For the benefit of readers who haven’t worked with Flask or don’t know what Flask is, it’s a so-called microframework for writing web-based applications in Python. Basically, the framework takes care of all the obvious tasks that are needed to run a web app. Things like talking HTTP to clients, routing incoming requests to the appropriate handler in the app, and formatting output to send back to the client in response to their request. When you use a framework like this, you as the developer can concentrate a lot more on the application logic and worry a lot less about hooking the app into the web.
As you may have guessed from the title of this post, one of the other tasks that Flask manages is logging within the application. For example, if you want to emit a log message when a user logs in or when they upload a new photo, Flask provides a simple interface to generate those log messages.
Flask has a large community of active users built around it and as a result, there’s tons of best practice information out there on scaling, talking to a database, and even whole tutorials on how to Continue reading
While the president of the United States and the leader of North Korea were/are currently beefing on Twitter about who should destroy the world first, North Korea was also causing me some pers
Interop ITX research shows that companies are investing in storage, network security, data center servers, and more.
Interop ITX research shows that companies are investing in storage, network security, data center servers, and more.
Some engineers solving the original challenges Johannes posted complained that they were too easy, so he created another scenario: find out what’s wrong in an IPsec setup using just the captured traffic. Good luck!
For the benefit of readers who haven't worked with Flask or don't know what Flask is, it's a so-called microframework for writing web-based applications in Python. Basically, the framework takes care of all the obvious tasks that are needed to run a web app. Things like talking HTTP to clients, routing incoming requests to the appropriate handler in the app, and formatting output to send back to the client in response to their request. When you use a framework like this, you as the developer can concentrate a lot more on the application logic and worry a lot less about hooking the app into the web.
As you may have guessed from the title of this post, one of the other tasks that Flask manages is logging within the application. For example, if you want to emit a log message when a user logs in or when they upload a new photo, Flask provides a simple interface to generate those log messages.
Flask has a large community of active users built around it and as a result, there's tons of best practice information out there on scaling, talking to a database, and even whole tutorials on how to Continue reading
The timing of switching deployments dampens revenues.
It’s late October now, which means Halloween (and our upcoming themed webinar, which you can register for here) is right around the corner. This time of year reminds people of lots of scary things such as goblins, zombies, witches and other monsters that go bump in the night. While these creatures aren’t real (at least not for the other 364 days of the year), one very real thing that often gives IT and business leaders nightmares is moving to a private cloud. Today, businesses are moving to the cloud faster than a ring wraith in pursuit of Frodo Baggins. Move too slow and the business will fall behind and perhaps never catch up.
The private versus public cloud debate has raged on for well over a decade and CIOs want to ensure that they’re making the best decision. However, deploying a private cloud only seems scary to some because they’re not aware of the benefits of private clouds. A private cloud delivers the same scale and self-service benefits as a public cloud but does so with a modernized architecture designed for a single enterprise. If that’s not enough to convince you, then check out these 10 reasons why the Continue reading
ARM will release the framework and a related open source project in 2018.
AWS continues to dominate the cloud space with more than three-times Microsoft's market share.
The group is also demonstrating an alternative to CORD.
Nokia embraced a DevOps model with this software suite to encourage faster updates.