At Cloudflare, we take steps to ensure we are resilient against failure at all levels of our infrastructure. This includes Kafka, which we use for critical workflows such as sending time-sensitive emails and alerts.
We learned a lot about keeping our applications that leverage Kafka healthy, so they can always be operational. Application health checks are notoriously hard to implement: What determines an application as healthy? How can we keep services operational at all times?
These can be implemented in many ways. We’ll talk about an approach that allows us to considerably reduce incidents with unhealthy applications while requiring less manual intervention.
Cloudflare is a big adopter of Kafka. We use Kafka as a way to decouple services due to its asynchronous nature and reliability. It allows different teams to work effectively without creating dependencies on one another. You can also read more about how other teams at Cloudflare use Kafka in this post.
Kafka is used to send and receive messages. Messages represent some kind of event like a credit card payment or details of a new user created in your platform. These messages can be represented in multiple ways: JSON, Protobuf, Avro and so on.
Cloudflare operates in more than 250 cities in over 100 countries, where we interconnect with over 10,000 network providers in order to provide a broad range of services to millions of customers. The breadth of both our network and our customer base provides us with a unique perspective on Internet resilience, enabling us to observe the impact of Internet disruptions.
While Internet disruptions are never convenient, online interest in the 2022 World Cup in mid-November and the growth in online holiday shopping in many areas during November and December meant that connectivity issues could be particularly disruptive. Having said that, the fourth quarter appeared to be a bit quieter from an Internet disruptions perspective, although Iran and Ukraine continued to be hotspots, as we discuss below.
Multi-hour Internet shutdowns are frequently used by authoritarian governments in response to widespread protests as a means of limiting communications among protestors, as well preventing protestors from sharing information and video with the outside world. During the fourth quarter Cuba and Sudan again implemented such shutdowns, while Iran continued the series of “Internet curfews” across mobile networks it started in mid-September, in addition to implementing several other regional Internet shutdowns.
Leveraging the power and versatility of Cloudflare's Ruleset Engine, Waiting Room now offers customers more fine-tuned control over their waiting room traffic. Queue only the traffic you want to with Waiting Room Bypass Rules, now available to all Enterprise customers with an Advanced Purchase of Waiting Room.
Customers depend on Waiting Room for always-on protection from unexpected and overwhelming traffic surges that would otherwise bring their site down. Waiting Room places excess users in a fully customizable virtual waiting room, admitting new visitors dynamically as spots become available on a customer’s site. Instead of throwing error pages or delivering poorly-performing site pages, Waiting Room empowers customers to take control of their end-user experience during unmanageable traffic surges.
Additionally, customers use Waiting Room Event Scheduling to manage user flow and ensure reliable site performance before, during, and after online events such as product restocks, seasonal sales, and ticket sales. With Event Scheduling, customers schedule changes to their waiting rooms' settings and custom queuing page ahead of time, with options to pre-queue early arrivers and offload event traffic from their origins after the event has concluded.
As part of Continue reading
Project Jengo is a Cloudflare effort to fight back against patent trolls by flipping the incentive structure that has encouraged the growth of patent trolls who extract settlements out of companies using frivolous lawsuits. We do this by asking the public to identify prior art that can invalidate any of the patents that a troll holds – not just the ones that are asserted against Cloudflare.
Since we launched Project Jengo over five years ago, we’ve given out over $135,000 to individuals who helped us find prior art to invalidate patents owned by patent trolls. By invalidating those patents – many of which are so blatantly marginal or broad that they never should have been granted in the first place – we hope to decrease the amount of harassment and frivolous lawsuits that patent trolls bring against innovative technology companies.
Today, we’re excited to announce three new Project Jengo winners. These individuals have helped us push forward our effort to take down patent trolls, and continue to fight trolling in favor of innovation.
The current case involves a patent troll called Sable Networks who asserted four patents that generally describe a flow-based router or a mechanism Continue reading
A few months ago we started getting a handful of crash reports for flowtrackd, our Advanced TCP Protection system that runs on our global network. The provided stack traces indicated that the panics occurred while parsing a TCP packet that was truncated.
What was most interesting wasn’t that we failed to parse the packet. It isn’t rare that we receive malformed packets from the Internet that are (deliberately or not) truncated. Those packets will be caught the first time we parse them and won’t make it to the latter processing stages. However, in our case, the panic occurred the second time we parsed the packet, indicating it had been truncated after we received it and successfully parsed it the first time. Both parse calls were made from a single green thread and referenced the same packet buffer in memory, and we made no attempts to mutate the packet in between.
