
Category Archives for "CloudFlare"

Cloudflare acquires Baselime to expand serverless application observability capabilities

Today, we’re thrilled to announce that Cloudflare has acquired Baselime.

The cloud is changing. Just a few years ago, serverless functions were revolutionary. Today, entire applications are built on serverless architectures, from compute to databases, storage, queues, etc. — with Cloudflare leading the way in making it easier than ever for developers to build, without having to think about their architecture. And while the adoption of serverless has made it simple for developers to run fast, it has also made one of the most difficult problems in software even harder: how the heck do you unravel the behavior of distributed systems?

When I started Baselime 2 years ago, our goal was simple: enable every developer to build, ship, and learn from their serverless applications such that they can resolve issues before they become problems.

Since then, we built an observability platform that enables developers to understand the behaviour of their cloud applications. It’s designed for high cardinality and dimensionality data, from logs to distributed tracing with OpenTelemetry. With this data, we automatically surface insights from your applications, and enable you to quickly detect, troubleshoot, and resolve issues in production.

In parallel, Cloudflare has been busy the past few years building Continue reading

Browser Rendering API GA, rolling out Cloudflare Snippets, SWR, and bringing Workers for Platforms to all users

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Browser Rendering API is now available to all paid Workers customers with improved session management

In May 2023, we announced the open beta program for the Browser Rendering API. Browser Rendering allows developers to programmatically control and interact with a headless browser instance and create automation flows for their applications and products.

At the same time, we launched a version of the Puppeteer library that works with Browser Rendering. With that, developers can use a familiar API on top of Cloudflare Workers to create all sorts of workflows, such as taking screenshots of pages or automatic software testing.

Today, we take Browser Rendering one step further, taking it out of beta and making it available to all paid Workers' plans. Furthermore, we are enhancing our API and introducing a new feature that we've been discussing for a long time in the open beta community: session management.

Session Management

Session management allows developers to reuse previously opened browsers across Worker's scripts. Reusing browser sessions has the advantage that you don't need to instantiate a new browser for every request and every task, Continue reading

Cloudflare acquires PartyKit to allow developers to build real-time multi-user applications

We're thrilled to announce that PartyKit, an open source platform for deploying real-time, collaborative, multiplayer applications, is now a part of Cloudflare. This acquisition marks a significant milestone in our journey to redefine the boundaries of serverless computing, making it more dynamic, interactive, and, importantly, stateful.

Defining the future of serverless compute around state

Building real-time applications on the web have always been difficult. Not only is it a distributed systems problem, but you need to provision and manage infrastructure, databases, and other services to maintain state across multiple clients. This complexity has traditionally been a barrier to entry for many developers, especially those who are just starting out.

We announced Durable Objects in 2020 as a way of building synchronized real time experiences for the web. Unlike regular serverless functions that are ephemeral and stateless, Durable Objects are stateful, allowing developers to build applications that maintain state across requests. They also act as an ideal synchronization point for building real-time applications that need to maintain state across multiple clients. Combined with WebSockets, Durable Objects can be used to build a wide range of applications, from multiplayer games to collaborative drawing tools.

In 2022, PartyKit began as a project to Continue reading

Blazing fast development with full-stack frameworks and Cloudflare

Hello web developers! Last year we released a slew of improvements that made deploying web applications on Cloudflare much easier, and in response we’ve seen a large growth of Astro, Next.js, Nuxt, Qwik, Remix, SolidStart, SvelteKit, and other web apps hosted on Cloudflare. Today we are announcing major improvements to our integration with these web frameworks that makes it easier to develop sophisticated applications that use our D1 SQL database, R2 object store, AI models, and other powerful features of Cloudflare’s developer platform.

In the past, if you wanted to develop a web framework-powered application with D1 and run it locally, you’d have to build a production build of your application, and then run it locally using `wrangler pages dev`. While this worked, each of your code iterations would take seconds, or tens of seconds for big applications. Iterating using production builds is simply too slow, pulls you out of the flow, and doesn’t allow you to take advantage of all the DX optimizations that framework authors have put a lot of hard work into. This is changing today!

