
Category Archives for "Ansible Blog"

Ansible Tower Webinar


We have an Ansible Tower webinar scheduled for next week.

This webinar will provide an example of how Ansible Tower allows you to centralize your Ansible infrastructure from a modern UI, featuring role-based access control, job scheduling, and graphical inventory management. Tower's REST API and CLI make it easy to embed Tower into existing tools and processes.

Tower now includes real-time output of playbook runs, an all-new dashboard and expanded out-of-the-box cloud support. 

Sign-up today

Ansible Tower Demo - 11/19 2:30 PM EST

FREE Ansible Up & Running Preview


Are you camped out at your local bookstore awaiting the release of Ansible Up & Running next year and want something to read? How about the first 3 chapters of the book? 

The free ebook preview of Ansible Up & Running by Lorin Hochstein includes:

Chapter 1 - Introduction
Chapter 2  - Playbooks, a Beginning
Chapter 3 - Inventory: Describing Your Servers

To download your copy in PDF, MOBI and ePUB formats click here or the link below.

Ansible Up & Running - Free Preview

Please enter a vaild email address as the ebook preview will be delivered via email.

Case Study: Tradesy and Ansible


We've just completed another new Ansible case study; Tradesy. Tradesy is an online consignment store where people can offer their fashion and accessories for resale. 

Tradesy had been doing everything by hand until making a move to use Ansible Tower in an effort to automate as many things as they could.

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Ansible and using Automation to Assert IT Compliance

Like “orchestration”, compliance is a frequently overloaded phrase in IT -- it means very different things to different people. Ansible is frequently used in all sorts of compliance use cases, which we’ll expand on below.

Compliance can mean checking to see if a system has “drifted” from a known state, pushing a system back into line from a different state, or making it conform with a very specific set of (often security related) standards.

Too Fast, Too Furious

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Case Study: Hootsuite


Hootsuite, the excellent social media management platform used by over 75% of the Fortune 500, is a big fan of Ansible and uses it for app deployment. Beier Cai, the Director of Technology at Hootsuite was kind enough to speak to us about how Hootsuite uses Asnible to overcome their business challenges.

“Our infrastructure is not scripted, repeatable or immutable. Rebuilding a server relies on limited documentation and mostly memory. Lack of repeatability makes automating our infrastructure and application deployment difficult. 

Read the full case study amd learn how Ansible solves their problems here.

Read more about Ansible and App Deployment.

Good Ansible News, Everyone


There are lots of great things happening at Ansible (and we aren't just talking about the new coffee in the breakroom). We've had a great summer with the hiring a bunch of new Ansible team members, the release of Ansible 1.7.2 and Ansible Tower 2.0. Fall is shaping up to be even better.

-- Inforworld names Ansible one of The best open source data center and cloud software companies.

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Provisioning an Autoscaling Infrastructure using Ansible


About Autoscaling

The concepts behind Amazon's Auto Scaling Groups (ASGs) are very promising. Who wouldn't want to have their infrastructure scale automatically with increases and decreases of demand?  Plenty of folks are using ASGs to do that today. ASGs do bring about their own challenges, which this series of blog posts will show solutions to by taking advantage of features in Ansible and Ansible Tower.

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