The CloudMunch acquisition is the third significant purchase this year by JFrog.
ForeScout now improves visibility into VMware environments.
The post Worth Reading: Behind the 200g hype appeared first on rule 11 reader.
Cisco's fixed Nexus switches could be used with SONiC software.
Cisco's plans to give Ericsson "space" hints at vendor's current struggles.
Jason Wells, over on LinkedIn, has an article up about the end of MPLS; to wit—
To being—I actually work with Aryaka on occasion, and within the larger SD-WAN world more often (I am a member of the TAB over at Velocloud, for instance). This is decidedly not a post about the usefulness or future of SD-WAN solutions (though I do have opinions there, as you might have guessed). Rather, what I want to point out is that we, in the networking industry, tend to be rather sloppy about our language in ways that are not helpful.
To understand, it is useful to back up a few years and consider other technologies where our terms have become confused, and how it has impacted our Continue reading
The two companies are demonstrating multi-access edge computing in Shanghai this week.
This isn’t China Telecom’s first SD-WAN deal.
Nutanix kicks off its .NEXT 2017 conference today.