In November 2022, we announced the transition to OpenAPI Schemas for the Cloudflare API. Back then, we had an audacious goal to make the OpenAPI schemas the source of truth for our SDK ecosystem and reference documentation. During 2024’s Developer Week, we backed this up by announcing that our SDK libraries are now automatically generated from these OpenAPI schemas. Today, we’re excited to announce the latest pieces of the ecosystem to now be automatically generated — the Terraform provider and API reference documentation.
This means that the moment a new feature or attribute is added to our products and the team documents it, you’ll be able to see how it’s meant to be used across our SDK ecosystem and make use of it immediately. No more delays. No more lacking coverage of API endpoints.
You can find the new documentation site at, and you can try the preview release candidate of the Terraform provider by installing 5.0.0-alpha1.
For anyone who is unfamiliar with Terraform, it is a tool for managing your infrastructure as code, much like you would with your application code. Many of our customers (big and small) rely Continue reading
In 2018, Cloudflare announced, one of the fastest, privacy-first consumer DNS services. was the first consumer product Cloudflare ever launched, focused on reaching a wider audience. This service was designed to be fast and private, and does not retain information that would identify who is making a request.
In 2020, Cloudflare announced for Families, designed to add a layer of protection to our existing public resolver. The intent behind this product was to provide consumers, namely families, the ability to add a security and adult content filter to block unsuspecting users from accessing specific sites when browsing the Internet.
Today, we are officially announcing that any ISP and equipment manufacturer can use our DNS resolvers for free. Internet service, network, and hardware equipment providers can sign up and join this program to partner with Cloudflare to deliver a safer browsing experience that is easy to use, industry leading, and at no cost to anyone.
Leading companies have already partnered with Cloudflare to deliver superior and customized offerings to protect their customers. By delivering this service Continue reading
Anyone using the Internet likely touches Cloudflare’s network on a daily basis, either by accessing a site protected by Cloudflare, using our resolver, or connecting via a network using our Cloudflare One products.
This puts Cloudflare in a position of great responsibility to make the Internet safer for billions of users worldwide. Today we are providing threat intelligence and more than 10 new security features for free to all of our customers. Whether you are using Cloudflare to protect your website, your home network, or your office, you will find something useful that you can start using with just a few clicks.
These features are focused around some of the largest growing concerns in cybersecurity, including account takeover attacks, supply chain attacks, attacks against API endpoints, network visibility, and data leaks from your network.
You can read more about each one of these features in the sections below, but we wanted to provide a short summary upfront.
If you are a cyber security enthusiast: you can head over to our new Cloudforce One threat intelligence website to find out about threat actors, attack campaigns, and other Internet-wide Continue reading
Customers that use Cloudflare to manage their DNS often need to create a whole batch of records, enable proxying on many records, update many records to point to a new target at the same time, or even delete all of their records. Historically, customers had to resort to bespoke scripts to make these changes, which came with their own set of issues. In response to customer demand, we are excited to announce support for batched API calls to the DNS records API starting today. This lets customers make large changes to their zones much more efficiently than before. Whether sending a POST, PUT, PATCH or DELETE, users can now execute these four different HTTP methods, and multiple HTTP requests all at the same time.
DNS records are an essential part of most web applications and websites, and they serve many different purposes. The most common use case for a DNS record is to have a hostname point to an IPv4 address, this is called an A record: 59 IN A 59 IN A 59 IN A 198.51. Continue reading
When it comes to the Internet, everyone wants to be the fastest. At Cloudflare, we’re no different. We want to be the fastest network in the world, and are constantly working towards that goal. Since June 2021, we’ve been measuring and ranking our network performance against the top global networks. We use this data to improve our performance, and to share the results of those initiatives.
In this post, we’re going to share with you how our network performance has changed since our last post in March 2024, and discuss the tools and processes we are using to assess network performance.
Cloudflare has been measuring network performance across these top networks from the top 1,000 ISPs by estimated population (according to the Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC)), and optimizing our network for ISPs and countries where we see opportunities to improve. For performance benchmarking, we look at TCP connection time. This is the time it takes an end user to connect to the website or endpoint they are trying to reach. We chose this metric to show how our network helps make your websites faster by serving your traffic where Continue reading
In the early days of the Internet, a single IP address was a reliable indicator of a single user. However, today’s Internet is more complex. Shared IP addresses are now common, with users connecting via mobile IP address pools, VPNs, or behind CGNAT (Carrier Grade Network Address Translation). This makes relying on IP addresses alone a weak method to combat modern threats like automated attacks and fraudulent activity. Additionally, many Internet users have no option but to use an IP address which they don’t have sole control over, and as such, should not be penalized for that.
