
Category Archives for "Networking"

Network Break 15

The Network Break returns with Show 15.

Author information

Greg Ferro

Greg Ferro is a Network Engineer/Architect, mostly focussed on Data Centre, Security Infrastructure, and recently Virtualization. He has over 20 years in IT, in wide range of employers working as a freelance consultant including Finance, Service Providers and Online Companies. He is CCIE#6920 and has a few ideas about the world, but not enough to really count.

He is a host on the Packet Pushers Podcast, blogger at and on Twitter @etherealmind and Google Plus.

The post Network Break 15 appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Greg Ferro.

Windows ISATAP Client, Part 2

In Part 1 we discussed how to turn off ISATAP on Windows host—which is a great idea.  Turning off unnecessary components of your network simplifies everything.  But ISATAP can be useful in certain scenarios.  For instance, if you want to test an application on IPv6 you clearly don’t want to turn on IPv6 everywhere and […]

Author information

Dan Massameno

Dan Massameno is the president and Chief Engineer at Leaf Point, a network engineering firm in Connecticut.

The post Windows ISATAP Client, Part 2 appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Dan Massameno.

802.11ac Receiver Sensitivity

Following my previous post regarding typical SNR to MCS rate mappings for Wi-Fi clients, an interesting discussion was held on Twitter regarding the effects of increased channel width on the ability of a client to decode frames at any given SNR. Long story short, wider channels increase the noise power captured by the receiving radio which reduces its SNR. For every doubling of channel width, you require 3dB better signal to achieve the same MCS rate.

George Ou created a chart showing the relative range of each MCS rate based at various channel widths:

Following up on his work, I thought it would be useful to provide some context around these coverage ranges by referencing it against a typical noise floor of -93 dBm found in many environments. Using this noise floor and the SNR to MCS rate mapping table, combined with the relative coverage ranges (based on RF signal propagation using the inverse square law) we can visualize what data rates a typical 802.11ac radio will experience at various RSSI and SNR signal levels for each channel Continue reading

VRF based path selection

In this post I will be showing you how its possible to use different paths between your PE routers on a per VRF basis.

This is very useful if you have customers you want to “steer” away from your normal traffic flow between PE routers.
For example, this could be due to certain SLA’s.

I will be using the following topology to demonstrate how this can be done:


A short walkthrough of the topology is in order.

In the service provider core we have 4 routers. R3, XRv-1, XRv-2 and R4. R3 and R4 are IOS-XE based routers and XRv-1 and XRv-2 are as the name implies, IOS-XR routers. There is no significance attached to the fact that im running two XR routers. Its simply how I could build the required topology.

The service provider is running OSPF as the IGP, with R3 and R4 being the PE routers for an MPLS L3 VPN service. On top of that, LDP is being used to build the required LSP’s. The IGP has been modified to prefer the northbound path (R3 -> XRv-1 -> R4) by increasing the cost of the R3, XRv-2 and R4 to 100.

So by default, traffic between Continue reading

Pmacct: the Traffic Analysis Tool with Unpronounceable Name

SDN evangelists talking about centralized traffic engineering, flow steering or bandwidth calendaring sometimes tend to gloss over the first rule of successful traffic engineering: Know Thy Traffic.

In a world ruled by OpenFlow you’d expect the OpenFlow controller to know all the traffic; in more traditional networks we use technologies like NetFlow, sFlow or IPFIX to report the traffic statistics – but regardless of the underlying mechanism, you need a tool that will collect the statistics, aggregate them in a way that makes them usable to the network operators, report them, and potentially act on the deviations.

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Visualizing How Wi-Fi SNR Helps Determine the Achievable MCS Data Rate

If a Wi-Fi station has a better signal, you get more throughput. Everyone knows that. Here is a handy chart to help visualize it.

This table shows the "typical" data rates that Wi-Fi stations can achieve based on their SNR (signal to noise ratio). I say "typical" because it actually varies based on the radio chipset receiver sensitivity, but these values are a good starting point for most devices.

The achievable data rate (MCS rate) varies based on a number of variables:
  1. The 802.11 protocol - really a function of the increasing maturity of chipsets over time to handle more complex modulation types even when SNR is a bit lower.
  2. The channel width - typically doubling the channel width increases the noise floor by 3 dB, which decreases SNR. So to get the same MCS rate on wider channels you need higher SNR.
  3. The complexity of the modulation - notice as you get into more complex modulations like 64-QAM and 256-QAM that it doesn't take much more SNR to move from the lower encoding rate to the higher encoding rate, and vice versa in the opposite direction.
Typical Wi-Fi SNR to MCS Data Rate Mappings
(Download for full resolution Continue reading

Building a router with Open vSwitch

As part of my work in OpenDaylight, we are looking at creating a router using Open vSwitch... Why? Well OpenStack requires some limited L3 capabilities and we think that we can handle those in a distributed router.

Test Topology

My test topology looks like this:

Test Topology

We have a host in an external network, one host in an internal network and two hosts in another internal network

As such, The hosts in the 10.x.x.x range should be able to speak to each other, but should not be able to speak to external hosts.

The host has a floating IP of and should be reachable on this address from the external network. To do this, we'll use DNAT for traffic from -> and SNAT for traffic back from ->

If you'd like to recreate this topology you can checkout the OpenDaylight OVSDB project source on GitHub and:

vagrant up mininet
vagrant ssh mininet
cd /vagrant/resources/mininet
sudo mn --custom  Continue reading

Bare Metal Networking, Then and Now…

What a difference a year makes.

Just last year, bare metal networking was viewed as an aspiration for only mega-scale operators. A simple solution to enable any bare metal switch to operate any networking operating system was unavailable.

