
Category Archives for "Networking"

30 tasty tips for Android Nougat

Mmm...Nougat. What better way to start a new year than with a fresh flavor for your favorite Android phone?Google's latest major Android release may have officially launched last fall, but if you're like most folks, you'll probably be getting your first taste of Nougat -- also known as Android 7 -- in 2017. If you want timely Android updates, Google's own Nexus and Pixel phones are the only way to go -- all other devices depend on third-party manufacturers to prepare and provide rollouts. And as we see time and time again, that tends to result in slow and uncertain progress.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

How to keep branch offices as secure as corporate HQ

Rickety branchesImage by PexelsYour gleaming corporate headquarters, filled with brand-new computers, may be what's on the front page of the company website, but we all know that in many large organizations, much of the day-to-day work happens in local branch offices, often small, poorly equipped, and understaffed. And of course, many companies and workers are embracing the flexibility offered by the internet to work at home full time. But these satellite worksites can end up causing big headaches for tech pros tasked with keeping company assets secure. We talked to a number of tech pros to find out more about the dangers—and the solutions.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

How to keep branch offices as secure as corporate HQ

Rickety branchesImage by PexelsYour gleaming corporate headquarters, filled with brand-new computers, may be what's on the front page of the company website, but we all know that in many large organizations, much of the day-to-day work happens in local branch offices, often small, poorly equipped, and understaffed. And of course, many companies and workers are embracing the flexibility offered by the internet to work at home full time. But these satellite worksites can end up causing big headaches for tech pros tasked with keeping company assets secure. We talked to a number of tech pros to find out more about the dangers—and the solutions.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Watch Live Today – State of The Net 2017 conference in Washington, DC – security, privacy, IoT and more

Starting at 9:00am US EST (UTC-5) today, January 23, the State of the Net 2017 conference will stream live out of Washington, DC. This annual event brings together politicians, U.S. Congressional staff and other policy makers to discuss the current state of Internet policy, particularly as it relates to U.S. positions and policies. Given the new U.S. President, this year's event should be of special interest. You can watch live at:

We will have two Internet Society staff participating:

Dan York

NokDoc Library & NokDoc CLI Tool

For many years Alcatel-Lucent’s documentation was all about authorized personnel only. All of it. And not so long ago ALU opened a considerable part of its documentation portfolio to everyone via its support portal! This portal internally is the same support portal available at domain though styles are now aligned with Nokia brand-kit. And being the same means

New products of the week 1.23.17

New products of the weekImage by SonusOur roundup of intriguing new products. Read how to submit an entry to Network World's products of the week slideshow.Backblaze Business GroupsImage by BackblazeTo read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

New products of the week 1.23.17

New products of the weekImage by SonusOur roundup of intriguing new products. Read how to submit an entry to Network World's products of the week slideshow.Backblaze Business GroupsImage by BackblazeTo read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

REVIEW: Home security cameras fall short on security

How secure are IP-based “security cameras”? Based on our review of seven home security cameras, the answer is: Not very. While these devices may get high marks for features and ease of use, security is another story. Our tests turned up results like these: One camera allows plaintext logins as the root user, with no password. That’s horrifying in this day and age. The same camera uses an outdated version of SSL that allows data leakage. A firmware update fixes both issues, but the upgrade is optional and many users skip it. Another camera leaks its private API structure in plaintext even though it uses TLS to encrypt traffic. This potentially allows attackers to change video streams and possibly other device parameters. Yet another camera can run a hacked firmware image that disables some services and enables others. Two more cameras present SSL certificates that not only claim to be a different host, but also come from a certificate authority with a record of issuing bogus credentials. It’s not all bad news. One camera, the CAN100USWT from Canary Connect, stood head and shoulders over the field in baking security into its product design. The Canary camera runs no services Continue reading

6 steps to secure a home security camera

No device is 100 percent immune from vulnerabilities, but there are some simple, common-sense steps you can take to protect IP-based cameras:1. Don’t put cameras on the public internet. Given the wide availability of free scanning and vulnerability detection tools, it makes sense to avoid using routable IP addresses for IP cameras if at all possible. The recent DDoS attacks on core DNS infrastructure used botnets of public cameras, and all the attackers had to do was find the cameras.Instead, put cameras behind a firewall and run network address translation (NAT). While NAT is not itself a security mechanism, and has a long and well-deserved history of derision for breaking the Internet’s core principle of end-to-end connectivity, it will at least offer some protection from probes by scanning tools.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here(Insider Story)

35 – East-West Endpoint localization with LISP IGP Assist

East-West Communication Intra and Inter-sites

For the following scenario, subnets are stretched across multiple locations using a Layer 2 DCI solution. There are several use cases that require LAN extension between multiple sites, such as Live migration, Health-check probing for HA cluster (heartbeat), Operational Cost containment such as migration of Mainframes, etc.  It is assumed that due to long distances between sites, the network services are duplicated and active on each of the sites. This option allows the use of local network services such as default gateways, load balancer’s and security engines distributed across each location, helps reduce server to server communication latency (East-West work flows).

