
Category Archives for "Networking"

MPLS and VRFs – Filling the Gaps

A few years ago, I took an SE role covering Higher Education accounts. I quickly realized one of the deficits Cisco has in the CCNA program as it pertains to networks with a certain set of requirements. While the program is jam-packed with great information, there are a few concepts that an administrator may have to deal with that catch them by surprise. Three related topics that aren’t covered in CCNA Routing and Switching are shown below.

This article is meant to serve as a starting point for those who may be very strong with routing and switching but lack the exposure to VRFs, Layer 3 Segmentation, and MPLS. It is a good starting point for new employees that might face this challenge and it will certainly help them gain perspective on these topics.

Introduction to VRFs

Segmenting Layer 3 Networks with VRFs

Going Proactive on Security: Driving Encryption Adoption Intelligently

Going Proactive on Security: Driving Encryption Adoption Intelligently

It's no secret that Cloudflare operates at a huge scale. Cloudflare provides security and performance to over 9 million websites all around the world, from small businesses and WordPress blogs to Fortune 500 companies. That means one in every 10 web requests goes through our network.

However, hidden behind the scenes, we offer support in using our platform to all our customers - whether they're on our free plan or on our Enterprise offering. This blog post dives into some of the technology that helps make this possible and how we're using it to drive encryption and build a better web.

Why Now?

Recently web browser vendors have been working on extending encryption on the internet. Traditionally they would use positive indicators to mark encrypted traffic as secure; when traffic was served securely over HTTPS, a green padlock would indicate in your browser that this was the case. In moving to standardise encryption online, Google Chrome have been leading the charge in marking insecure page loads as "Not Secure". Today, this UI change has been pushed out to all Google Chrome users globally for all websites: any website loaded over HTTP will be marked as insecure.

Going Proactive on Security: Driving Encryption Adoption Intelligently

That's not all though; Continue reading

MPLS Intro Series – Route Reflectors

This is the final article in the MPLS Intro Series and will quickly mention the need for route reflectors. This need is driven by the iBGP requirement for a full mesh of peers. This means that a network with only 4 PE nodes would have 6 iBGP peering sessions. This is calculated as n(n-1)/2 where n is the number of PE nodes required for a given topology.

As the scale grows, the need for a centralized peering point becomes obvious. For example, a network with 10 PE nodes would have 45 iBGP sessions to meet the full mesh requirement. Route reflectors overcome this rule by becoming a central point that can advertise routes between iBGP “route reflector clients”. The diagram below actually has more peering sessions than the one above (without RR). However, as a network continues to grow, the full mesh becomes quite challenging.

This is the extent of what I really wanted to cover in this introductory level article and this article concludes the MPLS Intro Series.  If you want to learn more about VPNv4 and route reflectors, you can check out this video below.

LabMinutes# SP0015 – Cisco MPLS VPN with BGP Route Reflector (Part 1)

Disclaimer: Continue reading

Cloudflare Access: Now teams of any size can turn off their VPN

Cloudflare Access: Now teams of any size can turn off their VPN

Cloudflare Access: Now teams of any size can turn off their VPN

Using a VPN is painful. Logging-in interrupts your workflow. You have to remember a separate set of credentials, which your administrator has to manage. The VPN slows you down when you're away from the office. Beyond just inconvenience, a VPN can pose a real security risk. A single infected device or malicious user can compromise your network once inside the perimeter.

In response, large enterprises have deployed expensive zero trust solutions. The name sounds counterintuitive - don’t we want to add trust to our network security? Zero trust refers to the default state of these tools. They trust no one; each request has to prove that itself. This architecture, most notably demonstrated at Google with Beyondcorp, has allowed teams to start to migrate to a more secure method of access control.

However, users of zero trust tools still suffer from the same latency problems they endured with old-school VPNs. Even worse, the price tag puts these tools out of reach for most teams.