It can be easy to dread discovering a bug like this. Is there a race condition? Is there memory corruption? Is this a kernel bug? A compiler bug? Our plan to get to the root cause of this potentially complex issue was to identify symptom(s) Continue reading
This post is also available in 简体中文, 日本語 and Español.
For CIOs, networking is a hard process that is often made harder. Corporate networks have so many things that need to be connected and each one of them needs to be connected differently: user devices need managed connectivity through a Secure Web Gateway, offices need to be connected using the public Internet or dedicated connectivity, data centers need to be managed with their own private or public connectivity, and then you have to manage cloud connectivity on top of it all! It can be exasperating to manage connectivity for all these different scenarios and all their privacy and compliance requirements when all you want to do is enable your users to access their resources privately, securely, and in a non-intrusive manner.
Cloudflare helps simplify your connectivity story with Cloudflare One. Today, we’re excited to announce that we support direct cloud interconnection with our Cloudflare Network Interconnect, allowing Cloudflare to be your one-stop shop for all your interconnection needs.
Customers using IBM Cloud, Google Cloud, Azure, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, and Amazon Web Services can now open direct connections from their private cloud instances into Cloudflare. In this blog, we’re going Continue reading
This post is also available in 日本語, 简体中文, and Español.
In our Welcome to CIO Week 2023 post, we talked about wanting to start the year by celebrating the work Chief Information Officers do to keep their organizations safe and productive.
Over the past week, you learned about announcements addressing all facets of your technology stack – including new services, betas, strategic partnerships, third party integrations, and more. This recap blog summarizes each announcement and labels what capability is generally available (GA), in beta, or on our roadmap.
We delivered on critical capabilities requested by our customers – such as even more comprehensive phishing protection and deeper integrations with the Microsoft ecosystem. Looking ahead, we also described our roadmap for emerging technology categories like Digital Experience Monitoring and our vision to make it exceedingly simple to route traffic from any source to any destination through Cloudflare’s network.
Everything we launched is designed to help CIOs accelerate their pursuit of digital transformation. In this blog, we organized our announcement summaries based on the three feelings we want CIOs to have when they consider partnering with Cloudflare:
CIO Week 2023へようこその記事で、最高情報責任者が組織の安全性と生産性を維持するために行っている仕事を称えることで、1年をスタートさせたいという話をしました。
私たちは、さらに包括的なフィッシング対策機能やMicrosoftのエコシステムとのより深い統合機能など、お客様からご要望いただいた重要な機能を提供しました。今後については、Digital Experience Monitoringのような新しい技術カテゴリーのロードマップや、Cloudflareのネットワークを通じて任意のソースから任意の宛先へのトラフィックのルーティングを極めて簡単なものにするという私たちのビジョンについても説明しました。
Cloudflareが開催する多くの2023年イノベーションウィークの第1弾CIO Weekをご覧いただき、ありがとうございます。私たちのイノベーションのペースについていくのは時には難しいかもしれませんが、このブログを読み、私たちの要約のウェビナーに登録していただければ幸いです!
これらのブログ記事では、Zero Trustの達成に必要な、よりきめ細かな制御と包括的な可視化により、すべてのユーザーがあらゆるアプリケーションに迅速、簡単、かつ安全に接続することに焦点を当てています。
ブログ | まとめ |
ベータ版: デジタルエクスペリエンスモニタリングのご紹介 | Cloudflare Digital Experience Monitoringは、CIOが重要なアプリケーションやインターネットサービスが企業ネットワーク全体でどのように機能しているかを理解するためのオールインワンダッシュボードですベータ版アクセスに登録する。 |
ベータ版: WARP-to-WARPでCloudflare上のグローバルなプライベート仮想Zero Trustネットワーク構築を実現 | WARP(Cloudflareのデバイスクライアント)を実行している組織内のデバイスは、ワンクリックでWARPを実行している他のデバイスにプライベートネットワーク経由で到達することができます。ベータ版アクセスに登録する。 |
一般公開: Cloudflare Accessの「ブロックされた」メッセージをトラブルシューティングする新たな方法 | CloudflareのZero TrustプラットフォームでユーザIDのトラブルシューティングと同じレベルの容易さで、接続の経緯に基づいて、「許可」、または「ブロック」の決定を調査します。 |
ベータ版: 社内およびSaaSアプリケーション向けのワンクリックデータセキュリティ | 分離されたブラウザでアプリケーションセッションを実行してユーザーが機密データを操作する方法を制御することで、機密データを保護しましょう – たったのワンクリックです。ベータ版アクセスに登録する。 |
一般公開: Cloudflare Access & Gatewayに対するSCIMの対応を発表 | CloudflareのZTNA(Access)およびSWG(Gateway)サービスは、System for Cross-domain Identity Management(SCIM)プロトコルをサポートするようになったことで、管理者はシステム間でIDレコードを管理しやすくなりました。 |
一般公開: Cloudflare Zero Trust:1983年以来最もエキサイティングなPingのリリース | Cloudflare Zero Trustの管理者は、ICMPプロトコルを使用する使い慣れたデバッグツール(Ping、Traceroute、MTRなど)を使用して、プライベートネットワークの宛先への接続をテストすることができます。 |
ブログ | まとめ |
