
Category Archives for "CloudFlare"

Enhancing the Optimizely Experimentation Platform with Cloudflare Workers

Enhancing the Optimizely Experimentation Platform with Cloudflare Workers
Enhancing the Optimizely Experimentation Platform with Cloudflare Workers

This is a joint post by Whelan Boyd, Senior Product Manager at Optimizely and Remy Guercio, Product Marketing Manager for Cloudflare Workers.

Experimentation is an important ingredient in driving business growth: whether you’re iterating on a product or testing new messaging, there’s no substitute for the data and insights gathered from conducting rigorous experiments in the wild.

Optimizely is the world’s leading experimentation platform, with thousands of customers worldwide running tests for over 140 million visitors daily. If Optimizely were a website, it would be the third most trafficked in the US.  And when it came time to experiment with reinvigorating their own platform, Optimizely chose Cloudflare Workers.

Improving Performance and Agility with Cloudflare Workers

Cloudflare Workers is a globally distributed serverless compute platform that runs across Cloudflare’s network of 180 locations worldwide. Workers are designed for flexibility, with many different use cases ranging from customizing configuration of Cloudflare services and features to building full, independent applications.

In this post, we’re going to focus on how Workers can be used to improve performance and increase agility for more complex applications. One of the key benefits of Workers is that they allow developers to move decision logic and data Continue reading

科技点燃未来,未来尽在指掌之间 — Cloudflare 与你共赏安全界 “奥斯卡” DEF CON China 1.0 大会

科技点燃未来,未来尽在指掌之间 — Cloudflare 与你共赏安全界 “奥斯卡” DEF CON China 1.0 大会
科技点燃未来,未来尽在指掌之间 — Cloudflare 与你共赏安全界 “奥斯卡” DEF CON China 1.0 大会

科技在发展,时代在进步,许多事情或许本质并没有改变,但呈现的方式已经日新月异,这或许就是我们常说的 — 未来。就像许多年前,我们还通过明信片和相册向亲友分享我们生活中的点点滴滴。许多年后,我们有了朋友圈、微博、Facebook、Instagram、抖音、各式博客。幼时还守着电视看着预录好的节目,接触外界的形形色色,现在我们透过直播的镜头,弹指间便能瞬息感受世界当下的脉动。


许多人都在电影中看到过极客指尖敲动,在数字的世界中急速驰骋的场景。然而现实生活中,这些人在哪儿不得而知。随着技术的发展,越来越多的年轻人加入了这个群体。在国外一直都有 DEF CON 这样的世界极客盛会。中国此前也还没有,直到去年 DEF CON 来到了中国,主办方斥巨资引进大会,想打造属于中国的技术社区,通过这样一个契机,将大家聚在一起,一同成长,最终构建一个属于中国自己的、真正的安全社区。于是,在 DEF CON 的名下,多了一个 DEF CON China。  

今年,DEF CON 经过一年的沉淀后,进入了正式版本 1.0,这个世界顶级的安全会议,在五月底,以 "Technology's Promise" — “科技点燃未来” 为主旨,于北京拉开了序幕,像是一位家长等待着 “孩子们” 一起过节。这个六一,还有什么能比来 DEF CON China 1.0 众乐乐更具意涵呢?

作为在中国地区的正式版本,DEF CON China 吸引了很多大咖前来参与,一直致力于网络安全的 Cloudflare,这次也前来共襄盛举,带来了最新的科技跟大家分享。

科技点燃未来,未来尽在指掌之间 — Cloudflare 与你共赏安全界 “奥斯卡” DEF CON China 1.0 大会
大会实况:Cloudflare 团队与DEF CON China 与会者和主办方进行交流 (DEF CON 创办人 Jeff Moss 与百度安全部总经理马杰)

六一儿童节前夕,小小参与者对新科技的好奇及探索新知识的向往令人对未来充满信心。(图源: Abhinav SP | #BugZee, DEFCON China )

DEF CON China 1.0 的徽章由 DEF CON 著名徽章设计师 Joe Grand 设计,采用柔性电路板打造,赋予冰冷的朋克气质艺术美感,用此激活点亮互动式艺术装置 “无极之树”。

科技点燃未来,未来尽在指掌之间 — Cloudflare 与你共赏安全界 “奥斯卡” DEF CON China 1.0 大会
Capture The Flag (CTF) 夺旗赛起源于DEF CON,是目前代表全球最高技术水平和影响力的 CTF。夺旗的赢家除了获得荣耀,也肩负一份责任,将极客精神传承并发扬光大。

