This is guest post by Drew Paroski, architect and engineering manager at MemSQL. Previously he worked at Facebook and developed HHVM, the popular real-time PHP compiler used across the company’s web scale application.
Achieving maximum software efficiency through native code generation can bring superior scaling and performance to any database. And making code generation a first-class citizen of the database, from the beginning, enables a rich set of speed improvements that provide benefits throughout the software architecture and end-user experience.
If you decide to build a code generation system you need to clearly understand the costs and benefits, which we detail in this article. If you are willing to go all the way in the name of performance, we also detail an approach to save you time leveraging existing compiler tools and frameworks such as LLVM in a proven and robust way.
Which is worse: debt service or dividends?
While hyperscalers and HPC centers like the bleeding edge – their very existence commands that they be on it – enterprises are a more conservative lot. No IT supplier ever went broke counting on enterprises to be risk adverse, but plenty of companies have gone the way of all flesh by not innovating enough and not seeing market inflections when they exist.
VMware, the virtualization division of the new Dell Technologies empire that formally comes into being this week, does not want to miss such changes and very much wants to continue to extract revenues and profits from its impressively …
The Vast Potential For VMware’s OpenStack Cloud was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Next Platform.
Communication service providers (CSPs) can increase their competitiveness in two ways: lower costs as they seek bottom-line growth and increase their revenue streams as the achieve top-line growth.
Who couldn't use $100K worth of free cloud?