Here at Cloudflare, we shared those same frustrations with VPNs. After evaluating our options, we realized we could build a better zero trust solution by leveraging some of the unique capabilities we have here at Cloudflare:

Our Continue reading

Today, Chrome Takes Another Step Forward in Addressing the Design Flaw That is an Unencrypted Web

Today, Chrome Takes Another Step Forward in Addressing the Design Flaw That is an Unencrypted Web

The following is a guest post by Troy Hunt, awarded Security expert, blogger, and Pluralsight author. He’s also the creator of the popular Have I been pwned?, the free aggregation service that helps the owners of over 5 billion accounts impacted by data breaches.

Today, Chrome Takes Another Step Forward in Addressing the Design Flaw That is an Unencrypted Web

I still clearly remember my first foray onto the internet as a university student back in the mid 90's. It was a simpler online time back then, of course; we weren't doing our personal banking or our tax returns or handling our medical records so the whole premise of encrypting the transport layer wasn't exactly a high priority. In time, those services came along and so did the need to have some assurances about the confidentiality of the material we were sending around over other people's networks and computers. SSL as it was at the time was costly, but hey, banks and the like could absorb that given the nature of their businesses. However, at the time, there were all sorts of problems with the premise of serving traffic securely ranging from the cost of certs to the effort involved in obtaining and configuring them through to the performance hit on the Continue reading

Cumulus content roundup: July

Time for another Cumulus content roundup! We’ve been really busy this summer, so there’s a little bit of everything in this post: videos, industry news articles, new podcast episodes and even an entire book! So if you’ve got room on your summer reading list, be sure to add EVPN in the Data Center. Or, if you’ve got too much to do and can’t find time to sit down and read, grab a pair of headphones and listen to the latest episode of Kernel of Truth while you work. The choice is yours!

New from Cumulus

Kernel of Truth episode 03 — Linux: the kernel, the community & beyond: You can’t name an open networking podcast “Kernel of Truth,” and NOT have an episode dedicated to the Linux kernel! Listen to our discussion about the Linux community and why Linux belongs in the data center.

EVPN in the Data Center: This eBook cuts through the fog and explains how you can deploy this technology seamlessly in your data center. You’ll discover why EVPN can be simpler to use in data centers than in service provider networks.

Vault Systems customer video: As a cloud provider for the Australian government, Continue reading

BrandPost: Converging IT and Network Teams: A Cloud Native Automation Platform is the Catalyst for Successful Operations

Executive summaryNetwork automation is an imperative if operators are to deliver services with sustainable levels of agility and profitability. Automation enables the network to adapt to events and demands rapidly and efficiently, and supports a new speed of digital business. However, operators cannot buy all the automation they need off-the-shelf: they need to build and/or customize it for their own purposes and environments. This means overcoming cultural, organizational and technical barriers, bridging the separate and often antagonistic roles IT and network departments play today in managing the physical network.Network virtualization and its emphasis on automation has started to break down technical barriers as IT, and network organizations increasingly need to work in each other’s domains. Network organizations are investigating software-defined networking (SDN) as a means of automating key manual interactions with network elements, and IT organizations are being asked to support network functions directly with data center/cloud components and associated automation. It is clearly desirable for the two departments to start sharing tools, knowledge, best practices, cloud-native software development and operations (DevOps) approaches as their roles converge. Operators that encourage this cross-domain fertilization accelerate the cultural change necessary to build an automated and adaptive network.To read this Continue reading

MPLS Intro Series – VPNv4 Packet Walk

In our last article, we configured and tested a basic VPNv4 configuration. In this article, we will do a hop by hop analysis of each device and look at a packet capture for a couple of the steps in the label switched path. We are using the exact same topology and router names. For the example, I have shut down the connection between P4 and PE2 so no load balancing will occur and we have a deterministic path to analyze.

For the analysis, we will examine the path from CE_Site_1 to at CE_Site_2. For each device, we want to determine the egress interface, the next hop and any MPLS labels that should be present.