At Cloudflare, we are solving this complexity with Turnstile, our CAPTCHA alternative. And now, we’re taking the next step in advancing security with Ephemeral IDs, a new feature that generates a unique short-lived ID, without relying on any network-level information.
When a website visitor interacts with Turnstile, we now calculate an Ephemeral ID that can link behavior to a specific client instead of an IP address. This means that even when attackers rotate through large pools of IP addresses, we can still identify and block malicious actions. For example, in attacks like credential stuffing or account signups, where fraudsters attempt to disguise Continue reading
Site owners have lacked the ability to determine how AI services use their content for training or other purposes. Today, Cloudflare is releasing a set of tools to make it easy for site owners, creators, and publishers to take back control over how their content is made available to AI-related bots and crawlers. All Cloudflare customers can now audit and control how AI models access the content on their site.
This launch starts with a detailed analytics view of the AI services that crawl your site and the specific content they access. Customers can review activity by AI provider, by type of bot, and which sections of their site are most popular. This data is available to every site on Cloudflare and does not require any configuration.
We expect that this new level of visibility will prompt teams to make a decision about their exposure to AI crawlers. To help give them time to make that decision, Cloudflare now provides a one-click option in our dashboard to immediately block any AI crawlers from accessing any site. Teams can then use this “pause” to decide if they want to allow specific AI providers or types of bots to proceed. Once that Continue reading
This week Cloudflare will celebrate the fourteenth anniversary of our launch. We think of it as our birthday. As is our tradition ever since our first anniversary, we use our Birthday Week each year to launch new products that we think of as gifts back to the Internet. For the last five years, we also take this time to write our annual Founders’ Letter reflecting on our business and the state of the Internet. This year is no different.
That said, one thing that is different is you may have noticed we've actually had fewer public innovation weeks over the last year than usual. That's been because a couple of incidents nearly a year ago caused us to focus on improving our internal systems over releasing new features. We're incredibly proud of our team's focus to make security, resilience, and reliability the top priorities for the last year. Today, Cloudflare's underlying platform, and the products that run on top of it, are significantly more robust than ever before.
With that work largely complete, and our platform in its strongest shape ever, we plan to pick back up the usual cadence of new product launches that we're known for. This Continue reading
Infrastructure planning for a network serving more than 81 million requests at peak and which is globally distributed across more than 330 cities in 120+ countries is complex. The capacity planning team at Cloudflare ensures there is enough capacity in place all over the world so that our customers have one less thing to worry about - our infrastructure, which should just work. Through our processes, the team puts careful consideration into “what-ifs”. What if something unexpected happens and one of our data centers fails? What if one of our largest customers triples, or quadruples their request count? Across a gamut of scenarios like these, the team works to understand where traffic will be served from and how the Cloudflare customer experience may change.
This blog post gives a look behind the curtain of how these scenarios are modeled at Cloudflare, and why it's so critical for our customers.
Cloudflare customers rely on the data centers that Cloudflare has deployed all over the world, placing us within 50 ms of approximately 95% of the Internet-connected population globally. But round-trip time to our end users means little if those data centers don’t have the capacity Continue reading
On September 17, 2024, during routine maintenance, Cloudflare inadvertently stopped announcing fifteen IPv4 prefixes, affecting some Business plan websites for approximately one hour. During this time, IPv4 traffic for these customers would not have reached Cloudflare, and users attempting to connect to websites assigned addresses within those prefixes would have received errors.
We’re very sorry for this outage.
This outage was the result of an internal software error and not the result of an attack. In this blog post, we’re going to talk about what the failure was, why it occurred, and what we’re doing to make sure this doesn’t happen again.
Cloudflare assembled a dedicated Addressing team in 2019 to simplify the ways that IP addresses are used across Cloudflare products and services. The team builds and maintains systems that help Cloudflare conserve and manage its own network resources. The Addressing team also manages periodic changes to the assignment of IP addresses across infrastructure and services at Cloudflare. In this case, our goal was to reduce the number of IPv4 addresses used for customer websites, allowing us to free up addresses for other purposes, like deploying infrastructure in new locations. Since IPv4 addresses are a finite Continue reading
Chrome and Mozilla announced that they will stop trusting Entrust’s public TLS certificates issued after November 12, 2024 and December 1, 2024, respectively. This decision stems from concerns related to Entrust’s ability to meet the CA/Browser Forum’s requirements for a publicly trusted certificate authority (CA). To prevent Entrust customers from being impacted by this change, Entrust has announced that they are partnering with, a publicly trusted CA, and will be issuing certs from’s roots to ensure that they can continue to provide their customers with certificates that are trusted by Chrome and Mozilla.
