
Category Archives for "Networking"

What is beamforming and how does it make wireless better?

While the concepts of beamforming have been around since the 1940s, the technology is currently playing a key role in improving modern wireless communication standards such as Wi-Fi and 5G. In combination with MU-MIMO technologies, beamforming helps users get more precise connections that boost their data speeds.What is beamforming? Beamforming is a technique that focuses a wireless signal towards a specific receiving device, rather than have the signal spread in all directions, like from a broadcast antenna. The resulting direct connection is faster and more reliable than it would be without beamforming.To read this article in full, please click here

Feedback: Ansible for Networking Engineers

One of subscribers sent me the following feedback on Ansible for Networking Engineers webinar:

The “Ansible for Network Engineers” webinar is of the highest caliber. I’ve taken Ansible courses with your CCIE peers, and though they are good, I objectively feel, that I get more of a total comprehensive understanding with network automation here at ipSpace. Also, I enjoy your professional care-free tone, and how you pepper humor into the subject matter.

I’ve setup a virtual lab with Ubuntu 18.04 LTS server, and am using both Aruba and Cisco switches/routers. Ansible has lots of nuances that will take me time to fully get a grip-on– but, that’s why I subscribe with the network pros like ipSpace.

Tools 8. Monitoring Network Performance with Dockerised Prometheus, Iperf3 and Speedtest

Hello my friend,

in the time when the business is conducted online, it is vital to have a clear visibility into the health of your services and their performance, especially if they rely on the media or other components outside of your immediate control. Earlier in our blogpost we have covered how and why to use iperf3 for measurements of a performance between your hosts and speediest to measure a performance of an Internet connectivity. Today we’ll show how to automate this process with the help of Prometheus.

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How Can We Automate Monitoring?

Automation is not only about Ansible and Python. Knowing how you can properly use various applications, especially those great open source tools available on the market is a key to your success. At the same time, Ansible plays a key role in rolling out application these days, as it helps to ensure that deployment is done in a consistent way. Ansible is like Continue reading

Welcome to Security Week 2022!

Welcome to Security Week 2022!
Welcome to Security Week 2022!

Recent events are bringing cybersecurity to the forefront of many conversations.

Governments around the world are encouraging businesses to go “shields up” following Ukraine’s invasion. The current threat is significantly higher than before and any organization with Internet-facing infrastructure should put security as a top priority for the year.

To help keep services online, Cloudflare is also participating in the Critical Infrastructure Defense Project ensuring teams can get the best help to secure networks and applications more vulnerable to cyber threats, such as those in the medical, water and energy sectors.

As another example, not too long ago, Log4J, a high-severity vulnerability affecting many Java-based applications, also highlighted how important good security is on the Internet as attackers immediately started scanning for vulnerable applications within hours of the attack vector becoming public.

Unfortunately, these events are almost certainly not going to be our last reminders.

Over the next six days, we intend to tackle the broad topic of cyber security with a simple goal: ensure security is no longer an afterthought.

Security, however, is also hard, and you never know when “you’ve done enough”. The importance of good security practices should never be underestimated. Reliable and secure Continue reading

Maximum Flow Problems


In optimization theory, Maximum Flow problems involve finding the maximum flow (or traffic) that can be sent from one place to another, subject to certain constraints. In this post, we will look at Maximum Flow algorithms applied to Networking and the questions they can help answer.

The main focus here will be the applied part, and we will only cover the surface of most algorithms as many of them requires Linear Programming and Optimization theory background.

Problem Setup

Assume that we have a small network connecting a few locations in the US using RSVP-TE for traffic management.
RSVP-TE allows us to find paths if there is not enough room on the shortest path, which removes the restriction that the flows need to travel only on the shortest path.

In the below picture, we can see the Capacity and IGP cost of the links. From a graph representation perspective, we will use MultiDigraph. Multi to represent multiple links, like between lax<-->iad, and Digraph for capturing the unidirectional behavior of RSVP LSPs.

Backbone Network

We will also assume that we already have some traffic routed between a few locations. The below table shows the existing traffic traveling between locations. For example, we Continue reading

Trust Will Do You In


If you’re a fan of the Gestalt IT Rundown that I do every week on the Gestalt IT YouTube channel, you have probably heard about the recent hacks of NVIDIA and Samsung. The original investigation into those hacks talked about using MDM platforms and other vectors to gain access to the information that was obtained by the hacking groups. An interesting tweet popped up on my feed yesterday that helped me reframe the attacks:

It would appear that the group behind these attacks are going after their targets the old fashioned way. With people. For illustration, see XKCD from 2009:

The Weakest Links

People are always the weakest link in any security situation. They choose to make something insecure through bad policy or by trying to evade the policy. Perhaps they are trying to do harm to the organization or even try to shine a light on Continue reading

Dell 2161DS-2 serial port pinout

I picked up a Dell (Avocent) 2161DS-2 (same as 4161DS?) KVM recently, and needed to use the serial port to upgrade the software.

