
Category Archives for "Virtualization"

Implementing Layer-2 Networks in a Public Cloud

A few weeks ago I got an excited tweet from someone working at Oracle Cloud Infrastructure: they launched full-blown layer-2 virtual networks in their public cloud to support customers migrating existing enterprise spaghetti mess into the cloud.

Let’s skip the usual does everyone using the applications now have to pay for Oracle licenses and I wonder what the lock in might be when I migrate my workloads into an Oracle cloud jokes and focus on the technical aspects of what they claim they implemented. Here’s my immediate reaction (limited to the usual 280 characters, because that’s the absolute upper limit of consumable content these days):

Implementing Layer-2 Networks in a Public Cloud

A few weeks ago I got an excited tweet from someone working at Oracle Cloud Infrastructure: they launched full-blown layer-2 virtual networks in their public cloud to support customers migrating existing enterprise spaghetti mess into the cloud.

Let’s skip the usual does everyone using the applications now have to pay for Oracle licenses and I wonder what the lock in might be when I migrate my workloads into an Oracle cloud jokes and focus on the technical aspects of what they claim they implemented. Here’s my immediate reaction (limited to the usual 280 characters, because that’s the absolute upper limit of consumable content these days):

VMware After Gelsinger: Integrating Fiefdoms For A Post-Hypervisor World

VMware's next CEO has two tasks: to construct a narrative about VMware's role and value as a company in a post-hypervisor world, and to integrate its various fiefdoms into a cohesive set of products that can provide greater utility when used together than when used individually.

The post VMware After Gelsinger: Integrating Fiefdoms For A Post-Hypervisor World appeared first on Packet Pushers.

Repost: VMware Fault Tolerance Woes

I always claimed that VMware Fault Tolerance makes no sense. After all, the only thing it does is protect a VM against a server hardware failure… in the world where software crashes are way more common, and fat fingers cause most of the outages.

But wait, it gets worse, the whole thing is incredibly complex – you might like this description Minh Ha left as a comment to my Fifty Shades of High Availability blog post.

Repost: VMware Fault Tolerance Woes

I always claimed that VMware Fault Tolerance makes no sense. After all, the only thing it does is protect a VM against a server hardware failure… in the world where software crashes are way more common, and fat fingers cause most of the outages.

But wait, it gets worse, the whole thing is incredibly complex – you might like this description Minh Ha left as a comment to my Fifty Shades of High Availability blog post.

Making LLDP Work with Linux Bridge

Last week I described how I configured PVLAN on a Linux bridge. After checking the desired partial connectivity with ios_ping I wanted to verify it with LLDP neighbors. Ansible ios_facts module collects LLDP neighbor information, and it should be really easy using those facts to check whether port isolation works as expected.

Ansible playbook displaying LLDP neighbors on selected interface
- name: Display LLDP neighbors on selected interface
  hosts: all
  gather_facts: true
    target_interface: GigabitEthernet0/1
  - name: Display neighbors gathered with ios_facts
      var: ansible_net_neighbors[target_interface]

Alas, none of the routers saw any neighbors on the target interface.

Making LLDP Work with Linux Bridge

Last week I described how I configured PVLAN on a Linux bridge. After checking the desired partial connectivity with ios_ping I wanted to verify it with LLDP neighbors. Ansible ios_facts module collects LLDP neighbor information, and it should be really easy using those facts to check whether port isolation works as expected.

Ansible playbook displaying LLDP neighbors on selected interface
- name: Display LLDP neighbors on selected interface
  hosts: all
  gather_facts: true
    target_interface: GigabitEthernet0/1
  - name: Display neighbors gathered with ios_facts
      var: ansible_net_neighbors[target_interface]

Alas, none of the routers saw any neighbors on the target interface.

VMware TKGI – Deployment of Harbor Container Registry fails with error

This is an article from the VMware from Scratch series During the process of preparation to Install Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition (TKGI v1.8) on vSphere with NSX-T Data Center (v3.0.2) one of the steps is to use Ops Manager to deploy Harbor Container Registry (in this case v2.1.0). The process of deployment ended with Harbor error several times so I’m sharing here my solution in order to ease things out for you giving the fact that I didn’t come across any solution googling around. In the process, the Harbor Registry product tile is downloaded from the VMware Tanzu network portal, imported

The post VMware TKGI – Deployment of Harbor Container Registry fails with error appeared first on How Does Internet Work.

Implement Private VLAN Functionality with Linux Bridge and Libvirt

I wanted to test routing protocol behavior (IS-IS in particular) on partially meshed multi-access layer-2 networks like private VLANs or Carrier Ethernet E-Tree service. I recently spent plenty of time creating a Vagrant/libvirt lab environment on my Intel NUC running Ubuntu 20.04, and I wanted to use that environment in my tests.

Challenge-of-the-day: How do you implement private VLAN functionality with Vagrant using libvirt plugin?

There might be interesting KVM/libvirt options I’ve missed, but so far I figured two ways of connecting Vagrant-controlled virtual machines in libvirt environment:

Implement Private VLAN Functionality with Linux Bridge and Libvirt

I wanted to test routing protocol behavior (IS-IS in particular) on partially meshed multi-access layer-2 networks like private VLANs or Carrier Ethernet E-Tree service. I recently spent plenty of time creating a Vagrant/libvirt lab environment on my Intel NUC running Ubuntu 20.04, and I wanted to use that environment in my tests.

Challenge-of-the-day: How do you implement private VLAN functionality with Vagrant using libvirt plugin?

