
Category Archives for "Networking"

BrandPost: Huawei Enables Bell Canada’s Wireless to the Home (WTTH) Trials that put Canadian Rural Customers on the Path to 5G

Huawei and Bell Canada, the country’s largest communications company, today announced Bell’s successful Wireless to the Home (WTTH) trials in the 3.5 GHz and 28 GHz spectrum bands utilizing Huawei’s 5G-oriented Massive MIMO and 8T8R technology.The trials were conducted in the small Ontario communities of Orangeville, Feversham and Bethany to test and refine the capabilities of WTTH services for rural areas. As one of its next major steps in deploying high-speed home broadband in Canadian communities large and small, Bell plans deployment of WTTH to rural locations beginning in the second quarter of 2018.“We are proud to work with Bell utilizing the WTTH solution to achieve the company’s high-speed broadband goals,” said Mao Dun, Vice President of Huawei’s Wireless Network Marketing & Solutions Sales. “TD-LTE technology is rapidly maturing. Other 5G-oriented technologies, including carrier aggregation, 8T8R and Massive MIMO, can deliver fibre-like access speeds while supporting Bell’s multiple services such as Fibe TV. We believe these advanced technologies will benefit all Canadians.”To read this article in full, please click here

Final Slates of Nominees for the 2018 Internet Society Board of Trustees Elections

In the name of the Internet Society Nominations Committee, I am pleased to announce the final slates of nominees for the 2018 Internet Society Board of Trustees elections.

The ISOC  Nominations Committee received many responses to the call for applications, with the following regional and gender distribution of candidates:

Total applications received: 26

Regional distribution:

  • Africa: 7
  • Asia Pacific: 1
  • Europe: 4
  • Latin America and Caribbean: 6
  • North America: 8

Gender distribution:

  • Female: 3
  • Male: 23

The Nominations Committee chose a slate of 3 candidates for each election slate. One nominee, Stefano Trumpy, was added to the Chapters slate after he launched a successful petition. Therefore, the final slates consist of 3 candidates for the Organization Members election, and 4 candidates for the Chapters election.

The final slates are as follows. The candidates for each election slate are listed in alphabetical order by last name.

Organizations (one seat available)

  • Tejpal Bedi
  • Róbert Kisteleki
  • Robert Pepper

Chapters (one seat available)

  • Walid Al-Saqaf
  • Matthew Rantanen
  • Stefano Trumpy
  • Roberto Zambrana

Biographical information on all the candidates is available here:

Voting representatives can expect to receive e-ballots from the ISOC Elections Committee by email on Thursday, 8 March and will have Continue reading

IDG Contributor Network: 6 key questions to answer when setting up an IoT center of excellence

Adopting IoT technology is a significant, company-wide undertaking. It requires a large dedication of resources and budget across multiple departments. Rightfully, the C-level has expectations for their investments. But before you can get to the payoff, there is an inordinate amount of decisions to be made and changes to endure. Not the least of which will be to learn new technology, establish new processes and define new job descriptions.But, because the result is so valuable to an organization’s bottom line – for example, greater yields of manufactured goods, extended life of decade’s old equipment, and more – tech leaders often compare the adoption of IoT technology to the early days of computers in business.   To read this article in full, please click here

Memcached servers can be hijacked for massive DDoS attacks

A flaw in the implementation of the UDP protocol for Memcached servers can allow anyone to launch a massive Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack with little effort.The problem was first discovered by security researchers at content delivery network (CDN) specialist Cloudflare. Since then, CDN specialist Akamai and security provider Arbor Networks have also published their findings.Also read: Getting the most out of your next-generation firewall Memcached is a Web-based massive memory cache for database-drive sites, such as websites, that caches the most frequently retrieved data and keeps it in memory rather than getting it from the hard disk over and over again. It is a combination of open-source software and standard server hardware that consists of memory, memory, and more memory.To read this article in full, please click here

Memcached servers can be hijacked for massive DDoS attacks

A flaw in the implementation of the UDP protocol for Memcached servers can allow anyone to launch a massive Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack with little effort.The problem was first discovered by security researchers at content delivery network (CDN) specialist Cloudflare. Since then, CDN specialist Akamai and security provider Arbor Networks have also published their findings.Also read: Getting the most out of your next-generation firewall Memcached is a Web-based massive memory cache for database-drive sites, such as websites, that caches the most frequently retrieved data and keeps it in memory rather than getting it from the hard disk over and over again. It is a combination of open-source software and standard server hardware that consists of memory, memory, and more memory.To read this article in full, please click here