Our goal is to integrate with web frameworks in the most natural way possible, without developers having to learn Continue reading

We’ve added JavaScript-native RPC to Cloudflare Workers

Cloudflare Workers now features a built-in RPC (Remote Procedure Call) system enabling seamless Worker-to-Worker and Worker-to-Durable Object communication, with almost no boilerplate. You just define a class:

export class MyService extends WorkerEntrypoint {
  sum(a, b) {
    return a + b;

And then you call it:

let three = await env.MY_SERVICE.sum(1, 2);

No schemas. No routers. Just define methods of a class. Then call them. That's it.

But that's not it

This isn't just any old RPC. We've designed an RPC system so expressive that calling a remote service can feel like using a library – without any need to actually import a library! This is important not just for ease of use, but also security: fewer dependencies means fewer critical security updates and less exposure to supply-chain attacks.

To this end, here are some of the features of Workers RPC:

  • For starters, you can pass Structured Clonable types as the params or return value of an RPC. (That means that, unlike JSON, Dates just work, and you can even have cycles.)
  • You can additionally pass functions in the params or return value of other functions. When the other side calls the function you passed to Continue reading

Community Update: empowering startups building on Cloudflare and creating an inclusive community

With millions of developers around the world building on Cloudflare, we are constantly inspired by what you all are building with us. Every Developer Week, we’re excited to get your hands on new products and features that can help you be more productive, and creative, with what you’re building. But we know our job doesn’t end when we put new products and features in your hands during Developer Week. We also need to cultivate welcoming community spaces where you can come get help, share what you’re building, and meet other developers building with Cloudflare.

We’re excited to close out Developer Week by sharing updates on our Workers Launchpad program, our latest Developer Challenge, and the work we’re doing to ensure our community spaces – like our Discord and Community forums – are safe and inclusive for all developers.

Helping startups go further with Workers Launchpad

In late 2022, we initiated the $2 billion Workers Launchpad Funding Program aimed at aiding the more than one million developers who use Cloudflare's Developer Platform. This initiative particularly benefits startups that are investing in building on Cloudflare to propel their business growth.

The Workers Launchpad Program offers a variety of resources to help builders Continue reading

New tools for production safety — Gradual deployments, Source maps, Rate Limiting, and new SDKs

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2024’s Developer Week is all about production readiness. On Monday. April 1, we announced that D1, Queues, Hyperdrive, and Workers Analytics Engine are ready for production scale and generally available. On Tuesday, April 2, we announced the same about our inference platform, Workers AI. And we’re not nearly done yet.

However, production readiness isn’t just about the scale and reliability of the services you build with. You also need tools to make changes safely and reliably. You depend not just on what Cloudflare provides, but on being able to precisely control and tailor how Cloudflare behaves to the needs of your application.

Today we are announcing five updates that put more power in your hands – Gradual Deployments, source mapped stack traces in Tail Workers, a new Rate Limiting API, brand-new API SDKs, and updates to Durable Objects – each built with mission-critical production services in mind. We build our own products using Workers, including Access, R2, KV, Waiting Room, Vectorize, Queues, Stream, and more. We rely on each of these Continue reading

What’s new with Cloudflare Media: updates for Calls, Stream, and Images

Our customers use Cloudflare Calls, Stream, and Images to build live, interactive, and real-time experiences for their users. We want to reduce friction by making it easier to get data into our products. This also means providing transparent pricing, so customers can be confident that costs make economic sense for their business, especially as they scale.

Today, we’re introducing four new improvements to help you build media applications with Cloudflare:

  • Cloudflare Calls is in open beta with transparent pricing
  • Cloudflare Stream has a Live Clipping API to let your viewers instantly clip from ongoing streams
  • Cloudflare Images has a pre-built upload widget that you can embed in your application to accept uploads from your users
  • Cloudflare Images lets you crop and resize images of people at scale with automatic face cropping

Build real-time video and audio applications with Cloudflare Calls

Cloudflare Calls is now in open beta, and you can activate it from your dashboard. Your usage will be free until May 15, 2024. Starting May 15, 2024, customers with a Calls subscription will receive the first terabyte each month for free, with any usage beyond that charged at $0.05 per real-time gigabyte. Additionally, there are no charges for Continue reading

Announcing Pages support for monorepos, wrangler.toml, database integrations and more!

