
Category Archives for "Networking"

pygnmi 15. Overview of nornir_pygnmi

Hello my friend,

Are you looking for building network automation at scale leveraging the future-proof model-driven network automation? Besides attending our zero-to-hero network automation training and network automation with nornir, we suggest you to take a look at nornir_pygnmi, the new plugin we have created for Nornir to simplify management of network devices with gNMI.

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Is GNMI a Good Interface for Network Automation?

Yes, it is. GNMI is one of the most recent interfaces created for the management plane, which allows you to manage the network devices (i.e., retrieve configuration and operational data, modify configuration) and collect the streaming or event-driven telemetry. Sounds like one-size-fits-all, isn’t it? On top of that, GNMI supports also different transport channels (i.e., encrypted and non-encrypted), which makes it suitable both for lab testing and for production environment. You may feel that we are biased to gNMI, and you are right. Actually, that is a Continue reading

Who’s selling private 5G and what do you get?

Private 5G is technology that can be used in local area networks. Not to be confused with the public 5G connectivity offered by telephone companies, private 5G is used in corporate campuses, office buildings, factories and warehouses, event venues, and airports, either instead of or in addition to Wi-Fi.According to an unpublished survey from research firm Forrester, 44% of corporate telecommunications  decision-makers plan to create private 5G networks. Industries with significant private 5G plans include water and waste, high-tech manufacturing, and retail and wholesale. Other areas where private 5G might crop up include stadiums and construction sites, says Forrester analyst Andre Kindness. "They're prime for 5G technologies."To read this article in full, please click here

Early adopters embrace private 5G

The appeal of private 5G is driving companies to explore ways to improve the performance, scalability and flexibility of their mobile networks.Enterprise deployment of the technology has been slow due to the pandemic and an immature device ecosystem, but that's not stopping early adopters. To help get started, they're turning to service providers, which can include telcos, private wireless vendors, hardware vendors, systems integrators, and major cloud players.To read this article in full, please click here

Semtech acquires Sierra Wireless for IoT technology

Semiconductor maker Semtech has announced plans to acquire fellow chip vendor Sierra Wireless in an effort to accelerate its push into making internet of things components.Semtech makes a variety of analog and mixed-signal chips, including long-range, low-power wireless RF connectivity, power management, and video-broadcast equipment. Sierra Wireless makes dedicated IoT technology. Semtech has made steps toward this market but a takeover of Sierra would accelerate the effort. [ Get regularly scheduled insights by signing up for Network World newsletters. ]To read this article in full, please click here

What is IoT? The internet of things explained

The internet of things (IoT) is a catch-all term for the growing number of electronics that aren't traditional computing devices, but are connected to the internet to send data, receive instructions or both.There's an incredibly broad range of ‘things’ that fall under the IoT umbrella: Internet-connected ‘smart’ versions of traditional appliances such as refrigerators and light bulbs; gadgets that could only exist in an internet-enabled world such as Alexa-style digital assistants; and internet-enabled sensors that are transforming factories, healthcare, transportation, distribution centers and farms.What is the internet of things? The IoT brings internet connectivity, data processing and analytics to the world of physical objects. For consumers, this means interacting with the global information network without the intermediary of a keyboard and screen (Alexa, for example).To read this article in full, please click here

What is IoT? The internet of things explained

The internet of things (IoT) is a catch-all term for the growing number of electronics that aren't traditional computing devices, but are connected to the internet to send data, receive instructions or both.There's an incredibly broad range of ‘things’ that fall under the IoT umbrella: Internet-connected ‘smart’ versions of traditional appliances such as refrigerators and light bulbs; gadgets that could only exist in an internet-enabled world such as Alexa-style digital assistants; and internet-enabled sensors that are transforming factories, healthcare, transportation, distribution centers and farms.What is the internet of things? The IoT brings internet connectivity, data processing and analytics to the world of physical objects. For consumers, this means interacting with the global information network without the intermediary of a keyboard and screen (Alexa, for example).To read this article in full, please click here