We’re excited to announce that we’re going to be adding as a certificate authority that Cloudflare customers can use. This means that Cloudflare customers that are currently relying on Entrust as a CA and uploading their certificate manually to Cloudflare will now be able to rely on Cloudflare’s certificate management pipeline for automatic issuance and renewal of certificates.
With great power comes great responsibility Every publicly trusted certificate authority (CA) is responsible for maintaining a high standard of security and compliance to ensure that the certificates they issue are trustworthy. Continue reading
Consider the case of a malicious actor attempting to inject, scrape, harvest, or exfiltrate data via an API. Such malicious activities are often characterized by the particular order in which the actor initiates requests to API endpoints. Moreover, the malicious activity is often not readily detectable using volumetric techniques alone, because the actor may intentionally execute API requests slowly, in an attempt to thwart volumetric abuse protection. To reliably prevent such malicious activity, we therefore need to consider the sequential order of API requests. We use the term sequential abuse to refer to malicious API request behavior. Our fundamental goal thus involves distinguishing malicious from benign API request sequences.
In this blog post, you’ll learn about how we address the challenge of helping customers protect their APIs against sequential abuse. To this end, we’ll unmask the statistical machine learning (ML) techniques currently underpinning our Sequence Analytics product. We’ll build on the high-level introduction to Sequence Analytics provided in a previous blog post.
Introduced in the previous blog post, let’s consider the idea of a time-ordered series of HTTP API requests initiated by a specific user. These occur as the user interacts with a service, such as while browsing Continue reading
Much has changed in the 2024 United States presidential election since the June 27 debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, then the presumptive nominees for the November election. Now, over two months later, on September 10, the debate was between Kamala Harris, the Democratic nominee, and Donald Trump, the Republican nominee. In this post, we will explore the event's impact on Internet traffic in specific states where there was a bigger impact than during the Biden-Trump debate, as well as examine cyberattacks, email phishing trends, and general DNS data on candidates, news, and election-related activity.
We’ve been tracking the 2024 elections globally through our blog and election report on Cloudflare Radar, covering some of the more than 60 national elections this year. Regarding the US elections, we have previously reported on trends surrounding the first Biden vs. Trump debate, the attempted assassination of Trump, the Republican National Convention, and the Democratic National Convention.
Typically, we have observed that election days don’t come with significant changes to Internet traffic, and the same is true for debates. Yet, debates can also draw attention that impacts traffic, especially when there is heightened anticipation. The 2024 debates were not only Continue reading
Today, we’re excited to expand our recent Unified Risk Posture announcement with more information on our latest integrations with CrowdStrike. We previously shared that our CrowdStrike Falcon Next-Gen SIEM integration allows for deeper analysis and further investigations by unifying first- and third-party data, native threat intelligence, AI, and workflow automation to allow your security teams to focus on work that matters.
This post explains how Falcon Next-Gen SIEM allows customers to identify and investigate risky user behavior and analyze data combined with other log sources to uncover hidden threats. By combining Cloudflare and CrowdStrike, organizations are better equipped to manage risk and decisively take action to stop cyberattacks.
By leveraging the combined capabilities of Cloudflare and CrowdStrike, organizations combine Cloudflare’s email security and zero trust logging capabilities with CrowdStrike’s dashboards and custom workflows to get better visibility into their environments and remediate potential threats. Happy Cog, a full-service digital agency, currently leverages the integration. Co-Founder and President Matthew Weinberg said:
'The integration of Cloudflare’s robust Zero Trust capabilities with CrowdStrike Falcon Next-Gen SIEM enables organizations to gain a more comprehensive view of the threat landscape and take action to mitigate both internal and external risks posed by today’s security Continue reading
Cloudflare’s global network handles a lot of HTTP requests – over 60 million per second on average. That in and of itself is not news, but it is the starting point to an adventure that started a few months ago and ends with the announcement of a new open-source Rust crate that we are using to reduce our CPU utilization, enabling our CDN to handle even more of the world’s ever-increasing Web traffic.
Let’s start at the beginning. You may recall a few months ago we released Pingora (the heart of our Rust-based proxy services) as an open-source project on GitHub. I work on the team that maintains the Pingora framework, as well as Cloudflare’s production services built upon it. One of those services is responsible for the final step in transmitting users’ (non-cached) requests to their true destination. Internally, we call the request’s destination server its “origin”, so our service has the (unimaginative) name of “pingora-origin”.
One of the many responsibilities of pingora-origin is to ensure that when a request leaves our infrastructure, it has been cleaned to remove the internal information we use to route, measure, and optimize traffic for our customers. This has to be Continue reading
Today, we are excited to announce a preview of improved Node.js compatibility for Workers and Pages. Broader compatibility lets you use more NPM packages and take advantage of the JavaScript ecosystem when writing your Workers.