Pages launched in 2021 with the goal of empowering developers to go seamlessly from idea to production. With built-in CI/CD, Preview Deployments, integration with GitHub and GitLab, and support for all the most popular JavaScript frameworks, Pages lets you build and deploy both static and full-stack apps globally to our network in seconds.

Pages has superpowers like these that Workers does not have, and vice versa. Today you have to choose upfront whether to build a Worker or a Pages project, even though the two products largely overlap. That’s why during 2023’s Developer Week, we started bringing both products together to give developers the benefit of the best of both worlds. And it’s why we announced that like Workers, Pages projects can now directly access bindings to Cloudflare services — using workerd under-the-hood — even when using the local development server provided by a full-stack framework like Astro, Next.js, Nuxt, Qwik, Remix, SolidStart, or SvelteKit. Today, we’re thrilled to be launching some new improvements to Pages that bring functionality previously restricted to Workers. Welcome to the stage: monorepos, wrangler.toml, new additions to Next.js support, and database integrations!

Pages now supports monorepos

Many Continue reading

Cloudflare Calls: millions of cascading trees all the way down

Following its initial announcement in September 2022, Cloudflare Calls is now in open beta and available in your Cloudflare Dashboard. Cloudflare Calls lets developers build real-time audio/video apps using WebRTC, and it abstracts away the complexity by turning the Cloudflare network into a singular SFU. In this post, we dig into how we make this possible.

WebRTC growing pains

WebRTC is the only way to send UDP traffic out of a web browser – everything else uses TCP.

As a developer, you need a UDP-based transport layer for applications demanding low latency and real-time feedback, such as audio/video conferencing and interactive gaming. This is because unlike WebSocket and other TCP-based solutions, UDP is not subject to head-of-line blocking, a frequent topic on the Cloudflare Blog.

When building a new video conferencing app, you typically start with a peer-to-peer web application using WebRTC, where clients exchange data directly. This approach is efficient for small-scale demos, but scalability issues arise as the number of participants increases. This is because the amount of data each client must transmit grows substantially, following an almost exponential increase relative to the number of participants, as each client needs to send data to n-1 other clients.

Continue reading

R2 adds event notifications, support for migrations from Google Cloud Storage, and an infrequent access storage tier

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We’re excited to announce three new features for Cloudflare R2, our zero egress fee object storage platform:

Event Notifications Open Beta

The lifecycle of data often doesn’t stop immediately after upload to an R2 bucket – event data may need to be transformed and loaded into a data warehouse, media files may need to go through a post-processing step, etc. We’re releasing event notifications for R2 in open beta to enable building applications and workflows driven by your changing data.

Event notifications work by sending messages to your queue each time there is a change to your data. These messages are then received by a consumer Worker where you can then define any subsequent action that needs to be taken.

To get started enabling event Continue reading

Improving Cloudflare Workers and D1 developer experience with Prisma ORM

Working with databases can be difficult. Developers face increasing data complexity and needs beyond simple create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations. Unfortunately, these issues also compound on themselves: developers have a harder time iterating in an increasingly complex environment. Cloudflare Workers and D1 help by reducing time spent managing infrastructure and deploying applications, and Prisma provides a great experience for your team to work and interact with data.  

Together, Cloudflare and Prisma make it easier than ever to deploy globally available apps with a focus on developer experience. To further that goal, Prisma Object Relational Mapper (ORM) now natively supports Cloudflare Workers and D1 in Preview. With version 5.12.0 of Prisma ORM you can now interact with your data stored in D1 from your Cloudflare Workers with the convenience of the Prisma Client API. Learn more and try it out now.

What is Prisma?