Cloudflare 的使命是建立一个更好的互联网

Cloudflare 成立于 2009 年,是一家跨国科技公司,在全球 80 个国家部有 180 个数据中心。我们的性能和安全服务协同工作,以减少网站、移动应用程序和端到端 API 的延迟,同时防御 DDoS 攻击、滥用机器人和数据泄露。

此次大会是 Cloudflare 在区域深耕的第一小步。相信随着时间的推移,越来越多的用户会认识并了解 Cloudflare,此而加入我们。点此启用免费帐户,立即体验更快更安全的网络


Cloudflare 具有全球视野、本地化洞见的团队期待构建更好的全球互联网未来。我们北京和全球的办公室都在招聘人才,欢迎有志一同的伙伴加入我们!

科技点燃未来,未来尽在指掌之间 — Cloudflare 与你共赏安全界 “奥斯卡” DEF CON China 1.0 大会
Cloudflare 北京、新加坡、旧金山團隊齐聚一堂

Technology’s Promise – Highlights from DEF CON China 1.0

Technology's Promise - Highlights from DEF CON China 1.0
Technology's Promise - Highlights from DEF CON China 1.0

DEF CON is one of the largest and oldest security conferences in the world. Last year, it launched a beta event in China in hopes of bringing the local security communities closer together. This year, the organizer made things official by introducing DEF CON China 1.0 with a promise to build a forum for China where everyone can gather, connect, and grow together.

Themed "Technology's Promise", DEF CON China kicked off on 5/30 in Beijing and attracted participants of all ages. Watching young participants test, play and tinker with new technologies with such curiosity and excitement absolutely warmed our hearts!

It was a pleasure to participate in DEF CON China 1.0 this year and connect with local communities. Great synergy as we exchanged ideas and learnings on cybersecurity topics. Did I mention we also spoiled ourselves with the warm hospitality, wonderful food, live music, and amazing crowd while in Beijing.

Technology's Promise - Highlights from DEF CON China 1.0
Event Highlights: Cloudflare Team Meets with DEF CON China Visitors and Organizers (DEF CON Founder Jeff Moss and Baidu Security General Manager Jefferey Ma)

MultiCloud… flare

If you want to start an intense conversation in the halls of Cloudflare, try describing us as a "CDN". CDNs don't generally provide you with Load Balancing, they don't allow you to deploy Serverless Applications, and they certainly don't get installed onto your phone. One of the costs of that confusion is many people don't realize everything Cloudflare can do for people who want to operate in multiple public clouds, or want to operate in both the cloud and on their own hardware.

Load Balancing

Cloudflare has countless servers located in 180 data centers around the world. Each one is capable of acting as a Layer 7 load balancer, directing incoming traffic between origins wherever they may be. You could, for example, add load balancing between a set of machines you have in AWS' EC2, and another set you keep in Google Cloud.

This load balancing isn't just round-robining traffic. It supports weighting to allow you to control how much traffic goes to each cluster. It supports latency-based routing to automatically route traffic to the cluster which is closer (so adding geographic distribution can be as simple as spinning up machines). It even supports health checks, allowing it Continue reading

Just Write Code: Improving Developer Experience for Cloudflare Workers

Just Write Code: Improving Developer Experience for Cloudflare Workers
Just Write Code: Improving Developer Experience for Cloudflare Workers

We’re excited to announce that starting today, Cloudflare Workers® gets a CLI, new and improved docs, multiple scripts for everyone, the ability to run applications on without bringing your own domain, and a free tier to make experimentation easier than ever. We are building the serverless platform of the future, and want you to build your application on it, today. In this post, we’ll elaborate on what a serverless platform of the future looks like, how it changes today’s paradigms, and our commitment to making building on it a great experience.

Three years ago, I was interviewing with Cloudflare for a Solutions Engineering role. As a part of an interview assignment, I had to set up an origin behind Cloudflare on my own  domain. I spent my weekend, frustrated and lost in configurations, trying to figure out how to set up an EC2 instance, connect to it over IPv6, and install NGINX on Ubuntu 16.4 just so I could end up with a static site with a picture of my cat on it. I have a computer science degree, and spent my career up until that point as a software engineer — building this simple app was Continue reading

Join Cloudflare India Forum in Bangalore on 6 June 2019!