一般公開: メールリンク分離:最新のフィッシング攻撃に対するセーフティネット | 「メールリンク分離」は、ユーザーがクリックしてしまう可能性のある受信箱に届いた不審なリンクに対するセーフティネットです。この保護が追加されることで、Cloudflare Area 1は、フィッシング攻撃から守る最も包括的な電子メールセキュリティソリューションとなります。 |
一般公開: Cloudflare Gatewayに自社による証明書を導入 | 管理者は、独自のカスタム証明書を使用して、HTTP、DNS、CASB、DLP、RBI、その他のフィルタリングポリシーを適用することができます。 |
一般公開: カスタムDLPプロファイルを発表 | Cloudflareのデータ喪失防止(DLP)サービスは、カスタム検出を作成する機能を提供したことで、組織はトラフィックを検査して最も機密性の高いデータを検出できるようになりました。 |
一般公開: マネージドサービスプロバイダー向けCloudflare Zero Trust | 米国連邦政府をはじめとする大規模なマネージドサービスプロバイダ(MSP)が、CloudflareのテナントAPIを利用して、管理する組織全体にDNSフィルタリングなどのセキュリティポリシーを適用している事例をご紹介します。 |
ブログ | まとめ |
ロードマップ: Cloudflare CASB とDLPが連携してデータを保護する仕組み | Cloudflare Zero Trustは、CASBサービスとDLPサービス間で、管理者がSaaSアプリケーションに保存されているファイルを覗き見して、その中の機密データを特定できる機能を導入する予定です。 |
ロードマップ: Cloudflare Area 1 とDLPが連携してメール内のデータを保護する仕組み | Cloudflareでは、Area 1 Email Securityとデータ喪失防止(DLP)の機能を組み合わせ、企業のEメールに完全なデータ保護を提供します。 |
一般公開: Cloudflare CASB:SalesforceとBoxのセキュリティ上の問題をスキャン | Cloudflare CASBは、SalesforceおよびBoxと統合し、ITおよびセキュリティチームがこれらのSaaS環境に潜むセキュリティリスクのスキャンを可能にします。 |
Cloudflare has been helping global organizations offer their users a consistent experience all over the world. This includes mainland China, a market our global customers cannot ignore but that continues to be challenging for infrastructure teams trying to ensure performance, security and reliability for their applications and users both in and outside mainland China. We are excited to announce China Express — a new suite of capabilities and best practices in partnership with our partners China Mobile International (CMI) and CBC Tech — that help address some of these performance challenges and ensure a consistent experience for customers and employees everywhere.
Cloudflare has been providing Application Services to users in mainland China since 2015, improving performance and security using in-country data centers and caching. Today, we have a presence in 30 cities in mainland China thanks to our strategic partnership with JD Cloud. While this delivers significant performance improvements, some requests still need to go back to the origin servers which may live outside mainland China. With limited international Internet gateways and restrictive cross-border regulations, international traffic has a very high latency and packet drop rate in and out of China. This results in inconsistent cached content within China and Continue reading
Cloudflare’s Application Services have been hard at work keeping Internet-facing websites and applications secure, fast, and reliable for over a decade. Cloudflare One provides similar security, performance, and reliability benefits for your entire corporate network. And today, we’re excited to announce new integrations that make it possible to use these services together in new ways. These integrations unlock operational and cost efficiencies for IT teams by allowing them to do more with fewer tools, and enable new use cases that are impossible without Cloudflare’s “every service everywhere” architecture.
“Just as Canva simplifies graphic design, Cloudflare simplifies performance and security. Thanks to Cloudflare, we can focus on growing our product and expanding into new markets with confidence, knowing that our platform is fast, reliable, and secure.” - Jim Tyrrell, Head of Infrastructure, Canva
One of Cloudflare’s fundamental architectural principles has always been to treat our network like one homogeneous supercomputer. Rather than deploying services in specific locations - for example, using some of our points of presence to enforce WAF policies, others for Zero Trust controls, and others for traffic optimization - every server runs a virtually identical stack of all of Continue reading
As part of CIO week, we are announcing a new integration between our DNS Filtering solution and our Partner Tenant platform that supports parent-child policy requirements for our partner ecosystem and our direct customers. Our Tenant platform, launched in 2019, has allowed Cloudflare partners to easily integrate Cloudflare solutions across millions of customer accounts. Cloudflare Gateway, introduced in 2020, has grown from protecting personal networks to Fortune 500 enterprises in just a few short years. With the integration between these two solutions, we can now help Managed Service Providers (MSPs) support large, multi-tenant deployments with parent-child policy configurations and account-level policy overrides that seamlessly protect global employees from threats online.