BrandPost: Swisscom and Huawei Sign MoU on NetCity Project

At MWC 2018, Swisscom and Huawei announced they has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)  on NetCity project, intended to build a world-class, highly reliable, next-generation wireline network infrastructure that can provide customers in Switzerland with innovative products and services.NetCity, a project developed by Huawei and leading carriers for building the cities of the future, is intended to bring humanity a step closer to achieving a fully-connected, intelligent world by means of constructing a broadband, cloud-based and intelligent network architecture.The MoU marks an important step toward building a leading position for the two companies in technology, business and social responsibility. Working hand in hand on this project, Swisscom and Huawei will explore new concepts in wireline network deployment, developing innovative solutions that enable "zero-touch operations" for telecom and data center networks and accelerating the application of cloud computing, telemetry, AI, and Big Data on networks.To read this article in full, please click here

Information Gatekeeping: Not a Laughing Matter

There’s a joke that goes something like this: How do you make a little money in the online news business?

The punchline: Start with a huge pile of money, and work your way down from there.

It seems the same joke would work for the online comedy business, judging by the layoff news coming out of Funny or Die in January. Recently, published an interesting Q&A with comedy veteran Matt Klinman, and he talked about the woes of online comedy outlets.

Klinman focused his ire on Facebook and its role as an information gatekeeper, in which the site determines what comedy clips to show each of its users. But much of his criticism could have just as easily been targeted at a handful of other online gatekeepers that point Internet users to a huge percentage of the original content that’s out there.

As Klinman says about Facebook, these services have created their own “centrally designed Internet” in which they serve as “our editor and our boss. They hide behind algorithms that they change constantly.”

As a thrice-laid-off online journalist, I can sympathize. I’m pretty sure I can’t blame any of the current gatekeepers for my 2002 layoff Continue reading

IDG Contributor Network: The future of IoT device management

The Internet of Things (IoT) continues to expand its reach into homes, businesses, social settings, and other environments, as more and more devices are connected with the purpose of gathering and sharing data.Clearly, there are several potential benefits of IoT from a consumer standpoint. Apart from the convenience aspect, smart connected products can lead to increased energy efficiency, improved safety and security, higher product quality, etc.But unfortunately, the current consumer IoT device landscape is still immature. For consumer IoT devices to thrive, device management capabilities need to evolve in a few ways.IoT device management is the process of authenticating, provisioning, configuring, monitoring and maintaining the device firmware and software that provides its functional capabilities. Effective device management is critical to establishing and maintaining the health, connectivity, and security of IoT devices. IoT application vendors typically provide comprehensive device management with their solutions. But all bets are off if that application vendor goes out of business and you would like to use your devices with a similar application from a different vendor. Consumers are increasingly faced with unexpected device obsolescence and landfills are starting to fill up with expensive IoT bricks. What consumer IoT needs is a truly Continue reading

New to the INE video library: CCIE Service Provider v4.1 Exam Review

Last week we added a new exam review course to correlate with the recent Service Provider v4.1 blueprint changes. All Access Pass members can view this exam review by logging into their streaming account. This course is also available for purchase at


Why Take This Course?

This Course reflects the v4.1 blueprint changes and is the most up to date Service Provider exam review in INE’s video course library. This course provides an overview of blueprint changes, as well as the technologies candidates should know in order to pass their CCIE Service Provider exam.

About the Course

This course is taught by Brian McGahan and includes 27 hours on content. This course is intended for those in the final stages of their CCIE studies preparing to take the CCIE Service Provider Lab Exam. Prior to taking this course, viewers should have a foundational understanding of the blueprint technologies covered in this exam and a working knowledge of Cisco’s IOS interface.

What You’ll Learn

This course will refine your skills and expand your knowledge of the blueprint technologies. You will also learn to change the way you think about problems and how to derive solutions. Last, Continue reading

Sorting list in Python

During my Python studies, I came across something that didn’t make much sense to me so I had to learn and investigate (with the help of experts). What you can usually do in Python is to modify a variable and assign the result to the same variable. Because a piece of code is usually worth much more than an explanation: [crayon-5a96e02e428e1312116645/] When you want to sort a list, that behavior is a bit different: let’s pretend I have a list of ARP entries into my switch: [crayon-5a96e02e428ee971099170/] If I want to sort it and reassign the value of it to the previously used variable I would use this code (Let’s pretend arp_entries is my variable that contains all these entries): [crayon-5a96e02e428f6056918892/] [Read More...]

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