
Category Archives for "Networking"

Enough with “the Cyber”!

Email is great; it’s transformed business, enabled geographically dispersed families and friends to stay in touch, redefined news distribution, transformed sales pipelines … the list of good stuff about email is endless. But, as many people have discovered to their cost, keeping control of your email account requires effort, effort like not using dumb, easy-to-guess passwords, and making sure your email hosting service is reliable and not, for example, Yahoo or AOL. And these issues aren’t anything like new, recent discoveries; we’ve all known for over a decade where the risks lie … well, all of us except, apparently, for the government.I don’t know about you, but  during the 2016 election I was fairly surprised when the Democratic National Committee email system was hacked after which the email account of John Podesta, the DNC chairperson, was hacked. You’d have thought that the folks who manage IT for these people would have known the risks and done more to minimize exposure but when simple phishing and malware intrusions that should never of happened and which went undetected were successful, then you have to wonder where the disconnect lies.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, Continue reading

20% off When you Pre-Order Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands – (XBOX ONE, PS4) – Deal Alert

Now available for pre-order, if you're an Amazon Prime Member (or have a free trial -- get one here) you'll see the price drop an extra 20% on Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands (PlayStation 4 or Xbox One). Price drop activates when you add it to your cart, and sinks the price from $59.99 to $39.99.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Container networking: What is it and how can it help your data center?

There has been a lot of buzz in the industry about containers and how they are streamlining organizational processes. In short, containers are a modern application sandboxing mechanism that are gaining popularity in all aspects of computing from the home desktop to web-scale enterprises. In this post we’ll cover the basics: what is container networking and how can it help your data center? In the future, we’ll cover how you can optimize a web-scale network using Cumulus Linux and containers.

What is a container?

A container is an isolated execution environment on a Linux host that behaves much like a full-featured Linux installation with its own users, file system, processes and network stack. Running an application inside of a container isolates it from the host and other containers, meaning that even when the applications inside of them are running as root, they can not access or modify the files, processes, users, or other resources of the host or other containers.

Containers have become popular due to the way they simplify the process of installing and running an application on a Linux server. Applications can have a complicated web of dependencies. The newest version of an application may require a newer Continue reading

Trump broke his H-1B promise. Now what?

On the campaign trail, candidate Donald Trump was so determined to present himself as the solution to H-1B visa abuse – the kind that has American IT workers training their foreign replacements -- that he promised to launch an investigation of the program on day one of his administration. Not in due time, on day one. Today is day 43. No investigation has been launched. No changes have been made to the H-1B program. And it’s not clear when or if any will be forthcoming. That no one should be surprised does not mean no one has taken notice. From a Computerworld story:To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

BrandPost: In the cloud or moving to it?

Managing a growing hybrid cloud infrastructure, no matter the size of your team, can introduce a lot of complexity. You want to be able to take inventory, diagnose and respond to misconfigurations, and monitor deployments across your environment. You want to be able to scale, and do it securely.We’ve put together a resource kit to show you how cloud management can be done. It includes:To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

IoT and 5G are driving computing to the edge

By 2020, an average internet user will use 1.5GB of traffic a day, and daily video traffic will reach 1PB, Intel predicts. A huge amount of data will be generated by autonomous vehicles, mobile devices, and internet-of-things devices.Every day, more information is being collected and sent to faster servers in mega data centers, which analyze and make sense of it. That analysis has helped improved image and speech recognition and is making autonomous cars a reality.Emerging superfast data networks like 5G -- a melting pot of wireless technologies -- will dispatch even more gathered information, which could stress data centers. Servers are already being redesigned to handle more data, and throughput technologies like Gen-Z and fiber optics will reduce latency.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

HackerOne offers bug bounty service for free to open-source projects

HackerOne, the company behind one of the most popular vulnerability coordination and bug bounty platforms, has decided to make its professional service available to open-source projects for free."Here at HackerOne, open source runs through our veins," the company's representatives said in a blog post. "Our company, product, and approach is built on, inspired by, and driven by open source and a culture of collaborative software development. As such, we want to give something back."HackerOne is a platform that makes it easier for companies to interact with security researchers, triage their reports, and reward them. Very few companies have the necessary resources to build and maintain bug bounty programs on their own with all the logistics that such efforts involve, much less so open-source projects that are mostly funded through donations.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

