Javvad Malik

Author Archives: Javvad Malik

IDG Contributor Network: Nothing new to (Wanna)Cry about

The WannaCry outbreak has been troubling in many regards – exposing flaws, and opening doors to much finger-pointing and blaming that have gone well beyond the handling and disclosure of nation-state cyber weapon stockpiling.The attackers likely had a good idea of how quickly and widely the attack would spread, evidenced by the fact that their ransom demand was created in 28 languages, suggesting that they had very high expectations of the success of their attack.WannaCry targeted Microsoft systems that were not running the latest patches, and older versions of Windows such as Windows XP, which is still widely deployed in the NHS despite being 16 years old and no longer supported by Microsoft, except under custom contracts.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

IDG Contributor Network: Nothing new to (Wanna)Cry about

The WannaCry outbreak has been troubling in many regards – exposing flaws, and opening doors to much finger-pointing and blaming that have gone well beyond the handling and disclosure of nation-state cyber weapon stockpiling.The attackers likely had a good idea of how quickly and widely the attack would spread, evidenced by the fact that their ransom demand was created in 28 languages, suggesting that they had very high expectations of the success of their attack.WannaCry targeted Microsoft systems that were not running the latest patches, and older versions of Windows such as Windows XP, which is still widely deployed in the NHS despite being 16 years old and no longer supported by Microsoft, except under custom contracts.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

IDG Contributor Network: Is your company spending on the right security technologies?

Investing in security technologies is a given for most companies today, and with stories of breaches and hacks making headlines every week, the importance of these tools has risen to prominence.While there’s no shortage of security technologies to choose from, the big question that remains is: How does a company choose the right security investments? Many organizations struggle to implement the right tools to manage and mitigate risk, and getting all of these solutions to actually work together often presents an even bigger challenge.With that in mind, here are three considerations that can help companies make the right decisions when it comes to investing in security technology:To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

IDG Contributor Network: Is your company spending on the right security technologies?

Investing in security technologies is a given for most companies today, and with stories of breaches and hacks making headlines every week, the importance of these tools has risen to prominence.While there’s no shortage of security technologies to choose from, the big question that remains is: How does a company choose the right security investments? Many organizations struggle to implement the right tools to manage and mitigate risk, and getting all of these solutions to actually work together often presents an even bigger challenge.With that in mind, here are three considerations that can help companies make the right decisions when it comes to investing in security technology:To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

IDG Contributor Network: Well-funded doesn’t mean well-secured

Three of my four children are of school-going age. When they arrive home in the afternoon, the youngest usually makes a dash for the games console, the middle one is tired to the point of being miserable, and the eldest announces herself loudly, wanting to share every detail from her day with anyone who will lend an ear. The only thing they all seem to have in common is that they are hungry and want dinner.RELATED: What IT admins love/hate about 8 top network monitoring tools While I'm the type of parent who makes the children fish-finger sandwiches and declares them fed, my wife prefers to serve a lavish five-course meal. In the past, she would often customize meals to meet each child's individual taste and preference. After a while, I had to put a stop to it.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

IDG Contributor Network: Well-funded doesn’t mean well-secured

Three of my four children are of school-going age. When they arrive home in the afternoon, the youngest usually makes a dash for the games console, the middle one is tired to the point of being miserable, and the eldest announces herself loudly, wanting to share every detail from her day with anyone who will lend an ear. The only thing they all seem to have in common is that they are hungry and want dinner.RELATED: What IT admins love/hate about 8 top network monitoring tools While I'm the type of parent who makes the children fish-finger sandwiches and declares them fed, my wife prefers to serve a lavish five-course meal. In the past, she would often customize meals to meet each child's individual taste and preference. After a while, I had to put a stop to it.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

IDG Contributor Network: 3 tips to improve threat detection and incident response

