
Category Archives for "Networking"

Top 50 most impersonated brands in phishing attacks and new tools you can use to protect your employees from them

Top 50 most impersonated brands in phishing attacks and new tools you can use to protect your employees from them
Top 50 most impersonated brands in phishing attacks and new tools you can use to protect your employees from them

Someone in your organization may have just submitted an administrator username and password for an internal system to the wrong website. And just like that, an attacker is now able to exfiltrate sensitive data.

How did it all happen? A well crafted email.

Detecting, blocking, and mitigating the risks of phishing attacks is arguably one of the hardest challenges any security team is constantly facing.

Starting today, we are opening beta access to our new brand and anti-phishing tools directly from our Security Center dashboard, allowing you to catch and mitigate phishing campaigns targeting your organization even before they happen.

The challenge of phishing attacks

Perhaps the most publicized threat vector over the past several months has been phishing attacks. These attacks are highly sophisticated, difficult to detect, becoming more frequent, and can have devastating consequences for businesses that fall victim to them.

One of the biggest challenges in preventing phishing attacks is the sheer volume and the difficulty of distinguishing legitimate emails and websites from fraudulent ones. Even when users are vigilant, it can be hard to spot the subtle differences that attackers use to make their phishing emails and websites look convincing.

For example, last July our Cloudflare Continue reading

Locking down your JavaScript: positive blocking with Page Shield policies

Locking down your JavaScript: positive blocking with Page Shield policies
Locking down your JavaScript: positive blocking with Page Shield policies

Web development teams are tasked with delivering feature-rich applications at lightning speeds. To help them, there are thousands of pre-built JavaScript libraries that they can integrate with little effort.

Not always, however, are these libraries backed with hardened security measures to ensure the code they provide is not tampered with by malicious actors. This ultimately leads to an increased risk of an application being compromised.

Starting today, tackling the risk of external JavaScript libraries just got easier. We are adding a new feature to our client side security solution: Page Shield policies. Using policies you can now ensure only allowed and vetted libraries are executed by your application by simply reviewing a checklist.

Client side libraries

There are more than 4,373 libraries available on cdnjs, a popular JavaScript repository, at the time of writing. These libraries provide access to pre-built functionality to build web applications. The screenshot below shows the most popular on the platform such as React, Vue.js and Bootstrap. Bootstrap alone, according to W3Techs, is used on more than 20% of all websites.

Locking down your JavaScript: positive blocking with Page Shield policies

In addition to library repositories like cdnjs, there are thousands of plugins provided directly by SaaS platforms including from names such as Continue reading

Using Cloudflare Access with CNI

Using Cloudflare Access with CNI
Using Cloudflare Access with CNI

We are thrilled to introduce an innovative new approach to secure hosted applications via Cloudflare Access without the need for any installed software or custom code on your application server. But before we dive into how this is possible, let's review why Access previously required installed software or custom code on your application server.

Protecting an application with Access

Traditionally, companies used a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to access a hosted application, where all they had to do was configure an IP allowlist rule for the VPN. However, this is a major security threat because anyone on the VPN can access the application, including unauthorized users or attackers.

We built Cloudflare Access to replace VPNs and provide the option to enforce Zero Trust policies in hosted applications. Access allows you to verify a user's identity before they even reach the application. By acting as a proxy in front of your application's hostname (e.g., Cloudflare enables strong verification techniques such as identity, device posture, hardkey MFA, and more. All without having to directly add SSO or Authentication logic directly into your applications.

However, since Access enforces at a hostname level, there is still a potential Continue reading

Cloudflare Aegis: dedicated IPs for Zero Trust migration

Cloudflare Aegis: dedicated IPs for Zero Trust migration
Cloudflare Aegis: dedicated IPs for Zero Trust migration

Realizing the goals of Zero Trust is a journey: moving from a world of static networking and hardware concepts to organization-based access and continuous validation is not a one-step process. This challenge is never more real than when dealing with IP addresses. For years, companies on the Internet have built hardened systems based on the idea that only users with certain IP addresses can access certain resources. This implies that IP addresses are tied with identity, which is a kluge and can actually open websites up to attack in some cases. For large companies with many origins and applications that need to be protected in a Zero Trust model, it’s important to be able to support their transition to Zero Trust using mTLS, Access, or Tunnel. To make the transition some organizations may need dedicated IP addresses.

Today we’re introducing Cloudflare Aegis: dedicated IPs that we use to send you traffic. This allows you to lock down your services and applications at an IP level and build a protected environment that is application aware, protocol aware, and even IP-aware. Aegis is available today through Early Access for Enterprise customers, and you can talk to your account team if you want Continue reading

Mutual TLS now available for Workers

Mutual TLS now available for Workers
Mutual TLS now available for Workers

In today’s digital world, security is a top priority for businesses. Whether you’re a Fortune 500 company or a startup just taking off, it’s essential to implement security measures in order to protect sensitive information. Security starts inside an organization; it starts with having Zero Trust principles that protect access to resources.

