
Category Archives for "Systems"

Technology Short Take #65

Welcome to Technology Short Take #65! As usual, I gathered an odd collection of links and articles from around the web on key data center technologies and trends. I hope you find something useful!


  • Michael Ryom has a nice (but short) article on using Log Insight along with a NetFlow proxy to help provide more detailed visibility into traffic flows between VMs on NSX logical networks.
  • Brent Salisbury has an article on GoBGP, a Go-based BGP implementation. BGP seems to be emerging as an early front-runner for a standards-based control plane for software networking. Couple something like GoBGP with IPVLAN L3 (see Brent’s article) and you’ve got a new model for your data center network.
  • Andy Hill has an article on doing rolling F5 upgrades using Ansible.
  • Filip Verloy has an article that discusses the integration between Nuage Networks and Fortinet.
  • This should probably go in the “Cloud Computing/Cloud Management” section, but the boundaries between areas are getting more and more blurry every day. (Thankfully, due to LASIK my vision is sharper than ever.) In any case, here’s a post by Marcos Hernandex on the use of subnet pools in OpenStack. Although Marcos’ post discusses them Continue reading

Patching BADLOCK with Ansible


If you've been following recent security news, you may have heard of the Badlock vulnerability in the protocols used by the Microsoft Windows Active Directory infrastructure. This vulnerability could lead to a man-in-the-middle attacker intercepting traffic between a client and the Active Directory server, and then impersonating the client, gaining unauthorized access to resources.


More information can be found at and the Red Hat Knowledgebase.

Thanks to Ansible, however, patching your systems doesn't have to be complicated.

Here’s a sample playbook for Red Hat/Fedora/CentOS and Debian/Ubuntu systems

- hosts: all
  gather_facts: true
  become_method: sudo
  become_user: root
      'Debian': 'smbd'
      'RedHat': 'smb'

    - name: check samba version
      shell: dpkg -l | grep -q samba
      when: ansible_os_family == 'Debian'
      register: samba_installed
      ignore_errors: True

    - name: update samba from apt if installed
        name: samba
        state: latest
        update_cache: yes
      when: ansible_os_family == 'Debian' and samba_installed.rc == 0
      notify: restart_samba

    - name: check samba version
      shell: rpm -q samba
      when: ansible_os_family == 'RedHat'
      register: samba_installed
      ignore_errors: True

    - name: update samba from yum if installed
        name: samba
        state: latest
        update_cache: yes
      when: ansible_os_family == 'RedHat' and samba_installed.rc == 0
      notify: restart_samba

    - name: restart_samba
        name: "{{  Continue reading

Empowering Windows Deployment Pipelines with Ansible Tower

We love stories about how Ansible Tower has solved problems and made work easier. When we heard that CareerBuilder was using Tower in a Windows environment, we had to know more. Special thanks to Cody Rucks from CareerBuilder for sharing his story about Ansible Tower.


At CareerBuilder we are focused on building out a full stack solution that will allow developers to continuously deploy their applications. Not only do we want them to be able to deploy quickly, but we want consistency and automation throughout the entire process. Ansible Tower has become a huge part of our final end solution. In this post we will discuss how we are using Ansible Tower to connect our various products and steps and truly be able to deploy applications in the cloud utilizing DevOps methodologies.

Why Ansible Tower?

In November 2015, our team set out to find the best solution for our needs. We tested several different products and vendors ranging from the most buzz-worthy to the most obscure and ended up selecting Ansible Tower at the end. Ansible Tower seemed to provide all the things that we needed it to do. They key takeaways we had that made us select Ansible Continue reading

Containers and VMs Together

A couple weeks back I talked about how Docker containers were not virtual machines (VMs). I received a lot of positive feedback on the article (thanks!), but I also heard a common question: Can VMs and Docker containers coexist? The … Continued

CI/CD with Docker Cloud

So you want to innovate faster, right? Continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) are some of the most common, but impactful use cases for teams who are looking to Dockerize their environment. The key to CI/CD is being able to … Continued

Technology Short Take #64

Welcome to Technology Short Take #64. Normally, I try to publish Short Takes on Friday, but this past Friday was April Fools’ Day. Given the propensity for “real” information to get lost among all the pranks, I decided to push this article back to today. Unlike most of what is published around April Fools’ Day, hopefully everything here is helpful, informative, and useful!


Your Docker Agenda for April

Thank you Docker community for your amazing collaborations last month! In March, the community organized over 125 Docker Birthday #3 local trainings and celebrations. This month, you can still catch a few more birthday events and lots of other awesome … Continued
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