From writing to debugging, SQL queries take a long time and slow developer productivity. Even before writing queries, modeling tables can quickly become unwieldy, and migrating data is a nerve-wracking process. Prisma ORM looks to resolve all of these issues by providing an intuitive data modeling language, an automated migration workflow, and Continue reading

Data Anywhere with Pipelines, Event Notifications, and Workflows

Data is fundamental to any real-world application: the database storing your user data and inventory, the analytics tracking sales events and/or error rates, the object storage with your web assets and/or the Parquet files driving your data science team, and the vector database enabling semantic search or AI-powered recommendations for your users.

When we first announced Workers back in 2017, and then Workers KV, Cloudflare R2, and D1, it was obvious that the next big challenge to solve for developers would be in making it easier to ingest, store, and query the data needed to build scalable, full-stack applications.

To that end, as part of our quest to make building stateful, distributed-by-default applications even easier, we’re launching our new Event Notifications service; a preview of our upcoming streaming ingestion product, Pipelines; and a sneak peek into our take on durable execution, Workflows.

Event-based architectures

When you’re writing data — whether that’s new data, changing existing data, or deleting old data — you often want to trigger other, asynchronous work to run in response. That could be processing user-driven uploads, updating search indexes as the underlying data changes, or removing associated rows in your SQL database when Continue reading

How Picsart leverages Cloudflare’s Developer Platform to build globally performant services

Delivering great user experiences with a global user base can be challenging. While serving requests quickly when you start out in a local market is straightforward, doing so for a global audience is much more difficult. Why? Even under optimal conditions, you cannot be faster than the speed of light, which brings single data center solutions to their performance limits.

In this post, we will cover how Picsart improved the performance of one of its most critical services by moving from a centralized architecture to a globally distributed service built on Cloudflare. Our serverless compute platform, Workers, distributed throughout 310+ cities around the world, and our globally distributed Workers KV storage allowed them to improve their performance significantly and drive real business impact.

Success driven by data-driven insights

Picsart is one of the world’s largest digital creation platforms and a long-standing Cloudflare partner. At its core, an advanced tech stack powers its comprehensive features, including AI-driven photo and video editing tools and community-driven content sharing. With its infrastructure spanning across multiple cloud environments and on-prem deployments, Picsart is engineered to handle billions of daily requests from its huge mobile and web user base and API integrations. For over a Continue reading

Continuing our work with CISA and the Joint Cyber Defense Collaborative to keep vulnerable communities secure online

Internet security and reliability has become deeply personal. This holds true for many of us, but especially those who work with vulnerable communities, political dissidents, journalists in authoritarian nations, or human rights advocates. The threats they face, both in the physical world and online, are steadily increasing.

At Cloudflare, our mission is to help build a better Internet. With many of our Impact projects, which protect a range of vulnerable voices from civil society, journalists, state and local governments that run elections, political campaigns, political parties, community networks, and more, we’ve learned how to keep these important groups secure online. But, we can’t do it alone. Collaboration and sharing of best practices with multiple stakeholders to get the right tools into the groups that need them is essential in democratizing access to powerful security tools.

Civil society has historically been the voice for sharing information about attacks that target vulnerable communities, both online and offline. In the last few years, we see governments increasingly appreciating how cyberattacks affect vulnerable voices and make an effort to identify the risks to these communities, and the resources available to protect them.

In March 2023, the US government launched the Summit for Democracy Continue reading

Leveling up Workers AI: general availability and more new capabilities

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Welcome to Tuesday – our AI day of Developer Week 2024! In this blog post, we’re excited to share an overview of our new AI announcements and vision, including news about Workers AI officially going GA with improved pricing, a GPU hardware momentum update, an expansion of our Hugging Face partnership, Bring Your Own LoRA fine-tuned inference, Python support in Workers, more providers in AI Gateway, and Vectorize metadata filtering.

Workers AI GA

Today, we’re excited to announce that our Workers AI inference platform is now Generally Available. After months of being in open beta, we’ve improved our service with greater reliability and performance, unveiled pricing, and added many more models to our catalog.

