
Category Archives for "Networking – The New Stack"

API Gateway, Ingress Controller or Service Mesh: When to Use What and Why

In just about every conversation on ingress controllers and service meshes, we hear some variation of the questions, “How is this tool different from an API gateway?” or “Do I need both an API gateway and an ingress controller (or service mesh) in Kubernetes?” This confusion is understandable for two reasons: Ingress controllers and service meshes can fulfill many API gateway use cases. Some vendors position their API gateway tool as an alternative to using an ingress controller or service mesh — or they roll multiple capabilities into one tool. Here, we will tackle how these tools differ and which to use for Kubernetes-specific API gateway use cases. For a deeper dive, including demos, watch the webinar “API gateway routes API requests from a client to the appropriate services. But a big misunderstanding about this simple definition is the idea that an API gateway is a unique piece of technology. It’s not. Rather, “API gateway” describes a set Continue reading

13 Years Later, the Bad Bugs of DNS Linger on

It’s 2023, and we are still copying code without fully debugging. Did we not learn from the Great DNS Vulnerability of 2008? Fear not, internet godfather spoke about the cost of open source dependencies in an Open Source Summit Europe in Dublin talk — which he Dan Kaminsky discovered a fundamental design flaw in DNS code that allowed for arbitrary cache poisoning that affected nearly every DNS server on the planet. The patch was released in July 2008 followed by the permanent solution, Domain Name Security Extensions (DNSSEC), in 2010. The Domain Name System is the basic name-based global addressing system for The Internet, so vulnerabilities in DNS could spell major trouble for pretty much everyone on the Internet. Vixie and Kaminsky “set [their] hair on fire” to build the security vulnerability solution that “13 years later, is not widely enough deployed to solve this problem,” Vixie said. All of this software is open-source and inspectable but the DNS bugs are still being brought to Vixie’s attention in the present day. “This is never going to stop if we don’t start writing down the lessons people should know before they write software,”  Vixie said. How Did This Happen? It’s our fault, “the call is coming from inside the house.” Before internet commercialization and the dawn of the home computer room, publishers of Berkley Software Distribution (BSD) of UNIX decided to support the then-new DNS protocol. “Spinning up a new release, making mag tapes, and putting them all in shipping containers was a lot of work” so they published DNS as a patch and posted to Usenet newsgroups, making it available to anyone who wanted it via an FTP server and mailing list. When Vixie began working on DNS at Berkeley, DNS was for all intents abandonware insofar as all the original creators had since moved on. Since there was no concept of importing code and making dependencies, embedded systems vendors copied the original code and changed the API names to suit their local engineering needs… this sound familiar? And then Linux came along. The internet E-X-P-L-O-D-E-D. You get an AOL account. And you get an AOL account… Distros had to build their first C library and copied some version of the old Berkeley code whether they knew what it was or not. It was a copy of a copy that some other distro was using, they made a local version forever divorced from the upstream. DSL modems are an early example of this. Now the Internet of Things is everywhere and “all of this DNS code in all of the billions of devices are running on some fork of a fork of a fork of code that Berkeley published in 1986.” Why does any of this matter? The original DNS bugs were written and shipped by Vixie. He then went on to fix them in the  90s but some still appear today. “For embedded systems today to still have that problem, any of those problems, means that whatever I did to fix it wasn’t enough. I didn’t have a way of telling people.” Where Do We Go from Here? “Sure would have been nice if we already had an internet when we were building one,” Vixie said. But, try as I might, we can’t go backward we can only go forward. Vixie made it very clear, “if you can’t afford to do these things [below] then free software is too expensive for you.” Here is some of Vixie’s advice for software producers: Do the best you can with the tools you have but “try to anticipate what you’re going to have.” Assume all software has bugs “not just because it always has, but because that’s the safe position to take.” Machine-readable updates are necessary because “you can’t rely on a human to monitor a mailing list.” Version numbers are must-haves for your downstream. “The people who are depending on you need to know something more than what you thought worked on Tuesday.” It doesn’t matter what it is as long as it uniquely identifies the bug level of the software. Cite code sources in the README files in source code comments. It will help anyone using your code and chasing bugs. Automate monitoring of your upstreams, review all changes, and integrate patches. “This isn’t optional.” Let your downstream know about changes automatically “otherwise these bugs are going to do what the DNS bugs are doing.” Here is the advice for software consumers: Your software’s dependencies are your dependencies. “As a consumer when you import something, remember that you’re also importing everything it depends on… So when you check your dependencies, you’d have to do it recursively you have to go all the way up.” Uncontracted dependencies can make free software incredibly expensive but are an acceptable operating risk because “we need the software that everybody else is writing.” Orphaned dependencies require local maintenance and therein lies the risk because that’s a much higher cost than monitoring the developments that are coming out of other teams. “It’s either expensive because you hire enough people and build enough automation or it’s expensive because you don’t.” Automate dependency upgrades (mostly) because sometimes “the license will change from one you could live with to one that you can’t or at some point someone decides they’d like to get paid” [insert adventure here]. Specify acceptable version numbers. If versions 5+ have the fix needed for your software, say that to make sure you don’t accidentally get an older one. Monitor your supply chain and ticket every release. Have an engineer review every update to determine if it’s “set my hair on fire, work over the weekend or we’ll just get to it when we get to it” priority level. He closed with “we are all in this together but I think we could get it organized better than we have.” And it sure is one way to say it. There is a certain level of humility and grace one has to have after being on the tiny team that prevented the potential DNS collapse, is a leader in their field for over a generation, but still has their early career bugs (that they solved 30 years ago) brought to their attention at regular intervals because adopters aren’t inspecting the source code. The post 13 Years Later, the Bad Bugs of DNS Linger on appeared first on The New Stack.

