Startup Menlo Security tackles endpoint malware prevention using containers to proxy Web and email sessions.
The post Startup Radar: Menlo Security Taps Containers To Stop Malware appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Drew Conry-Murray.
The Washington Post recently published a great piece about the development and current weaknesses of the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP, which is used to route all Internet traffic). This morning Telekom Malaysia (a.k.a TMnet) helped to illustrate the points made in the article by leaking almost half of the global routing table via Level 3 at 08:44 UTC.
Some of the most affected companies were those peering with Telekom Malaysia. The following graphics illustrate the impact to routes from Amazon and Cloudflare.
Google’s extensive peering likely insulated it from some of the effects of having its routes leaked. However, it didn’t escape the incident completely unscathed. Here is an example of a normal traceroute to Google’s data center in Council Bluffs, Iowa from Prague, which goes via Frankfurt and London before crossing the Atlantic Ocean.
trace from Prague to Google, Council Bluffs, IA at 02:45 Jun 11, 2015
1 *
2 16.583
3 22.934
4 Level 3 (Frankfurt, DE) 23.101
5 Google (Frankfurt, DE) 23.796
6 Google (Frankfurt, DE) 24.086
7 Google (London, GB) 32.709
8 Google (New York City) 103.091
9 Google (Council Bluffs) 133.098
10 Google (Council Bluffs) 133.245
11 Google (Council Bluffs) 133. Continue reading
According to the Data Center Journal:
What’s the problem with IT resumes? They’re useless.
The real problem with IT resumes, though, is we want to see a long list of technologies, because we want to find the specific technology we want to implement (or are implementing) — rather than a good engineer. The hiring process is a fishing expedition rather than a search for solid talent and personality fit. If we want to fix this problem we can. The question is — do we want to?
Bruce Schneier has some wise thoughts on airport security this week —
We don’t need perfect airport security. We just need security that’s good enough to dissuade someone from building a plot around evading it. If you’re caught with a gun or a bomb, the TSA will detain you and call the FBI. Under those circumstances, even a medium chance of getting caught is enough to dissuade a sane terrorist
Replace “airport” with “network,” and you get the drift of where network security is going, I think. Of course, there’s the reality that you can’t stop insane attackers… Worth remembering. The same point can be made for network uptime, by the way. Perfection is Continue reading
Implications of IoT for service providers.
Presenter: Eric Kostlan, Technical Marketing Engineer, Cisco Security Technologies Group
Above all, Snort is a community –Eric
Snort stats
Snort was created in 1998 (!!). Sourcefire founded in 2001.
The Snort engine
DAQ – packet acquisition library(ies?). Snort leverages this to pull packets off the wire (Snort doesn’t have its own built-in packet capture abilities). DAQ provides a form of abstraction between the Snort engine and the hardware where the bits are flowing. DAQ – Data AcQusition. DAQ modes: inline, passive or read from file.
Packet decoder – look for header anomalies, look for weird TCP flags, much more. Generator id (GID) is 116 for the packet decoder. Decodes Layer and Layer 3 protocols with a focus on TCP/IP suite.
Preprocessors – apply to Layer 3, 4, and 7 protocols. “Protocol decoders”. Normalizes traffic. Major preprocessors: frag3 (reassembly), stream5 (reconstruct TCP streams), http_inspect (normalizes http traffic), protocol decoders (telnet, ftp, smtp, so on).
Detection engine – various performance settings (eg, how long to spend on regex). Two components: rule builder and inspection component. Rule builder: assembles the rules into Continue reading
Security is pervasive to networking, so it's an area Chambers will keep an eye on.
Presenter: Eric Howard, Techincal Marketing Engineer
Why aren’t we stopping all the malware???
The term “APT” has become the boogey man of cyber security. :-)
You don’t need to know squat about writing malware in order to launch malware
Why aren’t we stopping all the malware?
Product does not solve the issue. Process is required, too. Ideally, good process backed by good product.
If you knew you were going to be compromised, would you do security differently? — Marty Roesch, Cheif Architect, Cisco Security, founder of Sourcefire
Do security different:
Plan A
Visibility is the first step toward data center security, vArmour reasons.
The proponents of microsegmentation are quick to explain how the per-VM-NIC traffic filtering functionality replaces the traditional role of subnets as security zones, often concluding that “you can deploy as many tenants as you wish in a flat network, and use VM NIC firewall to isolate them.”
Read more ...Presenter: Craig Williams (@security_craig) – Sr Technical Leader / Security Outreach Manager, Cisco TALOS
I’m from Talos. We love to stop bad guys.
Talos has a serious amount of data. For serious.
Data is key. It allows generation of real threat intel.
We basically have a bottomless pit of data
Talos vuln dev team:
With ransomware, you’re basically funding the malware underground.
Destructive/Wiper Malware:
Rather than relying on point products, enterprises should let the network become a security sensor and enforcer, Cisco says.
Juniper loses a big name to the world outside Silicon Valley.
If you can't secure the endpoints, Menlo figures you might as well eliminate them.