
Category Archives for "Networking"

50% off OxyLED Mini Stick-on 6-LED Wireless Motion Sensing Night Light – Deal Alert

This tiny motion-sensing strip contains 6 bright LEDs, and sticks anywhere. Just the trick for illuminating an entryway door-lock, a kitchen cabinet, drawers, closet or the glove box in your car. Simply turns on when somebody is there, and turns off when no motion is sensed. And the part that sticks is actually a magnetic base, so you can pop the light off and take it with you as a torch if needed. Currently priced at 50% off, so right now you're paying just $14.99 for a two-pack. See this deal on Amazon.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Anthem to data breach victims: Maybe the damages are your own darned fault

Insurance giant Anthem has effectively scared off possible victims of a 2015 data breach by asking to examine their personal computers for evidence that their own shoddy security was to blame for their information falling into the hands of criminals.Some of the affected Anthem customers sued for damages they say resulted from the breach but then withdrew their suits after Anthem got a court order allowing the exams.The examiners would be looking only for evidence that their credentials or other personal data had been stolen even before the Anthem hack ever took place, according to a blog by Chad Mandell, an attorney at LeClairRyan.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Anthem to data breach victims: Maybe the damages are your own darned fault

Insurance giant Anthem has effectively scared off possible victims of a 2015 data breach by asking to examine their personal computers for evidence that their own shoddy security was to blame for their information falling into the hands of criminals.Some of the affected Anthem customers sued for damages they say resulted from the breach but then withdrew their suits after Anthem got a court order allowing the exams.The examiners would be looking only for evidence that their credentials or other personal data had been stolen even before the Anthem hack ever took place, according to a blog by Chad Mandell, an attorney at LeClairRyan.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Utah is the first Power Five school with its own varsity video games team

The University of Utah announced last week that it had become the first school in a Power Five athletic conference to field its own varsity esports team.+More on Network World: Most notable tech leaders delivering 2017 college commencement addresses+Adding League of Legends and several other as yet unconfirmed games to the varsity list, alongside football, baseball, basketball, track and so on, Utah said that it hopes to prod other schools into following suit, creating a flourishing college esports scene.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Cisco’s first big developers conference to zero in on IoT, cloud

Cisco initially scheduled its inaugural DevNet Create developers’ conference in San Francisco for what turned out to be the same week in May as Google's wildly popular I/O event in Mountain View (that coy old Google didn't reveal its show dates until late January). So Cisco wound up bumping its new event to the following week “to make sure we don’t take audience away from Google I/O. Okay okay — maybe it’s the other way around…” quipped Susie Wee, VP & CTO of Cisco DevNet Innovations in a recent blogpost.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Cisco’s first big developers conference to zero in on IoT, cloud

Cisco initially scheduled its inaugural DevNet Create developers’ conference in San Francisco for what turned out to be the same week in May as Google's wildly popular I/O event in Mountain View (that coy old Google didn't reveal its show dates until late January). So Cisco wound up bumping its new event to the following week “to make sure we don’t take audience away from Google I/O. Okay okay — maybe it’s the other way around…” quipped Susie Wee, VP & CTO of Cisco DevNet Innovations in a recent blogpost.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Cisco’s first big developers conference to zero in on IoT, cloud

Cisco initially scheduled its inaugural DevNet Create developers’ conference in San Francisco for what turned out to be the same week in May as Google's wildly popular I/O event in Mountain View (that coy old Google didn't reveal its show dates until late January). So Cisco wound up bumping its new event to the following week “to make sure we don’t take audience away from Google I/O. Okay okay — maybe it’s the other way around…” quipped Susie Wee, VP & CTO of Cisco DevNet Innovations in a recent blogpost.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here


MPLS (Multi Protocol Label Switching) quiz ! Learn while assessing your knowledge. This quiz is part of the MPLS Review Questions of my new version of CCDE Workbook. There are more than two hundred questions in it and you can have it from the website directly (PDF version) or from Amazon (Hardcopy).  This quiz helps for many certification exams […]

The post MPLS Quiz appeared first on Cisco Network Design and Architecture | CCDE Bootcamp |

Getting Started with NSX Load Balancing

In my conversations with customers and peers, load balancing is becoming an increasingly popular discussion.  Why you may ask?  Simple, load balancing is a critical component for most enterprise applications to provide both availability and scalability to the system.  Over the last decade we have moved from bare metal servers to virtual servers and from manual deployment of operating systems to using tools like Chef, Puppet, vRA or other custom workflows. In addition to the movement towards virtualization and the API being the new CLI, we are also seeing a movement to Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) where Virtualized Network Functions (VNF) such as routing, VPN, firewalls, and load balancing are moving to software. The value of automation, SDN, and NFV has been proven in the largest networks today and this migration to software has proven to have tremendous ROI. Many companies also want to leverage the same cost effective models.   To get us started, here are the most common questions:

  1. Does NSX provide load balancing? Yes, NSX has a feature set that addresses the most common deployment requirements for load balancing in enterprises today.
  2. Do you charge more for NSX Edge Load Balancing? No, NSX Load Continue reading

Internet VPN or MPLS for branch office IP phone communication?