EU Analyst: The End of the Internet Is Near

The internet as we know it may no longer be a thing, warns a European Union-funded researcher. If it continues to fray, our favorite “network of networks” will just go back to being a bunch of networks again. And it will be the fault of us all. “The idea of an open and global internet is progressively deteriorating and the internet itself is changing,” writes Internet Fragmentation: Why It Matters for Europe” posted Tuesday by the

Turbocharging Host Workloads with Calico eBPF and XDP

In Linux, network-based applications rely on the kernel’s networking stack to establish communication with other systems. While this process is generally efficient and has been optimized over the years, in some cases it can create unnecessary overhead that can affect the overall performance of the system for network-intensive workloads such as web servers and databases. Calico Open Source offer an easier way to tame these technologies. Calico Open Source is a networking and security solution that seamlessly integrates with Kubernetes and other cloud orchestration platforms. While infamous for its policy engine and security capabilities, there are many other features that can be used in an environment by installing Continue reading

Azure Went Dark

And down went all Microsoft 365 services around the world. One popular argument against putting your business trust in the cloud is that if your hyper-cloud provider goes down, so does your business. Well, on the early U.S. East coast morning, it happened. Microsoft Azure went down and along with it went Microsoft 365, Exchange Online, Outlook, SharePoint Online, OneDrive for Business, GitHub, Microsoft Authenticator, and Teams. In short, pretty much everything running on Azure went boom. issues impacting multiple Microsoft 365 services.” Of course, by that time, users were already screaming. As one Reddit user on the sysadmin subreddit, wrote, “rolled back a network change that we believe is causing impact. We’re monitoring the service as the rollback takes effect.” By 9:31 a.m., Microsoft said the disaster was over. “We’ve confirmed that

Performance Measured: How Good Is Your WebAssembly?

