
Category Archives for "EtherealMind"

Apple Only Pays 48M per year in Bug Bounties ?

This article from Apple boggles my brain:  Apple Security Bounty. Upgraded. – Apple Security Research – In the past two and a half years since opening our program, we’re incredibly proud to have awarded researchers nearly $20 million in total payments, with an average payout of $40,000 in the Product category, and including 20 […]

Whoop Dee Doo for my SuzieQ! » The Gratuitous Arp

Blog post on using SuzieQ for change validation by collecting state information prior to change. Lots of detail on installation and coding so you can do this yourself.  The PRE snapshot was just that, a snapshot of state at a point in time before we started the work. If a device was not on the […]

The Network Anyverse

An explanation of my Network Anyverse Strategy. Normal practice for data networking was that technology was narrow: fixed bandwidth, focus on selected technology, and there were only service I  look at the progression of Networking in the new future that I sometimes call the Four A’s:  Anyhow Anywhere Anytime Anyway Anywhere Distributed work means that […]