“You’re not going to have full automation unless you’re 100 percent certain.”
As Robin Wilton discussed a few days ago in Roca: Encryption Vulnerability and What to do About It, yet another security vulnerability has been discovered. If you have one of the ISOC-branded Yubikey 4s that we have given out at some conferences, they were affected by the recently disclosed Infineon vulnerability. See these two links for details:
This issue impacts only some limited uses of the keys. For details, see
You can get your ISOC-branded Yubikey 4 replaced at no cost to you by going to this page and following the instructions.
If you have questions or concerns, please contact Steve Olshansky, Internet Technology Program Manager, at <[email protected]>.
The post Some Yubikeys Affected by Infineon Security Weakness appeared first on Internet Society.
Company claims new Threat Management platform can process 5 billion security threats in 10 minutes.
AT&T plans to migrate more than 2,200 IT applications to a microservices architecture.
Researchers recently discovered a dangerous vulnerability – called ROCA – in cryptographic smartcards, security tokens, and other secure hardware chips manufactured by Infineon Technologies. These articles on Ars Technica and The Register give a good background.
Yes. It’s serious in practice and in principle. Infineon used a flawed key generation routine, which means those keys are easier to crack, and the routine is used in chips embedded in a wide variety of devices. It’s reckoned that the flawed routine has been in use since 2012 and has probably been used to generate tens of millions of keys. Naturally, many of those keys will have been generated precisely because someone had data or resources that they particularly wanted to secure.
It’s serious because a flawed implementation managed to get through all the development and standardisation processes without being spotted, and has been widely deployed on mass-market devices.
The flaw affects keys generated for the RSA and OpenPGP algorithms, both of which are public key crypto systems. Public key cryptography is based on pairs of keys, one of which is made public and the other kept private:
Analysts note surprise as the software security firms inconsistent financial performance.
I had a great time this week recording the first episode of a new series with my co-worker Rich Stroffolino. The Gestalt IT Rundown is hopefully the start of some fun news stories with a hint of snark and humor thrown in.
One of the things I discussed in this episode was my belief that no data is truly secure any more. Thanks to recent attacks like WannaCry and Bad Rabbit and the rise of other state-sponsored hacking and malware attacks, I’m totally behind the idea that soon everyone will know everything about me and there’s nothing that anyone can do about it.
Personal data is important. Some pieces of personal data are sacrificed for the greater good. Anyone who is in IT or works in an area where they deal with spam emails and robocalls has probably paused for a moment before putting contact information down on a form. I have an old Hotmail address I use to catch spam if I’m relative certain that something looks shady. I give out my home phone number freely because I never answer it. These pieces of personal data have been sacrificed in order to provide me Continue reading
When Bob Dylan wrote back in the 60’s “times they are a-changin” it’s very possible he knew how true that would be today. Last week, we saw a few things announced in the container technology space during the DockerCon event in Copenhagen – but one thing that I believe came as a surprise to many was Docker’s announcement to begin including Kubernetes in Docker Enterprise edition sometime in early 2018. This doesn’t concede or mark the death of Docker’s own scheduling and orchestration platform, Docker Swarm, but it does underscore what we’ve heard from many of our customers for quite some time now – almost every IT organization that is using/evaluating containers has jumped on the Kubernetes bandwagon. In fact, many of you are probably already familiar with the integration supported today with NSX-T 2.0 and Kubernetes from the post that Yves did earlier in the year…
In the past few years, we’ve heard a lot about this idea of digital transformation and what it means for today’s enterprise. Typically, a part of this transformation is something called infrastructure modernization, and this happens because most IT environments today have some hurdles that need to Continue reading
The recent bug in WPA2 has a worst case outcome that is the same as using a wifi without a password: People can sniff, maybe inject… it’s not great but you connect to open wifi at Starbucks anyway, and you’re fine with that because you visit sites with HTTPS and SSH. Eventually your client will get a fix too, so the whole thing is pretty “meh”.
But there’s a reason I call it “WPA2 bug” and I call the recent issue with Infineon key generation “the Infineon disaster”. It’s much bigger. It seems like the whole of Estonia needs to re-issue ID cards, and several years worth of PC-, smartcard-, Yubikey, and other production have been generating bad keys. And these keys will stick around.
From now until forever when you generate, use, or accept RSA keys you have to check for these weak keys. I assume OpenSSH will if it hasn’t already.
But then what? It’s not like servers can just reject these keys, or it’ll lock people out. And it’s not clear that an adversary even has your public key for SSH. And you can’t crack the key if you don’t have the public half. Maybe a Continue reading
Three articles of interest on the new WiFi KRACK—
So this is essentially a replay attack—something that is not taken seriously enough in the security world, by and large.
And, finally, an article on protecting your network from KRACK—
Soon-to-be-announced partners include “major players” in mobile networking and next-gen firewalls.
ARM will release the framework and a related open source project in 2018.