Many businesses with branch offices that have IP-enabled phones must decide what type of circuit medium to use for their communication to the corporate headquarters site.Two of the most selected choices are a MPLS circuit or internet VPN. Both solutions have their pros and cons, and what is best can depend on your business requirements. Speed, quality of service (QoS), security and cost are the key factors you should consider when making this decision.Pros and cons of an internet VPN A significant advantage of using an internet VPN for communication is the cost. Most times, a branch site can use its existing internet connection for communication back to its headquarters. Usually, a 10 Mbps internet circuit costs much less than a 10 Mbps MPLS circuit. This can encourage a business to purchase more bandwidth for their branch site.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Internet VPN or MPLS for branch office IP phone communication?

Many businesses with branch offices that have IP-enabled phones must decide what type of circuit medium to use for their communication to the corporate headquarters site.Two of the most selected choices are a MPLS circuit or internet VPN. Both solutions have their pros and cons, and what is best can depend on your business requirements. Speed, quality of service (QoS), security and cost are the key factors you should consider when making this decision.Pros and cons of an internet VPN A significant advantage of using an internet VPN for communication is the cost. Most times, a branch site can use its existing internet connection for communication back to its headquarters. Usually, a 10 Mbps internet circuit costs much less than a 10 Mbps MPLS circuit. This can encourage a business to purchase more bandwidth for their branch site.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

5 strategies to create meaningful mobile engagement with customers

Engaging customers via their mobile devices is an exciting proposition for many organizations; however, it has to be done with care. These solutions often carry a significant cost and depend on a Return on Investment (ROI) model to make sense.Achieving this ROI requires walking a fine line between meaningful engagement and being a nuisance. Here are five best practices to help you do that. 5 ways to ensure your mobile strategy works 1. Think big picture The goal is to create a user experience that provides vast amounts of data to the organization while delivering value to the customer. Accomplishing that means the experience needs to be immersive and omni-channel (e.g., SMS, email, app-based, digital signage, direct mail, etc.).To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Email-based attacks exploit unpatched vulnerability in Microsoft Word

Attackers have been exploiting an unpatched vulnerability in Microsoft Word for the past few months to compromise computers and infect them with malware.The first report about the attacks came Friday from antivirus vendor McAfee after the company's researchers analyzed some suspicious Word files spotted a day earlier. It turned out that the files were exploiting a vulnerability that affects "all Microsoft Office versions, including the latest Office 2016 running on Windows 10."The flaw is related to the Windows Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) feature in Microsoft Office that allows documents to embed references and links to other documents or objects, the McAfee researchers said in a blog post.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Email-based attacks exploit unpatched vulnerability in Microsoft Word

Attackers have been exploiting an unpatched vulnerability in Microsoft Word for the past few months to compromise computers and infect them with malware.The first report about the attacks came Friday from antivirus vendor McAfee after the company's researchers analyzed some suspicious Word files spotted a day earlier. It turned out that the files were exploiting a vulnerability that affects "all Microsoft Office versions, including the latest Office 2016 running on Windows 10."The flaw is related to the Windows Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) feature in Microsoft Office that allows documents to embed references and links to other documents or objects, the McAfee researchers said in a blog post.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Spain arrests supposed Russian computer scientist at US request

A Russian man reported to be a computer scientist has been arrested and is being held in Spain, with a law enforcement source contracting news reports saying he was involved with a computer virus linked to U.S. President Donald Trump's recent election victory.The arrest of Piotr Levashov at the Barcelona airport on Friday was not tied to Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election, said the source, who is close to the investigation. That contradicts news reports from Agence France-Presse and other news outlets, which said Levashov's wife, Maria Levachova, was told his arrest was connected to Trump's election.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Spain arrests accused Russian spammer at US request

A Russian man long connected with sending spam emails has been arrested and is being held in Spain, with a law enforcement source contracting news reports saying he was involved with a computer virus linked to U.S. President Donald Trump's recent election victory.The arrest of Piotr Levashov at the Barcelona airport on Friday was not tied to Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election, said the source, who is close to the investigation. That contradicts news reports from Agence France-Presse and other news outlets, which said Levashov's wife, Maria Levachova, was told his arrest was connected to Trump's election.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here