
Category Archives for "Networking"

IDG Contributor Network: 7 reasons mid-size tech companies should reconsider going all-in on public cloud

AWS primarily and Azure, of late, dominate today’s discussions around storage, backup and compute power. A quick glance at headlines from technology journalists, and a reader can glean a common coverage theme that ties these writers together — the ongoing discussion around the benefits of going all-in on the public cloud. However, in most cases technology journalists are writing about larger corporations, or big name installations, which may or may not reflect the actual trends taking place in the marketplace, especially at mid-size companies and organizations experiencing a growth spurt.As one who is regularly engaged with the CIOs at mid-size and smaller companies and organizations, I don’t see them going all-in on the cloud right now; rather some are pulling back from it and either opting a hybrid cloud solution, or are going all-in with on-prem backup solutions. In fact, according to a survey published by SMB analyst firm Techaisle LLS, the hybrid cloud is now being used by 32 percent of midmarket (100 to 999 employees) organizations, and that figure is expected to remain relatively flat at 31 percent into next year, in spite of what your read in the press about AWS or Azure penetration.To read Continue reading

IDG Contributor Network: 7 reasons mid-size tech companies should reconsider going all-in on public cloud

AWS primarily and Azure, of late, dominate today’s discussions around storage, backup and compute power. A quick glance at headlines from technology journalists, and a reader can glean a common coverage theme that ties these writers together — the ongoing discussion around the benefits of going all-in on the public cloud. However, in most cases technology journalists are writing about larger corporations, or big name installations, which may or may not reflect the actual trends taking place in the marketplace, especially at mid-size companies and organizations experiencing a growth spurt.As one who is regularly engaged with the CIOs at mid-size and smaller companies and organizations, I don’t see them going all-in on the cloud right now; rather some are pulling back from it and either opting a hybrid cloud solution, or are going all-in with on-prem backup solutions. In fact, according to a survey published by SMB analyst firm Techaisle LLS, the hybrid cloud is now being used by 32 percent of midmarket (100 to 999 employees) organizations, and that figure is expected to remain relatively flat at 31 percent into next year, in spite of what your read in the press about AWS or Azure penetration.To read Continue reading

IDG Contributor Network: What makes application delivery in China so hard?

At the end of 2016, China had over 700 million internet users, more than double the number of internet users in the U.S. And as the Chinese tech market continues to shift from hardware to software and services, Forrester Research analysts predict this will drive software growth of 10 percent over the next couple years.China is now a critical market for global technology companies and enterprises. It’s little wonder that tech giants like Apple, Facebook and others are clamoring to secure a hold there, even when it means addressing unique challenges and making certain compromises.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

IDG Contributor Network: What makes application delivery in China so hard?

At the end of 2016, China had over 700 million internet users, more than double the number of internet users in the U.S. And as the Chinese tech market continues to shift from hardware to software and services, Forrester Research analysts predict this will drive software growth of 10 percent over the next couple years.China is now a critical market for global technology companies and enterprises. It’s little wonder that tech giants like Apple, Facebook and others are clamoring to secure a hold there, even when it means addressing unique challenges and making certain compromises.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

IDG Contributor Network: What makes application delivery in China so hard?

At the end of 2016, China had over 700 million internet users, more than double the number of internet users in the U.S. And as the Chinese tech market continues to shift from hardware to software and services, Forrester Research analysts predict this will drive software growth of 10 percent over the next couple years.China is now a critical market for global technology companies and enterprises. It’s little wonder that tech giants like Apple, Facebook and others are clamoring to secure a hold there, even when it means addressing unique challenges and making certain compromises.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Despite new silicon, 802.11ax isn’t coming to the enterprise for a while

The next great leap forward in Wi-Fi got a little closer to reality Tuesday with Broadcom’s announcement of a new family of chips designed to comply with the not-yet-finalized 802.11ax standard, but you might not need to game-plan for the arrival of 802.11ax products in the enterprise for quite awhile.However, thanks to several factors, including an unusual adoption cycle, the capabilities of existing Wi-Fi hardware and the standards process itself, 802.11ax is unlikely to take enterprise wireless customers by storm before late 2018, according to experts.+ ALSO ON NETWORK WORLD: Does MU-MIMO really expand Wi-Fi capacity? + 3 real-world examples of IoT rolled out in the enterprise + How Wi-Fi could get a boost from Li-FiTo read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Despite new silicon, 802.11ax isn’t coming to the enterprise for a while

The next great leap forward in Wi-Fi got a little closer to reality Tuesday with Broadcom’s announcement of a new family of chips designed to comply with the not-yet-finalized 802.11ax standard, but you might not need to game-plan for the arrival of 802.11ax products in the enterprise for quite awhile.However, thanks to several factors, including an unusual adoption cycle, the capabilities of existing Wi-Fi hardware and the standards process itself, 802.11ax is unlikely to take enterprise wireless customers by storm before late 2018, according to experts.+ ALSO ON NETWORK WORLD: Does MU-MIMO really expand Wi-Fi capacity? + 3 real-world examples of IoT rolled out in the enterprise + How Wi-Fi could get a boost from Li-FiTo read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Despite new silicon, 802.11ax isn’t coming to the enterprise for a while

The next great leap forward in Wi-Fi got a little closer to reality Tuesday with Broadcom’s announcement of a new family of chips designed to comply with the not-yet-finalized 802.11ax standard, but you might not need to game-plan for the arrival of 802.11ax products in the enterprise for quite awhile.However, thanks to several factors, including an unusual adoption cycle, the capabilities of existing Wi-Fi hardware and the standards process itself, 802.11ax is unlikely to take enterprise wireless customers by storm before late 2018, according to experts.+ ALSO ON NETWORK WORLD: Does MU-MIMO really expand Wi-Fi capacity? + 3 real-world examples of IoT rolled out in the enterprise + How Wi-Fi could get a boost from Li-FiTo read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

IPv6, Large UDP Packets and the DNS

It appears that rather than effecting a slight improvement from IPv4, the manner of fragmentation handling in IPv6 appears to be significantly worse than IPv4. Little wonder that there have been calls from time to time to completely dispense with packet fragmentation in IPv6, as the current situation with IPv6 appears to be worse than either no fragmentation or the IPv4-style of fragmentation.

