
Category Archives for "Networking"

5 cool ways to give an iOS device a physical keyboard

This week, a startup named Tactus Technology got a lot of attention for its Phorm iPad Mini case, which includes a transparent screen cover that creates bubbles over each letter in the iOS keyboard. It's basically a tactile keyboard that appears on a touchscreen only when the user needs it. Tactus has been working on its on-demand keyboard technology for more than five years, according to Wired. The screen cover is based on microfluidic technology, which has its roots in ink jet printers, and it has small grooves carved into the spot where each letter appears on the iPad screen. When the user slides a switch on the back of the case – which appears to be almost a third of the size of the rear of the case, so it won't require you to flip your iPad around and hunt for a button – the case applies a small amount of pressure that forces a tiny amount fluid to rush across the screen. That fluid gets caught fills up each of the grooves, creating bubbles that act as tactile buttons on the touchscreen keyboard. Here's a video showing the technology in use.To read this article in full or Continue reading

Information disclosure flaw exposes Netgear wireless routers to attacks

Several wireless routers made by Netgear contain a vulnerability that allows unauthenticated attackers to extract sensitive information from the devices, including their administrator passwords and wireless network keys.The vulnerability can be exploited over local area networks, as well as over the Internet if the devices are configured for remote administration and expose their Web interface externally.Details about the vulnerability were published on the Full Disclosure mailing list last week, along with a proof-of-concept exploit. Peter Adkins, the researcher who found the flaw, claims that he contacted Netgear but that his attempts to explain the nature of the issue to the company’s technical support department failed.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

IP FRR and Micro-loops Part 2

This is a continuation from Part 1 Remote LFA At this point we already know that simple LFA doesn’t always provide full coverage and its very topology dependent. Reason is simple many cases backup next hop best path goes through the router calculating the backup next hop.  This problem can be solved if we […]

Author information

Diptanshu Singh

Diptanshu Singh

Diptanshu Singh,(3xCCIE,CCDE) is a Sr. Engineer mostly focused on service providers , data center and security. He is a network enthusiast passionate about network technologies so not only is it his profession, but something of a hobby as well.

The post IP FRR and Micro-loops Part 2 appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Diptanshu Singh.

IP FRR and Micro-loops Part 1

Introduction In this post we will take a look at IP FRR and Micro-loops. If the reader already doesn’t have some kind of basic familiarity with IP FRR and Micro-loops, then I would highly recommend the reader go through below post series by Russ as he introduces various concepts in a very clear way. This post […]

Author information

Diptanshu Singh

Diptanshu Singh

Diptanshu Singh,(3xCCIE,CCDE) is a Sr. Engineer mostly focused on service providers , data center and security. He is a network enthusiast passionate about network technologies so not only is it his profession, but something of a hobby as well.

The post IP FRR and Micro-loops Part 1 appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Diptanshu Singh.

Is Apple building a car?

Early last week, a somewhat bizarre Apple rumor emerged from out of nowhere. Specifically, rumor has it that Apple is seriously investigating the prospect of developing its own branded automobile. The wave of rumors began a few days ago when Business Insider posted a report claiming that Apple was working on an exciting project that was luring back former employees from Tesla.... We got an unsolicited email from an employee at Apple about "vehicle development" at the company. This person said Tesla employees were "jumping ship" to work at Apple. "Apple's latest project is too exciting to pass up," the person said. "I think it will change the landscape and give Tesla a run for its money." Initially, it was easy to scoff at the report. Not only does the notion of Apple getting into the car business seem absurd on its face, but it's not as if Apple employees are exactly known for sending unsolicited emails about top secret research initiatives to tech publications. At most, the prevailing attitude was that Apple was simply keen on deepening their exploration into automotive-based software such as CarPlay. The very next day, Bryan Chaffin of Mac Observer chimed in with a Continue reading

Xiaomi leads China’s smartphone market, despite Apple’s iPhone 6

Apple’s iPhone 6 has been a hit in China, but according to one account, rival Xiaomi still reigns as the country’s largest smartphone vendor.In last year’s fourth quarter, Android handset maker Xiaomi had a 13.7 percent share, while second place Apple only had a 12.3 percent share, research firm IDC said Monday.The rankings are, however, different from those of another research firm Canalys, which put Apple as the top vendor, and Xiaomi second.Apple achieved in the fourth quarter its highest quarterly market share in China over the past two years, and it came from strong demand for its newest iPhone, said Xiaohan Tay, an IDC analyst.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Infosys to acquire startup Panaya to automate customer tasks

