Yet again I find myself honored, and questioning their selection methods, by being selected for a Networking Field Day event. Networking Field Day 15 kicks off April 6 and 7th in San Jose California. Each and every Tech Field Day event is always an amazing opportunity to engage with vendors and industry peers. But trust me, I’m using the term peer rather loosely… While we may work in the same industry, many of these folks are way smarter than me! It seems the delegate list for NFD15 is certainly no exception to that rule! While I’ve met and become friends with roughly 75% of the “team” I get to meet a couple new faces which is always exciting. At least one of these faces I’ve spent hours talking to on Skype, but never actually met in person. I’m looking at you Nicolas. ;)
I took a look at the vendor list for this as soon as I heard they needed another delegate. Looking at the current line-up I got pretty excited, everything seems rather relevant to things I want to see! Looks like we’re going to see presentations from Gigamon, which specializes in the network tap and visibility market. I Continue reading