
Category Archives for "Networking"

IBM: Tax-related spam up 6,000% since Dec.; Darkweb tactics net billions

Tis’ the season for tax villains. The notion that spam has been increasing lately has been obvious recently and for more evidence of that nasty trends you need look no further than this fact: From Dec 2016 to Feb 2017, IBM X-Force researchers saw a 6,000% increase in tax-related spam emails.And that’s just one of a number of tax season scams and frauds IBM X-Force security researchers have been tracking in a report “Cybercrime Riding Tax Season Tides: Trending Spam and Dark Web Findings” issued today.+More on Network World: IRS Dirty Dozen: Phishing, phone cons and identity theft lead scam list for 2017+To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

IBM: Tax-related spam up 6,000% since Dec.; Darkweb tactics net billions

Tis’ the season for tax villains. The notion that spam has been increasing lately has been obvious recently and for more evidence of that nasty trends you need look no further than this fact: From Dec 2016 to Feb 2017, IBM X-Force researchers saw a 6,000% increase in tax-related spam emails.And that’s just one of a number of tax season scams and frauds IBM X-Force security researchers have been tracking in a report “Cybercrime Riding Tax Season Tides: Trending Spam and Dark Web Findings” issued today.+More on Network World: IRS Dirty Dozen: Phishing, phone cons and identity theft lead scam list for 2017+To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

What home products are most susceptible to cyber burglars?

No matter how intelligent they claim to be, many smart home gadgets are vulnerable to hackers. Nowadays even the lock on your front door is susceptible to a cyberattack. No longer do you only have to worry about someone simply picking the lock, now a burglar could go through cyberspace to unlatch the door.Just like the lock on your front door to keep out burglars, you should protect your high-tech devices from cyber threats. Start by choosing different passwords for your internet router and each of your smart devices. It is also important to use multi-factor authentication as an added protection to prevent a hacker who guesses your password from breaking into your home. You should regularly install manufacturer updates to make sure you are running the most current security system in your home.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

What home products are most susceptible to cyber burglars?

No matter how intelligent they claim to be, many smart home gadgets are vulnerable to hackers. Nowadays even the lock on your front door is susceptible to a cyberattack. No longer do you only have to worry about someone simply picking the lock, now a burglar could go through cyberspace to unlatch the door.Just like the lock on your front door to keep out burglars, you should protect your high-tech devices from cyber threats. Start by choosing different passwords for your internet router and each of your smart devices. It is also important to use multi-factor authentication as an added protection to prevent a hacker who guesses your password from breaking into your home. You should regularly install manufacturer updates to make sure you are running the most current security system in your home.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

FAQ: What just happened to online privacy?

The internet sure seems mad about something.You’re not kidding.More than usual, that is.You’re right. President Trump just signed a bill into law that rolls back internet privacy protections enacted by the previous administration, and that has made things just a little angry around the ol’ internet.What kind of privacy rules are we talking about here?The previous iteration of the Federal Communications Commission created new rules last October for ISPs which stipulated that those ISPs would be required to seek customer permission before selling things like browser history data to advertisers for targeting purposes.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

FAQ: What just happened to online privacy?

The internet sure seems mad about something.You’re not kidding.More than usual, that is.You’re right. President Trump just signed a bill into law that rolls back internet privacy protections enacted by the previous administration, and that has made things just a little angry around the ol’ internet.What kind of privacy rules are we talking about here?The previous iteration of the Federal Communications Commission created new rules last October for ISPs which stipulated that those ISPs would be required to seek customer permission before selling things like browser history data to advertisers for targeting purposes.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Developer-Ready Infrastructure: NSX and Pivotal

Organizations across industries are embarking on their journey of Digital Transformation. Time-to-market has become very crucial to the bottom-line and companies need to accelerate their application/services delivery and go from concept to production in record time.

Organizations are embracing containers, micro-service based architectures, Continuous Delivery and Integration tools as they are completely trying to change how they develop, deploy and deliver applications.

However, moving from monolith application architectures to microservices-based ones is no ordinary feat.

Many of these organizations leverage Pivotal’s expertise to deliver a modern application development environment. Pivotal’s flagship cloud-native platform Pivotal Cloud Foundry provides a modern app-centric environment that lets developers focus on delivering applications with speed and frequency of delivery. To find out more about Pivotal Cloud Foundry, and the now generally available Pivotal Cloud Foundry 1.10.

Pivotal Cloud Foundry abstracts the underlying IaaS layer so that developers get a modern self-service application development environment, without worrying about the infrastructure. BOSH vSphere CPI plugin does a good job of consuming pre-created networks.

However, the truth is – “someone” always needs to do some provisioning – networks need to be carved out, load-balancers need to be configured, NAT rules need to be defined, reachability needs to Continue reading

Turn an old Wi-Fi network into a wireless mesh

I’ve tested a lot of Wi-Fi mesh (aka whole-home coverage systems) products lately, but what if you already have a good Wi-Fi router and don’t want to do a rip-and-replace job? There’s a new device available aimed just at this purpose.The AmpliFi HD Mesh Point, by Ubiquiti Labs, lets you create a mesh system with an existing Wi-Fi router. The device acts like one of the company’s satellite units on its existing AmpliFi HD Mesh System to expand Wi-Fi coverage within your home. If you happen to own the company’s mesh router and satellites, the Mesh Point can expand the existing network even more.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

IDG Contributor Network: Portworx shows how its done—raises an impressive B funding round

There is significant enterprise interest in moving away from a server-centric application approach and instead exploring containers. While Docker, the company possibly most synonymous with containers, has struggled to gain the sort of traction that justifies its stellar valuation, that doesn’t call into question containerization per se. There is clearly an opportunity here, and it is incumbent on vendors to find their market fit, develop realistic objectives, and execute, execute, execute.INSIDER Review: Container Wars: Rocket v. Odin v. Docker And so it is for the vendors filling in the whitespaces around the container ecosystem. Weaveworks is a good example of such a company. Weaveworks is helping to solve many of the networking issues around the production use of containers. Another area that is problematic is around data services—the move to containers makes life more complex from a data storage perspective. Two companies, ClusterHQ and Portworx, were involved in this space.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

IDG Contributor Network: Hacking for the greater good

In Jason’s last post, he discussed how we are apt to see more intricate and complex data integrity attacks this year, with the adversaries’ main motivation being financial gain and/or political manipulation.As the cyber landscape becomes increasingly complex, private enterprises and public entities are looking for ways to better protect information and preserve the integrity of their data, while individuals want to ensure that the internet remains open and provides equal access to information to all. And while there are a number of technologies that are valuable, people are now being recognized as a powerful tool to solve these problems.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

IDG Contributor Network: Hacking for the greater good

In Jason’s last post, he discussed how we are apt to see more intricate and complex data integrity attacks this year, with the adversaries’ main motivation being financial gain and/or political manipulation.As the cyber landscape becomes increasingly complex, private enterprises and public entities are looking for ways to better protect information and preserve the integrity of their data, while individuals want to ensure that the internet remains open and provides equal access to information to all. And while there are a number of technologies that are valuable, people are now being recognized as a powerful tool to solve these problems.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

10 things to worry about when your vendor divests

Potentially difficult timesImage by ThinkstockIn tech, divestitures are a fact of life and solutions are bought and sold all the time. But that doesn’t change the fact that when it happens to a solution that your company uses, it can make things difficult for you. Although your vendor’s divestiture is out of your control, you can at least do your due diligence in limiting any negative impact to your company. With that in mind, ZL Technologies lists 10 things you should worry about if your vendor divests.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here