Join Cloudflare India Forum in Bangalore on 6 June 2019!
Join Cloudflare India Forum in Bangalore on 6 June 2019!

Please join us for an exclusive gathering to discover the latest in cloud solutions for Internet Security and Performance.

Cloudflare Bangalore Meetup

Thursday, 6 June, 2019:  15:30 - 20:00

Location: the Oberoi (37-39, MG Road, Yellappa Garden, Yellappa Chetty Layout, Sivanchetti Gardens, Bengalore)

We will discuss the newest security trends and introduce serverless solutions.

We have invited renowned leaders across industries, including big brands and some of the fastest-growing startups. You will  learn the insider strategies and tactics that will help you to protect your business, to accelerate the performance and to identify the quick-wins in a complex internet environment.


  • Vaidik Kapoor, Head of Engineering, Grofers
  • Nithyanand Mehta, VP of Technical Services & GM India, Catchpoint
  • Viraj Patel, VP of Technology, Bookmyshow
  • Kailash Nadh, CTO, Zerodha
  • Trey Guinn, Global Head of Solution Engineering, Cloudflare


15:30 - 16:00 - Registration and Refreshment

16:00 - 16:30 - DDoS Landscapes and Security Trends

16:30 - 17:15 - Workers Overview and Demo

17:15 - 18:00 - Panel Discussion - Best Practice on Successful Cyber Security and Performance Strategy

18:00 - 18:30 - Keynote #1 - Future edge computing

18:30 - 19:00 -  Keynote # 2 - Cyber attacks are evolving, Continue reading

Cloudflare Repositories FTW

Cloudflare Repositories FTW

This is a guest post by Jim “Elwood” O’Gorman, one of the maintainers of Kali Linux. Kali Linux is a Debian based GNU/Linux distribution popular amongst the security research communities.

Cloudflare Repositories FTW

Kali Linux turned six years old this year!

In this time, Kali has established itself as the de-facto standard open source penetration testing platform. On a quarterly basis, we release updated ISOs for multiple platforms, pre-configured virtual machines, Kali Docker, WSL, Azure, AWS images, tons of ARM devices, Kali NetHunter, and on and on and on. This has lead to Kali being trusted and relied on to always being there for both security professionals and enthusiasts alike.

But that popularity has always led to one complication: How to get Kali to people?

With so many different downloads plus the apt repository, we have to move a lot of data. To accomplish this, we have always relied on our network of first- and third-party mirrors.

The way this works is, we run a master server that pushes out to a number of mirrors. We then pay to host a number of servers that are geographically dispersed and use them as our first-party mirrors. Then, a number of third parties donate Continue reading

Join Cloudflare & PicsArt at our meetup in Yerevan!

Join Cloudflare & PicsArt at our meetup in Yerevan!

Cloudflare is partnering with PiscArt to create a meetup this month at PicsArt office in Yerevan.  We would love to invite you to join us to learn about the newest in the Internet industry. You'll join Cloudflare's users, stakeholders from the tech community, and Engineers from both Cloudflare and PicsArt.

Tuesday, 4 June, 18:30-21:00

PicsArt office, Yerevan

Join Cloudflare & PicsArt at our meetup in Yerevan!


  • 18:30-19:00   Doors open, food and drinks    
  • 19:00 - 19:30   Areg Harutyunyan, Engineering Lead of Argo Tunnel at Cloudflare, "Cloudflare Overview / Cloudflare Security: How Argo Tunnel and Cloudflare Access enable effortless security for your team"
  • 19:30-20:00    Gerasim Hovhannisyan, Director IT Infrastructure Operations at PicsArt, "Scaling to 10PB Content Delivery with Cloudflare's Global Network"
  • 20:00-20:30   Olga Skobeleva, Solutions Engineer at Cloudflare, "Security: the Serverless Future"
  • 20:30-21:00   Networking, food and drinks

View Event Details & Register Here »

We'll hope to meet you soon. Here are some photos from the meetup at PicsArt last year:

Join Cloudflare & PicsArt at our meetup in Yerevan!

Join Cloudflare & PicsArt at our meetup in Yerevan!

Join Cloudflare & PicsArt at our meetup in Yerevan!

Join Cloudflare & PicsArt at our meetup in Yerevan!

Stopping SharePoint’s CVE-2019-0604

Stopping SharePoint’s CVE-2019-0604

On Saturday, 11th May 2019, we got the news of a critical web vulnerability being actively exploited in the wild by advanced persistent threats (APTs), affecting Microsoft’s SharePoint server (versions 2010 through 2019).