TUF was established first, with Docker Inc. adopting it for the commercialized Notary product.
As you may have heard, the Notary project has been invited to join the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). Much like its real world namesake, Notary is a platform for establishing trust over pieces of content.
In life, certain important events such as buying a house are facilitated by a trusted third party called a “notary.” When buying a house, this person is typically employed by the lender to verify your identity and serve as a witness to your signatures on the mortgage agreement. The notary carries a special stamp and will also sign the documents as an affirmation that a notary was present and verified all the required information relating to the borrowers.
In a similar manner, the Notary project, initially sponsored by Docker, is designed to provide high levels of trust over digital content using strong cryptographic signatures. In addition to ensuring the provenance of the software, it also provides guarantees that the content is not modified without approval of the author anywhere in the supply chain. This then allows higher level systems like Docker Enterprise Edition (EE) with Docker Content Trust (which uses Notary) to establish clear policy on the usage of content. For instance, a Continue reading
I made a tool to check if your TPM chip is bad. Well, it extracts the SRK public key and you can then use marcan’s tool to easily check if the key is good or bad.
Example use:
$ g++ -o check-srk -std=gnu++11 check-srk.cc -ltspi -lssl -lcrypto 2>&1 && ./check-srk
Size: 2048
Outputting modulus…
$ wget https://gist.githubusercontent.com/marcan/fc87aa78085c2b6f979aefc73fdc381f/raw/526bc2f2249a2e3f5d4450c7c412e0dbf57b2288/roca_test.py
$ python roca_test.py 8490234823904890234823904823904890238490238490238490238490[…]893428490823904231
(use -s
if you have an SRK PIN)
If the SRK is weak then not only are very likely anything else you generated in the TPM weak, but also anything generated outside the TPM and imported is crackable, since your blobs are encrypted using this crackable SRK key.
The Internet Society (Aftab Siddiqui) and APNIC (Tashi Phuntsho) jointly conducted a Network Security Workshop in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea (PNG) on 3-5 October 2017. This was arranged for current and potential members of the first neutral Internet Exchange Point (IX) in the country called PNG-IX, at the request of NICTA – the National Information and Communications Technology Authority – a government agency responsible for the regulation and licensing of Information Communication Technology (ICT) in Papua New Guinea. NICTA is also a key partner in establishing the Internet Exchange in PNG.
This first half of Day 1 (3 October) was dedicated to the PNG-IX awareness., such the role of an IX, how it works, why an IX has been established in PNG and why everyone should peer in order to achieve both short- and long-term benefits to the local Internet ecosystem. NICTA CEO Charles Punaha, NICTA Director Kila Gulo Vui, and APNIC Development Director Che-Hoo Cheng shared their views
There were more than 40 participants in the Network Security workshop, with diverse backgrounds ranging from enterprise environments, state universities, financial institutions, telcos and ISPS. The training alumni completed lab work and learned about important security topics such as Continue reading
Because of the Infineon Disaster of 2017 lots of TPM and Yubikey keys have to be regenerated.
I have previously blogged about how to create these keys inside the yubikey, so here’s just the short version of how to redo it by generating the key in software and importing it into the yubikey.
When it appears to stall, that’s when it’s waiting for a touch.
openssl genrsa -out key.pem 2048
openssl rsa -in key.pem -outform PEM -pubout -out public.pem
yubico-piv-tool -s 9a -a import-key --touch-policy=always -i key.pem
yubico-piv-tool -a verify-pin -a selfsign-certificate -s 9a -S '/CN=my SSH key/' -i public.pem -o cert.pem
yubico-piv-tool -a import-certificate -s 9a -i cert.pem
rm key.pem public.pem cert.pem
ssh-keygen -D /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/opensc-pkcs11.so -e
Delete all mentions of previous key. It’s good to have a disaster plan ahead of time if keys need to be replaced, but if you don’t have one:
)Because of the Infineon Disaster of 2017 lots of TPM and Yubikey keys have to be regenerated.
I have previously blogged about how to create these keys inside the yubikey, so here’s just the short version of how to redo it by generating the key in software and importing it into the yubikey.
When it appears to stall, that’s when it’s waiting for a touch.
openssl genrsa -out key.pem 2048
openssl rsa -in key.pem -outform PEM -pubout -out public.pem
yubico-piv-tool -s 9a -a import-key --touch-policy=always -i key.pem
yubico-piv-tool -a verify-pin -a selfsign-certificate -s 9a -S '/CN=my SSH key/' -i public.pem -o cert.pem
yubico-piv-tool -a import-certificate -s 9a -i cert.pem
rm key.pem public.pem cert.pem
ssh-keygen -D /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/opensc-pkcs11.so -e
Delete all mentions of previous key. It’s good to have a disaster plan ahead of time if keys need to be replaced, but if you don’t have one:
) Cloud security threats are "moving up the stack."