Indian outsourcer Infosys is to acquire Panaya, a U.S. vendor of automation technology for testing enterprise software deployments and upgrades.The cash deal values Panaya at an enterprise value of US$200 million, and is in line with the company’s strategy under new CEO Vishal Sikka to automate processes, including by using artificial intelligence, to cut down on repetitive tasks and accelerate services delivery.“This acquisition aims to use automation to boost the revenue of the company without a corresponding increase in staff,” said Sudin Apte, CEO and research director at analyst firm Offshore Insights. He pointed out that Infosys’ rivals like Tata Consultancy Services already use some degree of automation developed in-house.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Cybercriminal gang plunders up to $1 billion from banks over two years

A still-active cybercriminal gang has stolen up to a $1 billion from banks in at least 25 countries over the last two years, infiltrating networks with malware and spying on employees’ computers to facilitate large wire transfers, Kaspersky Lab said Sunday.The computer security vendor, which said it will release a report Monday on its findings, said the gang penetrated deeply into the banks’ networks, taking time to learn about internal procedures to make their fraudulent activity less suspicious.In some cases, the gang learned about wire transfer systems by watching administrators’ computers over video.“In this way the cybercriminals got to know every last detail of the bank clerks’ work and were able to mimic staff activity in order to transfer money and cash out,” Kaspersky said in a news release.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Generating Web Docs for Ansible Modules

If you have ever worked with Ansible, it’s almost a guarantee that you have used their online docs to figure out what parameters a given module supports, how they should be used, or what their defaults are.  Over the past few weeks, I’ve been working on a few custom modules and was trying to find a way to generate web docs for them, and have them locally accessible or easily posted to GitHub.  
Ansible offers a way to “make webdocs,” but it generates the complete module inventory and truth be told, I didn’t get this work for my custom modules, so I figured I would explore a “simplified” way --- a way that should be able to generate docs as needed for one or more modules on an as needed basis.  

The outcome was the creation of an Ansible module and Jinja2 template that automatically generates a markdown file (that can then be viewed or posted anywhere). 

How does it work?

The modules you’ve built or are local to your machine (even Ansible core modules) that you want to generate a web doc for must be documented according to Ansible standards.  That’s the Continue reading

Spanning Tree Portfast – The Definitive Guide

Original content from Roger's CCIE Blog Tracking the journey towards getting the ultimate Cisco Certification. The Routing & Switching Lab Exam
The spanning tree portfast command is a very simple feature but often mis-understood. In this short post I will explore how this feature behaves, how it works and how to configure it on a cisco switch. Portfast is a Cisco Propietary feature that was originally developed to overcome an issue when a PC was trying... [Read More]

Post taken from CCIE Blog

Original post Spanning Tree Portfast – The Definitive Guide

Generating Web Docs for Ansible Modules

If you have ever worked with Ansible, it’s almost a guarantee that you have used their online docs to figure out what parameters a given module supports, how they should be used, or what their defaults are. Over the past few weeks, I’ve been working on a few custom modules and was trying to find a way to generate web docs for them, and have them locally accessible or easily posted to GitHub.

Ansible offers a way to “make webdocs,” but it generates the complete module inventory and truth be told, I didn’t get this work for my custom modules, so I figured I would explore a “simplified” way — a way that should be able to generate docs as needed for one or more modules on an as needed basis.

The outcome was the creation of an Ansible module and Jinja2 template that automatically generates a markdown file (that can then be viewed or posted anywhere).

How does it work?

The modules you’ve built or are local to your machine (even Ansible core modules) that you want to generate a web doc for must be documented according to Ansible standards. That’s the only major requirement.

From there, Continue reading

NAT, Security, and Repeating Myself

In a former post I pointed out that we need to think of obscurity as a tool in network security — that we shouldn’t try to apply rules that are perfectly logical in terms of algorithms to networks as a system. While I’m not normally one to repeat myself, this topic needs a little more […]

Author information

Russ White

Principal Engineer at Ericsson

Russ White has scribbled a basket of books, penned a plethora of patents, written a raft of RFCs, taught a trencher of classes, nibbled and noodled at a lot of networks, and done a lot of other stuff you either already know about — or don't really care about. You can find Russ at 'net Work, the Internet Protocol Journal, and his author page on Amazon.

