
Category Archives for "Networking"

IDG Contributor Network: Leveraging reconfigurable computing for smarter cybersecurity

The reality for security teams today is that they are facing challenges on multiple fronts. The number of security breaches is increasing, which means the number of security alerts to be examined each day is increasing. The attacks are becoming more sophisticated and multi-dimensional. The number of cybersecurity solutions available continues to grow, which requires time and effort to understand. The amount of data in the network is snowballing, which means the cybersecurity infrastructure needs to be constantly updated to keep up. What’s worse is that all this is happening in the midst of new networking paradigms related to cloud, virtualization and software-defined data centers.To read this article in full, please click here

IDG Contributor Network: Leveraging reconfigurable computing for smarter cybersecurity

The reality for security teams today is that they are facing challenges on multiple fronts. The number of security breaches is increasing, which means the number of security alerts to be examined each day is increasing. The attacks are becoming more sophisticated and multi-dimensional. The number of cybersecurity solutions available continues to grow, which requires time and effort to understand. The amount of data in the network is snowballing, which means the cybersecurity infrastructure needs to be constantly updated to keep up. What’s worse is that all this is happening in the midst of new networking paradigms related to cloud, virtualization and software-defined data centers.To read this article in full, please click here

‘net Neutrality Collection

I’ve run across a lot of interesting perspectives on ‘net Neutrality; to make things easier, I’ve pulled them onto a single page. For anyone who’s interested in hearing every side of the issue, this is a good collection of articles to read through.

The page is here.

Together We Can Reduce Barriers

Accessibility is human right.

People with disabilities want and need to use the Internet just like everyone else, but what can we do to reduce barriers? Especially when one billion people globally have a disability, with 80% living in developing countries.

But accessibility doesn’t just happen. Policymakers, program managers, and technical experts need to incorporate it into their work right from the start – and we need champions for accessibility to make it happen.

Everyone in the Internet community can contribute to reducing barriers! People working with policy, programs, communications, and education can incorporate accessibility.


It doesn’t just start with websites. While this type of access is crucial, we can go even further – accessible interfaces for the Internet of Things or phone apps are just two examples.

In addition, organizations can offer a more inclusive approach with:

  • Learning programs and packages (content and delivery)
  • Communications programs – websites, online conferencing, discussion forums, printed material
  • Policy development – has a policy position been considered in terms of its effects on people with disability?

Want to learn more about what you can do to make the Internet accessible for all? Read the W3C Introduction to Web Accessibility, and learn about the  Continue reading

There’s Always Cache in the Banana Stand

There’s Always Cache in the Banana Stand

There’s Always Cache in the Banana Stand
We’re happy to announce that we now support all HTTP Cache-Control response directives. This puts powerful control in the hands of you, the people running origin servers around the world. We believe we have the strongest support for Internet standard cache-control directives of any large scale cache on the Internet.

Documentation on Cache-Control is available here.

Cloudflare runs a Content Distribution Network (CDN) across our globally distributed network edge. Our CDN works by caching our customers’ web content at over 119 data centers around the world and serving that content to the visitors nearest to each of our network locations. In turn, our customers’ websites and applications are much faster, more
available, and more secure for their end users.

A CDN’s fundamental working principle is simple: storing stuff closer to where it’s needed means it will get to its ultimate destination faster. And, serving something from more places means it’s more reliably available.

There’s Always Cache in the Banana Stand

To use a simple banana analogy: say you want a banana. You go to your local fruit stand to pick up a bunch to feed your inner monkey. You expect the store to have bananas in stock, which would satisfy your request instantly. But, what if Continue reading

There’s Always Cache in the Banana Stand

There’s Always Cache in the Banana Stand

There’s Always Cache in the Banana Stand

We’re happy to announce that we now support all HTTP Cache-Control response directives. This puts powerful control in the hands of you, the people running origin servers around the world. We believe we have the strongest support for Internet standard cache-control directives of any large scale cache on the Internet.

Documentation on Cache-Control is available here.

Cloudflare runs a Content Distribution Network (CDN) across our globally distributed network edge. Our CDN works by caching our customers’ web content at over 119 data centers around the world and serving that content to the visitors nearest to each of our network locations. In turn, our customers’ websites and applications are much faster, more
available, and more secure for their end users.

A CDN’s fundamental working principle is simple: storing stuff closer to where it’s needed means it will get to its ultimate destination faster. And, serving something from more places means it’s more reliably available.

