
Category Archives for "Docker Blog"

Introducing InfraKit, an open source toolkit for creating and managing declarative, self-healing infrastructure

Written by Bill Farner and David Chung

Docker’s mission is to build tools of mass innovation, starting with a programmable layer for the Internet that enables developers and IT operations teams to build and run distributed applications. As part of this mission, we have always endeavored to contribute software plumbing toolkits back to the community, following the UNIX philosophy of building small loosely coupled tools that are created to simply do one thing well. As Docker adoption has grown from 0 to 6 billion pulls, we have worked to address the needs of a growing and diverse set of distributed systems users. This work has led to the creation of many infrastructure plumbing components that have been contributed back to the community.


It started in 2014 with libcontainer and libnetwork. In 2015 we created runC and co-founded OCI with an industry-wide set of partners to provide a standard for container runtimes, a reference implementation based on libcontainer, and notary, which provides the basis for Docker Content Trust. From there we added containerd, a daemon to control runC, built for performance and density. Docker Engine was refactored so that Docker 1.11 is built on top of containerd and runC, providing benefits Continue reading

Your Docker agenda for the month of October

From webinars to workshops, meetups to conference talks, check out our list of events that are coming up in October!



Oct 13: Docker for Windows Server 2016 by Michael Friis

Oct 18: Docker Datacenter Demo by Moni Sallama and Chris Hines.


Official Docker Training Course

View the full schedule of instructor led training courses here!

Introduction to Docker: This is a two-day, on-site or classroom-based training course which introduces you to the Docker platform and takes you through installing, integrating, and running it in your working environment.

Oct 11-12: Introduction to Docker with Xebia – Paris, France

Oct 19-20: Introduction to Docker with Contino – London, United Kingdom

Oct 24-25: Introduction to Docker with AKRA – Krakow, Germany


Docker Administration and Operations: The Docker Administration and Operations course consists of both the Introduction to Docker course, followed by the Advanced Docker Topics course, held over four consecutive days.

Oct 3-6: Docker Administration and Operations with Azca – Madrid, Spain

Oct 11-15: Docker Administration and Operations with TREEPTIK – Paris, France

Oct 18-21: Docker Administration and Operations with Vizuri – Raleigh, NC

Oct 18-22: Docker Administration and Operations with TREEPTIK – Aix en Provence, France

Oct 24-27: Continue reading

Your Guide to LinuxCon and ContainerCon Europe

Hey Dockers! We had such a great time attending and speaking at LinuxCon and ContainerCon North America, that we are doing it again next week in Berlin – only bigger and better this time! Make sure to come visit us at booth #D38 and check out the awesome Docker sessions we have lined up:


Solomon Hykes, Docker’s Founder and CTO, will kick off LinuxCon with the first keynote at 9:25. If you aren’t joining us in Berlin, you can live stream his and the other keynotes by registering here.


Tuesday October 4th:

11:15 – 12:05 Docker Captain Adrian Mouat will deliver a comparison of orchestration tools including Docker Swarm, Mesos/Marathon and Kubernetes.

12:15 – 1:05 Patrick Chanezon and David Chung from Docker’s technical team along with Docker Captain and maintainer Phil Estes will demonstrate how to build distributed systems without Docker, using Docker plumbing projects, including RunC, containerd, swarmkit, hyperkit, vpnkit, datakit.

2:30 – 3:20 Docker’s Mike Goelzer will introduce the audience to Docker Services in Getting Started with Docker Services, explain what they are and how to use them to deploy multi-tier applications. Mike will also cover load balancing, service discovery, scaling, security, deployment Continue reading

Docker Weekly Roundup | September 25, 2016



The last week of September 2016 is over and you know what that means; another Docker news roundup. Highlights include, a new commercial relationship between Docker and Microsoft, general availability of Docker containers on Windows Server 2016, and consolidation of Docker documentation on GitHub! As we begin a new week, let’s recap our five hottest stories:

Weekly #roundup: Top 5 #Docker stories for the Continue reading

New Dockercast episode with Mano Marks from Docker

In case you missed it, we launched Dockercast, the official Docker Podcast last month including all the DockerCon 2016 sessions available as podcast episodes.