Tshark Packet Analysis


Commands used in the below post. If you wish for a quick reference instead of going through the post 

sudo tshark -f "tcp port 80" -F pcap -w /var/tmp/port_80_cap.pcap -c 10

sudo tshark -r /var/tmp/port_80_cap.pcap

sudo tshark -r /var/tmp/port_80_cap.pcap -Tfields -e ip.src -e tcp.port -e ip.ttl -e ip.dst

sudo tshark -f "tcp port 80" -F pcap -w /var/tmp/port_80_cap.pcap -c 10

sudo tshark -r /var/tmp/port_80_cap.pcap -Tfields -Y 
ip.dst== -e ip.dst -e tcp.dstport

sudo tshark -r capture_ospf.cap

sudo tshark -r capture_ospf.cap -Y "frame.number == 4"

sudo tshark -r capture_ospf.cap -Y "frame.number == 4" -V

Wireshark is famous for packet capture and analysis of various packet-capture files. Basically, if you never used Wireshark before it’s a sophisticated and popular GUI tool for doing packet captures and analysis.

While not every time you need a GUI tool or most importantly you don’t have access to a GUI environment, eg: you are running an EC2 cloud instance of ubuntu, typically you would not install a GUI extension to this, it is meant to run server workloads.

This is where Tshark Continue reading

Cleanup/Delete Transit-Gateway and Transit-Gateway-attachments


Am pasting my notes on cleaning up Transit-Gateway and Transit-gateway attachments, this is readily available on AWS documentation but thought I will paste it here if anyone wants to quickly copy and paste the steps instead of going through the documentation. We can be more sophisticated using Python / Ansible / Terraform and parse the outputs for now this is what I did to clean up some practice, do not forget this as it incurred good cost for but got saved by AWS credits!

1. list out available transit-gateway attachments as they are to be deleted first before deleting transit-gateway

aws ec2 describe-transit-gateway-attachments --region us-east-1 | egrep -i TransitGatewayAttachmentI -> This will list out TGW attachments in us-east-1

➜ ~ aws ec2 describe-transit-gateway-attachments --region us-east-1 | egrep -i TransitGatewayAttachmentId
"TransitGatewayAttachmentId": "tgw-attach-01b7c8d7d3bd4e2ca",
"TransitGatewayAttachmentId": "tgw-attach-050c87ef9fb703c98",
"TransitGatewayAttachmentId": "tgw-attach-079921a8810f490ab",

2. Delete the available attachments

aws ec2 delete-transit-gateway-vpc-attachment \
--transit-gateway-attachment-id tgw-attach-01b7c8d7d3bd4e2ca --region us-east-1

aws ec2 delete-transit-gateway-vpc-attachment \
--transit-gateway-attachment-id tgw-attach-050c87ef9fb703c98 --region us-east-1

aws ec2 delete-transit-gateway-vpc-attachment \
--transit-gateway-attachment-id tgw-attach-079921a8810f490ab --region us-east-1

3. ➜ List available Transit gateways

~ aws ec2 describe-transit-gateways --region us-east-1 | egrep -i "Transitgatewayid"
"TransitGatewayId": "tgw-08dfd0c519456953d"

4. Delete transit-gateway

aws ec2 delete-transit-gateway \
--transit-gateway-id tgw-08dfd0c519456953d --region us-east-1

"TransitGateway": Continue reading + WARP: More features, still private + WARP: More features, still private + WARP: More features, still private

It’s a Saturday night. You open your browser, looking for nearby pizza spots that are open. If the search goes as intended, your browser will show you results that are within a few miles, often based on the assumed location of your IP address. At Cloudflare, we affectionately call this type of geolocation accuracy the “pizza test”. When you use a Cloudflare product that sits between you and the Internet (for example, WARP), it’s one of the ways we work to balance user experience and privacy. Too inaccurate and you’re getting pizza places from a neighboring country; too accurate and you’re reducing the privacy benefits of obscuring your location.

