Uncovering Network Performance Killers
Learn how monitoring syslog data, using Cisco debug, and other methods can reveal network issues.
Learn how monitoring syslog data, using Cisco debug, and other methods can reveal network issues.
Google board member and VMware founder Diane Greene is an investor.
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docker run -p 8008:8008 -p 6343:6343/udp -d sflow/sflow-rtConfigure standard sFlow Agents to stream telemetry to the analyzer and retrieve analytics using the REST API on port 8008.
docker run -e "RTMEM=2G" -p 8008:8008 -p 6343:6343/udp -d sflow/sflow-rtSet System Property to enable country lookups when Defining Flows:
docker run -e "RTPROP=-Dgeo.country=resources/config/GeoIP.dat" -p 8008:8008 -p 6343:6343/udp -d sflow/sflow-rtRun sFlow-RT Application. Drop the -d option while developing an application to see output of logging commands and use control-c to stop the container.
docker run -v /Users/pp/my-app:/sflow-rt/app/my-app -p 8008:8008 -p 6343:6343/udp -d sflow/sflow-rtA simple Dockerfile can be used to generate a new image that includes the application:
FROM sflow/sflow-rt:latestSimilarly, Continue reading
COPY /Users/pp/my-app /sflow-rt/app
You don't have to be a startup to love CI/CD.
Although vendor-written, this contributed piece does not promote a product or service and has been edited and approved by Network World editors.
As euphemisms go, it's hard to beat the term “service outage” as used by IT departments. While it sounds benign -- something stopped working but tech teams will soon restore order -- anyone familiar with the reality knows the term really means “Huge hit to bottom line.”
A quick perusal of the tech news will confirm this. Delta Airline’s global fleet was just grounded by a data center problem. A recent one day service outage at Salesforce.com cost the company $20 million. Hundreds of thousands of customers were inconvenienced in May when they couldn't reach Barclays.com due to a “glitch.” And a service outage at HSBC earlier this year prompted one of the Bank of England's top regulators to lament that, “Every few months we have yet another IT failure at a major bank... We can’t carry on like this.”
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