just for code: here are our latest API docs

We’re excited to share that the next iteration of Cloudflare’s API reference documentation is now available. The new docs standardize our API content and improve the overall developer experience for interacting with Cloudflare’s API.

Why does API documentation matter?

Everyone talks about how important APIs are, but not everyone acknowledges the critical role that API documentation plays in an API’s usability. Throwing docs together is easy. Getting them right is harder.

At Cloudflare, we try to meet our users where they are. For the majority of customers, that means providing clear, easy-to-use products in our dashboard. But developers don’t always want what our dashboard provides. Some developers prefer to use a CLI or Wrangler to have a higher level of control over what’s happening with their Cloudflare products. Others want more customization and deeper ties into their company’s internal applications. Some want all the above.

Iteration isn't just for code: here are our latest API docs

A developer’s job is to create, debug, and optimize code - whether that’s an application, interface, database, etc. - as efficiently as possible and ensure that code runs as efficiently as possible. APIs enable that efficiency through automation. Let’s say a developer wants to run a cache purge every time content is updated on their Continue reading

The Cloudflare API now uses OpenAPI schemas

The Cloudflare API now uses OpenAPI schemas
The Cloudflare API now uses OpenAPI schemas

Today, we are announcing the general availability of OpenAPI Schemas for the Cloudflare API. These are published via GitHub and will be updated regularly as Cloudflare adds and updates APIs. OpenAPI is the widely adopted standard for defining APIs in a machine-readable format. OpenAPI Schemas allow for the ability to plug our API into a wide breadth of tooling to accelerate development for ourselves and customers. Internally, it will make it easier for us to maintain and update our APIs. Before getting into those benefits, let’s start with the basics.

What is OpenAPI?

Much of the Internet is built upon APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) or provides them as services to clients all around the world. This allows computers to talk to each other in a standardized fashion. OpenAPI is a widely adopted standard for how to define APIs. This allows other machines to reliably parse those definitions and use them in interesting ways. Cloudflare’s own API Shield product uses OpenAPI schemas to provide schema validation to ensure only well-formed API requests are sent to your origin.

Cloudflare itself has an API that customers can use to interface with our security and performance products from other places on the Internet. How Continue reading

Migrate from S3 easily with the R2 Super Slurper

Migrate from S3 easily with the R2 Super Slurper
Migrate from S3 easily with the R2 Super Slurper

R2 is an S3-compatible, globally distributed object storage, allowing developers to store large amounts of unstructured data without the costly egress bandwidth fees you commonly find with other providers.

To enjoy this egress freedom, you’ll have to start planning to send all that data you have somewhere else into R2. You might want to do it all at once, moving as much data as quickly as possible while ensuring data consistency. Or do you prefer moving the data to R2 slowly and gradually shifting your reads from your old provider to R2? And only then decide whether to cut off your old storage or keep it as a backup for new objects in R2?

There are multiple options for architecture and implementations for this movement, but taking terabytes of data from one cloud storage provider to another is always problematic, always involves planning, and likely requires staffing.

And that was hard. But not anymore.

Today we're announcing the R2 Super Slurper, the feature that will enable you to move all your data to R2 in one giant slurp or sip by sip — all in a friendly, intuitive UI and API.

Migrate from S3 easily with the R2 Super Slurper

The first step: R2 Super Slurper Private Beta

One Continue reading

Get started with Cloudflare Workers with ready-made templates

Get started with Cloudflare Workers with ready-made templates
Get started with Cloudflare Workers with ready-made templates

One of the things we prioritize at Cloudflare is enabling developers to build their applications on our developer platform with ease. We’re excited to share a collection of ready-made templates that’ll help you start building your next application on Workers. We want developers to get started as quickly as possible, so that they can focus on building and innovating and avoid spending so much time configuring and setting up their projects.

Introducing Cloudflare Workers Templates

Cloudflare Workers enables you to build applications with exceptional performance, reliability, and scale. We are excited to share a collection of templates that helps you get started quickly and give you an idea of what is possible to build on our developer platform.

We have made available a set of starter templates highlighting different use cases of Workers. We understand that you have different ideas you will love to build on top of Workers and you may have questions or wonder if it is possible. These sets of templates go beyond the convention ‘Hello, World’ starter. They’ll help shape your idea of what kind of applications you can build with Workers as well as other products in the Cloudflare Developer Ecosystem.

We are excited to Continue reading

Store and process your Cloudflare Logs… with Cloudflare

Store and process your Cloudflare Logs... with Cloudflare
Store and process your Cloudflare Logs... with Cloudflare

Millions of customers trust Cloudflare to accelerate their website, protect their network, or as a platform to build their own applications. But, once you’re running in production, how do you know what’s going on with your application? You need logs from Cloudflare – a record of what happened on our network when your customers interacted with your product that uses Cloudflare.