No matter the height or thickness of any wall you might try to build, the unfortunate reality is someone will most likely be able to breach it. It’s really just a matter of when and how.Just as you close your doors and windows when you leave the house, you need  preventative security measures in place to protect your systems. However, these measures themselves are not enough. If you assume the bad guys will find a way to breach your protective walls, it makes more sense to focus on threat detection and incident response as ways to mitigate damage when the inevitable breach occurs.3 security controls to improve threat detection The following three security controls are surefire ways to strengthen the detective capabilities of your system.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

IDG Contributor Network: 3 tips to improve threat detection and incident response

No matter the height or thickness of any wall you might try to build, the unfortunate reality is someone will most likely be able to breach it. It’s really just a matter of when and how.Just as you close your doors and windows when you leave the house, you need  preventative security measures in place to protect your systems. However, these measures themselves are not enough. If you assume the bad guys will find a way to breach your protective walls, it makes more sense to focus on threat detection and incident response as ways to mitigate damage when the inevitable breach occurs.3 security controls to improve threat detection The following three security controls are surefire ways to strengthen the detective capabilities of your system.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

IDG Contributor Network: Five ways cybersecurity is nothing like the way Hollywood portrays it

According to pop culture’s portrayal of cybersecurity, the industry is hot property. Hacks and breaches not only dominate the real-world media, but they can be seen everywhere in TV and movies today.Granted, there have been some early examples of security issues playing a role in pop culture plot lines, such as the 1980s cult-classic Tron. But in recent years, Hollywood seems to have really picked up the mantle when it comes to cybersecurity. If the bright lights of TV and movies are to be believed, hackers are simultaneously the coolest and scariest people on the planet.Let’s take a look at five of the most common cybersecurity misperceptions as portrayed in TV shows and movies:To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

IDG Contributor Network: Five ways cybersecurity is nothing like the way Hollywood portrays it

According to pop culture’s portrayal of cybersecurity, the industry is hot property. Hacks and breaches not only dominate the real-world media, but they can be seen everywhere in TV and movies today.Granted, there have been some early examples of security issues playing a role in pop culture plot lines, such as the 1980s cult-classic Tron. But in recent years, Hollywood seems to have really picked up the mantle when it comes to cybersecurity. If the bright lights of TV and movies are to be believed, hackers are simultaneously the coolest and scariest people on the planet.Let’s take a look at five of the most common cybersecurity misperceptions as portrayed in TV shows and movies:To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

IDG Contributor Network: 8 security tips for retailers and consumers this holiday season

It’s the time of year for holiday cheer. Hot chocolate, cookies, presents and other festivities abound. Shops dress up their windows in exotic displays, and festive lights can be seen everywhere. Yes, it’s the time of year when everything is grander and everyone seems happier.But it’s not always sunshine and roses during the holiday season. Trouble often lurks in the shadows—preying on both retailers and consumers. Criminals take advantage of the spike in spending, and use the opportunity to hide in the crowds and undertake fraud of various kinds.+ Also on Network World: Flash mobs the latest threat this holiday season + Financial fraud is the one that comes to mind first, but identity theft, impersonation and theft of items, among others, are all common. On top of that, every year cyber attackers improve on their techniques to steal information, money and goods.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

IDG Contributor Network: 8 security tips for retailers and consumers this holiday season

It’s the time of year for holiday cheer. Hot chocolate, cookies, presents and other festivities abound. Shops dress up their windows in exotic displays, and festive lights can be seen everywhere. Yes, it’s the time of year when everything is grander and everyone seems happier.But it’s not always sunshine and roses during the holiday season. Trouble often lurks in the shadows—preying on both retailers and consumers. Criminals take advantage of the spike in spending, and use the opportunity to hide in the crowds and undertake fraud of various kinds.+ Also on Network World: Flash mobs the latest threat this holiday season + Financial fraud is the one that comes to mind first, but identity theft, impersonation and theft of items, among others, are all common. On top of that, every year cyber attackers improve on their techniques to steal information, money and goods.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here