HackerOne offers bug bounty service for free to open-source projects

HackerOne, the company behind one of the most popular vulnerability coordination and bug bounty platforms, has decided to make its professional service available to open-source projects for free."Here at HackerOne, open source runs through our veins," the company's representatives said in a blog post. "Our company, product, and approach is built on, inspired by, and driven by open source and a culture of collaborative software development. As such, we want to give something back."HackerOne is a platform that makes it easier for companies to interact with security researchers, triage their reports, and reward them. Very few companies have the necessary resources to build and maintain bug bounty programs on their own with all the logistics that such efforts involve, much less so open-source projects that are mostly funded through donations.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Sen. Durbin accuses Trump of breaking his H-1B promise

In November, President Donald Trump said on his first day in office he would order an investigation of H-1B abuses.That never happened, though critics held their tongues. After all, Trump had repeatedly campaigned for H-1B reforms, even inviting laid-off Disney IT workers to speak at his campaign rallies. Even so, patience is ending.[ Discuss this story. Join our H-1B/Outsourcing group on Facebook. ] Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill), a long-time critic of the H-1B visa program and co-sponsor of a reform bill with Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), accused Trump today of failing "to put American workers first by cracking down on H-1B visa abuse.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Windows 10 Creators Update allows indefinite postponing of reboots

When it launched, Windows 10 had a really bad habit of spontaneously rebooting to install updates. Updates were coming fast and furious in its early months, which was to be expected during an OS launch. A restart without warning was not expected or appreciated, and this earned Redmond some anger.Eventually they tamed that beast, giving people options when to reboot and warning them that one was needed. Now Microsoft is promising even more control over when you reboot, including the option to indefinitely postpone it, as documented in a new blog post. To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Security alert overload threatens to bury security teams

When it comes to incident detection and response, enterprise organizations are collecting, processing and analyzing more security data through an assortment of new analytics tools—endpoint detection and response (EDR) tools, network analytics tools, threat intelligence platforms (TIPs), etc.When each of threat management or security analytics tools sees something suspicious, it generates a security alert, and therein lies the problem: Enterprise organizations are getting buried by an avalanche of security alerts. According to ESG research: When asked to identify their top incident response challenges, 36 percent of the cybersecurity professionals surveyed said, “keeping up with the volume of security alerts.” Forty-two percent of cybersecurity professionals say their organization ignores a significant number of security alerts because they can’t keep up with the volume.  When asked to estimate the percentage of security alerts ignored at their organization, 34 percent say between 26 percent and 50 percent, 20 percent of cybersecurity professionals say their organization ignores between 50 percent and 75 percent of security alerts, and 11 percent say their organization ignores more than 75 percent of security alerts. Mama Mia, that’s a lot of security alerts left on the cutting room floor.  All told, the ESG data indicates Continue reading

Security alert overload threatens to bury security teams

When it comes to incident detection and response, enterprise organizations are collecting, processing and analyzing more security data through an assortment of new analytics tools—endpoint detection and response (EDR) tools, network analytics tools, threat intelligence platforms (TIPs), etc.When each of threat management or security analytics tools sees something suspicious, it generates a security alert, and therein lies the problem: Enterprise organizations are getting buried by an avalanche of security alerts. According to ESG research: When asked to identify their top incident response challenges, 36 percent of the cybersecurity professionals surveyed said, “keeping up with the volume of security alerts.” Forty-two percent of cybersecurity professionals say their organization ignores a significant number of security alerts because they can’t keep up with the volume.  When asked to estimate the percentage of security alerts ignored at their organization, 34 percent say between 26 percent and 50 percent, 20 percent of cybersecurity professionals say their organization ignores between 50 percent and 75 percent of security alerts, and 11 percent say their organization ignores more than 75 percent of security alerts. Mama Mia, that’s a lot of security alerts left on the cutting room floor.  All told, the ESG data indicates Continue reading