These breaches are now affecting millions and sometimes hundreds of millions of people.
since 1973, 156 people have been on death row and later set free. Since 1976, 1,414 people have been executed in the U.S
A DNS service gets downed twice (so far) on Friday.
As DDoS attacks escalate, routers can't always keep up.
One of my readers sent me this question:
Using SSL over the Internet is a must when dealing with sensitive data. What about SSL between data center components (frontend load-balancers and backend web servers for example)? Does it make sense to you? Can the question be summarized as "do I trust my Datacenter network team"? Or is there more at stake?
In the ideal world in which you’d have a totally reliable transport infrastructure the answer would be “There’s no need for SSL across that infrastructure”.
Read more ...* things are not nearly as obscure as you thinkI (as an attacker) know that many sites use port knocking. Therefore, if I get no response from an IP address (which I have reason Continue reading
* obscurity often impacts your friends more than your enemies
Revenue is up 9 percent from $14.5 billion in the same quarter last year.
SDR meets IoT and security.
I managed to get an SSH client working using an SSH pubkey protected by a TPM.
This is not needed, since TPM operations only need well known SRK PIN, not owner PIN, to do useful stuff. I only document it here in case you want to do it. Microsoft recommends against it.
Set OSManagedAuthLevel
to 4
2 -> 4
Clear TPM
Run tpm.msc
and choose “Clear TPM”. The machine will reboot
and ask you to press F12 or something for physical proof of
presence to clear it.
Set owner password from within tpm.msc
Create key
tpmvscmgr.exe create /name "myhostnamehere VSC" /pin prompt /adminkey random /generate
PIN must be at least 8 characters.
Create CSR
Create a new text file req.inf
Subject = "CN=myhostnamehere"
Keylength = 2048
Exportable = FALSE
UserProtected = TRUE
MachineKeySet = FALSE
ProviderName = "Microsoft Base Smart Card Crypto Provider"
ProviderType = 1
RequestType = PKCS10
KeyUsage = 0x80
certreq -new -f req.inf myhostname.csr
If you get any errors, just reboot and try again with the command that failed.
Get the CSR signed by any Continue reading
Following LinuxCon Europe in Berlin last week, we organized a first of its kind Docker event called Docker Distributed Systems Summit. This two day event was an opportunity for core Docker engineers and Docker experts from the community to learn, collaborate, problem-solve and hack around the next generation of distributed systems in areas such as orchestration, networking, security and storage.
More specifically, the goal of the summit was to dive deep into Docker’s infrastructure plumbing tools and internals: SwarmKit, InfraKit, Hyperkit, Notary, libnetwork, IPVS, Raft, TUF and provide attendees with the working knowledge of how to leverage these tools while building their own systems.
We’re happy to share with you all the videos recordings, slides and audio files available as #dockercast episodes!
All the slides from the summit are available on the official Docker slideshare account.
Please join us in giving a big shout out to our awesome speakers for creating and presenting the following projects:
### Begin ASRAR El Mojahedeen v2.0 Encrypted Message ###
Security vulnerabilities can't hold back developers working on open source code.
NetScaler's ZeroTouch automates deployment and eliminates the need for local technical staff.
SDN provides the perfect fit for network monitoring.
Welcome to Technology Short Take #72. Normally, I try to publish these on Fridays, but some personal travel prevented that this time around so I’m publishing on a Monday instead. Enough of that, though…bring on the content! As usual, here’s my random collection of links, articles, and thoughts about various data center technologies.
And guess what: You can't change it.