Managed Service Providers (MSPs) are a critical part of the toolkit of many CIOs. In the age of disruptive technology, hybrid work, and shifting business models, outsourcing IT and security operations can be a fundamental decision that drives strategic goals and ensures business success across organizations of all sizes. An MSP is a third-party company that remotely manages a customer's information technology (IT) infrastructure and end-user systems. MSPs promise deep technical knowledge, threat insights, and tenured expertise across a variety Continue reading
Ping was born in 1983 when the Internet needed a simple, effective way to measure reachability and distance. In short, ping (and subsequent utilities like traceroute and MTR) provides users with a quick way to validate whether one machine can communicate with another. Fast-forward to today and these network utility tools have become ubiquitous. Not only are they now the de facto standard for troubleshooting connectivity and network performance issues, but they also improve our overall quality of life by acting as a common suite of tools almost all Internet users are comfortable employing in their day-to-day roles and responsibilities.
Making network utility tools work as expected is very important to us, especially now as more and more customers are building their private networks on Cloudflare. Over 10,000 teams now run a private network on Cloudflare. Some of these teams are among the world's largest enterprises, some are small crews, and yet others are hobbyists, but they all want to know - can I reach that?
That’s why today we’re excited to incorporate support for these utilities into our already expansive troubleshooting toolkit for Cloudflare Zero Trust. To get started, sign up to receive beta access and start using the Continue reading
Today, we're excited to announce that Cloudflare Access and Gateway now support the System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) protocol. Before we dive into what this means, let's take a step back and review what SCIM, Access, and Gateway are.
SCIM is a protocol that enables organizations to manage user identities and access to resources across multiple systems and domains. It is often used to automate the process of creating, updating, and deleting user accounts and permissions, and to keep these accounts and permissions in sync across different systems.
For example, most organizations have an identity provider, such as Okta or Azure Active Directory, that stores information about its employees, such as names, addresses, and job titles. The organization also likely uses cloud-based applications for collaboration. In order to access the cloud-based application, employees need to create an account and log in with a username and password. Instead of manually creating and managing these accounts, the organization can use SCIM to automate the process. Both the on-premise system and the cloud-based application are configured to support SCIM.
When a new employee is added to, or removed from, the identity provider, SCIM automatically creates an account for that employee in the Continue reading
Today we are announcing the general availability of Zone Versioning for enterprise customers. Zone Versioning allows you to safely manage zone configuration by versioning changes and choosing how and when to deploy those changes to defined environments of traffic. Previously announced as HTTP Applications, we have redesigned the experience based on testing and feedback to provide a seamless experience for customers looking to safely rollout configuration changes.
There are two problems we have heard from customers that Zone Versioning aims to solve:
Customers have worked out various ways of solving these problems. For problem #1, customers will create staging zones that live on a different hostname, often taking the form, that they make changes on first to ensure that those changes will work when deployed to their production zone. When making more than one change this can become troublesome as they now need to keep track of all the changes made to make the exact same set of changes on the Continue reading
The landscape of email security is constantly changing. One aspect that remains consistent is the reliance of email as the beginning for the majority of threat campaigns. Attackers often start with a phishing campaign to gather employee credentials which, if successful, are used to exfiltrate data, siphon money, or perform other malicious activities. This threat remains ever present even as companies transition to moving their email to the cloud using providers like Microsoft 365 or Google Workspace.
In our pursuit to help build a better Internet and tackle online threats, Cloudflare offers email security via our Area 1 product to protect all types of email inboxes - from cloud to on premise. The Area 1 product analyzes every email an organization receives and uses our threat models to assess if the message poses risk to the customer. For messages that are deemed malicious, the Area 1 platform will even prevent the email from landing in the recipient's inbox, ensuring that there is no chance for the attempted attack to be successful.
We try to provide customers with the flexibility to deploy our solution in whatever way they find easiest. Continuing in this pursuit to make our solution as turnkey as Continue reading
Today, we’re sharing the release of two new SaaS integrations for Cloudflare CASB - Salesforce and Box - in order to help CIOs, IT leaders, and security admins swiftly identify looming security issues present across the exact type of tools housing this business-critical data.