In this podcast, we meet Mano Marks, Director of Developer Relations at Docker.  Mano catches us up on a lot of the new cool tImage result for mano markshings that are going on with Docker.  We get into the new Docker 1.12 engine/swarm built-in orchestration. We also talk about some cool stuff that is happening with Docker and Windows as well as Raspberry Pi and Docker.

You can find the latest #Dockercast episodes on the Itunes Store or via the SoundCloud RSS feed.



New #dockercast episode w/ host @botchagalupe & our very own @manomarks as a guest!
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The post New Dockercast episode with Mano Marks from Docker appeared first on Docker Blog.

Image2Docker: A New Tool for Prototyping Windows VM Conversions

Docker is a great tool for building, shipping, and running your applications. Many companies are already moving their legacy applications to Docker containers and now with the introduction of the Microsoft Windows Server 2016, Docker Engine can not run containers  natively on Windows.To make it even easier, there’s a new prototyping tool for Windows VMs that shows you how to replicate a VM Image to a container.

Docker Captain Trevor Sullivan recently released the Image2Docker tool, an open source project we’re hosting on GitHub. Still in it’s early stages, Image2Docker is a Powershell module that you can point at a virtual hard disk image, scan for common Windows components and suggest a Dockerfile. And to make it even easier, we’re hosting it in the Powershell Gallery to make it easy to install and use.

In Powershell, just type:

Install-Module -Name Image2Docker

And you’ll have access to Get-WindowsArtifacts and ConvertTo-Dockerfile. You can even select which discovery artifacts to search for.


Currently Image2Docker supports VHD, VHDK, and WIM images. If you have a VMDK, Microsoft provides a great conversion tool to convert VMDK images to VHD images.

And as an open source project, lead by a Docker Captain, it’s easy Continue reading

Build and run your first Docker Windows Server container

Today, Microsoft announced the general availability of Windows Server 2016, and with it, Docker engine running containers natively on Windows. This blog post describes how to get setup to run Docker Windows Containers on Windows 10 or using a Windows Server 2016 VM. Check out the companion blog posts on the technical improvements that have made Docker containers on Windows possible and the post announcing the Docker Inc. and Microsoft partnership.

Before getting started, It’s important to understand that Windows Containers run Windows executables compiled for the Windows Server kernel and userland (either windowsservercore or nanoserver). To build and run Windows containers, you have to have a Windows system with container support.

Windows 10 with Anniversary Update

For developers, Windows 10 is a great place to run Docker Windows containers and containerization support was added to the the Windows 10 kernel with the Anniversary Update (note that container images can only be based on Windows Server Core and Nanoserver, not Windows 10). All that’s missing is the Windows-native Docker Engine and some image base layers.

The simplest way to get a Windows Docker Engine is by installing the Docker for Windows public beta (direct download link). Docker for Continue reading

Docker Announces Commercial Partnership with Microsoft to Double Container Market by Extending Docker Engine to Windows Server

With industry analysts declaring Windows Server with more than 60% of the x86 server market, and citing Microsoft Azure as the fastest-growing public cloud, it comes as no surprise that Microsoft, even at its current scale, is further extending its leadership as a strategic, trusted partner to enterprise IT.

It is this industry leadership that catalyzed our technical collaboration in the Docker open source project back in October 2014, to jointly bring the agility, portability, and security benefits of the Docker platform to Windows Server.  After two years of joint engineering, we are excited to unveil a new, commercial partnership to extend these benefits for both Windows developers targeting Windows Server and enterprise IT professionals.