Mutual TLS (mTLS) is useful in a Zero Trust world to secure a wide range of network services and applications: APIs, web applications, microservices, databases and IoT devices. Cloudflare has products that enforce mTLS: API Shield uses it to secure API endpoints and Cloudflare Access uses it to secure applications. Now, with mTLS support for Workers you can use Workers to authenticate to services secured by mTLS directly. mTLS for Workers is now generally available for all Workers customers!

A recap on how TLS works

Before diving into mTLS, let’s first understand what TLS (Transport Layer Security) is. Any website that uses HTTPS, like the one you’re reading this blog on, uses TLS encryption. TLS is used to create private communications on the Internet – it gives users assurance that the website you’re connecting to is legitimate and any information passed to it is encrypted.

TLS is enforced Continue reading

How to stay safe from phishing

How to stay safe from phishing
How to stay safe from phishing

As you wake up in the morning feeling sleepy and preoccupied, you receive an urgent email from a seemingly familiar source, and without much thought, you click on a link that you shouldn't have. Sometimes it’s that simple, and this more than 30-year-old phishing method means chaos breaks loose – whether it’s your personal bank account or social media, where an attacker also begins to trick your family and friends; or at your company, with what could mean systems and data being compromised, services being disrupted, and all other subsequent consequences. Following up on our “Top 50 Most Impersonated Brands in phishing attacks” post, here are some tips to catch these scams before you fall for them.

We’re all human, and responding to or interacting with a malicious email remains the primary way to breach organizations. According to CISA, 90% of cyber attacks begin with a phishing email, and losses from a similar type of phishing attack, known as business email compromise (BEC), are a $43 billion problem facing organizations. One thing is for sure, phishing attacks are getting more sophisticated every day thanks to emerging tools like AI chatbots and the expanded usage of various communication Continue reading

When does SD-WAN make sense?

This is an important question, with a simple answer: it depends. And the main thing it depends on is, why an organization wants an SD-WAN in the first place. Answering that goes a long way to answering the size question.The baseline assumption is that the IT department sees a need for the organization to have a iprivate WAN, rather than every site communicating solely over the public internet.This is not a trivial assumption any more. As little as a decade ago, it was standard to have a private WAN for even two or three locations, since they would most likely be sharing back-end services of some sort from a common data center. Today, no such assumption can be made. Many companies grow to have many sites without needing private connectivity among them because everything they do is hosted in one or another external cloud. And, as some organizations migrate services out of data centers, they find that they need private WAN links at fewer sites or only at their data centers.To read this article in full, please click here

Welcome to Security Week 2023

Welcome to Security Week 2023
Welcome to Security Week 2023

Last month I had the chance to attend a dinner with 56 CISOs and CSOs across a range of banking, gaming, ecommerce, and retail companies. We rotated between tables of eight people and talked about the biggest challenges those in the group were facing, and what they were most worried about around the corner. We talk to customers every day at Cloudflare, but this was a unique opportunity to listen to customers (and non-customers) talk to each other. It was a fascinating evening and a few things stood out.

The common thread that dominated the discussions was “how do I convince my business and product teams to do the things I want them to”. Surprisingly little time was spent on specific technical challenges. No one brought up a concern about recent advanced mage cart skimmers, or about protecting their new GraphQL APIs, or how to secure two different cloud vendors at once, or about the size of DDoS attacks consistently getting larger. Over and over again the conversation came back to struggles with getting humans to do the secure thing, or to not do the insecure thing.

This instantly brought to mind a major phishing attack that Cloudflare was Continue reading

Upcoming Training: How the Internet Really Works Part 1

I’m teaching How the Internet Really Works over on Safari Books Online on the 24th of March—in a couple of weeks. From the description:

This live training will provide an overview of the systems, providers, and standards bodies important to the operation of the global Internet, including the Domain Name System (DNS), the routing and transport systems, standards bodies, and registrars. For DNS, the process of a query will be considered in some detail, who pays for each server used in the resolution process, and tools engineers can use to interact DNS. For routing and transport, the role of each kind of provider will be considered, along with how they make money to cover their costs, and how engineers can interact with the global routing table (the Default Free Zone, of DFZ). Finally, registrars and standards bodies will be considered, including their organizational structure, how they generate revenue, and how to find their standards.

Register here.


VyOS is an open source router operating system based on Linux. This article discusses how to improve network traffic visibility on VyOS based routers using the open source Host sFlow agent.