There’s Always Cache in the Banana Stand

To use a simple banana analogy: say you want a banana. You go to your local fruit stand to pick up a bunch to feed your inner monkey. You expect the store to have bananas in stock, which would satisfy your request instantly. But, what if Continue reading

IoT and the cloud: A match made in Seattle?

The recent AWS re:Invent conference in Las Vegas was all about the cloud, but another hot technology also played a leading role: the Internet of Things. In multiple keynotes, top Amazon Web Services (AWS) executives, including CEO Andy Jassy and CTO Werner Vogels, went out of their way to extol the virtues of IoT. The company also used the occasion to announce a slew of new IoT-related products.AWS’ IoT strategy Jassy spent time on IoT during the closing of his massive keynote speech (to be honest, though, he focused on just about everything at one point or another during his epic 2.5-hour presentation). But Jassy also addressed IoT during his relatively short segment of the earlier AWS Partner Summit keynote with Terry Wise, AWS Vice President of Global Alliances, Ecosystem and Channels. And Vogels talked IoT during his own keynote address.To read this article in full, please click here

Save 50% on the TP-LINK Wi-Fi Smart Plug, Works with Amazon Alexa – Deal Alert

The TP-LINK HS100 smart plug is quite simply a power outlet that you can control from anywhere. Using your smartphone, you can turn devices on & off, set programs to turn them on & off at set times while you're away, or engage a "countdown timer" which powers the switch off after a set amount of time. Installation is simple -- just plug a device into your smart plug and connect to your wifi network. The HS100 is also compatible with Amazon Alexa, for voice control. Buy multiple plugs and get creative.To read this article in full, please click here

The Internet is at a crossroads: we have a choice to make

As we look around at a rapidly changing world that is shaped more and more by the digital domain, we see an Internet that faces many challenges. We see an Internet at a crossroads, where we have critical choices to make about its evolution in the years to come.

Those choices will determine whether we continue to benefit from an Internet that opens up a world of opportunity for everyone online, or whether we grow more fearful of it as a negative influence on our lives.  People’s hopes and fears about the Internet today are dividing us and its future.

The notion of hope and progress has defined our view of the Internet since its inception. Its own growth has taken it from obscure computer-to-computer connections to a social and economic powerhouse. It is the platform on which young people and an ever-growing number of women can invent their own futures. Small enterprises and communities all over the world are using digital tools to mobilize and empower themselves to access new markets, grow their economies and provide vital services to their citizens.

Of course, we must see the adoption of the Internet for what it is: a reflection of everything in society itself.

In light of growing sentiment that the Internet is fueling Continue reading

Vapor IO announces new architecture for edge data centers

Vapor IO, the data center technology startup previously featured for its plans to put mini data centers at cell towers, announced a new architecture for deploying and managing distributed computing power throughout cities.As previously announced, the company launched what it calls Project Volutus, a co-location and “data center as a platform” service, powered by Vapor Edge Computing containers. What’s coming out now is details on the modules.What is Vapor Kinetic Edge? The actual data center module design is called Vapor Kinetic Edge. The idea is to install multiple interconnected edge computing locations around a city or a region and connect them to form a single virtual data center using centralized management and orchestration software.To read this article in full, please click here

Vapor IO announces new architecture for edge data centers

Vapor IO, the data center technology startup previously featured for its plans to put mini data centers at cell towers, announced a new architecture for deploying and managing distributed computing power throughout cities.As previously announced, the company launched what it calls Project Volutus, a co-location and “data center as a platform” service, powered by Vapor Edge Computing containers. What’s coming out now is details on the modules.What is Vapor Kinetic Edge? The actual data center module design is called Vapor Kinetic Edge. The idea is to install multiple interconnected edge computing locations around a city or a region and connect them to form a single virtual data center using centralized management and orchestration software.To read this article in full, please click here

Data ‘tsunami’ to absorb 20% of world electricity

It’s the "Dirty Cloud," says journalist John Vidal in a recent tweet. Vidal is referring to energy use by data centers, which he wrote about in an article for Climate Home News.In the story, published this week, the Guardian environment writer reveals a bleak picture of future global climate change emissions. Bleak, in part, because the discouraging projections he writes of are caused not by, as one might expect, fossil fuel power plants and internal combustion engine users, but by communications and data center power use.To read this article in full, please click here