Naturally, the serial port pinout is non-standard and requires a proprietary cable which comes with the KVM. Dell part numbers 80DH7 and 3JY78 might be involved. I don't have, and have never seen these cables.

I was able to to find the RX, TX and Ground pins and interact with the system using 9600, 8, N, 1.

Pinout in red text

Is the color coding inside these adaptors standardized? If so this may help.

The system prints some unsolicited messages ("welcome" or somesuch) a little while after power-up.

Notes from upgrading the firmware from MacOS 12:

 # Grab the firmware  
wget -P /tmp "$URL"

# Start MacOS tftp service
sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/tftp.plist

# Extract the firmware (it's a self-extracting exe, but we can open it with unzip)
sudo unzip -d /private/tftpboot "/tmp/$(basename "$URL")" Omega_DELL_1.3.51.0.fl

# Now, using the menu on the KVM serial port, point it toward the MacOS TFTP service
# to retrieve the Omega_DELL_1.3.51.0.fl file

External Lab Access With Ngrok and Containerlab

Thank you all for checking out my inaugural post on the Packet Pushers platform. I’ve been a long time fan of the content here and its pretty exciting to be one of the contributors. Sif Baksh recently asked John Capobianco and myself a very interesting question. @John_Capobianco and @Julio_PDX do know of a service where […]

The post External Lab Access With Ngrok and Containerlab appeared first on Packet Pushers.

Video: Functions-as-a-Service Demo

Serverless computing (marketing term for code running on servers managed by other people) is one of the must-have terms if you’re playing a Buzzword Bingo, but what does it really mean and how does the whole thing work?

Matthias Luft and Florian Barth illustrated the concept during the Introduction to Cloud Computing webinar with a short demo in which they build a simple AWS Lambda function.

You need Free or Standard Subscription to watch the video.

seccomp — Unsafe at any speed

I’ll just assert that there’s no way to use seccomp() correctly. Just like how there’s no way to use gets() correctly, causing it to eventually be removed from the C and C++ standards.

seccomp, briefly

seccomp allows you to filter syscalls with a ruleset.

The obvious thing is to filter anything your program isn’t supposed to be doing. If it doesn’t do file IO, don’t let it open files. If it’s not supposed to execute anything, don’t let it do that.

But whether you use a whitelist (e.g. only allow working with already open file descriptors), or a blacklist (e.g. don’t allow it to open these files), it’s fundamentally flawed.

1. Syscalls change. Sometimes without even recompiling

open() in your code actually becomes the openat syscall. Maybe. At least today. At least on my machine, today.

select() actually becomes pselect6. At least on Fridays.

If you upgrade libc or distribute a binary to other systems, this may start to fail.

2. Surprising syscalls

Calling printf() will call the syscall newfstatat, a syscall hard to even parse into words. But only the first time you call it! So after your first printf() you can block newfstatat.

Maybe Continue reading

Zero-trust for cloud-native workloads

There has been a huge uptick in microservices adoption in the data analytics domain, primarily aided by machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) projects. Some of the reasons why containers are popular among ML developers is the ease of portability, scalability, and quick access to data using services—specifically network services. The rise of cloud-native applications, especially for big data in the analytics sector, makes these applications a prime target for cyber crime.

Preventing threat actors from breaching the network and accessing critical data or applications is a daunting task for one team or individual to take on alone. DevOps and security engineers, SREs, and platform architects all need to work together to facilitate the process. These teams are usually presented with two challenges:

  • Since the fundamental architecture model of microservices is distributed, it is imperative that east-west traffic is present. With most common deployments using a multi-cloud or hybrid model, there is no real network perimeter.
  • One or more microservices will access external services such as 3rd-party cloud services, APIs, and applications, resulting in multiple ingress/egress points for north-south traffic.

This article talks about what organizations need to know about zero trust for cloud-native workloads, and how zero trust Continue reading

Stream now supports SRT as a drop-in replacement for RTMP

Stream now supports SRT as a drop-in replacement for RTMP
Stream now supports SRT as a drop-in replacement for RTMP

SRT is a new and modern live video transport protocol. It features many improvements to the incumbent popular video ingest protocol, RTMP, such as lower latency, and better resilience against unpredictable network conditions on the public Internet. SRT supports newer video codecs and makes it easier to use accessibility features such as captions and multiple audio tracks. While RTMP development has been abandoned since at least 2012, SRT development is maintained by an active community of developers.

We don’t see RTMP use going down anytime soon, but we can do something so authors of new broadcasting software, as well as video streaming platforms, can have an alternative.

Stream now supports SRT as a drop-in replacement for RTMP

Starting today, in open beta, you can use Stream Connect as a gateway to translate SRT to RTMP or RTMP to SRT with your existing applications. This way, you can get the last-mile reliability benefits of SRT and can continue to use the RTMP service of your choice. It’s priced at $1 per 1,000 minutes, regardless of video encoding parameters.

You can also use SRT to go live on Stream Live, our end-to-end live streaming service to get HLS and DASH manifest URLs from your SRT input, and do simulcasting to multiple Continue reading