Cloudflare Logs are an indispensable tool for debugging applications, identifying security vulnerabilities, or just understanding how users are interacting with your product. However, our customers generate petabytes of logs, and store them for months or years at a time. Log data is tantalizing: all those answers, just waiting to be revealed with the right query! But until now, it’s been too hard for customers to actually store, search, and understand their logs without expensive and cumbersome third party tools.

Today we’re announcing Cloudflare Logs Engine: a new product to enable any kind of investigation with Cloudflare Logs — all within Cloudflare.

Starting today, Cloudflare customers who push their logs to R2 can retrieve them by time range and unique identifier. Over the coming months we want to enable customers to:

Reduce origin load, save on cloud egress fees, and maximize cache hits with Cache Reserve

Reduce origin load, save on cloud egress fees, and maximize cache hits with Cache Reserve
Reduce origin load, save on cloud egress fees, and maximize cache hits with Cache Reserve

Earlier this year, we introduced Cache Reserve. Cache Reserve helps users serve content from Cloudflare’s cache for longer by using R2’s persistent data storage. Serving content from Cloudflare’s cache benefits website operators by reducing their bills for egress fees from origins, while also benefiting website visitors by having content load faster.

Cache Reserve has been in closed beta for a few months while we’ve collected feedback from our initial users and continued to develop the product. After several rounds of iterating on this feedback, today we’re extremely excited to announce that Cache Reserve is graduating to open beta – users will now be able to test it and integrate it into their content delivery strategy without any additional waiting.

If you want to see the benefits of Cache Reserve for yourself and give us some feedback– you can go to the Cloudflare dashboard, navigate to the Caching section and enable Cache Reserve by pushing one button.

How does Cache Reserve fit into the larger picture?

Content served from Cloudflare’s cache begins its journey at an origin server, where the content is hosted. When a request reaches the origin, the origin compiles the content needed for the response and sends Continue reading

Indexing millions of HTTP requests using Durable Objects

Indexing millions of HTTP requests using Durable Objects
Indexing millions of HTTP requests using Durable Objects

Our customers rely on their Cloudflare logs to troubleshoot problems and debug issues. One of the biggest challenges with logs is the cost of managing them, so earlier this year, we launched the ability to store and retrieve Cloudflare logs using R2.

In this post, I’ll explain how we built the R2 Log Retrieval API using Cloudflare Workers with a focus on Durable Objects and the Streams API. Using these, allows a customer to index and query millions of their Cloudflare logs stored in batches on R2.

Before we dive into the internals you might be wondering why one doesn't just use a traditional database to index these logs? After all, databases are a well proven technology. Well, the reason is that individual developers or companies, both large and small, often don't have the resources necessary to maintain such a database and the surrounding infrastructure to create this kind of setup.

Our approach instead relies on Durable Objects to maintain indexes of the data stored in R2, removing the complexity of managing and maintaining your own database. It was also super easy to add Durable Objects to our existing Workers code with just a few lines of config and some Continue reading

Easy Postgres integration on Cloudflare Workers with

Easy Postgres integration on Cloudflare Workers with
Easy Postgres integration on Cloudflare Workers with

It’s no wonder that Postgres is one of the world’s favorite databases. It’s easy to learn, a pleasure to use, and can scale all the way up from your first database in an early-stage startup to the system of record for giant organizations. Postgres has been an integral part of Cloudflare’s journey, so we know this fact well. But when it comes to connecting to Postgres from environments like Cloudflare Workers, there are unfortunately a bunch of challenges, as we mentioned in our Relational Database Connector post. not only solves these problems; it also has other cool features such as branching databases — being able to branch your database in exactly the same way you branch your code: instant, cheap and completely isolated.

How to use it

It’s easy to get started. Neon’s client library @neondatabase/serverless is a drop-in replacement for node-postgres, the npm pg package with which you may already be familiar. After going through the getting started process to set up your Neon database, you can easily create a Worker to ask Postgres for the current time like so:

  1. Create a new Worker — Run npx wrangler init neon-cf-demo and accept all the defaults. Enter Continue reading

Welcome to the Supercloud (and Developer Week 2022)

Welcome to the Supercloud (and Developer Week 2022)
Welcome to the Supercloud (and Developer Week 2022)

In Cloudflare’s S-1 document there’s a section that begins: “The Internet was not built for what it has become”.

That sentence expresses the idea that the Internet, which started as an experiment, has blossomed into something we all need to rely upon for our daily lives and work. And that more is needed than just the Internet as was designed; it needed security and performance and privacy.