WebAssembly adoption is exploding. Almost every week at least one startup, SaaS vendor or established software platform provider is either beginning to offer Wasm tools or has already introduced Wasm options in its portfolio, it seems. But how can all of the different offerings compare performance-wise? The good news is that given Wasm’s runtime simplicity, the actual performance at least for runtime can be compared directly among the different WebAssembly offerings. This direct comparison is certainly much easier to do when benchmarking distributed applications that run on or with Kubernetes, containers and microservices. This means whether a Wasm application is running on a browser, an edge device or a server, the computing optimization that Wasm offers in each instance is end-to-end and, and its runtime environment is in a tunnel of sorts — obviously good for security — and not affected by the environments in which it runs as it runs directly on a machine level on the CPU. Historically, Wasm has also been around for a while, before the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) named it as a web standard in 2019, thus becoming the fourth web standard with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. But while web browser applications have Continue reading

How to Overcome Challenges in an API-Centric Architecture

This is the second in a two-part series. For an overview of a typical architecture, how it can be deployed and the right tools to use, please refer to Part 1.  Most APIs impose usage limits on number of requests per month and rate limits, such as a maximum of 50 requests per minute. A third-party API can be used by many parts of the system. Handling subscription limits requires the system to track all API calls and raise alerts if the limit will be reached soon. Often, increasing the limit requires human involvement, and alerts need to be raised well in advance. The system deployed must be able to track API usage data persistently to preserve data across service restarts or failures. Also, if the same API is used by multiple applications, collecting those counts and making decisions needs careful design. Rate limits are more complicated. If handed down to the developer, they will invariably add sleep statements, which will solve the problem in the short term; however, in the long run, this leads to complicated issues when the timing changes. A better approach is to use a concurrent data structure that limits rates. Even then, if the Continue reading

How to Use Time-Stamped Data to Reduce Network Downtime 

Increased regulations and emerging technologies forced telecommunications companies to evolve quickly in recent years. These organizations’ engineers and site reliability engineering (SRE) teams must use technology to improve performance, reliability and service uptime. Learn how WideOpenWest challenges that vary depending on where the company is in their life cycle. Across the industry, businesses must modernize their infrastructure while also maintaining legacy systems. At the same time, new regulations at both the local and federal levels increase the competition within the industry, and new businesses challenge the status quo set by current industry leaders. In recent years, the surge in people working from home requires a more reliable internet connection to handle their increased network bandwidth needs. The increased popularity of smartphones and other devices means there are more devices requiring network connectivity — all without a reduction in network speeds. Latency issues or poor uptime lead to unhappy customers, who then become flight risks. Add to this situation more frequent security breaches, which then  requires all businesses to monitor their networks to detect potential breaches faster. InfluxData is the Continue reading

The Right Stuff for Really Remote Edge Computing

Suppose you operate popup clinics in rural villages and remote locations where there is no internet. You need to capture and share data across the clinic to provide vital healthcare, but if the apps you use require an internet connection to work, they can’t operate in these areas. Or perhaps you’re an oil and gas operator that needs to analyze critical warning data from a pressure sensor on a platform in the North Sea. If the data needs to be processed in cloud data centers, it has to travel incredible distances — at great expense — over unreliable networks. This incurs high degrees of latency, or network slowness, so by the time a result is sent back to the platform, it could be too late to take any action. These kinds of use cases represent a growing class of apps that require 100% uptime and real-time speed, guaranteed — regardless of where they are operating in the world. A fundamental challenge in meeting these requirements remains the network — there are still huge swaths of the globe with little or no internet — meaning apps that depend on connectivity cannot operate in those areas. Emerging advances in network technology are Continue reading

The Next Wave of Network Orchestration: MDSO

Demand for network automation and orchestration continues to rise as organizations reap the business and technical benefits it brings to their operations, including significant improvements in productivity, cost reduction and efficiency. As a result, many organizations are now looking to the next wave of network orchestration: orchestration across technology domains, more commonly known as Multi-Domain Service Orchestration (MDSO). Early adopters have learned that effectively leveraging automation and orchestration at the domain level doesn’t necessarily translate to the MDSO layer due to the different capabilities required to effectively coordinate and communicate across different technologies. While the potential benefits of MDSO are high, there are unique challenges in multidomain deployments that organizations must tackle. The most obvious difference when orchestrating across domains versus within specific domains is the need to design around the direction your network data will travel. Within a single domain, the activities are primarily focused north to south, and vice versa. Instructions are sent to the domain controller which executes the changes to the network functions. This makes single-domain orchestration relatively straightforward. When you start orchestrating across domains, however, things get a little more complex. Now you need to account for both north/south activities and also for a large Continue reading