Specifically, the commercial partnership entails:

  • The Commercially Supported Docker Engine aka “CS Docker Engine”, Docker, Inc.’s tested, validated, and supported package of Docker Engine, will be available to Windows Server 2016 customers at no additional cost
  • Microsoft will provide Windows Server 2016 customers enterprise support for CS Docker Engine, backed by Docker, Inc
  • Docker and Microsoft will jointly promote Docker Datacenter to enable IT Pros to secure the Windows Server software supply chain and manage containerized Windows Server workloads, whether on-prem, in the Continue reading

Introducing Docker for Windows Server 2016

Today, Microsoft is announcing general availability of Windows Server 2016 at the Ignite conference in Atlanta. For Windows developers and IT-pros, the most exciting new Windows feature is containers, and containers on Windows Server 2016 are powered by Docker.

The first version of Docker was released in 2013, and in the 3 years since launch, Docker has completely transformed how Linux developers and ops build, ship and run apps. With Docker Engine and containers now available natively on Windows, developers and IT-pros can begin the same transformation for Windows-based apps and infrastructure and start reaping the same benefits: better security, more agility, and improved portability and freedom to move on-prem apps to the cloud.

For developers and IT-pros that build and maintain heterogenous deployments with both Linux and Windows infrastructure, Docker on Windows holds even greater significance: The Docker platform now represents a single set of tools, APIs and image formats for managing both Linux and Windows apps. As Linux and Windows apps and servers are dockerized, developers and IT-pros can bridge the operating system divide with shared Docker terminology and interfaces for managing and evolving complex microservices deployments both on-prem and in the cloud.

Running Containers on Windows Server

Continue reading

Docker Weekly Roundup | September 18, 2016



It’s time for your weekly roundup! Get caught up on the top Docker news including; how to maintain dev environments for Java web apps, scale with Swarm, and make your CI/CD pipeline work for you. As we begin a new week, let’s recap our top five most-read stories of the week of September 18, 2016:

Weekly #Roundup: Top 5 #Docker stories for the week 09/18/16
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The post Docker Weekly Roundup | September 18, 2016 appeared first Continue reading

Walk, Jog, Run: Getting Smarter About Docker



I’ve spent most of the summer traveling to and speaking at a lot of different trade shows: EMC World, Cisco Live!, VMworld, HP Discover, Dockercon, and LinuxCon (as well as some meetups and smaller gatherings). A lot of the time, I’m speaking to people who are just getting familiar with Docker. They may have read an article or have had someone walk into their office and say “This Docker thing, so hot right now. Go figure it out”.

Certainly there are a number of companies running Docker in production, but there are still many who are asking fundamental questions about what Docker is, and how it can benefit their organization. To help folks out in that regard, I wrote an eBook.

After someone gets a grasp on what Docker is, they tend to want to dive in and start exploring, but often times they aren’t sure how to get started.

My advice (based on the approach I took when I joined Docker last year) is to walk, jog, and then run:

Walk: Decide where you want to run Docker, and install it. This could be Docker for Mac, Docker for Windows, or just installing Docker on Linux. Continue reading

Announcing the new Docs Repo on GitHub!

By John Mulhausen

The documentation team at Docker is excited to announce that we are consolidating all of our documentation into a single GitHub Pages-based repository on GitHub.

When is this happening?

  • The new repo is public now at
  • During the week of Monday, September 26th, any existing docs PRs need to be migrated over or merged.
  • We’ll do one last “pull” from the various docs repos on Wednesday, September 28th, at which time the docs/ folders in the various repos will be emptied.
  • Between the 28th and full cutover, the docs team will be testing the new repo and making sure all is well across every page.
  • Full cutover (production is drawing from the new repo, new docs work is pointed at the new repo, dissolution of old docs/ folders) is complete on Monday, October 3rd.

The problem with the status quo

  • Up to now, the docs have been all inside the various project repos, inside folders named “docs/” — and to see the docs running on your local machine was a pain.
  • The docs were built around Hugo, which is not natively supported by GitHub, and took minutes to build, and even longer for us Continue reading

5 Minutes with the Docker Captains

Docker Captain is a distinction that Docker awards select members of the community that are both experts in their field and are passionate about sharing their Docker knowledge with others.