Something similar can be said about the cloud: the cloud was not designed for what it must become.

The introduction of services like Amazon EC2 was undoubtedly a huge improvement on the old way of buying and installing racks and racks of servers and storage systems, and then maintaining them.

But by its nature the cloud was a virtualization of the older real world infrastructure and not a radical rethink of what computing should look like to meet the demands of Internet-scale businesses. It’s as if steam locomotives were replaced with efficient electric engines but still required a chimney on top and stopped to take on water every two hundred miles.

Welcome to the Supercloud (and Developer Week 2022)

The cloud replaced the rituals of buying servers and installing operating systems with new and now familiar rituals of choosing regions, and Continue reading

The road to a more standards-compliant Workers API

The road to a more standards-compliant Workers API
The road to a more standards-compliant Workers API

Earlier this year, we announced our participation in a new W3C Community Group for the advancement of Web-interoperable API standards. Since then, this new WinterCG has been hard at work identifying the common API standards around which all JavaScript runtimes can build. Today I just want to give a peek at some work the WinterCG has been doing; and show off some of the improvements we have been making in the Workers runtime to increase alignment with Web Platform standards around event handling, task cancellation using AbortController, text encoding and decoding, URL parsing and pattern matching, and streams support.

The WinterCG Minimum Common Web Platform API

Right at the start of the WinterCG activity, the group took some time to evaluate and compare the various non-browser JavaScript runtimes such as Node.js, Deno, Bun, and Workers with the purpose of identifying the Web Platform APIs they all had in common. Following a very simple criteria, we looked at the standard APIs that were already implemented and supported by at least two of these runtimes and compiled those into a list that the WinterCG calls the "Minimum Common Web Platform API". This list will serve as Continue reading

Build applications of any size on Cloudflare with the Queues open beta

Build applications of any size on Cloudflare with the Queues open beta
Build applications of any size on Cloudflare with the Queues open beta

Message queues are a fundamental building block of cloud applications—and today the Cloudflare Queues open beta brings queues to every developer building for Region: Earth. Cloudflare Queues follows Cloudflare Workers and Cloudflare R2 in a long line of innovative services built for the Workers Developer Platform, enabling developers to build more complex applications without configuring networks, choosing regions, or estimating capacity. Best of all, like many other Cloudflare services, there are no egregious egress charges!

Build applications of any size on Cloudflare with the Queues open beta

If you’ve ever purchased something online and seen a message like “you will receive confirmation of your order shortly,” you’ve interacted with a queue. When you completed your order, your shopping cart and information were stored and the order was placed into a queue. At some later point, the order fulfillment service picks and packs your items and hands it off to the shipping service—again, via a queue. Your order may sit for only a minute, or much longer if an item is out of stock or a warehouse is busy, and queues enable all of this functionality.

Message queues are great at decoupling components of applications, like the checkout and order fulfillment services for an ecommerce site. Decoupled services are easier to reason about, Continue reading

Cloudflare Workers scale too well and broke our infrastructure, so we are rebuilding it on Workers

Cloudflare Workers scale too well and broke our infrastructure, so we are rebuilding it on Workers
Cloudflare Workers scale too well and broke our infrastructure, so we are rebuilding it on Workers

While scaling our new Feature Flagging product DevCycle, we’ve encountered an interesting challenge: our Cloudflare Workers-based infrastructure can handle way more instantaneous load than our traditional AWS infrastructure. This led us to rethink how we design our infrastructure to always use Cloudflare Workers for everything.

The origin of DevCycle

For almost 10 years, Taplytics has been a leading provider of no-code A/B testing and feature flagging solutions for product and marketing teams across a wide range of use cases for some of the largest consumer-facing companies in the world. So when we applied ourselves to build a new engineering-focused feature management product, DevCycle, we built upon our experience using Workers which have served over 140 billion requests for Taplytics customers.

The inspiration behind DevCycle is to build a focused feature management tool for engineering teams, empowering them to build their software more efficiently and deploy it faster. Helping engineering teams reach their goals, whether it be continuous deployment, lower change failure rate, or a faster recovery time. DevCycle is the culmination of our vision of how teams should use Feature Management to build high-quality software faster. We've used DevCycle to build DevCycle, enabling us to implement continuous deployment successfully.

DevCycle Continue reading

2022 US midterm elections attack analysis

2022 US midterm elections attack analysis
2022 US midterm elections attack analysis

Through Cloudflare’s Impact programs, we provide cyber security products to help protect access to authoritative voting information and the security of sensitive voter data. Two core programs in this space are the Athenian Project, dedicated to protecting state and local governments that run elections, and Cloudflare for Campaigns, a project with a suite of Cloudflare products to secure political campaigns’ and state parties’ websites and internal teams.