Sidecars are Changing the Kubernetes Load-Testing Landscape

As your infrastructure is scaling and you start to get more traffic, it’s important to make sure everything works as expected. This is most commonly done through testing, with load testing being the optimal way of verifying the resilience of your services. Traditionally, load testing has been accomplished via standalone clients, like JMeter. However, as the world of infrastructure has gotten more modern, and organizations are using tools like Kubernetes, it’s important to have a modern toolset as well. With traditional load testing, you’ll commonly run into one of three major issues: Scripting load tests takes a lot of time Load tests typically run in large, complex, end-to-end environments, that are difficult to provision, as well as being expensive for production-scale infrastructure Data and realistic use cases are impossible to mirror one-to-one, unless you have production data A more modern approach is to integrate your load-testing tools directly into your infrastructure. If you’re using Kubernetes, that can be accomplished via something like an 

Confluent: Have We Entered the Age of Streaming?

Three years ago, when we posed the question, “Apache Kafka was emerging as the default go-to-publish/subscribe messaging engine for the cloud era. At the time, we drew comparisons with IPO’ed while Databricks continues Pulsar recently emerged as a competing project, but is it game over? Hyperscalers are offering alternatives like Azure Event Hub, and AWS co-markets Confluent Cloud, with a similar arrangement with Jay Kreps evangelized streaming using electricity as the metaphor. Kreps positioned streaming as pivotal to the next wave of apps in chicken and egg terms. That is, when electricity Continue reading

How Idit Levine’s Athletic Past Fueled‘s Startup

How Idit Levine’s Athletic Past Fueled‘s Startup “I was basically going to compete with all my international friends for two minutes without parents, without anything,” Levine said. “I think it made me who I am today. It’s really giving you a lot of confidence to teach you how to handle situations … stay calm and still focus.” Developing that calm and focus proved an asset during Levine’s subsequent career in professional basketball in Israel, and when she later started her own company. In this episode of The Tech Founder Odyssey podcast series, Levine, founder and CEO of Colleen Coll and Heather Joslyn of The New Stack After finishing school and service in the Israeli Army, Levine was still unsure of what she wanted to do. She noticed her brother and sister’s fascination with computers. Soon enough, she recalled,  “I picked up a book to teach myself how to program.” Continue reading

eBPF or Not, Sidecars are the Future of the Service Mesh

William Morgan William is the co-founder and CEO of Buoyant, the creator of the open source service mesh projects Linkerd. Prior to Buoyant, he was an infrastructure engineer at Twitter, where he helped move Twitter from a failing monolithic Ruby on Rails app to a highly distributed, fault-tolerant microservice architecture. He was a software engineer at Powerset, Microsoft, and, a research scientist at MITRE, and holds an MS in computer science from Stanford University. eBPF is a hot topic in the Kubernetes world, and the idea of using it to build a “sidecar-free service mesh” has generated recent buzz. Proponents of this idea claim that eBPF lets them reduce service mesh complexity by removing sidecars. What’s left unsaid is that this model simply replaces sidecar proxies with multitenant per-host proxies — a significant step backward for both security and operability that increases, not decreases, complexity. The sidecar model represents a tremendous advancement for the industry. Sidecars allow the dynamic injection of functionality into the application at runtime, while — critically — retaining all the isolation guarantees achieved by containers. Moving from sidecars back to multitenant, shared proxies loses this critical isolation and results in significant regressions in security Continue reading

Is Kubernetes the Next Fault Domain?