Original design manufacturers (ODMs) and bare metal networking vendors were relatively unknown entities. Pricing and product availability was obscure or difficult to ascertain. The supply chain for bare metal networking was non-existent. (You can read more about The Modern Networking Supply Chain and the Death of the Multiplier Effect.) Consequently, mega-scale operators deployed solutions, procured directly from ODMs in lots of hundreds to thousands.

Today, bare metal networking is available to the mass market around the world.

The Open Network Install Environment, ONIE, is a fundamental enabler to bare metal networking. ONIE is an Open Compute Project (OCP, pioneered by Facebook) initiative facilitating any network operating system to be installed (or removed) on any ONIE-based switch. Bare metal networking vendors have adopted ONIE en masse, simplifying operations for distributors and resellers with a minimum number of hardware SKUs, in parallel, making the simplified supply chain available to a range of software suppliers. Today, there are approximately 20 ONIE-based platforms in flexible Continue reading

Multicast Rising

Multicast Rising

by Steve Harriman, VP of Marketing - August 19, 2014

Multicast hasn’t been a hot topic in networking in recent years, but that may be changing with last week’s announcements by both AT&T and Verizon that they will launch LTE multicast in 2015. Verizon plans to start embedding the technology in phones in the fourth quarter of this year and commercially launch the service in 2015. AT&T will also begin to roll out multicast capabilities next year. 

According to Verizon CFO Fran Shammo, multicast is “…the pivotal point that starts to change the way content is delivered over a mobile handset which opens up content into the wireless world." 

As Humberto Saabedra explains in an article for “LTE Multicast allows the same content to be sent to a large number of subscribers at the same time, resulting in a more efficient use of network resources than each user requesting the same content and then having the content individually streamed to each user.” 

Currently, organizations use multicast for multimedia distribution, desktop imaging, market trading data distribution, broadcast video, online education, and other purposes where data must be delivered simultaneously to multiple receivers. Packet Continue reading

Do We Need To Redefine Open?


There’s a new term floating around that seems to be confusing people left and right.  It’s something that’s been used to describe a methodology as well as used in marketing left and right.  People are using it and don’t even really know what it means.  And this is the first time that’s happened.  Let’s look at the word “open” and why it has become so confusing.

Talking Beer

For those at home that are familiar with Linux, “open” wasn’t the first term to come to mind.  “Free” is another word that has been used in the past with a multitude of loaded meanings.  The original idea around “free” in relation to the Open Source movement is that the software is freely available.  There are no restrictions on use and the source is always available.  The source code for the Linux kernel can be searched and viewed at any time.

Free describes the fact that the Linux kernel is available for no cost.  That’s great for people that want to try it out.  It’s not so great for companies that want to try and build a business around it, yet Red Hat has managed to do just that.  How can they Continue reading

A History of Load Balancing

A visual representation of the company and, to a lesser extent, product history of the load balancing/application delivery field. My usual F5 bias is present but it seems justified considering their long-held market leading position. I’ve been itching to post this for a while but simply couldn’t stop changing the formatting. I can’t say I’m […]

Author information

Steven Iveson

Steven Iveson

Steven Iveson, the last of four children of the seventies, was born in London and has never been too far from a shooting, bombing or riot. He's now grateful to live in a small town in East Yorkshire in the north east of England with his wife Sam and their four children.

He's worked in the IT industry for over 15 years in a variety of roles, predominantly in data centre environments. Working with switches and routers pretty much from the start he now also has a thirst for application delivery, SDN, virtualisation and related products and technologies. He's published a number of F5 Networks related books and is a regular contributor at DevCentral.

The post A History of Load Balancing appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Steven Iveson.

DIY Web Server: Raspberry Pi + CloudFlare

The Raspberry Pi was created with a simple mission in mind: change the way people interact with computers. This inexpensive, credit card-sized machine is encouraging people, especially kids, to start playing with computers, not on them.

When the first computers came out, basic programming skills were necessary. This was the age of the Amigas, BBC Micros, the Spectrum ZX, and Commodore 64s. The generation that grew up with these machines gained a fundamental understanding how how computers work.

Computers today are easy to use and require zero understanding of programming to operate. They’re also expensive, and wrapped in sleek cases. While aesthetically pleasing designs and user friendly interfaces make computers appealing and accessible to everyone, these advances create a barrier to understanding how computers work and what they are capable of doing. This isn’t necessarily a problem, but for those who really understand computers, it seems that our collective sense of the power of computing has been dulled.

Raspberry Pi marks the beginning of a conscious effort to return to computing fundamentals. Starting at about $25—case not included—it’s purposely designed to remove barriers to tinkering, reprograming, and, ultimately, to understanding how computers work. This return to fundamentals is rejuvenating the Continue reading

CloudFlare hiring Go programmers in London and San Francisco

Are you familiar with the Go programming language and looking for a job in San Francisco or London? Then think about applying to CloudFlare. We're looking for people with experience writing Go in both locations.

CC BY-SA 2.0 by Yuko Honda (cropped, resized)

CloudFlare uses Go extensively to build our service and we need to people to build and maintain those systems. We've written a complete DNS server in Go, our Railgun service is all Go and we're moving more and more systems to Go programs.

We've recently written about our open source Red October Go project for securing secrets, and open-sourced our CFSSL Go-based PKI package. Go is now making its way into our data pipeline and be used for processing huge amounts of data.

We even have a Go-specific section on our GitHub.

If you're interested in working in Go on a high-performance global network like CloudFlare, send us an email.

Not into Go? We're hiring for all sorts of other positions and technologies.