This was CVE-2019-0604, a Remote Code Execution vulnerability in Microsoft SharePoint Servers which was not previously known to be exploitable via the web.

Several cyber security centres including the Canadian Centre for Cyber Security and Saudi Arabia’s National Center put out alerts for this threat, indicating it was being exploited to download and execute malicious code which would in turn take complete control of servers.

The affected software versions:

  • Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010 Service Pack 2
  • Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2013 Service Pack 1
  • Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 Service Pack 2
  • Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 Service Pack 1
  • Microsoft SharePoint Enterprise Server 2016
  • Microsoft SharePoint Server 2019


The vulnerability was initially given a critical CVSS v3 rating of 8.8 on the Zero Day Initiative advisory (however the advisory states authentication is required). This would imply only an insider threat, someone who has authorisation within SharePoint, such as an employee, on the local network could exploit the vulnerability.

We discovered that was not always Continue reading

The Serverlist Newsletter: Connecting the Serverless Ecosystem

The Serverlist Newsletter: Connecting the Serverless Ecosystem

Check out our fifth edition of The Serverlist below. Get the latest scoop on the serverless space, get your hands dirty with new developer tutorials, engage in conversations with other serverless developers, and find upcoming meetups and conferences to attend.

Sign up below to have The Serverlist sent directly to your mailbox.

NGINX structural enhancements for HTTP/2 performance

NGINX structural enhancements for HTTP/2 performance
NGINX structural enhancements for HTTP/2 performance


My team: the Cloudflare PROTOCOLS team is responsible for termination of HTTP traffic at the edge of the Cloudflare network. We deal with features related to: TCP, QUIC, TLS and Secure Certificate management, HTTP/1 and HTTP/2. Over Q1, we were responsible for implementing the Enhanced HTTP/2 Prioritization product that Cloudflare announced during Speed Week.

This is a very exciting project to be part of, and doubly exciting to see the results of, but during the course of the project, we had a number of interesting realisations about NGINX: the HTTP oriented server onto which Cloudflare currently deploys its software infrastructure. We quickly became certain that our Enhanced HTTP/2 Prioritization project could not achieve even moderate success if the internal workings of NGINX were not changed.

Due to these realisations we embarked upon a number of significant changes to the internal structure of NGINX in parallel to the work on the core prioritization product. This blog post describes the motivation behind the structural changes, how we approached them, and what impact they had. We also identify additional changes that we plan to add to our roadmap, which we hope will improve performance further.


Enhanced HTTP/2 Prioritization aims to do Continue reading

Building a To-Do List with Workers and KV

Building a To-Do List with Workers and KV
Building a To-Do List with Workers and KV

In this tutorial, we’ll build a todo list application in HTML, CSS and JavaScript, with a twist: all the data should be stored inside of the newly-launched Workers KV, and the application itself should be served directly from Cloudflare’s edge network, using Cloudflare Workers.

To start, let’s break this project down into a couple different discrete steps. In particular, it can help to focus on the constraint of working with Workers KV, as handling data is generally the most complex part of building an application:

  1. Build a todos data structure
  2. Write the todos into Workers KV
  3. Retrieve the todos from Workers KV
  4. Return an HTML page to the client, including the todos (if they exist)
  5. Allow creation of new todos in the UI
  6. Allow completion of todos in the UI
  7. Handle todo updates

This task order is pretty convenient, because it’s almost perfectly split into two parts: first, understanding the Cloudflare/API-level things we need to know about Workers and KV, and second, actually building up a user interface to work with the data.

Understanding Workers

In terms of implementation, a great deal of this project is centered around KV - although that may be the case, it’s useful to break Continue reading

Get ready to write — Workers KV is now in GA!

Get ready to write — Workers KV is now in GA!

Today, we’re excited to announce Workers KV is entering general availability and is ready for production use!

Get ready to write — Workers KV is now in GA!

What is Workers KV?

Workers KV is a highly distributed, eventually consistent, key-value store that spans Cloudflare's global edge. It allows you to store billions of key-value pairs and read them with ultra-low latency anywhere in the world. Now you can build entire applications with the performance of a CDN static cache.

Why did we build it?

Workers is a platform that lets you run JavaScript on Cloudflare's global edge of 175+ data centers. With only a few lines of code, you can route HTTP requests, modify responses, or even create new responses without an origin server.