Traditionally, an IP address uses a unique identifier assigned to a specific network entity such as physical system, virtual machine or firewall, default gateway, etc. The routed WAN uses the identifier to also determine the network entity’s location in the IP subnet. When a Virtual Machine migrates from one data center to another, the traditional IP address schema retains its original unique identifier and location, although the physical location has actually changed. As a result, the extended VLAN must share the same subnet so that the TCP/IP parameters of the VM remain the same from site Continue reading

LSA issue @ January 23, 2017 at 10:41AM

It is always tempting and interesting to see how big guys do their networks. We saw some pieces from Google, Facebook, Amazon, LinkedIn and now Twitter comes. Big 5 is all set! Last week engineering force at Twitter released an article titled ""The Infrastructure Behind Twitter: Scale"" [1]. The article starts off with networking field

Samsung blames batteries from two makers for Note7 explosions

Samsung Electronics on Monday blamed batteries supplied by two manufacturers for the overheating and even explosions of some Galaxy Note7 phones, as it tried to provide a long due explanation for the issues surrounding the smartphone.The announcement by the company, a day ahead of it reporting its fourth quarter results, had experts from TUV Rheinland, Exponent and UL stating that internal manufacturing and design defects of the batteries, including missing insulating tape in some cases, and not the design of the phones were responsible for the battery issues.The negative electrode windings in the battery of an unnamed “manufacturer A,” who first supplied the batteries for the Note7 phones, were found in some cases to be damaged and bent over because the cell pouch did not provide enough volume to accommodate the battery assembly, said Kevin White, Exponent’s principal scientist, at a press conference that was webcast.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Samsung blames batteries from two makers for Note7 smartphone explosions

Samsung Electronics on Monday blamed batteries supplied by two manufacturers for the overheating and even explosions of some Galaxy Note7 phones, as it tried to provide a long due explanation for the issues surrounding the smartphone.The announcement by the company, a day ahead of it reporting its fourth quarter results, had experts from TUV Rheinland, Exponent and UL stating that internal manufacturing and design defects of the batteries, including missing insulating tape in some cases, and not the design of the phones were responsible for the battery issues.MORE: Our Interactive Samsung Note7 Phenomenal Phablet Flame-Out TimelineTo read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Admin of anonymous, Tor-friendly email service has electronics seized at US border

If you don’t live in the US and run an anonymous, Tor-friendly email service – such as one used by 4chan and 8chan – sadly, it’s a pretty decent bet that you would experience some drama when entering the US. At least that was the case for Vincent Canfield as he was detained by US Customs and Border Protection and had all of his electronics seized by the agency. He is originally from the US, but currently resides in Romania.Canfield, the admin of the e-mail hosting service, came to vacation in the US after attending the 33rd Chaos Communication Congress held in Germany during December. He claims CBP detained him for over three hours, asking “lots of strange” and “some offensive questions” about his personal life. He refused to comply and instead gave them his attorney’s contact information. Agents allegedly demanded that he decrypt his phone so they could “make sure there isn't any bad stuff on there.” Again he refused, so CPB seized the 14 electronic devices that Canfield had with him.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Admin of anonymous, Tor-friendly email service has electronics seized at U.S. border

If you live outside the U.S. and run an anonymous, Tor-friendly email service—such as one used by 4chan and 8chan—sadly, it’s a pretty decent bet you will experience some drama when entering the U.S. At least that was the case for Vincent Canfield as he was detained by U.S. Customs and Border Protection and had all of his electronics seized by the agency. He is originally from the U.S., but he currently resides in Romania.Canfield, the admin of the e-mail hosting service, came to vacation in the U.S. after attending the 33rd Chaos Communication Congress held in Germany in December. He claims CBP detained him for over three hours, asking “lots of strange” and “some offensive questions” about his personal life. He refused to comply and instead gave them his attorney’s contact information. Agents allegedly demanded he decrypt his phone so they could “make sure there isn't any bad stuff on there.” Again, he refused, so CPB seized the 14 electronic devices Canfield had with him.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here