
Category Archives for "Networking"

NSX-T Automation with Terraform

Do you want to maintain your network and security infrastructure as a code? Do you want to automate NSX-T? One more option has been just added for you!

Following my previous post about NSX-T: OpenAPI and SDKs you might have figured out how easy it is to generate different language bindings for NSX-T. Thankfully to this, we have generated Go Lang NSX-T SDK that we use as a foundation of the new NSX-T Terraform provider.

Terraform is an open-source infrastructure as a code software by HashiCorp. It allows creation, modification, and deletion of an infrastructure using a high-level configuration files that can be shared between team members, treated as a code, edited, reviewed, and versioned. These configuration files are written in HCL(HashiCorp Configuration Language) which is actually JSON with some fine-tuning. Plain JSON can be also used.

There are several important components in Terraform:

1. Providers are responsible for managing the lifecycle of the resources: create, read, update, delete. The Providers usually require some sort of configuration to provide authentication, endpoint URLs, etc. By default, resources are matched with the provider with the start of the name. For example, a resource nsxt_logical_switch is associated with provider called nsxt.

Example of Continue reading

NSX-T Automation with Terraform

NSX-T Automation with Terraform Do you want to maintain your network and security infrastructure as a code? Do you want to automate NSX-T? One more option has been just added for you! Following my previous post about NSX-T: OpenAPI and SDKs you might have figured out how easy it is to generate different language bindings for NSX-T. Thankfully to this, we... Read more →

Fixing reachability to, GLOBALLY!

Fixing reachability to, GLOBALLY!

Recently we announced our fast, privacy-centric DNS resolver, supported by our global network. As you can see is very easy to remember, which is both a blessing and a curse. In the time leading up to the announcement of the resolver service we began testing reachability to, primarily using the RIPE Atlas probes. The RIPE Atlas project is an extensive collection of small monitoring devices hosted by the public around the world. Currently there are over 10,000 active probes hosted in over 3,000 networks, giving great vantage points for testing. We found large numbers of probes unable to query, but successfully able to query in almost all cases. is the secondary address we have assigned for the resolver, to allow clients who are unable to reach to be able to make DNS queries.

This blog focuses on IPv4. We provide four IPs (two for each IP address family) in order to provide a path toward the DNS resolver independent of IPv4 or IPv6 reachability. was assigned in Continue reading

BrandPost: Can Your IT Infrastructure Withstand Extreme Weather?

It seems that every three to five years, the impact of inclement weather, storms, and floods appears to peak. And the periods in between weather events seem to be getting shorter. As the number and severity of storms continues to increase far beyond what we have typically experienced, many small and mid-size businesses (SMBs) are now forced to re-evaluate how well their IT infrastructure can continue to support the organization when there is a weather event. This is becoming a critical issue, as many SMBs may find themselves without power for multiple days, which has been the case with the recent nor-easters plaguing the East Coast.Too many SMBs have not assessed the ability of their power and cooling infrastructure to support critical IT equipment in the event of a short- or long-term power outage. Despite frequent and substantial changes at the hardware and application levels, power management and UPS solutions may be decades old. The impact of today’s digital business could not even be conceived of, let alone considered, in the design of these older, legacy backup systems. Further, many of the batteries that provide emergency power haven’t been changed or maintained in years. And many older UPS products Continue reading

Fake News, Loss of Privacy are Hurting the Internet, Mozilla says

The Internet has a case of the sniffles, with several symptoms keeping it from being as robust as it could be, according to a new Internet Health Report from Mozilla.

Major challenges facing the Internet include a collapse of privacy protections, the unabated spread of fake news, and the consolidation of power at giant tech companies, said Mozilla, the nonprofit creator of the Firefox browser and other open-source software.

Many people “have started to argue that technology companies are becoming too dominant; social media has been weaponized as a tool of harassment; our personal information has been stolen; and democratic processes have been undermined by the manipulation of online media and ads,” the report says.

The software maker called on Internet users to take action by learning how to better protect their privacy and to identify misinformation. “We believe the only way to keep the Internet in the hands of all of us is to ask for it, build it, and demand it,” Mark Surman, executive director of the Mozilla Foundation, said by email. “Consumers, governments and technologists need to push for fair competition, open innovation, interoperability and standards so the Internet can evolve in more healthy and humane ways. Continue reading

Cisco broadens Tetration security delivery with cloud, virtual buying options

Cisco has added new cloud and virtual deployment options for customers looking to buy into its Tetration Analytics security system.Cisco’s Tetration system gathers information from hardware and software sensors and analyzes it using big-data analytics and machine learning to offer IT managers a deeper understanding of their data center resources.[ Don’t miss customer reviews of top remote access tools and see the most powerful IoT companies . | Get daily insights by signing up for Network World newsletters. ] Tetration can improve enterprise security monitoring, simplify operational reliability, give customers a single tool to collect consistent security telemetry across the entire data center and analyze large volumes of data in real time.  To read this article in full, please click here