// A Worker that handles a single redirect,
// such a humble beginning...
addEventListener("fetch", event => {

async function handleOneRedirect(request) {
  let url = new URL(request.url)
  let device = request.headers.get("CF-Device-Type")
  // If the device is mobile, add a prefix to the hostname.
  // (eg. becomes
  if (device === "mobile") {
    url.hostname = "mobile." + url.hostname
    return Response.redirect(url, 302)
  // Otherwise, send request to the original hostname.
  return await fetch(request)
 Continue reading

One night in Beijing

One night in Beijing
One night in Beijing

As the old saying goes, good things come in pairs, 好事成双! The month of May marks a double celebration in China for our customers, partners and Cloudflare.

First and Foremost

A Beijing Customer Appreciation Cocktail was held in the heart of Beijing at Yintai Centre Xiu Rooftop Garden Bar on the 10 May 2019, an RSVP event graced by our supportive group of partners and customers.

We have been blessed with almost 10 years of strong growth at Cloudflare - sharing our belief in providing access to internet security and performance to customers of all sizes and industries. This success has been the result of collaboration between our developers, our product team as represented today by our special guest, Jen Taylor, our Global Head of Product, Business Leaders Xavier Cai, Head of China business, and Aliza Knox Head of our APAC Business, James Ball our Head of Solutions Engineers for APAC, most importantly, by the trust and faith that our partners, such as Baidu, and customers have placed in us.

One night in Beijing

One night in Beijing

Double Happiness, 双喜

One night in Beijing

On the same week, we embarked on another exciting journey in China with our grand office opening at WeWork. Beijing team consists of functions from Customer Development Continue reading

One more thing… new Speed Page

Congratulations on making it through Speed Week. In the last week, Cloudflare has: described how our global network speeds up the Internet, launched a HTTP/2 prioritisation model that will improve web experiences on all browsers, launched an image resizing service which will deliver the optimal image to every device, optimized live video delivery, detailed how to stream progressive images so that they render twice as fast - using the flexibility of our new HTTP/2 prioritisation model and finally, prototyped a new over-the-wire format for JavaScript that could improve application start-up performance especially on mobile devices. As a bonus, we’re also rolling out one more new feature: “TCP Turbo” automatically chooses the TCP settings to further accelerate your website.

As a company, we want to help every one of our customers improve web experiences. The growth of Cloudflare, along with the increase in features, has often made simple questions difficult to answer:

  • How fast is my website?
  • How should I be thinking about performance features?
  • How much faster would the site be if I were to enable a particular feature?

This post will describe the exciting changes we have made to the Speed Page on the Cloudflare dashboard to give Continue reading

EU election season and securing online democracy

EU election season and securing online democracy

It’s election season in Europe, as European Parliament seats are contested across the European Union by national political parties. With approximately 400 million people eligible to vote, this is one of the biggest democratic exercises in the world - second only to India - and it takes place once every five years.

Over the course of four days, 23-26 May 2019, each of the 28 EU countries will elect a different number of Members of the European Parliament (“MEPs”) roughly mapped to population size and based on a proportional system. The 751 newly elected MEPs (a number which includes the UK’s allocation for the time being) will take their seats in July. These elections are not only important because the European Parliament plays a large role in the EU democratic system, being a co-legislator alongside the European Council, but as the French President Emmanuel Macron has described, these European elections will be decisive for the future of the continent.

Election security: an EU political priority

Political focus on the potential cybersecurity threat to the EU elections has been extremely high, and various EU institutions and agencies have been engaged in a long campaign to drive awareness among EU Member Continue reading

Cloudflare architecture and how BPF eats the world

Cloudflare architecture and how BPF eats the world

Recently at Netdev 0x13, the Conference on Linux Networking in Prague, I gave a short talk titled "Linux at Cloudflare". The talk ended up being mostly about BPF. It seems, no matter the question - BPF is the answer.

Here is a transcript of a slightly adjusted version of that talk.

Cloudflare architecture and how BPF eats the world

At Cloudflare we run Linux on our servers. We operate two categories of data centers: large "Core" data centers, processing logs, analyzing attacks, computing analytics, and the "Edge" server fleet, delivering customer content from 180 locations across the world.

In this talk, we will focus on the "Edge" servers. It's here where we use the newest Linux features, optimize for performance and care deeply about DoS resilience.

