
Category Archives for ""

Breaking News: I’m a Vendor Shill

Got this comment on my Network Automation RFP Requirements blog post:

Looks like you are paid shill for Brocade based on the quote earlier in your blog "The Pass/Fail information included below was collected to the best of my knowledge with extensive help from Jason Edelman, Nick Buraglio, David Barroso and several Brocade engineers (THANK YOU!)."

Hooray, one more accolade to add to my list of accomplishments. And now for a few more details:

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First Speakers in the Spring 2017 Data Center Course

It’s only two weeks since the last live session of the Autumn 2016 Data Center course in which Mitja Robas did a fantastic job describing a production deployment of VMware NSX on top of Cisco Nexus 9000 network, and we already have the first speakers for the Spring 2017 event:

  • Scott Lowe (now at VMware) will talk about the role of open source in data center infrastructure;
  • Thomas Wacker (UBS AG) will talk about their fully automated data center deployments;
  • Andrew Lerner and Simon Richard (Gartner) will participate in a panel discussion on data center and networking trends.

NAPALM Update on Software Gone Wild

We did a podcast describing NAPALM, an open-source multi-vendor abstraction library, a while ago, and as the project made significant progress in the meantime, it was time for a short update.

NAPALM started as a library that abstracted the intricacies of network device configuration management. Initially it supported configuration replace and merge; in the meantime, they added support for diffs and rollbacks

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To API or Not To API

One of my readers left this comment (slightly rephrased) on my Network Automation RFP Requirements blog post:

Given that we look up to our *nix pioneers as standard bearers for system automation, why do we demand an API from network devices? The API requirement would make sense if the vendor OS is a closed system. If an open system vendor creates APIs for applications running on their system (say for BGP configs) - kudos to them, but I no longer think that should be mandated.

He’s right - API is not a mandatory prerequisite for reliable network automation.

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Do You Use SSL between Load Balancers and Servers?

One of my readers sent me this question:

Using SSL over the Internet is a must when dealing with sensitive data. What about SSL between data center components (frontend load-balancers and backend web servers for example)? Does it make sense to you? Can the question be summarized as "do I trust my Datacenter network team"? Or is there more at stake?

In the ideal world in which you’d have a totally reliable transport infrastructure the answer would be “There’s no need for SSL across that infrastructure”.

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Do Enterprises Need VRFs?

One of my readers sent me a long of questions titled “Do enterprise customers REALLY need VRFs?

The only answer I could give is “it depends” (it’s like asking “Do animals need wings?”), and here’s my attempt at building a decision tree:

You can use the decision tree to figure out whether you need VRFs in your data center or in your enterprise WAN.

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One of the better explanations of SDN

Stumbled upon this via HighScalability:

Every time I feel like I'm "out of touch" with the hip new thing, I take a weekend to look into it. I tend to discover that the core principles are the same [...]; or you can tell they didn't learn from the previous solution and this new one misses the mark, but it'll be three years before anyone notices (because those with experience probably aren't touching it yet, and those without experience will discover the shortcomings in time.)

Yep, that explains the whole centralized control plane ruckus ;) Read also a similar musing by Ethan Banks.

Fast Linux Packet Forwarding with Thomas Graf on Software Gone Wild

We did several podcasts describing how one could get stellar packet forwarding performance on x86 servers reimplementing the whole forwarding stack outside of kernel (Snabb Switch) or bypassing the Linux kernel and moving the packet processing into userspace (PF_Ring).

Now let’s see if it’s possible to improve the Linux kernel forwarding performance. Thomas Graf, one of the authors of Cilium claims it can be done and explained the intricate details in Episode 64 of Software Gone Wild.

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Network Automation RFP Requirements

After finishing the network automation part of a recent SDN workshop I told the attendees “Vote with your wallet. If your current vendor doesn’t support the network automation functionality you need, move on.

Not surprisingly, the next question was “And what shall we ask for?” Here’s a short list of ideas, please add yours in comments.

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Do I Need Redundant Firewalls?

One of my readers sent me this question:

I often see designs involving several more than 2 DCs spread over different locations. I was actually wondering if that makes sense to bring high availability inside the DC while there's redundancy in place between the DCs. For example, is there a good reason to put a cluster of firewalls in a DC, when it is possible to quickly fail over to another available DC, as a redundant cluster increases costs, licenses and complexity.

Rule#1 of good engineering: Know Your Problem ;) In this particular case:

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Check Out the Designing Active-Active and Disaster Recovery Data Centers Webinar

The featured webinar in October 2016 is the Designing Active-Active and Disaster Recovery Data Centers webinar, and the featured videos include the discussion of disaster avoidance challenges and the caveats you might encounter with long-distance vMotion. All subscribers can view these videos, if you’re not one of them yet start with the trial subscription.

As a trial subscriber you can also use this month's featured webinar discount to purchase the webinar.

The Impact of ICMP Redirects

One of my readers sent me an interesting question after reading my ICMP Redirects blog post:

In Cisco IOS, when a packet is marked by IOS for ICMP redirect to a better gateway, that packet is being punted to the CPU, right?

It depends on the platform, but it’s going to hurt no matter what.

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