CE_Site_1 – forwarding a packet to destination

CE_Site_1#show ip cef
  nexthop GigabitEthernet2

CE_Site_1 is using the default route with a next-hop of

PE1 – receive a packet on Gi4 (vrf RED), forwarding for destination

//based on physical topology, we know this will arrive on Gi4 of PE1
PE1#show vrf brief
  Name                             Default RD            Protocols   Interfaces
  BLUE                             110:210               ipv4        Gi5
  Mgmt-intf                                      Continue reading

MPLS Intro Series – Introduction to VPNv4

In the previous article, we took a look at building a simple label switched path (LSP) through an MPLS network. This article takes the configuration a step further and leverages multiple labels to connect and isolate VRFs over an MPLS core. This is known as MPLS VPNv4. My goal is to introduce a method to bring together VRF segmentation concepts and provide a framework for a scalable deployment.

Before we get started, I am going to rename the routers once again based on their target function. An LER in a VPNv4 configuration is known as a PE node. An LSR router is known as a P node. I am also introducing CE (customer edge) nodes into the topology.

Desired End State

In this example, we will allow CE_Site_1 to communicate with CE_Site_2. Likewise, we want CE_Site_3 to communicate with CE_Site_4.


  • P Router – provider router, is considered transit in a label switched path, the term is often used interchangeably with LSR
  • PE Router – provider edge router and sits on the provider side of the provider/customer interconnection. Has most of the intelligence and configuration for an LSP and allows a scale-out architecture. The term PE is more common Continue reading

2018 Internet Society Asia-Pacific & Middle East Chapters Meeting

The APAC & Middle East Chapters joined hands to organize their combined Regional Chapters Meeting from 11 to 12 May in Kathmandu, Nepal. 23 Fellows representing 18 regional Chapters and Women SIG were nominated by their respective Chapters/SIGs to participate in this meeting. Half of the meeting focused on collaboratively developing action plans that are aligned with the Internet Society’s 2018 campaigns, while the other half was to discuss and address regional and governance-related issues.

At the end of the workshop, 18 concrete plans were ready for implementation:

  • 3 Community Networks plans (Afghanistan, Pakistan, Philippines)
  • 5 Internet of Things plans (Bangladesh, India Mumbai, Sri Lanka, UAE, Yemen)
  • 9 Collaborative Governance plans (India Trivandrum, India Delhi, Indonesia, Lebanon, Malaysia, Nepal, Palestine, PICISOC, Women SIG)
  • 1 Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security plan (India Kolkata)

During the regional breakout sessions, Fellows from the APAC region voted for and discussed three major regional issues: 1) Cybersecurity, 2) Transition [of the Internet] to the younger generation, 3) Digital Literacy. They engaged in an open discussion and highlighted some of the specific issues under these topics, what is needed in the context of their region, and shared their plans to address them.

The regional Continue reading

MPLS Intro Series – Understanding a Simple LSP

In the previous article, we created an interesting situation with an iBGP configuration.  In that example, we made Edge2 aware of a route via BGP that the intermediary hops would not see. In this article, we will fix this problem using MPLS and label switching. Before getting started, I feel compelled to rename these routers based on their target role in an MPLS our network.


  • MPLS – multiprotocol label switching – using labels or tags to forward packets over a network (as opposed to traditional destination based routing)
  • LSR – Label switch router (transit router), aka P router, switches labels
  • LER – Label edge router or Edge LSR, often called a PE router, may push (impose) labels
  • LSP – Label Switched Path
  • Push – insert/impose a lable
  • Swap – change a label
  • Pop – remove a label

As we left it in our previous configuration, the router on the right sees a route to via BGP but it cannot reach that destination. It is worth mentioning that I disabled BGP sync (following the last example I shared in the previous article).

LER2#show ip route | inc
B  Continue reading