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Data Center Fabrics and SDN

A few days ago Inside-IT published an interview Christoph Jaggi did with me. In case you don’t understand German, here’s the English version of it.

There is a lot of talk about data center fabrics. What problem do they try to solve?

The data center fabrics are supposed to solve a simple-to-define problem: building a unified data center infrastructure that seamlessly supports data and storage communications. As always, the devil hides in the details.

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You Want Your Network to Be like Google’s? Really?

This article was initially sent to my SDN mailing list. To register for SDN tips, updates, and special offers, click here.

During one of my SDN workshops one of the attendees working for a mid-sized European ISP asked me this question:

Our management tells us we should build our network like Google does, including building our own switches. Where should we start?

The only answer I could give him was “You don’t have a chance.

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Greg Ferro on Private and Public Clouds

Everyone talks about public or hybrid clouds, whitebox switching with home-grown networking operating system, or SDN nirvana, but whenever I talk with enterprise-focused architects, consultants or vendor SEs, I see a totally different story.

Here's a typical response I'm getting from engineers in this group: “I work with multinational financial customers, and in this group hybrid cloud is not even a topic. They do private cloud projects, with some of them looking into public cloud deployments of isolated projects on base AWS functionality.

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VLANs and Failure Domains Revisited

My friend Christoph Jaggi, the author of fantastic Metro Ethernet and Carrier Ethernet Encryptors documents, sent me this question when we were discussing the Data Center Fabrics Overview workshop I’ll run in Zurich in a few weeks:

When you are talking about large-scale VLAN-based fabrics I assume that you are pointing towards highly populated VLANs, such as VLANs containing 1000+ Ethernet addresses. Could you provide a tipping point between reasonably-sized VLANs and large-scale VLANs?

It's not the number of hosts in the VLAN but the span of a bridging domain (VLAN or otherwise).

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What They Said: vSphere 6 Networking Deep Dive

One of the engineers watching the vSphere 6 Networking Deep Dive found it particularly useful:

There were pearls of knowledge in there which expanded my understanding of ESX and gave me more than a few "aha!" moments […] The course is worth the money and time for sections "uplink redundancy & load balancing" and "VLAN based virtual networks" alone.

Not convinced? Check out other reviews and survey results.

Why Would You Need BGP-LS and PCEP?

My good friend Tiziano Tofoni (the organizer of wonderful autumn seminars in Rome) sent me these questions after attending the BGP-LS and PCEP Deep Dive webinar, starting with:

Are there real use cases for BGP-LS and PCEP? Are they really useful? Personally I do not think they will ever be used by ISP in their (large) networks.

There are some ISPs that actually care about the network utilization on their expensive long-distance links.

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Full Stacks and S-Curves

Here’s another interesting coincidence:

Homework for today: listen to the podcast, read the article, and start exploring some new technology (network automation immediately comes to mind).

How Money Spoiled Blogging

Found this on Quora:

Money spoiled blogging. Why? Because people moved from doing great things for money and then talking about them on their free blogs, to people doing nothing but talking on their monetized blogs.

It’s not just blogs, and it’s not just cooking (the author's focus).