The post NAT, Security, and Repeating Myself appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Russ White.

Securing BFD now possible!

Confession Time.

I am guilty of committing several sins. One that egregiously stands out is writing two IETF specs for BFD security (here and here) without considering the impact on the routers and switches implementing those specs. Bear in mind that Bi-directional Forwarding Detection (BFD) is a hard protocol to implement well. Its hard to get into a conversation with engineers working on BFD without a few of them shedding copious quantities of tears on what it took them to avoid those dreaded BFD flaps in scaled setups. They will tell you how they resorted to clever tricks (hacks, if you will) to process BFD packets as fast as they could (plucking them out of order from a shared queue, dedicated tasks picking up BFD packets in the ISR contexts, etc) . In a candid conversation, an ex-employee of a reputed vendor revealed how they stage managed their BFD during a demo to a major customer since they didnt want their BFD to flap while the show (completely scripted) was on. So, long story short — BFD is hard when you start scaling. It just becomes a LOT worse, when you add security on top of it.

The reason BFD is hard is because of Continue reading

Securing BFD now possible!

Confession Time.

I am guilty of committing several sins. One that egregiously stands out is writing two IETF specs for BFD security (here and here) without considering the impact on the routers and switches implementing those specs. Bear in mind that Bi-directional Forwarding Detection (BFD) is a hard protocol to implement well. Its hard to get into a conversation with engineers working on BFD without a few of them shedding copious quantities of tears on what it took them to avoid those dreaded BFD flaps in scaled setups. They will tell you how they resorted to clever tricks (hacks, if you will) to process BFD packets as fast as they could (plucking them out of order from a shared queue, dedicated tasks picking up BFD packets in the ISR contexts, etc) . In a candid conversation, an ex-employee of a reputed vendor revealed how they stage managed their BFD during a demo to a major customer since they didnt want their BFD to flap while the show (completely scripted) was on. So, long story short — BFD is hard when you start scaling. It just becomes a LOT worse, when you add security on top of it.

The reason BFD is hard is because of Continue reading

News Analysis: CloudGenix, LightCyber, VMware, Meru

This week, Greg and I decided to do a review of some of the briefings we received via an audio recording. We published the audio on the Packet Pushers Community Show feed, which you can subscribe to specifically on iTunes or access via the Packet Pushers Fat Pipe iTunes feed. Here's a summary of my take on these briefings.

Exporting NetFlow from Linux to a collector over IPv6

There is another project out there in the ether that I have a hand in providing input for. One of the features that I felt was necessary for it is exporting NetFlow information from traffic the Linux machine handled, to a collector. This is dual-stack traffic, but I have the collector listening on IPv6.

Firstly, I needed something that would gather and export the data, so I found softflowd. My ubuntu server had it in the repo, so a quick apt install got it onto the machine easily enough. You need to edit /etc/default/softflowd and set what interface(s) you want it capturing & generating flow data from, and what options to feed to the daemon, like what server:port to export that data to:

OPTIONS="-v 9 -n [x:x:x:x::x]:9995"

Fill in the correct interface name you want to gather data from. The -v 9 option tells it to use Netflow v9, which has IPv6 support The -n option is used for specifying the collector machine’s IP and port, and fill in for the correct IPv6 address of that collector. Above is the format for specifying an IPv6 host running a collector, like nfcapd. Then you can fire up the softflowd daemon, Continue reading

CLUS Keynote Speaker – It’s a Dirty Job but Somebody’s Gotta Do It

Did you guess by the title who will be the celebrity keynote speaker for CLUS San Diego? It’s none other than Mike Rowe, also known as the dirtiest man on TV.

Mike is the man behind “Dirty Jobs” on the Discovery Channel. Little did he know when pitching the idea to Discovery that they would order 39 episodes of it. Mike traveled through 50 states and completed 300 different jobs going through swamps, sewers, oil derricks, lumberjack camps and what not.

Mike is also a narrator and can be heard in “American Chopper”, “American Hot Rod”, “Deadliest Catch”, “How the Universe Works” and other TV shows.

He is also a public speaker and often hired by Fortune 500 companies to tell their employees frightening stories of maggot farmers and sheep castrators.

Mike also believes in skilled trades and in working smart AND hard. He has written extensively on the country’s relationship with work and the skill gap.

I’m sure Mike’s speach will be very interesting…and maybe a bit gross…

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