This week we are highlighting 3 of our outstanding Captains who are making September one filled with Docker learnings and events. Read on to learn more about how they got started, what they love most about Docker, and why Docker.

Alex Ellis

Alex is a Principal Application Developer with expertise in the full Microsoft .NET stack, Node.js and Ruby. He enjoys making robots and IoT-connected projects with Linux and the Raspberry PI microcomputer. He is a writer for Linux User and Developer magazine and also produces tutorials on Docker, coding and IoT for his tech blog at

As a Docker Captain, how do you share that learning with the community?

I started out by sharing tutorials and code on my blog and on Github. More recently I’ve attended local meet-up groups, conferences and tech events to speak and tell a story about Docker and cool hacks. I joined Twitter in March and it’s definitely a must-have for reaching people.

Why do you like Docker?

Docker Continue reading

Visit Docker @ Microsoft Ignite – Booth #758


Next week Microsoft will host over 20,000 IT executives, architects, engineers, partners and thought-leaders from around the world at Microsoft Ignite, September 25th-30th at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, Georgia.

Visit the Docker booth #758 to learn how developers and IT pros can build, ship, and run any application, anywhere, across both Windows and Linux operating systems with Docker. By transforming modern application architectures for Linux and Windows applications, Docker allows business to benefit from a more agile development environment with a single journey for all their applications.

Don’t miss out! Docker experts will be on-hand to for in-booth demos to help you:

  •       Deploy your first Docker Windows container
  •       Learn about Docker containers on Windows Server 2016
  •       Manage your container environment with Docker Datacenter on Windows

Calling all Microsoft MVPs!

Attend our daily in booth theater session “Docker Containers for Linux and Windows” with Docker evangelist Mike Coleman in the Docker booth @ 2PM every day. Session attendees will receive exclusive Docker and Microsoft swag.

To learn more about how Docker powers Windows containers, add these key Docker sessions to your Ignite agenda:

GS05: Reinvent IT infrastructure for business agility

Microsoft’s strategy Continue reading

Docker Presents at Inaugural Cloud Field Day

Thanks to everyone who joined us last Thursday. We were really excited to participate in the first Cloud Field Day event and to host at Docker HQ in San Francisco. In watching the trend to cloud and the changing dynamics of application development, the Tech Field Day organizers, Stephen Foskett and Tom Hollingsworth started Cloud Field Day to create a forum for companies to share and for the delegates to discuss. The delegates came from backgrounds in software development, containers, networking, virtualization, storage, data and of course, cloud… As always, the delegates asked a lot of questions, kicked off some great discussions, even had some spirited debates both in the room and online, always with the end user in mind. We are looking forward to doing this again.

ICYMI: The videos and event details are now available online and also follow the conversation from Twitter with the delegates.



Live Debugging Java in Docker – Just in time for JavaOne!

Developing Java web applications often requires that they can be deployed on multiple technology stacks. These typically include an application server and a database, but these components can vary from deployment to deployment. Building and managing multiple development stacks in a development environment can be a time consuming task often requiring unique configurations for each stack.

Docker can simplify the process of building and maintaining develop environments for Java web applications by building custom images that application developers can create on demand and use for development, testing and debugging applications. We have recently published a tutorial for building a Java web application using containers and three popular Java IDEs.  Docker enables developers to debug their code as it runs in containers. The tutorial covers setting up a debug session with an application server in Docker using IDEs that developers typically use such as Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA and Netbeans. Developers can build the application, change code, and set breakpoints while the application is running in the container. The tutorials use a simple Spring MVC application to illustrate how use containers when developing Java applications

The tutorial is available on GitHub in our Docker Labs repository. These tutorials show you how to:

Docker Weekly Roundup | September 11, 2016



As we arrive at the conclusion of another week, the team at Docker wanted to take a moment to reflect on a few of the top posts you might have missed, while also highlighting a few other Docker stories from around the web. Here’s the weekly roundup for the week of September 11, 2016:

  • Docker Partner Program introducing the new tiered Docker Partner Program designed to address the growing demand by enterprise companies to adopt Containers as a Service environments with Docker Datacenter. 
  • Dockercast Episode 3 in this podcast Docker catches up with Nirmal Mehta at Booz Allen Hamilton. We discuss how large government organizations are modernizing their IT infrastructures and why these types of institutions seem to be early adopters of Docker.
  • IoT Swarm with Docker Machine the new Swarm Mode in Docker 1.12 makes it easy to build a Docker Swarm and connect different ARM devices to an IoT cluster. Instructions on how to build your own by Docker Captain Dieter Reuter.

HPE Docker Ready Servers Now Available – Get Docker Preinstalled On Your Favorite Hardware

It’s here!  HPE Docker ready servers are now available. These servers are pre-configured, integrated and validated with commercially supported Docker Engine out of the box. Enterprises can ease the adoption of Docker through a trusted hardware platform.  

Announced in June, the Docker and Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) partnership, has been called The 10 Most Important Tech Partnerships In 2016 (so far),” by CRN as a way to bring infrastructure optimized Docker technology to enable a modern application platform for the enterprise.

Integrated, Validated and Supported

Docker ready servers are available for the HPE ProLiant, Cloudline, and Hyper Converged Systems. These servers come pre-installed with the commercially supported Docker Engine (CS Engine) and enterprise class support direct from HPE, backed by Docker. Whether deploying new servers or facing a hardware refresh, enterprises looking to adopt containerization can benefit from a simplified and repeatable deployment option on hardware they trust.

HPE Docker ready servers accelerate businesses time to value with everything needed in a single server to scale and support Docker environments, combining the hardware and OS you already use in your environment with the Docker CS Engine. Docker CS Engine is a commercially supported container runtime and native Continue reading

Security through Community: Introducing the Vendor Security Alliance

Today Docker is proud to announce that we are founding member of the Vendor Security Alliance (VSA), a coalition formed to help organizations streamline their vendor evaluation processes by establishing a standardized questionnaire for appraising a vendor’s security and compliance practices.The VSA was established to solve a fundamental problem: how can IT teams conform to its existing security practices when procuring and deploying third-party components and platforms?

The VSA solves this problem by developing a required set of security questions that will allow vendors to demonstrate to their prospective customers that they are doing a good job with security and data handling. Good security is built on great technology paired with processes and policies. Until today, there was no consistent way to discern if all these things were in place. Doing a proper security evaluation today tends to be a hard, manual process. A large number of key questions come to mind when gauging how well a third-party company manages security.

As an example, these are the types of things that IT teams must be aware of when assessing a vendor’s security posture:

  • Do they securely handle sensitive customer data?
  • Do they have the ability to detect when attacks occur on their Continue reading

Docker + Golang =

This is a short collection of tips and tricks showing how Docker can be useful when working with Go code. For instance, I’ll show you how to compile Go code with different versions of the Go toolchain, how to cross-compile to a different platform (and test the result!), or how to produce really small container images.

The following article assumes that you have Docker installed on your system. It doesn’t have to be a recent version (we’re not going to use any fancy feature here).

Go without go

… And by that, we mean “Go without installing go”.

If you write Go code, or if you have even the slightest interest into the Go language, you certainly have the Go compiler and toolchain installed, so you might be wondering “what’s the point?”; but there are a few scenarios where you want to compile Go without installing Go.

  • You still have this old Go 1.2 on your machine (that you can’t or won’t upgrade), and you have to work on this codebase that requires a newer version of the toolchain.
  • You want to play with cross compilation features of Go 1.5 (for instance, to make sure Continue reading
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