If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.
Next-gen security arrives under the ‘SDSN’ moniker.
My friend Matthias Luft sent me an interesting tweet a while ago:
@ioshints What’s your take on firewall rule sets & IP addresses vs. hostnames?
— Matthias Luft (@uchi_mata) August 16, 2016
All I could say in 160 characters was “it depends”. Here’s a longer answer.
Read more ...Investigators had learned that agents of the foreign terrorist organization were communicating using Yahoo’s email service and with a method that involved a “highly unique” identifier or signature, but the investigators did not know which specific email accounts those agents were using, the officials said.What they are likely referring it is software like "Mujahideen Secrets", which terrorists have been using for about a decade to encrypt messages. It includes a unique fingerprint/signature that can easily be searched for, as shown below.
Yahoo Inc last year secretly built a custom software program to search all of its customers' incoming emailsThe second paragraph says this:
The company complied with a classified U.S. government demand, scanning hundreds of millions of Yahoo Mail accountsWell? Which is it? Did they "search incoming emails" or did they "scan mail accounts"? Whether we are dealing with emails in transmit, or stored on the servers, is a BFD (Big Fucking Detail) that you can't gloss over and confuse in a story like this. Whether searches are done indiscriminately across all emails, or only for specific accounts, is another BFD.
Some surveillance experts said this represents the first case to surface of a U.S. Internet company agreeing to an intelligence agency's request by searching all arriving messages, as opposed to examining stored messages or scanning a small number of accounts in real time.Who are these "some surveillance experts"? Why is the Continue reading
30% annual growth is the long-term target.
IoT devices could set the stage for 'epic DDoS wars.'
The company spent $3 billion to expand its cloud services to Europe.
OVS is a critical component of SDN deployments.
It is time to see through the false sense of security offered by typical deployments.
retrieving IP addresses is clearly a search
Aqua will be involved in Microsoft initiatives while staying true to its roots.
These security companies will now be able to have FortiSIEM run alongside their own existing security products.
A step toward reviving Juniper's security revenues.
'They stole the grand piano while the family was home.’
Imperva’s stock has shot up 22%.
VMware says it is looking at East-West encryption inside the data center, adding another layer of security to the SDDC.
The VMware NSX Micro-segmentation Cybersecurity Benchmark report has been released! As previewed in part six of the Micro-segmentation Defined – NSX Securing Anywhere blog series , independent cyber risk management advisor and assessor Coalfire was sponsored by VMware to create an industry first Micro-segmentation Cybersecurity Benchmark report. Coalfire conducted an audit of the VMware NSX micro-segmentation capabilities to develop this benchmark report detailing the efficacy of NSX as a security platform through a detailed “micro-audit” process, testing NSX against simulated zero-day threats.
Testing included five different network design patterns, and demonstrated how NSX micro-segmentation can provide stateful, distributed, policy-based protection in environments regardless of network topology. Topologies included –
Coalfire’s examination and testing of VMware NSX technology utilized simulated exploits that depict likely malware and Continue reading