Improved performance & reliability

With Workers AI, our goal is to make AI inference as reliable and easy to use as the rest of Cloudflare’s network. Under the hood, we’ve upgraded the load balancing that is built into Workers AI. Requests can now be routed to more GPUs in more cities, and each city is aware of the total available capacity for AI inference. If the request Continue reading

Running fine-tuned models on Workers AI with LoRAs

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Inference from fine-tuned LLMs with LoRAs is now in open beta

Today, we’re excited to announce that you can now run fine-tuned inference with LoRAs on Workers AI. This feature is in open beta and available for pre-trained LoRA adapters to be used with Mistral, Gemma, or Llama 2, with some limitations. Take a look at our product announcements blog post to get a high-level overview of our Bring Your Own (BYO) LoRAs feature.

In this post, we’ll do a deep dive into what fine-tuning and LoRAs are, show you how to use it on our Workers AI platform, and then delve into the technical details of how we implemented it on our platform.

What is fine-tuning?

Fine-tuning is a general term for modifying an AI model by continuing to train it with additional data. The goal of fine-tuning is to increase the probability that a generation is similar to your dataset. Training a model from scratch is not practical for many use cases given how expensive and time consuming they can be to train. By fine-tuning an existing pre-trained model, Continue reading

Security Week 2024 wrap up

The next 12 months have the potential to reshape the global political landscape with elections occurring in more than 80 nations, in 2024, while new technologies, such as AI, capture our imagination and pose new security challenges.

Against this backdrop, the role of CISOs has never been more important. Grant Bourzikas, Cloudflare’s Chief Security Officer, shared his views on what the biggest challenges currently facing the security industry are in the Security Week opening blog.

Over the past week, we announced a number of new products and features that align with what we believe are the most crucial challenges for CISOs around the globe. We released features that span Cloudflare’s product portfolio, ranging from application security to securing employees and cloud infrastructure. We have also published a few stories on how we take a Customer Zero approach to using Cloudflare services to manage security at Cloudflare.

We hope you find these stories interesting and are excited by the new Cloudflare products. In case you missed any of these announcements, here is a recap of Security Week:

Responding to opportunity and risk from AI

Title Excerpt
Cloudflare announces Firewall for AI Cloudflare announced the development of Firewall for AI, Continue reading

Protocol detection with Cloudflare Gateway

Cloudflare Gateway, our secure web gateway (SWG), now supports the detection, logging, and filtering of network protocols regardless of their source or destination port. Protocol detection makes it easier to set precise policies without having to rely on the well known port and without the risk of over/under-filtering activity that could disrupt your users’ work. For example, you can filter all SSH traffic on your network by simply choosing the protocol.

Today, protocol detection is available to any Enterprise user of Gateway and supports a growing list of protocols including HTTP, HTTPS, SSH, TLS, DCE/RPC, MQTT, and TPKT.

Why is this needed?

As many configuration planes move to using RESTful APIs, and now even GraphQL, there is still a need to manage devices via protocols like SSH. Whether it is the only management protocol available on a new third party device, or one of the first ways we learned to connect to and manage a server, SSH is still extensively used.

With other legacy SWG and firewall tools, the process of blocking traffic by specifying only the well known port number (for example, port 22 for SSH) can be both insecure and inconvenient. For example, if you used SSH Continue reading

Launching email security insights on Cloudflare Radar

During 2021's Birthday Week, we announced our Email Routing service, which allows users to direct different types of email messages (such as marketing, transactional, or administrative) to separate accounts based on criteria such as the recipient’s address or department. Its capabilities and the volume of messages routed have grown significantly since launch.

Just a few months later, on February 23, 2022, we announced our intent to acquire Area 1 Security to protect users from phishing attacks in email, web, and network environments. Since the completion of the acquisition on April 1, 2022, Area 1's email security capabilities have been integrated into Cloudflare's secure access service edge (SASE) solution portfolio, and now processes tens of millions of messages daily.

Processing millions of email messages each day on behalf of our customers gives us a unique perspective on the threats posed by malicious emails, spam volume, the adoption of email authentication methods like SPF, DMARC, and DKIM, and the use of IPv4/IPv6 and TLS by email servers. Today, we are launching a new Email Security section on Cloudflare Radar to share these perspectives with you. The insights in this new section can help you better understand the state of email security Continue reading