However, the weeks ahead of the elections, and Election Day itself, were not entirely devoid of attacks. Using data from Cloudflare Radar, which showcases global Internet traffic, attack, and technology trends and insights, we can explore traffic patterns, attack types, and top attack sources associated with both Athenian Project and Cloudflare for Campaigns participants.

For both programs, overall traffic volume unsurprisingly ramped up as Election Day approached. SQL Injection (SQLi) and HTTP Anomaly attacks were the two largest categories of attacks mitigated by Cloudflare’s Web Application Firewall (WAF), and the United States was the largest source of observed attacks — see more on this last point below.

Below, we explore the trends seen across both customer sets from October 1, 2022, through Election Day on November 8.

Athenian Project

Throughout Continue reading

Protecting election groups during the 2022 US midterm elections

Protecting election groups during the 2022 US midterm elections
Protecting election groups during the 2022 US midterm elections

On Tuesday, November 8, 2022, constituents cast their ballots for the 2022 US midterm elections, which included races for all 435 seats in the House of Representatives, 35 of the 100 seats in the Senate, and many gubernatorial races in states including Florida, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Preparing for elections is a giant task, and states and localities have their work cut out for them with corralling poll workers, setting up polling places, and managing the physical security of ballots and voting machines.

We at Cloudflare are proud to be able to play a role in helping safeguard the integrity of the electoral process. Through our Impact programs, we provide cyber security products to help protect access to authoritative voting information and the security of sensitive voter data.

We have reported on our work in the election space with the Athenian Project, dedicated to protecting state and local governments that run elections; Cloudflare for Campaigns, a project with a suite of Cloudflare products to secure political campaigns’ and state parties’ websites and internal teams; and Project Galileo, in which we have helped voting rights organizations and election results sites stay online during traffic spikes.

Since our reporting in Continue reading

How the Brazilian Presidential elections affected Internet traffic

How the Brazilian Presidential elections affected Internet traffic
Brasil, sei lá
Ou o meu coração se engana
Ou uma terra igual não há
— From Tom Jobim’s song, Brasil Nativo
How the Brazilian Presidential elections affected Internet traffic

Brazil’s recent presidential election got significant attention from both global and national media outlets, not only because of the size of the country, but also because of premature allegations of electoral fraud. The first round of the Brazilian 2022 general election was held on October 2, and the runoff was held on Sunday, October 30. With 124 million votes counted, former president Lula da Silva (2003-2010) won with 50.9% of the votes, beating incumbent Jair Bolsonaro, who had 49.1% of the votes.

How the Brazilian Presidential elections affected Internet traffic
The final results of the elections as published by the official Tribunal Superior Eleitoral, with more than 124 million votes counted.)

Using Cloudflare’s data, we can explore the impact that this election had on Internet traffic patterns in Brazil, as well as interest in content from election-related websites, news organizations, social media platforms, and video platforms.

Here are a few highlights: while the runoff generated much more interest to election related websites (we actually have a view to DNS queries, a proxy to websites), the first round showed bigger increases in traffic Continue reading

Cloudflare is not affected by the OpenSSL vulnerabilities CVE-2022-3602 and CVE-2022-3786

Cloudflare is not affected by the OpenSSL vulnerabilities CVE-2022-3602 and CVE-2022-3786
Cloudflare is not affected by the OpenSSL vulnerabilities CVE-2022-3602 and CVE-2022-3786

Yesterday, November 1, 2022, OpenSSL released version 3.0.7 to patch CVE-2022-3602 and CVE-2022-3786, two HIGH risk vulnerabilities in the OpenSSL 3.0.x cryptographic library. Cloudflare is not affected by these vulnerabilities because we use BoringSSL in our products.

These vulnerabilities are memory corruption issues, in which attackers may be able to execute arbitrary code on a victim’s machine. CVE-2022-3602 was initially announced as a CRITICAL severity vulnerability, but it was downgraded to HIGH because it was deemed difficult to exploit with remote code execution (RCE). Unlike previous situations where users of OpenSSL were almost universally vulnerable, software that is using other versions of OpenSSL (like 1.1.1) are not vulnerable to this attack.

How do these issues affect clients and servers?

These vulnerabilities reside in the code responsible for X.509 certificate verification - most often executed on the client side to authenticate the server and the certificate presented. In order to be impacted by this vulnerability the victim (client or server) needs a few conditions to be true:

  • A malicious certificate needs to be signed by a Certificate Authority that the victim trusts.
  • The victim needs to validate the malicious certificate or ignore a Continue reading
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