VyOS claims sFlow support, so why is it necessary to install an alternative sFlow agent? The following experiment demonstrates that there are significant issues with the VyOS sFlow implementation.

vyos@vyos:~$ show version
Version: VyOS 1.4-rolling-202301260317
Release train: current

Built by: [email protected]
Built on: Thu 26 Jan 2023 03:17 UTC
Build UUID: a95385b7-12f9-438d-b49c-b91f47ea7ab7
Build commit ID: d5ea780295ef8e

Architecture: x86_64
Boot via: installed image
System type: KVM guest

Hardware vendor: innotek GmbH
Hardware model: VirtualBox
Hardware S/N: 0
Hardware UUID: 6988d219-49a6-0a4a-9413-756b0395a73d

Copyright: VyOS maintainers and contributors
Install a recent version of VyOS under VirtualBox and configure routing between two Linux virtual machines connected to eth1 and eth2 on the router. Out of band management is configured on eth0.
set system flow-accounting disable-imt
set system flow-accounting sflow agent-address
set system flow-accounting sflow sampling-rate 1000
set system flow-accounting sflow server port 6343
set system flow-accounting interface eth0
set system flow-accounting interface eth1
set system flow-accounting interface eth2
The above commands configure sFlow monitoring Continue reading

Case Study: Centec MPLS Core

After receiving an e-mail from [Starry Networks], I had a chat with their founder and learned that the combination of switch silicon and software may be a good match for IPng Networks.

I got pretty enthusiastic when this new vendor claimed VxLAN, GENEVE, MPLS and GRE at 56 ports and line rate, on a really affordable budget ($4’200,- for the 56 port; and $1’650,- for the 26 port switch). This reseller is using a less known silicon vendor called [Centec], who have a lineup of ethernet chipsets. In this device, the CTC8096 (GoldenGate) is used for cost effective high density 10GbE/40GbE applications paired with 4x100GbE uplink capability. This is Centec’s fourth generation, so CTC8096 inherits the feature set from L2/L3 switching to advanced data center and metro Ethernet features with innovative enhancement. The switch chip provides up to 96x10GbE ports, or 24x40GbE, or 80x10GbE + 4x100GbE ports, inheriting from its predecessors a variety of features, including L2, L3, MPLS, VXLAN, MPLS SR, and OAM/APS. Highlights features include Telemetry, Programmability, Security and traffic management, and Network time synchronization.

S5624X Front

S5648X Front

After discussing basic L2, L3 and Overlay functionality in my [first post], and explored the functionality and Continue reading

Worth Reading: The War on Expertise

Jeff McLaughlin published an excellent blog post perfectly describing what we’ve been experiencing for decades: the war on expertise.

On one hand, the “business owners” force us to build complex stuff because they think they know better, on the other they blame people who know how to do it for the complex stuff that happens as the result of their requirements:

I am saying that we need to stop blaming complexity on those who manage to understand it.


Cloudflare’s network expansion in Indonesia

Cloudflare's network expansion in Indonesia
Cloudflare's network expansion in Indonesia

As home to over 200 million Internet users and the fourth-largest population in the world, Indonesians depend on fast and reliable Internet, but this has always been a challenging part of the world for Internet infrastructure. This has real world implications on performance and reliability (IP transit is on average 6x more expensive than our major South East Asian interconnection markets). That said, first we wanted to share what makes things challenging in Indonesia; geography, infrastructure, and market dynamics.

Geography: The Internet backbone for many countries is almost entirely delivered by terrestrial fiber optic cables, where connectivity is more affordable and easier to build when the land mass is contiguous and there is a concentrated population distribution. However, Indonesia is a collection of over 18,000 islands, spanning three time zones, and approximately 3,200 miles (5,100 km) east to west. By comparison, the United States is 2,800 miles (4,500 km) east to west. While parts of Indonesia are geographically close to Singapore (the regional Internet hub with over 60% of the region's data centers) given how large Indonesia is, much of it is far away.

Infrastructure: Indonesia is a large country and to connect it to the rest of the Internet Continue reading

Intel delays next GPU Max until 2025

A significant change to Intel's high performance computing roadmap gives competitors AMD and Nvidia plenty of time to grab market share.Intel has a pair of processors called CPU Max and GPU Max. Both feature high bandwidth memory (HBM) on the die which greatly increases performance. The successor to the GPU Max, known as Rialto Bridge, was due later this year or early next year.Instead, Intel cancelled Rialto Bridge, and its successor – Falcon Shores – isn't coming until 2025. Longer term, Intel plans to have one processor, called an XPU, that will combine CPU and GPU cores on one die, but that will come after Falcon Shores.To read this article in full, please click here