In a continued look at the history of DNS on the Internet, Paul Vixie joins Network Collective to talk about the adoption process of DNS.
Outro Music:
Danger Storm Kevin MacLeod (
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The post History Of Networking – Paul Vixie – DNS Adoption appeared first on Network Collective.
This is a Korean translation of a prior post.
(이 글은 제 개인 블로그에 게시된 튜토리얼을 다시 올린 것입니다)
Rust에는 흥미로운 기능이 많지만 그중에도 강력한 매크로 시스템이 있습니다. 불행히도 The Book[1]과 여러가지 튜토리얼을 읽고 나서도 서로 다른 요소의 복잡한 리스트를 처리하는 매크로를 구현하려고 하면 저는 여전히 어떻게 만들어야 하는지를 이해하는데 힘들어 하며, 좀 시간이 지나서 머리속에 불이 켜지는 듯한 느낌이 들면 그제서야 이것저것 매크로를 마구 사용하기 시작 합니다. :) (맞아요, 난-매크로를-써요-왜냐하면-함수나-타입-지정이나-생명주기를-쓰고-싶어하지-않아서 처럼과 같은 이유는 아니지만 다른 사람들이 쓰는걸 봤었고 실제로 유용한 곳이라면 말이죠)
CC BY 2.0 image by Conor Lawless
그래서 이 글에서는 제가 생각하는 그런 매크로를 쓰는 데 필요한 원칙을 설명하고자 합니다. 이 글에서는 The Book의 매크로 섹션을 읽어 보았고 기본적인 매크로 정의와 토큰 타입에 대해 익숙하다고 가정하겠습니다.
이 튜토리얼에서는 역폴란드 표기법 (Reverse Polish Notation, RPN)을 예제로 사용합니다. 충분히 간단하기 때문에 흥미롭기도 하고, 학교에서 이미 배워서 익숙할 지도 모르고요. 하지만 컴파일 시간에 정적으로 구현하기 위해서는 재귀적인 매크로를 사용해야 할 것입니다.
역폴란드 표기법(후위 또는 후치 표기법으로 불리기도 합니다)은 모든 연산에 스택을 사용하므로 연산 대상을 스택에 넣고 [이진] 연산자는 연산 대상 두개를 스택에서 가져와서 결과를 평가하고 다시 스택에 넣습니다. 따라서 다음과 같은 식을 생각해 보면:
2 3 + 4 *
이 식은 다음과 같이 해석됩니다:
(This is a crosspost of a tutorial originally published on my personal blog)
Among other interesting features, Rust has a powerful macro system. Unfortunately, even after reading The Book and various tutorials, when it came to trying to implement a macro which involved processing complex lists of different elements, I still struggled to understand how it should be done, and it took some time till I got to that "ding" moment and started misusing macros for everything :) (ok, not everything as in the i-am-using-macros-because-i-dont-want-to-use-functions-and-specify-types-and-lifetimes everything like I've seen some people do, but anywhere it's actually useful)
CC BY 2.0 image by Conor Lawless
So, here is my take on describing the principles behind writing such macros. It assumes you have read the Macros section from The Book and are familiar with basic macros definitions and token types.
I'll take a Reverse Polish Notation as an example for this tutorial. It's interesting because it's simple enough, you might be already familiar with it from school, and yet to implement it statically at compile time, you already need to use a recursive macros approach.
Reverse Polish Notation (also called postfix notation) uses a stack for all its operations, Continue reading
In this video, Russ White looks at the future for network engineers as routers and switches become commodities.
I’ve been busy as hell since the summer, not had much time to work on blog posts – but it’s all been good work! I also got a new job working for Riot Games, (Makers of the worlds largest online multiplayer game – league of legends) which has been totally fantastic.
This post is about BGP Flowspec, specifically how we can now more easily redirect traffic to a scrubbing appliance, it’s common for a device such as an Arbor TMS, or some other type of filtering box, to be installed close to the network edge, it could be a linux box full of filters, a DPI box, anything that might be useful in terms of performing traffic verification or enforcement.
In the event that a DDOS event occurs, it’s possible to redirect suspect traffic, or traffic to a specific victim host, through an appliance where it can be dropped or permitted.
Traditionally this has been done with Layer-3 VPNS, where ingress traffic from the internet is punted into a “Dirty VRF” it’s then forced through a mitigation appliance where it’s either dropped, or permitted – where it returns back into the same router but in a new “Clean VRF”
Got an interesting set of questions from one of my readers. He started with:
I really like networks but I don't know if I am doing enough for this community. Most of my work is involved with technologies which are already discovered by people and I am not really satisfied with it.
Well, first you want to decide whether you want to be (primarily) a researcher (focusing on discovering new stuff), an engineer (mostly figuring out how to build useful things by using existing stuff), or an administrator (configuring stuff).
Read more ... The deal is set to bolster Red Hat's OpenShift and enterprise focus.
We’ve made it through the first month of the year, and the future of networking is looking bright — but is your data center ready for the brave new world? In this content roundup, we’re giving out the latest articles, videos and reports so you’re ready for 2018 and not left behind in twenty late-teen. There’s no time to waste! Get started on your data center upgrade today.
Cumulus Networks: What we do: Looking for an overview of who we are and what we’re working towards? We’ve got you covered. Watch this video for more information about our mission and our products, and share it with anyone else who wants to know what we’re all about.
Getting started with Linux: the basics – part 1: Everyone has to start their journey with Linux somewhere, so why not start here? This three part blog series about the basics of Linux networking teaches you everything you need. Check out part one to start learning the language of the data center.
Understanding Linux internetworking: Let’s say you’ve already got the hang of the basics of Linux. What’s the next step, and how can you take your Continue reading
Thanks to all who joined us for the Nuage Networks webinar: The 5 Key Success Factors on your Digital Transformation Journey for the WAN and Beyond. With over 20 SD-WAN solutions in the market it is increasingly difficult to select the right one. Nuage Networks provided an evaluation framework that can be used to not... Read more →