Cloudflare architecture and how BPF eats the world

Our edge service is special due to our network configuration - we are extensively using anycast routing. Anycast means that the same set of IP addresses are announced by all our data centers.

This design has great advantages. First, it guarantees the optimal speed for end users. No matter where you are located, you will always reach the closest data center. Then, anycast helps us to spread out DoS traffic. During attacks each of the locations receives a small fraction of Continue reading

Join Cloudflare & Yandex at our Moscow meetup! Присоединяйтесь к митапу в Москве!

Join Cloudflare & Yandex at our Moscow meetup! Присоединяйтесь к митапу в Москве!
Photo by Serge Kutuzov / Unsplash
Join Cloudflare & Yandex at our Moscow meetup! Присоединяйтесь к митапу в Москве!

Are you based in Moscow? Cloudflare is partnering with Yandex to produce a meetup this month in Yandex's Moscow headquarters.  We would love to invite you to join us to learn about the newest in the Internet industry. You'll join Cloudflare's users, stakeholders from the tech community, and Engineers and Product Managers from both Cloudflare and Yandex.

Cloudflare Moscow Meetup

Tuesday, May 30, 2019: 18:00 - 22:00

Location: Yandex - Ulitsa L'va Tolstogo, 16, Moskva, Russia, 119021

Talks will include "Performance and scalability at Cloudflare”, "Security at Yandex Cloud", and "Edge computing".

Speakers will include Evgeny Sidorov, Information Security Engineer at Yandex, Ivan Babrou, Performance Engineer at Cloudflare, Alex Cruz Farmer, Product Manager for Firewall at Cloudflare, and Olga Skobeleva, Solutions Engineer at Cloudflare.


18:00 - 19:00 - Registration and welcome cocktail

19:00 - 19:10 - Cloudflare overview

19:10 - 19:40 - Performance and scalability at Cloudflare

19:40 - 20:10 - Security at Yandex Cloud

20:10 - 20:40 - Cloudflare security solutions and industry security trends

20:40 - 21:10 - Edge computing


The talks will be followed by food, drinks, and networking.

View Event Details & Register Here »

We'll Continue reading

Faster script loading with BinaryAST?

Faster script loading with BinaryAST?

JavaScript Cold starts

Faster script loading with BinaryAST?

The performance of applications on the web platform is becoming increasingly bottlenecked by the startup (load) time. Large amounts of JavaScript code are required to create rich web experiences that we’ve become used to. When we look at the total size of JavaScript requested on mobile devices from HTTPArchive, we see that an average page loads 350KB of JavaScript, while 10% of pages go over the 1MB threshold. The rise of more complex applications can push these numbers even higher.

While caching helps, popular websites regularly release new code, which makes cold start (first load) times particularly important. With browsers moving to separate caches for different domains to prevent cross-site leaks, the importance of cold starts is growing even for popular subresources served from CDNs, as they can no longer be safely shared.

Usually, when talking about the cold start performance, the primary factor considered is a raw download speed. However, on modern interactive pages one of the other big contributors to cold starts is JavaScript parsing time. This might seem surprising at first, but makes sense - before starting to execute the code, the engine has to first parse the fetched JavaScript, make sure Continue reading

Live video just got more live: Introducing Concurrent Streaming Acceleration

Live video just got more live: Introducing Concurrent Streaming Acceleration
Live video just got more live: Introducing Concurrent Streaming Acceleration

Today we’re excited to introduce Concurrent Streaming Acceleration, a new technique for reducing the end-to-end latency of live video on the web when using Stream Delivery.

Let’s dig into live-streaming latency, why it’s important, and what folks have done to improve it.

How “live” is “live” video?

Live streaming makes up an increasing share of video on the web. Whether it’s a TV broadcast, a live game show, or an online classroom, users expect video to arrive quickly and smoothly. And the promise of “live” is that the user is seeing events as they happen. But just how close to “real-time” is “live” Internet video?

Delivering live video on the Internet is still hard and adds lots of latency:

  1. The content source records video and sends it to an encoding server;
  2. The origin server transforms this video into a format like DASH, HLS or CMAF that can be delivered to millions of devices efficiently;
  3. A CDN is typically used to deliver encoded video across the globe
  4. Client players decode the video and render it on the screen

Live video just got more live: Introducing Concurrent Streaming Acceleration

And all of this is under a time constraint — the whole process need to happen in a few seconds, or video experiences Continue reading

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