Top 10 Networking and Security Sessions

At VMworld 2016, we showed network virtualization has gone mainstream and that NSX is the sure-fire way for you to bring your data center into the future with unparalleled security, speed, and agility.

A year on, NSX is taking its show on the road, and its destination is… everywhere. Not satisfied to help you master only the data center, NSX is setting out to help you conquer the cloud, remote and branch offices (ROBO), and even containers. To help you get there, VMworld 2017 has 70+ networking and security sessions and 60+ NSX customers to show you the way forward firsthand. And as an added bonus, VMware will be launching an exciting new security product, to help ensure your applications stay secure!

So take a look at the list of the top, can’t-miss networking and security sessions below. You should also check out the schedule builder on to reserve your spot in the top networking and security sessions as well as to discover the whole range of introductory and deep dive NSX sessions covering the entire use case spectrum.

See you at VMworld US 2017!


Date Time Session ID Session Title
Mon August 28 11:00 AM – Continue reading

Power outage hits the island of Taiwan. Here’s what we learned.

Power outage hits the island of Taiwan. Here’s what we learned.

At approximately 4:50pm local time (8:50am UTC) August 15, a major unexpected power outage hit the island of Taiwan with a significant amount of its power generation facilities going down.


Most of the island was hit with power outages, shortages and rolling blackouts, with street lights not functioning, nor power in many of Taipei’s shopping malls, and much other infrastructure.

Blackouts of this scale are very rare. Usually, during an outage of this scale, it would be expected that Internet traffic would greatly drop, as houses and businesses lose power and are unable to connect to the Internet. I’ve experienced this in the past, working at consumer ISPs. As households and businesses lose power, so do their modems or routers which connect them to the Internet.

However, during yesterday's outage, something different happened. I'd like to share some insights from yesterday's outage.

Power outage hits the island of Taiwan. Here’s what we learned. Photo: Taipei 101 Dark during the Blackout -
Source: David Chang/EPA

Even when the power is out, the Internet still operates

Most Telecom and Data Center facilities are built with redundancy in mind and have backup power generation. Our Data Center partner, Chief, was able to switch to backup power generation without any service interruption, allowing Continue reading

BrandPost: Going With Managed SD-WAN? Here’s How to Choose a Partner

SD-WAN is gaining tremendous traction among enterprises owing to the benefits it offers — cost savings from efficient use of low-cost Internet and wireless links, centralized control and management, network agility, speed to deployment of new sites, and optimized cloud connectivity—to list a few. And while a DIY model provides enterprise IT managers unprecedented flexibility and control over their WAN, a managed SD-WAN service may be better suited for businesses that prefer a turn-key service due to factors discussed in my previous blog.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

7 free tools every network needs

In the real estate world, the mantra is location, location, location. In the network and server administration world, the mantra is visibility, visibility, visibility. If you don't know what your network and servers are doing at every second of the day, you're flying blind. Sooner or later, you're going to meet with disaster.Fortunately, many good tools, both commercial and open source, are available to shine much-needed light into your environment. Because good and free always beat good and costly, I've compiled a list of my favorite open source tools that prove their worth day in and day out in networks of any size. From network and server monitoring to trending, graphing, and even switch and router configuration backups, these utilities will see you through.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

7 free tools every network needs

In the real estate world, the mantra is location, location, location. In the network and server administration world, the mantra is visibility, visibility, visibility. If you don't know what your network and servers are doing at every second of the day, you're flying blind. Sooner or later, you're going to meet with disaster.Fortunately, many good tools, both commercial and open source, are available to shine much-needed light into your environment. Because good and free always beat good and costly, I've compiled a list of my favorite open source tools that prove their worth day in and day out in networks of any size. From network and server monitoring to trending, graphing, and even switch and router configuration backups, these utilities will see you through.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

7 free tools every network needs

"I am all about useful tools. One of my mottos is 'the right tool for the right job.'" –Martha StewartIf your "right job" involves wrangling computer networks and figuring out how to do digital things effectively and efficiently or diagnosing why digital things aren't working as they're supposed to, you've got your hands full. Not only does your job evolve incredibly quickly becoming evermore complex, but whatever tools you use need frequent updating and/or replacing to keep pace, and that's what we're here for; to help in your quest for the right tools.[ Don’t miss customer reviews of top remote access tools and see the most powerful IoT companies . | Get daily insights by signing up for Network World newsletters. ] We've done several roundups of free network tools in the past, and since the last one, technology has, if anything, sped up even more. To help you keep up, we've compiled a new shortlist of seven of the most useful tools that you should add to your toolbox.To read this article in full, please click here

The new Extreme Networks is off and rolling

The story of Extreme Networks is one of the more remarkable turnarounds I’ve seen in technology in years. About two years ago the company had a market cap of under $300 million, and I thought they were a sure-fire acquisition target for someone who wanted some decent technology on the cheap — because it was becoming apparently clear that the once-cool networking company had lost its way like so many others before it.Many of the brand names we have known in the past — Nortel, 3Com, Cabletron, Lucent, FORE systems and Foundry — all dropped as Cisco got bigger and HP Networking gobbled up the low end. There just didn’t seem to be room for another vendor. If an acquisition happened, it would likely fall on the scrap heap that so many other networking vendors have been tossed on.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here