With that in mind, we’re excited to announce two major improvements to our + WARP apps: first, an improvement to how we ensure search results and other geographically-aware Internet activity work without compromising your privacy, and second, a larger network with more locations available to WARP+ subscribers, powering even speedier connections to our global network.

A better Internet browsing experience for every WARP user

When we originally built the WARP mobile app, we wanted to create a consumer-friendly way to connect to Continue reading

Why 2023 is the Year of Wi-Fi 6E

If you’re like me, you chuckle every time someone tells you that next year is the year of whatever technology is going to be hot. Don’t believe me? Which year was the Year of VDI again? I know that writing the title of this post probably made you shake your head in amusement but I truly believe that we’ve hit the point of adoption of Wi-Fi 6E next year.

Device Support Blooms

There are rumors that the new iPhone 14 will adopt Wi-Fi 6E. There were the same rumors when the iPhone 13 was coming out and the iPhone rumor mill is always a mixed bag but I think we’re on track this time. Part of the reason for that is the advancements made in Wi-Fi 6 Release 2. The power management features for 6ER2 are something that should appeal to mobile device users, even if the name is confusing as can be.

Mobile phones don’t make a market. If they were the only driver for wireless adoption the Samsung handsets would have everyone on 6E by now. Instead, it’s the ecosystem. Apple putting a 6E radio in the iPhone wouldn’t be enough to tip the scales. It would take Continue reading

PingPlotter’s Internet Troubleshooting Helps Ruby Receptionists

The following post is by PingPlotter. We thank PingPlotter for being a sponsor. An internet connection monitoring tool, PingPlotter constantly tests the connection from the end-user’s perspective, provides visual proof of the problem, and recommends how to solve it. You can find issues — like packet loss, high latency, and bad jitter — fast. “Most […]

The post PingPlotter’s Internet Troubleshooting Helps Ruby Receptionists appeared first on Packet Pushers.

Heavy Networking 641: Network Design For NVMe Over Fabric

Today on Heavy Networking, we discuss NVMe over fabric, where your Ethernet and IP network is the fabric. Many NVMe over fabric discussions focus on what’s happening inside the storage packets themselves. This conversation focuses on the network. What does the topology need to be? What are the latency and loss characteristics of an NVMe transport fabric? What QoS tools should you be considering, how do they work, and when should you use them? Our guest for this vendor-neutral conversation is J Metz.

The post Heavy Networking 641: Network Design For NVMe Over Fabric appeared first on Packet Pushers.

Heavy Networking 641: Network Design For NVMe Over Fabric

Today on Heavy Networking, we discuss NVMe over fabric, where your Ethernet and IP network is the fabric. Many NVMe over fabric discussions focus on what’s happening inside the storage packets themselves. This conversation focuses on the network. What does the topology need to be? What are the latency and loss characteristics of an NVMe transport fabric? What QoS tools should you be considering, how do they work, and when should you use them? Our guest for this vendor-neutral conversation is J Metz.

Build your next big idea with Cloudflare Pages

Build your next big idea with Cloudflare Pages
Build your next big idea with Cloudflare Pages

Have you ever had a surge of inspiration for a project? That feeling when you have a great idea – a big idea — that you just can’t shake? When all you can think about is putting your hands to your keyboard and hacking away? Building a website takes courage, creativity, passion and drive, and with Cloudflare Pages we believe nothing should stand in the way of that vision.

Especially not a price tag.

Big ideas

We built Pages to be at the center of your developer experience – a way for you to get started right away without worrying about the heavy lift of setting up a fullstack app.  A quick commit to your git provider or direct upload to our platform, and your rich and powerful site is deployed to our network of 270+ data centers in seconds. And above all, we built Pages to scale with you as you grow exponentially without getting hit by an unexpected bill.

The limit does not exist

We’re a platform that’s invested in your vision – no matter how wacky and wild (the best ones usually are!). That’s why for many parts of Pages we want your experience to be Continue reading