Our newest version of Node.js compatibility combines the best features of our previous efforts. Cloudflare Workers have supported Node.js in some form for quite a while. We first announced polyfill support in 2021, and later built-in support for parts of the Node.js API that has expanded over time.
The latest changes make it even better:
You can use far more NPM packages on Workers.
You can use packages that do not use the node
: prefix to import Node.js APIs
You can use more Node.js APIs on Workers, including most methods on async_hooks
, buffer
, dns
, os
, and events
. Many more, such as fs
or process
are importable with mocked methods.
To give it a try, add the following flag to wrangler.toml
, and deploy your Worker with Wrangler:
compatibility_flags = ["nodejs_compat_v2"]
Packages that could not be imported with nodejs_compat
, even as a dependency of another package, will now load. This Continue reading
Cloudflare handles over 60 million HTTP requests per second globally, with approximately 70% received over TCP connections (the remaining are QUIC/UDP). Ideally, every new TCP connection to Cloudflare would carry at least one request that results in a successful data exchange, but that is far from the truth. In reality, we find that, globally, approximately 20% of new TCP connections to Cloudflare’s servers time out or are closed with a TCP “abort” message either before any request can be completed or immediately after an initial request.
This post explores those connections that, for various reasons, appear to our servers to have been halted unexpectedly before any useful data exchange occurs. Our work reveals that while connections are normally ended by clients, they can also be closed due to third-party interference. Today we’re excited to launch a new dashboard and API endpoint on Cloudflare Radar that shows a near real-time view of TCP connections to Cloudflare’s network that terminate within the first 10 ingress packets due to resets or timeouts, which we’ll refer to as anomalous TCP connections in this post. Analyzing this anomalous behavior provides insights into scanning, connection tampering, DoS attacks, connectivity issues, and other behaviors.
Have you ever made a phone call, only to have the call cut as soon as it is answered, with no obvious reason or explanation? This analogy is the starting point for understanding connection tampering on the Internet and its impact.
We have found that 20 percent of all Internet connections are abruptly closed before any useful data can be exchanged. Essentially, every fifth call is cut before being used. As with a phone call, it can be challenging for one or both parties to know what happened. Was it a faulty connection? Did the person on the other end of the line hang up? Did a third party intervene to stop the call?
On the Internet, Cloudflare is in a unique position to help figure out when a third party may have played a role. Our global network allows us to identify patterns that suggest that an external party may have intentionally tampered with a connection to prevent content from being accessed. Although they are often hard to decipher, the ways connections are abruptly closed give clues to what might have happened. Sources of tampering generally do not try to hide their actions, which leaves hints of Continue reading
The Internet can feel like magic. When you load a webpage in your browser, many simultaneous requests for data fly back and forth to remote servers. Then, often in less than one second, a website appears. Many people know that DNS is used to look up a hostname, and resolve it to an IP address, but fewer understand how data flows from your home network to the network that controls the IP address of the web server.
The Internet is an interconnected network of networks, operated by thousands of independent entities. To allow these networks to communicate with each other, in 1989, on the back of two napkins, three network engineers devised the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). It allows these independent networks to signal directions for IP prefixes they own, or that are reachable through their network. At that time, Internet security wasn’t a big deal — SSL, initially developed to secure websites, wasn’t developed until 1995, six years later. So BGP wasn’t originally built with security in mind, but over time, security and availability concerns have emerged.
Today, the White House Office of the National Cyber Director issued the Roadmap to Enhancing Internet Routing Security, and Continue reading
The 2024 Democratic National Convention (DNC) wrapped up on Thursday, August 22, in Chicago, Illinois. Since our blog post about Internet trends during the first presidential debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump on June 27, the presidential race has fundamentally changed. We experienced the attempted assassination of Trump, the Republican National Convention (RNC), Biden’s late July withdrawal from the race, and Vice President Kamala Harris being selected as the Democratic nominee and participating in her party’s convention this week. Here, we’ll examine trends more focused on DNS traffic to news and candidate-related sites, cyberattacks targeting politically-related organizations, and spam and malicious emails mentioning the candidates’ names.
Over 60 more national elections are scheduled to take place across the world this year, and we have been monitoring them as they occur. Our goal is to provide a neutral analysis of their impact on Internet behavior, which often mirrors human activities. Significant events, such as the total eclipse in Mexico, the United States, and Canada, and the Paris 2024 Olympics, have had an impact on Internet traffic. Our ongoing election report on Cloudflare Radar includes updates from recent elections in the European Union, France, Continue reading