Released in September, Cloudflare’s API CASB has already proven to organizations from around the world that security risks - like insecure settings and inappropriate file sharing - can often exist across the friendly SaaS apps we all know and love, and indeed pose a threat. By giving operators a comprehensive view of the issues plaguing their SaaS environments, Cloudflare CASB has allowed them to effortlessly remediate problems in a timely manner before they can be leveraged against them.
But as both we and other forward-thinking administrators have come to realize, it’s not always Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, and business chat tools like Slack that contain an organization’s most sensitive information.
The first Software-as-a-Service. Salesforce, the sprawling, intricate, hard-to-contain Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform, gives workforces a flexible hub from which they can do just as the software describes: manage customer relationships. Whether it be tracking Continue reading
As CIOs navigate the complexities of stitching together multiple solutions, we are extending our partnership with Microsoft to create one of the best Zero Trust solutions available. Today, we are announcing four new integrations between Azure AD and Cloudflare Zero Trust that reduce risk proactively. These integrated offerings increase automation allowing security teams to focus on threats versus implementation and maintenance.
Zero Trust is an overused term in the industry and creates a lot of confusion. So, let's break it down. Zero Trust architecture emphasizes the “never trust, always verify” approach. One way to think about it is that in the traditional security perimeter or “castle and moat” model, you have access to all the rooms inside the building (e.g., apps) simply by having access to the main door (e.g., typically a VPN). In the Zero Trust model you would need to obtain access to each locked room (or app) individually rather than only relying on access through the main door. Some key components of the Zero Trust model are identity e.g., Azure AD (who), apps e.g., a SAP instance or a custom Continue reading
Email is one of the most ubiquitous and also most exploited tools that businesses use every single day. Baiting users into clicking malicious links within an email has been a particularly long-standing tactic for the vast majority of bad actors, from the most sophisticated criminal organizations to the least experienced attackers.
Even though this is a commonly known approach to gain account access or commit fraud, users are still being tricked into clicking malicious links that, in many cases, lead to exploitation. The reason is simple: even the best trained users (and security solutions) cannot always distinguish a good link from a bad link.
On top of that, securing employees' mailboxes often results in multiple vendors, complex deployments, and a huge drain of resources.
Email Link Isolation turns Cloudflare Area 1 into the most comprehensive email security solution when it comes to protecting against phishing attacks. It rewrites links that could be exploited, keeps users vigilant by alerting them of the uncertainty around the website they’re about to visit, and protects against malware and vulnerabilities through the user-friendly Cloudflare Browser Isolation service. Also, in true Cloudflare fashion, it’s a one-click deployment.
With more than a couple Continue reading
Threat prevention is not limited to keeping external actors out, but also keeping sensitive data in. Most organizations do not realize how much confidential information resides within their email inboxes. Employees handle vast amounts of sensitive data on a daily basis, such as intellectual property, internal documentation, PII, or payment information and often share this information internally via email making email one of the largest locations confidential information is stored within a company. It comes as no shock that organizations worry about protecting the accidental or malicious egress of sensitive data and often address these concerns by instituting strong Data Loss Prevention policies. Cloudflare makes it easy for customers to manage the data in their email inboxes with Area 1 Email Security and Cloudflare One.
Cloudflare One, our SASE platform that delivers network-as-a-service (NaaS) with Zero Trust security natively built-in, connects users to enterprise resources, and offers a wide variety of opportunities to secure corporate traffic, including the inspection of data transferred to your corporate email. Area 1 email security, as part of our composable Cloudflare One platform, delivers the most complete data protection for your inbox and offers a cohesive solution when including additional services, such as Data Loss Continue reading
Most of the CIOs we talk to want to replace dozens of point solutions as they start their own Zero Trust journey. Cloudflare One, our comprehensive Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) platform can help teams of any size rip out all the legacy appliances and services that tried to keep their data, devices, and applications safe without compromising speed.
We also built those products to work better together. Today, we’re bringing Cloudflare’s best-in-class browser isolation technology to our industry-leading Zero Trust access control product. Your team can now control the data in any application, and what a user can do in the application, with a single click in the Cloudflare dashboard. We’re excited to help you replace your private networks, virtual desktops, and data control boxes with a single, faster solution.
Most organizations begin their Zero Trust migration by replacing a virtual private network (VPN). VPN deployments trust too many users by default. In most configurations, any user on a private network can reach any resource on that same network.
The consequences vary. On one end of the spectrum, employees in marketing can accidentally stumble upon payroll amounts for the Continue reading