Keith McClellan Keith McClellan is director, partner solutions engineering, at Cockroach Labs These days, most application architecture is distributed by default: connected microservices running in containers in a cloud environment. Organizations large and small now deploy thousands of containers every day — a complexity of scale that is almost incomprehensible. The vast majority of organizations depend upon Kubernetes (K8s) to orchestrate, automate and manage all these workloads. So what happens, then, when something happens with Kubernetes? A fault domain is the area of a distributed system that suffers the impact when a critical piece of infrastructure or network service experiences problems. Has Kubernetes become the next fault domain? Contemplating the disaster of a Kubernetes-related application failure is the stuff of DevOps nightmares. But in disaster, there is also opportunity: Kubernetes has the potential to help us have a common operating experience across data centers, cloud regions and even clouds by becoming the fault domain we design our high availability (HA) applications to survive. Kubernetes as Common Operating System Many distributed applications need to be distributed as close to users as possible, so let’s say we want to build a three-region cluster. Without Kubernetes, even in a single cloud, that means Continue reading

All the Things a Service Mesh Can Do

Van Phan Van is a technical product marketing manager for Consul at HashiCorp. He has been in the infrastructure space for most of his career and loves learning about new technologies and getting his hands dirty. When not staring at his computer screen, he's sharing pictures of food to his wife's dismay. Even as service mesh adoption continues to grow, some organizations are still trying to understand the full extent of what a service mesh can and can’t do. They may not realize that a service mesh is not just another single-purpose tool, but one that addresses a wide variety of networking needs. A service mesh may actually help consolidate multiple existing tools to help reduce management toil and costs. Just take a look at these two multicloud network architectures. Automating and offloading network services and security-related capabilities onto a cloud-agnostic service mesh can help simplify management in multicloud environments. Multicloud architecture using cloud-vendor-specific networking solutions: Using a cloud-agnostic service mesh: Many service mesh products include service discovery, zero trust networking and load-balancing capabilities, while some other service mesh products extend even further to provide multicloud/multiruntime connectivity, network automation and north-south traffic control. Let’s take a look at the capabilities Continue reading

HTTP/3 Is Now a Standard: Why Use It and How to Get Started

I’m sure, like me, you welcomed the IETF standard (Internet Engineering Task Force). No, of course, you didn’t — the web just works, so why worry about it? But if you are vaguely intrigued about why the change is happening, here is a short breakdown of the history behind it. Then we will get into the reasons why you should adopt it for your company. HTTP/3 is the third version of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), and was previously known as HTTP-over-QUIC. QUIC was initially developed by Google and is the successor of HTTP/2. Companies such as Google and Facebook already use QUIC to speed up the web. A Very Short History of HTTP Back in the day, there were two internet protocols that you could choose to work with. Even before the web, we still had to squirt packets of information (or datagrams) from one machine to another across the internet. For a games developer, the important protocol was UDP (User Datagram Protocol). This was the quick, fire and forget standard: you threw a packet across the network Continue reading

Mobile Edge Computing: Lightning Speed from Factory to Personal Devices

It seems like we’ve been hearing about 5G for years now, and how when it’s here, it will revolutionize connectivity as we know it. Steve Dalby Steve is a director in the MongoDB Industry Solutions team, where he focuses on how MongoDB technology can be leveraged to solve challenges faced by organizations working in the telecommunications industry. Prior to this role, Steve held numerous leadership roles with MongoDB’s professional services team in EMEA. Well, 5G is here, but beyond faster or more reliable cell service, few companies have begun to tap into the potential 5G holds for both business-to-business and business-to-consumer innovation. In fact, this potential extends beyond the telecommunications industry into nearly all sectors that rely on connectivity, like the manufacturing, automotive and even agricultural industries, among others. By using the power of 5G networks and pairing that with intelligent software, enterprises can embrace the next generation of industry by launching IoT solutions and enabling enhanced data collection at the edge. This article will explore key questions around the slow move toward 5G innovation and how mobile edge computing can accelerate the push to near-instantaneous network connectivity. What’s Standing in the Way of Innovation? When COVID-19 hit, numerous companies Continue reading

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