
Category Archives for "Networking"

IDG Contributor Network: How IoT data exchange services will impact IoT development

While the rapid development of the Internet of Things (IoT) has many investors and innovators enamored with hardware development so they can churn out millions of their own IoT-connected devices, wise industry insiders are uncovering the true IoT goldmine: data exchange services. Data sharing, exchanging and selling is rapidly coming to define the IoT market more than anything else, and investors are quickly hopping on board to cash in on this new phenomenon.So how exactly are the industry leaders of tomorrow tapping into data exchange services to fuel their success? How will recent developments in data exchange services impact IoT development, and what steps should sensible IoT developers take now to capitalize on them?To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Automation Tools in Building Network Automation Solutions Online Course

A network engineer interested in attending the Building Network Automation Solutions online course sent me this question:

Does the course cover only Ansible, or does it also cover other automation tools like Python?

The course focuses on how you’d build a network automation solution. Selecting the best tool for the job is obviously one of the major challenges, and so one of the self-study modules describes various automation tools and where you could use them to build a full-blown solution.

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ReFS integrity is not on by default

I really don’t like the trend of filesystem authors to only care about filesystem integrity by default. How about having seat belt for your data integrity by default and let people turn it off if they want to compromise correctness for performance?

What I didn’t know is that ReFS integrity is not on by default. Only metadata integrity.

It’s also not visible or changeable in the UI (which is why I assumed they’d done the right thing), which is strange to me, this being Windows. No, you have to drop down into Microsoft’s crappy CLI.

How to check if it’s turned on.

Check files in one directory

PS E:\> Get-Item '*' | Get-FileIntegrity

FileName                       Enabled Enforced
--------                       ------- --------
E:\SomeDirectory               False   True
E:\SomeOtherDirectory          False   True
E:\SomeFile.txt                False   True

Fuck you, Microsoft.

Check recursively

Of course Get-Item doesn’t do recursion. Why would it? That would make sense.

PS E:\> Get-Children -Recurse 'E:\SomeDirectory' | Get-FileIntegrity

FileName                       Enabled Enforced
--------                       ------- --------
E:\SomeDirectory\foo.txt       False   True

How to enable it

Both commands are needed. The first command sets the new default for the root directory, and the second adds checksums to all existing files and directories.

BrandPost: Cloud Native – The Perfect Storm for Managed SD-WAN Services

We are excited to announce today that Silver Peak has joined MEF. With 130+ members, MEF’s new SD-WAN initiatives are intended to address implementation challenges and help service providers to accelerate managed SD-WAN service deployments. Some of this work involves defining SD-WAN use cases, and a key use case revolves around connecting distributed enterprises and users to cloud-hosted SaaS applications and IaaS.Enterprise CIOs continue to accelerate the pace of corporate digital transformation initiatives, often including plans to migrate enterprise applications to the cloud. Cloud-first is often the preferable choice for hosting new applications, enabling enterprises to securely connect users to applications from anywhere and across any type of WAN service.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

BGP Persistent Oscillation

After Daniel Walton visited the History of Networking at the Network Collective, I went back and poked at BGP permanent route oscillations just to refresh my memory. Since I spent the time, I thought it was worth a post, with some observations. When working with networking problems, it is always wise to begin with a network, so…

For those who are interested, I’m pretty much following RFC3345 in this explanation.

There are two BGP route reflectors here, in two different clusters, labeled A and D. The metric for each link is listed on the links between the RR clients, B, C, and E, and the RRs; the cost of the link between the RRs is 1. A single route, 2001:db8:3e8:100::/64 is being advertised in with an AS path of the same length from three different eBGP peering points, each with a different MED. E is receiving the route with a MED of 0, C with a MED of 1, and B with a MED of 10.

Starting with A, walk through one cycle of the persistent oscillation. At A there are two routes—

edge MED IGP Cost
C    1   4
B    10  5 (BEST)

When A runs the bestpath calculation, Continue reading

AI and IoT: Like peanut butter and chocolate?

If you had to take a guess, what would you name as the two most prominent trends in technology right now? Like most people, I feel pretty confident in choosing artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT), not necessarily in that order.But in a rare convergence, in turns out these two trends are even hotter together. In fact, the new hotness is the combination of AI and IoT, manifesting itself in a wide variety of form and implementations in locations around the world.IBM’s Watson wants to bring ‘cognitive computing’ to IoT At IBM, for example, the company opened a Watson Internet of Things headquarters in Munich, Germany, earlier this year. The lab pairs IBM with partners such as BMW, Bosch and Ricoh. The goal, per the company’s Watson IoT website, is to marry cognitive computing (the Watson AI platform) to vast arrays of IoT sensors. The company quotes an IDC report that claims IBM and Watson “can demonstrate the power of cognitive analytics in the IoT."To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Demand for server specialists increases, but talent pool is small

Almost two-thirds of organizations surveyed say recruiting for jobs in data center and server management is becoming increasingly difficult because of the skills needed, both in traditional servers and converged infrastructure.The findings come from a worldwide survey by 451 Research for its Voice of the Enterprise: Servers and Converged Infrastructure, Organizational Dynamics study (registration required). It found that IT shops have concerns about the long-term costs of using public cloud, and that is causing many IT shops to pull back on their cloud movement and even expand on their on-premises infrastructure.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Demand for server specialists increases, but talent pool is small

Almost two-thirds of organizations surveyed say recruiting for jobs in data center and server management is becoming increasingly difficult because of the skills needed, both in traditional servers and converged infrastructure.The findings come from a worldwide survey by 451 Research for its Voice of the Enterprise: Servers and Converged Infrastructure, Organizational Dynamics study (registration required). It found that IT shops have concerns about the long-term costs of using public cloud, and that is causing many IT shops to pull back on their cloud movement and even expand on their on-premises infrastructure.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

How to use the motd file to get Linux users to pay attention

It seems only decades ago that I was commonly sending out notices to my users by editing the /etc/motd file on the servers I managed. I would tell them about planned outages, system upgrades, new tools and who would be covering for me during my very rare vacations.Somewhere along the stretch of time since, message of the day files seem to have faded from common usage — maybe overwhelmed by an excess of system messages, emailed alerts, texts, and other notices that have taken over, the /etc/motd file has. Or maybe not.+ Also on Network World: Half a dozen clever Linux command line tricks + The truth is the /etc/motd file on quite a number of Linux systems has simply become part of a larger configuration of messages that are fed to users when they log in. And even if your /etc/motd file is empty or doesn’t exist at all, login messages are being delivered when someone logs into a server via a terminal window — and you have more control over what those messages are telling your users than you might realize.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

What is Attachment Circuit in MPLS VPN ?

What is attachment circuit in MPLS VPN ? Definitions are important in networking, if there are alternative usages of the definition, better to know them all for effective communication.   MPLS Layer 2 VPN Topology   In the above topology, I share, MPLS Layer 2 VPN Topology. There are many terminology but let’s focus on […]

The post What is Attachment Circuit in MPLS VPN ? appeared first on Cisco Network Design and Architecture | CCDE Bootcamp |

Hot products at VMworld 2017

VMworld 2017Image by Thinkstock/VMwareVMworld 2017 is underway in Las Vegas, where IT pros are converging to learn about the latest in enterprise cloud, virtualization, security, and software-defined data center technologies. Here are some of the product highlights on display at the show.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Hot products at VMworld 2017

VMworld 2017Image by Thinkstock/VMwareVMworld 2017 is underway in Las Vegas, where IT pros are converging to learn about the latest in enterprise cloud, virtualization, security, and software-defined data center technologies. Here are some of the product highlights on display at the show.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here