There might be interesting KVM/libvirt options I’ve missed, but so far I figured two ways of connecting Vagrant-controlled virtual machines in libvirt environment:

Are Business Needs Just Excuses for Vendor Shenanigans?

Every now and then I call someone’s baby ugly (or maybe it was their third cousin’s baby and they nonetheless feel offended). In such cases a common resort is to cite business or market needs to prove how ignorant and clueless I am. Here’s a sample LinkedIn comment talking about my ignorance about the need for smart NICs:

The rise of custom silicon by Presando [sic], Mellanox, Amazon, Intel and others confirms there is a real market need.

Now let’s get something straight: while there are good reasons to use tons of different things that might look inappropriate, irrelevant or plain stupid to an outsider, I don’t believe in real market need argument being used to justify anything without supporting technical facts (tell me why you need that stuff and prove to me that using it is the best way of solving a problem).

Disaster Recovery: a Vendor Marketing Tale

Several engineers formerly working for a large virtualization vendor were pretty upset with me when I claimed that the virtualization consultants promotedisaster recovery using stretched VLANs” designs instead of alternatives that would implement proper separation of failure domains.

Guess what… it’s even worse than I thought.

Here’s a sequence of comments I received after reposting one of my “disaster recovery doesn’t need stretched VLANs” blog posts on LinkedIn sometime in late 2019:

ESXi VM – The CPU has been disabled by the guest operating system

For some weeks now, a couple of my virtual machines on ESXi would stop working out of nowhere. They were completely unresponsive (including via the ESXi VM Console). Nothing would help, except a shutdown / start of the VM. Just to find out later that, randomly, the VM would become unresponsive again. The only human … Continue reading ESXi VM – The CPU has been disabled by the guest operating system

لینک شير بت بدون فيلتر

شير بت بدون فيلتر

شير بت بدون فيلتر

شير بت بدون فيلتر | سایت شير بت بدون فيلتر | شرط بندی شير بت بدون فيلتر | اپليکيشن شير بت | shirbet بدون فیلتر | ثبت نام در شير بت

سایت شرط بندی شير بت بدون فيلتر

سایت های شرط بندی زیادی این روز ها وجود شير بت بدون فيلتر دارند که تقریبا امکانات مشابهی را ارایه می کنند. یکی از مواردی که سایت شرط بندی شیر بت را از دیگران متمایز کرده است طراحی بسیار جدید آن است. این سایت از متد های به روز امسال در زبان طراحی شير بت بدون فيلتر سایت خود استفاده کرده است که حسی بسیار مدرن را به کاربر القا می کند. از طرفی شير بت بدون فيلتر با استفاده از سرور های بسیار قوی این سایت قطعا به یکی از بهترین مراجع برای شرط بندی زنده و بازی های آنلاین تبدیل خواهد شد. همچنین پشتیبانی این سایت بسیار خوب است و در هر ساعت شبانه روز در خدمت کاربران خود می باشند. همه این موارد نشان از یک شروع پر قدرت از سوی shir bet دارند. شير بت بدون فيلتر

آدرس جدید شير بت بدون فيلتر را چگونه می توان دریافت کرد؟

سایت Continue reading

Do We Need Complex Data Center Switches for VMware NSX Underlay

Got this question from one of subscribers:

Do we really need those intelligent datacenter switches for underlay now that we have NSX in our datacenter? Now that we have taken a lot of the intelligence out of our underlying network, what must the underlying network really provide?

Reading the marketing white papers the answer would be IP connectivity… but keep in mind that building your infrastructure based on information from vendor white papers usually gives you the results your gullibility deserves.

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Connecting my Dev VM to GCP: Test driving sshuttle

I have been working on a project which requires me to connect to my test environment deployed on GCP. We don’t have public IPs available for all the VMs in the test environment, but one of the VMs in the deployment is configured as a JumpHost i.e it has a public IP available. We need … Continue reading Connecting my Dev VM to GCP: Test driving sshuttle

Run the Antidote network emulator on KVM for better performance

Antidote is the network emulator that runs the labs on the Network Reliability Labs web site. You may install a standalone version of Antidote on your personal computer using the Vagrant virtual environment provisioning tool.

In this post, I show you how to run Antidote on a Linux system with KVM, instead of VirtualBox, on your local PC to achieve better performance — especially on older hardware.

Why use KVM instead of VirtualBox?

Antidote runs emulated network nodes inside a host virtual machine. If these emulated nodes must also run on a hypervisor, as most commercial router images require, then they are running as nested virtual machines inside the host virtual machine. Unless you can pass through your computer’s hardware support for virtualization to the nested virtual machines, they will run slowly.

VirtualBox offers only limited support for nested virtualization. If you are using a Linux system, you can get better performance if you use Libvirt and KVM, which provide native support for nested virtualization.

When to use VirtualBox

If you plan to run Antidote on a Mac or a PC, you should use Antidote’s standard installation with VirtualBox1. Vagrant and VirtualBox are both cross-platform, open-source tools.

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The Cost of Disruptiveness and Guerrilla Marketing

A Docker networking rant coming from my good friend Marko Milivojević triggered a severe case of Deja-Moo, resulting in a flood of unpleasant memories caused by too-successful “disruptive” IT vendors.

Before moving on, please note that the following observations were made from my outsider perspective. If I got something badly wrong, please correct me in a comment.

Imagine you’re working for a startup creating a cool new product in the IT infrastructure space (if you have an oversized ego you would call yourself “disruptive thought leader” on your LinkedIn profile) but nobody is taking you seriously. How about some guerrilla warfare: advertising your product to people who hate the IT operations (today we’d call that Shadow IT).

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